Proactive Fitness, Health And Well Being

Monday: 06:30 - 22:00
Tuesday: 06:30 - 22:00
Wednesday: 06:30 - 22:00
Thursday: 06:30 - 22:00
Friday: 06:30 - 22:00
Saturday: 06:30 - 22:00
Sunday: 06:30 - 22:00

About Proactive Fitness, Health And Well Being

Specialist in Mobile Personal training, covering the Falkirk, Stirling, Dunfermline and Cumbernauld areas.
www. proactive-fhw. co. uk, mobile- 07568482122

Proactive Fitness, Health And Well Being Description

Welcome to Proactive Fitness Health & Well being, My name is Joe and I am a fully qualified Personal trainer with over 7 years experience, specialising in providing mobile personal training anywhere in the Falkirk, Dunfermline, Stirling and Cumbernauld areas.
•I travel to your location (Your home, garage, garden, workplace or local parks)
•I bring my own training equipment with me for you to use during the sessions
•I provide experience, motivation and enthusiasm
•I provide a convenient service to my clients, willing to fit around your schedule and make your personal training experience as stress free as possible, available 7 days a week (subject to session availability)
•I incorporate researched and proven training methods into your training regime
•I incorporate the latest developments in mobile fitness training equipment into my clients training sessions
•I provide dietary and nutritional guidance and advice which is tailored for your specific training requirements
•I aim to help you maximise on your personal training experience and achieve your goals whilst making the whole experience fun and enjoyable

If you want to get fit, get healthy and take a proactive role in your own fitness, health and well being then my experience and guidance may be what you need to reach your goals, I will provide you with knowledge, education, motivation and expertise in developing specific areas of your personal fitness, health and well being. All sessions are designed to develop not just your fitness but also your confidence and motivation to succeed in your desired discipline



