Relentless Strength

About Relentless Strength

Glasgow based strength coach and personal trainer for all age groups. Work with children, adults and athletes of all ages.

Relentless Strength Description

Glasgow based strength coach and personal trainer for all age groups. Work with children, adults and athletes of all ages.



Last day to sign up in time to start bootcamp this coming week. So whether you're just getting started, you've trained for a while but you're not seeing the results you deserve or have trained for years but you're looking for something to challenge you that bit more, our bootcamps are for you!
We have bootcamps 9.30am Wednesday and Friday, 7.30pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday and 7pm Tuesday and Thursday and our flexible booking app means you choose how many times a week you want to train and book the class times that suit you each week, no need to commit to the same times every week!
So sign up here and come join us this week!


We've had a couple of spaces come up for our bootcamps so we've listed these up for sale at, first come, first served and once these spaces are gone we're back to maximum capacity so be quick!
All class times and prices are available through the link in this post so sign up and then download our app 'ptminder' to book the classes you want each week with our flexible booking system.


Anyone seen our wee cat?


Beautiful morning, what a view from the gym.


Relentless Strength will be attending The Brighter Village Group and the Community Council village clean up day next Saturday. It would be great to see some of you there helping keep our wee village clean and burning a few extra calories in the process. Think of it as a free workout!
Stay Strong, Craig


Our evening bootcamps are now at maximum capacity and we have a waiting list in place for spaces. Packages are still available to buy for anyone interested in attending morning bootcamps only. Send us a message if you want to be added to our waiting list and we will contact you if space becomes available.


Check out Relentless Strength athlete Collin Colin McAteer throwing his car up the hill at Doune. Seriously impressive stuff and I spy a cheeky wee Relentless Strength logo on the dash, very cool.


Back by popular demand our bootcamp trial package is half price for a limited time only. Our trial package of 8 bootcamp classes are normally £40 but today you can buy this pack of 8 classes for only £20 using discount code 'TRIAL'. That's only £2.50 a class!
This pack is only available to new members and allows you to book into 8 of our bootcamp classes over the next month.
Check out the package details, bootcamp times and sign up for your trial here and download our app 'ptminder' to start booking your classes.


Leading from the front, getting my session in this morning as I have a crazy busy day. Some days it's hard to fit training in but if you want it bad enough I know you will find a way to fit it in. Stay strong and be Relentless, Craig.


Anyone wanting to try our bootcamps can now buy an 8 bootcamp trial pack. These are normally £40 but today you can buy this pack of 8 classes for only £20 using discount code 'TRIAL'. That's only £2.50 a class!
This pack is only available to new bootcamp members and allows you to book into 8 of our bootcamp classes over the next month.
Sign up for our trial here and download our app 'ptminder' to start booking your classes.


Complementary and alternative medicine can be a real minefield full of charlatans and snake oil peddlers taking advantage of the lax regulations protecting the consumer. I have been fortunate enough during my career to encounter a handful of professional therapists that adhere to my own ethic standpoint who do infact complement the work I do so please don't hesitate to contact me if you would like some advice as to where to turn to find the RIGHT professional to help you with your current ailment. Always happy to help guide you and maintain the ethics that are sadly often lacking in our current climate, Craig.


WOW!!! What an amazing performance by all at tonight's bootcamp finishing with a brutal reverse tabata pulse squat. Proud to work with such a hard working crew, nice job guys.


Check out Relentless Strength athlete Amy Pirnie 3 weeks out from her upcoming fight. Strength and conditioning and macronutrient breakdown set by Relentless Strength, show dedication and commitment and the results always follow, great work Amy, proud to have you represent us.


Only the best for you at Relentless Strength, if you're looking to build serious muscle and strength you need the equipment to handle it. We have paired the Insignia V5 bench with the fat pad and the best bar on the market the Texas Power Bar. With kit like this and an experienced coach it will be no time until you are lifting more than others lie about😂 Stay strong and be Relentless.


And the winner of our birthday competition for a £100 gift voucher to spend here at Relentless Strength is ................
Christine McLanachan!
Congratulations Christine, get in touch to let us know how you'd like to spend your winnings.


Today's the last day to enter our competition over on our facebook page.
It's also the last day to take advantage of our 50% off your first month of training offer. This offer applies to absolutely everything, personal training (1 to 1 or train with a friend), group coaching, online coaching or our metabolic conditioning bootcamps with our new flexible booking system and our new timetable with classes now available before and after work and daytime classes for while the kids are at school.
All training takes place in our private studio gym giving you exclusive use of the gym during your training sessions.


Our new metabolic conditioning bootcamps will help you do exactly that. Metabolic conditioning is designed to burn more calories during your workout and elevate your metabolism so that you continue to burn more calories after your workout is finished.
Metabolic conditioning is the most effective fat burning workout. It’s a total full body workout that promotes muscular adaptation and fat oxidisat...ion building a strong, athletic physique. It builds a higher level of fitness. The workouts are short so you don’t need to spend hours in the gym to get the best results and, besides all this, the variety of exercises involved means it never gets boring.
This is no ordinary bootcamp. The programming is cleverly designed by our coach using his sports science background to get the best out of you and the bootcamps are limited to 10 people to ensure all exercises are carried out safely, allowing you to train injury free.
If you’re going to do one exercise class this should be it. Our new timetable has now launched and includes morning, daytime and evening classes and with our flexible booking system and our booking app you can choose which classes to book into each week.
You can also check out our bootcamp times, prices and sign up online -< br> See More


Taking the ups with the downs, we are not machines. Just wanted to share my thoughts on the rough training session I had this morning. Despite common belief even I have the odd tough session, I am only human.😂 On those tough days listen to your body, back off a little and focus more on recovery. This being said on the days you feel good take advantage of it and train like a savage. Smart training will keep you progressing towards your goals and help keep you motivated. Train smart, recover hard and be the best human you can be. Stay strong and be Relentless.

More about Relentless Strength