Psychic Readings Scotland

About Psychic Readings Scotland

Jodie LeNormand Psychic www.

Psychic Readings Scotland Description

www. Home: 01397 701917
Skype: PsychicJodie Mobile: 07414692499

Tarot Readings: A Tarot card consultation is a type of Psychic reading which will stare straight in the eye of what is pertinent to you. The Psychic predictions are roughly for the next three to six months ahead, sometimes longer. I will draw the cards to look at the months ahead, or you could have a general reading, ask questions and look at the months depending on the length of your booking.
Psychic Tarot has an uncanny way of getting to the heart of any issue. It gives clarity where needed and it reassurance about the future. It can look at the intricate details of any given situation. Using cards to tell ones fortune is an ancient technique. It can look specifically at other people in your life, and the situation surrounding your relationship. Love, relationships, career, finance, friends, education, you name it, it's covered.

Palmistry: Palm readings are fabulous. It is a method of divination which allows the palmist to view your life as a whole. Your Palms are the map of your life. The palms lines may fade with age, and you may even get some new ones, however the story of you on the whole remains the same. As a Palmist I will look at various areas of your life, such as Love, Family, Marriage, Relationships, Education, Career, Finance. The list is endless. Significant events in your life will be predicted accurately to the approximate age and year. All of the lines on your palms have huge significance, each tell a story. If you wish to know about your future and what lies in store then Palmistry is for you.

Clairvoyance: Clairvoyance is a fabulous reading to have. I am based in Fort William, The Highlands, Scotland, UK if you can meet in person that's great, if not a phone consultation works just as well. If you have loved ones in the Spirit world and would like to hear a message, Clairvoyance is perfect for you. It can give you the peace of mind and of course lovely messages. I am completely clairvoyant and am able to see Spirit in Full Body to provide an accurate description. I hear Spirit very clearly and communicate directly. I have been clairvoyant since birth. I always saw spooky and unexplained things, however I didn't have anyone to ask what it was or any way of finding out. If you would like to hear a message from your Spirit Guides a Clairvoyant reading will provide you with just that. We all have spirit guides and helpers ready to give us encouragement and guidance when we need it most.

Crystal Ball Readings: are a very ancient way to tell ones Fortune. The Psychic Medium looks into the Crystal Ball and see the images that are being conjured.
This consultation will look at the Past, Present and Future of the sitter. Using my Psychic and Clairvoyant skills I will communicate with your Spirit Guides, Loved ones and Angels. They are the people who will show the images and give messages. This Crystal Ball will look at everyday affairs. Financial matters, matters of the heart, spirit always have a way of giving the right message at the right time.

Aura Readings: An Aura is the Psychic shield which is around every animate and inanimate object. Every animal has one, and every article has an Aura. Humans have an Aura which Psychicly protects their interests. It is the barrier which gives the person time to decide whether a person or situation is safe. I can see this Aura and all the colours which are being displayed. The Colours shine out from The Chakras within the Body and Soul of the person. The main colours are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo andViolet. Depending on how the sitter is feeling at the time of the reading, and how generally they are feeling in life, will determine what colours I can see. Of course the colours can vary, blue is not always one type of blue, it could be as blue as Triggers Blue suit in only Fools and Horses, or it could be a Royal Blue, very pale blue etc. The colour's vary depending of the emotions of the sitter. During a reading I will highlight the most prominent colours, explain the meaning and provide amessage regarding this. Aura Readings are great fun, and provide tremendous insight into the life and energy field of the sitter. Aura readings are calming, healing and incredibly prophetic. Always accurate and a pleasure to provide, you can be certain you will get the answers you are searching for. I'm sure you'll love them too.

Psychometry: Psychometry is a method of Divination using an object of the sitters to provide a reading. The Psychic holds the object and meditates in order to provide the Psychic readings. Nearly any object can be used, the most common is a piece of Jewellery. This can be jewellery of the sitters or a loved one. Sometimes photographs are used, unfortunately money (coins or notes) cannot be used as they are likely to have been in the possesion of many, and will contain the Psychic energy of many people. The only exeption is if the money is a collectable for instance and has really only been touched by the owner. During the Psychometry reading I will tap into the Psychic energy source of the article by holding it. This will enable me to give accurate reading about the owners life and the circumstances surrounding the object. The messages contain useful information regarding the life and future of the sitter.

LeNormand Card readings: Are Fabulous. There are two Decks associated with Mlle LeNormand. The Petit Le Normand which has 36 Card and an Astrological Deck which has 54 Cards. I am able to use both decks to divine with. The Petit LeNormand has the traditional Cards such as the Clover, Bear, Cross and Ship
Whereas the Astrological Deck is based upon Ancient Greek Stories such as the Odyseey and the intricate symbolism depicted reflects this. Both decks provide accurate predictions and forecasts, and there are many different spreads which can be used, they can also be dealt as though reading regular Tarot Cards.

Reiki Healing also available

More about Psychic Readings Scotland

Psychic Readings Scotland is located at 20 Bruce Place, PH336HH Fort William, Highland
+44 (0) 1397 701917