Mobile personal trainer video promo 👇
#makeithappen #keepmovingforward


Body shape and fitness transformation 👇
Iain has now lost 3 stone, transformed his body shape and fitness over the course of his personal training sessions.
Consistency, perseverance and a sensible realistic approach to both his exercise plans and eating plans have enabled Iain to gradually improve and reap the benefits of his excellent efforts.
... excellent transformation and very well done! 👌
one to one personal training sessions 👇 07568482122
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Proactive fitness health & well being supports mental health awareness week. 👇
Using regular exercise can have a profoundly positive impact on depression, anxiety, ADHD, and more.
It can relieve stress, improve memory, help you sleep better, and can boost your overall mood.
... Along with the physical benefits exercise can provide it's important to look at the bigger picture and use it to also improve your mental health.
You don’t have to be a fitness fanatic to reap the benefits. Research indicates that modest amounts of exercise can make a difference.
No matter your age or fitness level, you can learn to use exercise as a powerful tool to feel better! 👍
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🚨Personal training client review🚨
by Sam McFarlane 👇
'This is not painful, it’s just intelligent training'
... When I was in my teens, I was very healthy and active. I competed Internationally in my chosen sport, I did cycle touring, I was a Venture Scout hiking long distances. I was 11stone.
As time passed, I stopped the sport, the active lifestyle and settled into a deskbound office life. The corporate wetsuit soon grew around me, and I hit my 30’s with the shock that I was 15stone. I rallied around with regular 5k runs at the gym at work and started to eat salads, getting myself back to 13stone.
And then a wife, two children, a busy job 25 miles away, no spare time, and the old habits and excuses return. When I was 40, I was back to 14½ stone.
The children are growing up, and I need to keep up. I set up a gym in a spare room at home. The salads return. But it’s not so easy now. The fat is ingrained, the motivation coming in limited and sporadic doses. I buy heavy weights to try a different routine, but after 3 months I only lose 3lbs, with no end in sight.
My wife and my mum can never find Christmas presents for me. I mention getting a Personal Trainer to sort the mess out, and it’s a done deal. I need someone that can come to my house, I have no spare time for evening gym visits. I need someone that can work out a solution that fits my lifestyle.
And so, Joe from proactive fitness health and well being arrives just before Christmas.
We set up a diet plan and training plan, which fits my work/home schedule. We drop the 5k runs, we drop the heavy weights. It’s all about making the most of the time I have free to train making it more efficient and sustainable.
He reassures me..
I Trust him. It will work. And it does!.
After 3 months I have dropped from 14st3lb to 12st12lb. I feel alive again. The diet is not that bad, the sessions survivable. This is not painful, it’s just intelligent training.
Where next? I sign up for a year with Joe. I know my journey will not take me back to my teens. But I know now that, with Joes guidance, I can make it to 12st. And I can tone up the bits that need to tone up. I can build some muscle. And I can keep up with the children!
Well done to Sam 👍
keep moving forward and make it happen!💪
one to one personal training
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🚨Transformation alert🚨
Iain Ritchie 👉 'The day the nurse told my wife and I that I had cancer, that was the wake up call I needed to change things'
Full story👇
... I had always been active until I stopped my martial arts at age 48. That's when I then started to put on the weight and over the past 11 years had been on one diet after another at various times but with no real success and lack of any real focus and discipline.Even had to ditch my speedos 😂
Having seen the success of Joe working with my son for his rehabilitation from football injury I decided I needed his service to move forward.
We started in November 2018 and went over my reasons,goals, expectations and outcomes.
In my first session I hit 15stone 3lbs on the now at 13 stone 4Ilbs..👍
Joe worked out a nutritional and training programme going forward geared exactly to my needs.
During my first session I really struggled and after about 2min I was lying on the floor feeling nauseous and done in.
That was the time to appreciate how unfit and morbidly obese I was.
During the past few months I have had challenges to overcome and my mental strength has come to the fore.
With Joe's support, encouragement and advice along with my wife and son I have really stepped up to and also enjoyed the challenge in losing weight, improving fitness and health.
This is just the start of my journey but now I am putting myself into a good position to deal with any physical challenges I may face.
I am glad to have brought Joe on board and feel real benefit and focus and know that I am heading in the right direction with my training plan.
I would highly recommend Joe and his service. Joe is understanding, empathetic, humourous, encouraging and good knowledge of individual needs.
Great work Iain...very inspiring, keep up the positive mindset and keep moving forward 👍💪 one to one personal training
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10 years ago I decided to become a mobile personal trainer..👇
after spending 4 years in college and university gaining a HND fitness, health and exercise & BSc exercise physiology and master trainer award I decided to found Proactive fitness, health & well being.
... Specialising in providing personal training to individuals outwith a normal gym environment
Aims and objectives.. 🤔
To provide an alternative option to those who👇
don't like the gym environment..
don't have the time to spend travelling to and from the gym..
suffer from low self esteem and confidence and find the gym environment intimidating..
prefer to workout at home or outdoors..
need one to one guidance, advice and structure
need tailored exercise plans and nutrition for specific goals..
are returning to exercise after illness, injury or haven't exercised in years..
When I set out 10 years ago I applied myself 100% to my own training and development as a trainer so I could help a variety of individuals from beginners to athletes.
It's been an amazing journey for me and in this time ive made many good friends along the way and have and will continue to strive, learn and progress my own knowledge so I can provide my clients with the best platform to achieve their goals...
Many thanks to all my clients over the last 10 years. Without all your hard work I wouldn't have been able to be a personal trainer for all this very much looking forward to many years ahead as a personal trainer
You all keep me motivated and seeing you achieve your goals gives me so much satisfaction..
keep up the good work...👍
keep moving forward and lets make it happen!!!
#10years #personaltrainer #makeithappen #keepmovingforward
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🚨Personal training client review🚨 by Stefan Springham👇
"In the space of 6-8 weeks I went from 14st 10 to 13st 2, my body shape was changing, body fat was dropping and my waist went from a 38.5 to 35.5"
... Initially it was a big step for me to approach a PT. I was incredibly self conscious about my weight and shape. Previously I had spent months losing weight on my own and although I had made good progress I then ground to a resounding halt".
