Ps Lifestyle : Wellness

About Ps Lifestyle : Wellness

To create an exquisite destination for wellness allowing you to experience ultimate happiness & contentment. Combining 5 wellness elements under 1 roof.



We are delighted to announce that our Co-Founder, Pamela Griffin, has been voted on to the board of the UK Spa Association. The UK Spa Association champion the positive contribution made by the spa industry to UK health, social and economic wellness and wellbeing, while driving continuous improvement in quality training, high standards, inclusiveness and professionalism at all levels within the industry. A perfect fit with our values at PS Lifestyle : Wellness.


Plantar Fasciitis (acute inflammatory state) or Plantar Fasciopathy (long term degeneration) is one of the most common causes of heel pain and associated sole of the foot pain. It involves inflammation and/or degeneration of a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot and connects your heel bone to your toes (plantar fascia).
It commonly causes stabbing pains and limited ranges of movement that usually occur with your first steps in the morning. As you get... up and move more, the pain normally decreases, but it might return after long periods of standing or after rising from sitting, running, or other physical activity.
Here are some simple, effective moves including self massage, stretching, and mobilising that may help to ease pain and discomfort, and increase mobility and range of movement. Not mentioned is the need to create strength and increased collagen production in the area by simple high load bearing exercises such as heel raises (on a step) slowly and controlled (3 seconds up, 3 seconds down with a pause in between).
Source: MSK NHS Ayrshire & Arran
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Podcasts are great - fact. Here is one that Pamela is listening to and learning from at the moment....
The Food for Fitness Podcast: Nutrition, Training, Lifestyle & Healthy Living - Scott Baptie
Scott is a qualified PT, nutritionist and writer from Aberdeen who is one of a rising tide of industry experts who are challenging the often misleading messages flooding social media by so-called ''influencers'. Each episode covers a different topic with a credible guest speaker. ...Topics vary widely from discussing 'The Truth About Fat' to 'How To Be Brilliant'. Well worth a listen.
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PS will only partner with companies who share our values of providing organic, ethical and sustainable products and services. Take a look at this report which discusses the rise in demand for all things organic.…/new-report-uk- consumers-want-mor…/…


"I'll just use this park bench to have a quick stretch whilst out walking the dog...."
#noexcuses #stretcheveryday #staymobile #parklife


It's often said that the biggest challenge when running any distance is managing the dialogue in your head. One can argue this is true of anything in life - we have a tendency to be our own worst enemy at times. This article from Runners World has some good tips to help overcome the negative thoughts that can creep into our minds - tips that can be used in everyday life as well as running.
Keep your eyes peeled for Pamela's next half marathon training Vlog in the PS private members group. If you haven't already joined the group we invite you to do so. Just click the button at the top right hand side of this page.


What a fabulous Thursday we’ve had! Creative thinking at the Tricres LLP Mastermind class; always wonderful to be around these lovely people. Then an afternoon spent learning and networking at the Entrepreneurial Scotland ‘Ready to Pitch’ event. We love this journey of building a business and meeting like-minded people. #business #investmentready #networking #buildingabusiness


Today is World Cancer Day. Each year on 4 February, World Cancer Day empowers all of us across the world to show support, raise our collective voice, take personal action and press our governments to do more. World Cancer Day is the only day on the global health calendar where we can all unite and rally under the one banner of cancer in a positive and inspiring way.
In the wellness industry, particularly spa and massage, those living with cancer can be significantly marginal...ised during a period in their lives where compassion, empathy and touch are paramount, whether that be during treatment, recovery, acceptance.
PS are proud to know the Made for Life Foundation and it's Cancer Touch Therapy training programme. We are also delighted to call Amanda Winwood, MD our friend.
Read Amanda's blog here about the positive changing relationship of spas and cancer.< br> See More


Quick reminder.......have you all been doing this? We're now into February and you should have a smattering of wee notes in your jar. No peeking until 31 December!


You may have noticed that Pamela and Lynsey were at the Edinburgh Wellbeing Festival last weekend. It was a fantastic weekend which saw them attend various talks and demos, as well as catching up with friends old and new - #wellnessdonewell
We thoroughly enjoyed listening to Shahroo Izadi - Behavioural Change Specialist and author of The Kindness Method as well as Natasha Devon, activist & best selling author of A Beginners Guide to Being Mental. Two ladies who have interesting, real and thought provoking things to say.
We also thoroughly enjoyed drinking fizz with friends after the event. We highly recommend this on a regular basis….


Day 2! Today’s focus is aromatherapy and mental health. #edinwellbeingfest


Interesting, genuine discussion about food, recipes and business.


#smearforsmear2019 Cervical cancer Prevention Week - 21st - 27th January
Smear tests aren't easy, but they can save lives; they can prevent 75% of cervical cancers*
... The number of those going for smear tests is lower than ever. Jo's Trust want everyone to know what a smear test is for, why they’re important, and ways to make them better.…/cervical- cancer…/smearforsmear
To get involved, post a #SmearForSmear selfie on your Facebook page with a tip or word of support. Your post might be the reminder or encouragement someone needs to book their test - it could literally save their life. With over 1.2 million people not taking up their invitation each year it’s more important than ever.
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According to the media, today is 'blue Monday'. We know that January can be a long and reasonably dull month following the excitement of Christmas however did you know that the concept was created by a travel company in 2005 as a marketing campaign to encourage people to book a holiday? According to Paul Dolan, Professor of Behavioural Science at London School of Economics and Political Science, there is no scientific evidence that today is indeed a 'blue Monday'.
It is important to acknowledge when we feel less happy than normal and take steps to redress that. How about a quick walk around the block at lunchtime today, listen to your favourite album or call that friend you haven't spoken to for a while and have a good old chat. Enjoy your Monday folks.


Here it is - the recipe you’ve all been waiting for!! Pamela’s egg loaf.
* disclaimer - this was actually originally Lynsey’s recipe. Pamela has a habit of buying millions of eggs from the co-op when they are reduced and was looking of ways to use them. So really, this is Lynsey’s egg loaf.
Get a cake loaf tin... Pop some oil/butter along the base Whisk 9 eggs Add a dash of water
Chop up any veg you like - use the stuff that’s about to go out of date in your fridge. For this one, Pamela also used some chorizo and feta
Pour some egg in the bottom of the tin Add some veg Pour some egg Add some veg Repeat until all the egg is finished
Bake in the oven for around 40 min Eat and enjoy!
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Supplements: yes or no?
Most people can get everything they need to be and stay healthy by eating a varied, balanced diet. And yet half of us take a vitamin supplement every day.
There is a lot of conflicting information out there so, we’re reading up on what’s available, their health claims and whether these claims are backed by science and research.
... Click the links below to read more about supplements.
Each report differs in opinion as to whether they provide us with any significant health benefits.
Comment below if you take supplements, tell us why, and whether they have made any improvements to your health.…/sup plements-best-supple…
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Tonight is the opening night of the MAMA Revue. Lynsey has a starring role with no less than 2 solos along with appearances in group numbers. This year's jam packed extravaganza is a jubilant celebration of Movies and Musicals - an amateur musical theatre company's bread and rest assured there will be top hats, jazz hands, drama, comedy and a MAMA show is not a show without sequins! The show runs until Saturday and there are a few tickets left. Break a leg Lynsey!!!

More about Ps Lifestyle : Wellness