I had started to lose interest and there was real chance I was going to just give up and end up putting the weight all back on.
With that in mind I contacted Joe and immediately I knew he was the right person to help me. He was patient, listened and took time to understand what motivated me.
The key, in my opinion, was simple - I just followed what Joe said without deviation – even over the Xmas period when there were plenty of temptations! By following his advice and sticking to the plan I have got the results he promised. We are only halfway through our sessions together so look forward to see what we can achieve over the coming months. 👍
#transformations #motivation #dedication
one to one personal trainer 👇
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Many of us start the year with good intentions to get into a fitness regime..
many can struggle to sustain the regime as the year progresses..
... The key is to be consistent with your training over a period of time and build momentum...not just in January...
Have a target to aim for throughout the year..
Holidays.. Nights out.. Birthdays.. Weddings..
Also key is to find a sustainable approach to your training and nutrition that enables you to reap the rewards gradually over time...
a balanced approach... a realistic approach... a manageable approach...
'Never take your eyes off the target'
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Motivational and inspirational Paul Drever
Well done for the interview and being able to talk about your journey. 👌
I've had the pleasure of training with Paul over the last few years, throughout his own journey he has always found a way to keep moving forward and hopefully his interview on tv today can inspire others to use exercise to over come barriers they face just like he has. 👍
... #mentalhealthawareness #makeithappen #keepmovingforward
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🚨Personal training client report🚨
by Gordon Fowler 👇 I was always very unsure about where I would turn to get the help I needed with my own personal mental battles. Despite having and amazing wife, family and some really good friends who were all so supportive, there is only so much others can do for you.
... I took a decision to contact Joe Curry. A mobile personal trainer. He came to see me went through a consultation and from there, he got me to improve my fitness, lose extra pounds, build muscle and shred to show the results. By showing me the changes we can make on the outside, he also showed me the differences we can make on the inside too.
The last few months have been very hard on my family and myself and if i hadn't found these strengths i dont know how we would have got through it.
Anyone who is struggling, or needing help from anything like body image to depression. Please reach out and get that help you need. You will discover so much more about yourself. Medication isnt always the answer.
Thank you again........... joe A great personal trainer and friend.
'Well done to Gordon for the relentless efforts to keep moving forward!' 💪
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🚨Personal training client review alert 🚨
👇 Hazel has achieved a 12 inch loss in body measurements in just 8 pt sessions!
... As a regular attendee of fitness classes 4/5 times a week at my local health club I was struggling with body tone, and to see any change in my body for the effort I was putting in. I was body conscious, weight aware and every calorie was a prisoner.
Joe was recommended to me and from our initial conversation (of which I was a little nervous to admit my shortcomings) Joe was extremely approachable, understanding and sensitive. Joe provided me with easy to follow, step by step nutritional information and a diet plan, which as a busy working mum is really easy to follow. Furthermore, Joe understands how hectic life can get and has helpful tips on where to shop for the best deals, and easy shortcuts, to help you stay on track.
Joe and I discussed my weekly exercise on the first session, and he provided me with realistic training plans which allowed me to target my goals of a little weight loss, but more importantly toning up and reducing percentage body fat. At our sessions, Joe reviewed my progress and exercise plan to ensure I was challenging myself, on which he provided motivation and encouragement all the way.
In the 2 months I have trained with Joe I am delighted with the results I've achieved, with 12 inches dropped from my body measurements but more importantly I have grown in body confidence, and am much less concerned about what the scales say. I have also learned loads about my body, and how balanced nutrition goes hand in hand with a great exercise regime to get results. This is thanks to Joe's superb knowledge of nutrition, physiology and exercise. I look forward to working with Joe to challenge myself further, and if you are looking for a mobile personal trainer then look no further!!
Many thanks to Hazel for the review.. 👌
one to one personal training
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Client transformation and review 👇
Shahbaz reviews his personal training journey.
I have been coached and trained by Joe to reach my fitness goals he is very approachable, assertive, knowledgeable and a great mentor.
... What makes Joe unique is the ongoing support and guidance he provides. Joe has motivated me to reach my health and fitness goals.
From my personal experiences Joe has helped me both mentally and physically. If your looking for a experienced PT then I would highly recommend Joe.
Many thanks Shahbaz for the review.👍
one to one personal training
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Body shape transformation in just 8 personal training sessions 👇
Robyn Robertson has reaped the rewards from her consistent efforts with her personalised exercise and nutritional plans.
Robyn and I worked together to apply a suitable training plan approach that she could do at home to fit around being a busy working mum. 👍
... Making sure the nutritional plan was realistic to fit into her daily life. And that both the training and nutritional plans could be sustained in order for her to develop fitness whilst changing body shape and having plenty energy to function as normal at work and home.
Find a balanced approach that works for you...if you apply a realistic plan that gradually increases in intensity and maintain consistency you can reap the rewards like Robyn has.
Very well done and and keep up the good work!
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Post pregnancy weight loss and fitness improvements 👍
Great work by Ruth Robertson who has been doing personal training with me over the last few months to get back into shape after pregnancy. 👇
A healthy drop in weight 14.5st 👉12.7st ✅... Improved cardio fitness ✅ Improved muscle tone and shape ✅ Improved general well being ✅
Following pregnancy it can be a daunting prospect for some trying to get back into shape.
I think the best approach is to build a solid fitness base from your starting point for gradual progression.
Focus on the basics and gradually build up the training in time when your body is ready.
Apply a nutritional plan that is healthy, realistic to fit into your lifestyle being a busy mum and sustainable!
great work Ruth.👍
#makeithappen #motivation #followtheprocess one to one personal training
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Begin your transformation journey! 👉 mobile personal trainer #proactive #fitness #health #wellbeing #motivation #makeithappen #personaltrainer #transformations #inspiration


Aaron reduces his body fat from 32% to 17% and drops 2 stone in weight.👇
17 year old Aaron plays football for Kirkintilloch Rob Roy.
Over the last few months he has been training with me to improve fitness for performance and also drop weight and body fat.
... During his training we have been working on cardio fitness, strength, power and endurance fitness components.
We also applied a nutritional plan to aid his specific training goals.
Aaron has applied himself to the process and has reaped the rewards from his efforts.
Alongside his football he is also starting a college course in football performance next month.
Very well done and keep up the good work! 👌⚽️
1-2-1 personal trainer
#motivation #makeithappen
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Vaila Bryce journey from beginner fitness to completing a triathlon! 👍
Inspirational progress from Valia, who initially started her personal training sessions wanting to get fit and lose weight..👇
The progress in her fitness and motivation throughout the journey has been truly amazing..she has consistently followed the training and nutrition plans enabling her to maximise on her efforts and reach her initial goals of fitness, weight loss and toning.
... Valia then set further targets to keep her motivated and focused on the training..we set out new plans to focus on improving her fitness for the specific challenges ahead
Leading to her recently completing her first Triathlon! 🏅
And she has already signed up for another one in 2 weeks time!! 👌
'Very well done and a good example to anyone that if you stick to a plan for your specific requirements and apply perseverance to the process you can achieve your own personal goals!'
#inspiration #motivation #makeithappen
one to one personal training 👇
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More about Proactive Fitness, Health And Well Being

Monday: 06:30 - 22:00
Tuesday: 06:30 - 22:00
Wednesday: 06:30 - 22:00
Thursday: 06:30 - 22:00
Friday: 06:30 - 22:00
Saturday: 06:30 - 22:00
Sunday: 06:30 - 22:00