Remade Network

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 10:00 - 16:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Remade Network

remade network works collaboratively and bottom-up with communities to set up repair social enterprise and campaign for goods to last

Remade Network Description

Remade in Edinburgh is a community initiative to repair, reuse and to campaign for zero waste. Visit our repair hub, the Edinburgh Remakery, for quality second-hand goods and creative workshops and skill sharing activities.



If we knew more about where things come from and where they go to, maybe we’d value the stuff we have more and make it last longer.…/rotten-ch icken-eggs-e-waste-f…


Many thanks to Circular Glasgow for publishing our blog about our plans in the city. w/


Totally mind-boggling that a new £165 million coal mine has been approved in Cumbria - and what is doubly frustrating is to see this still being framed as climate vs jobs.
There's plenty of potential to create new green jobs - like more repair centres. And in fact the investment for those jobs at £20,000 per job - is a fraction (approx 1/10th) if it goes into smaller, community-based green businesses. So it's a mistake from a purely £ perspective, as well as a disaster enviro...nmentally.
Frustrating too for our friends in Cumbria who get small hand-outs for their own repair project from their Council that wants to flag its green credentials, whilst claiming there is no money to fund them properly.
We need a Green New Deal in the UK - an idea that's already taking off in the States.
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Opportunity to set up a refill social enterprise in Brighton!


Brilliant news - via the New York fixers collective


The experience of living in Nepal and throwing out less than a dustbin of rubbish in a year and being part of a local community there is what inspired the Remade journey - from experiences in East London, Brixton, Edinburgh, Brooklyn, Glasgow and beyond.
When I went back to Nepal two years ago, I saw with my own eyes the impact of climate change. A glacier at the top of the Langtang Valley had eroded by a mile. What this means, in practice, for the mountain people who live in... this fragile ecosystem is devastating.
As ever, it is the people and communities that least contribute to climate change that are the most threatened by its impacts.
We *must* accelerate action towards a truly regenerative economy. There is no plan B, and there is no planet B.…/a-third-o f-himalayan-ice-cap-…
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Great stuff!


The Right to Repair Movement is a welcome change both in governmental policy and public opinion towards being able to more easily repair and maintain our belongings.. but the law still needs to go a lot further to cover a wider variety of goods.
The proportion of household appliances which broke down within 5 year of purchase rose from 3.5% to 8.3% between 2004 and 2012. Increasing access to repair education in local communities can help combat these figures while also creating sustainable employment. nment-46797396




This is a great article from the BBC to follow up their recent coverage of the Right to Repair Movement.
Repair parties run by our friends at Repair Café Glasgow and The Restart Projectare a fantastic way of encouraging repair as an alternative to the current throw-away culture and starting to get the whole community involved.
People are beginning to realise that it doesn't always require specialist skill to clean the fan of an overheating laptop or to pick fluff out of the ...faulty headphone jack of their smartphone.
And we're happy that we at Remade Network help some of these volunteer-led projects pursue a more sustainable social enterprise model to find and build a more permanent space for repair education.
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This is such an important essay from two years ago - still so relevant - which sets out clearly the profit motive and international connections and corruption behind the fossil fuel industry expansion that threatens climate breakdown


Good point!


Upside down world!
Whilst this particular case is complex, this wider issue is why we support the Right to Repair Movement.




Happy Xmas!


"It's not that people don't care. It's about giving people the chance to consume differently...."
Celebrating projects and a business model that focuses on experiences, not stuff.
Great profile of our work and others - including the repair parties held by the The Restart Project - and their campaign for better repair legislation - by Mora Morrison for the 'i' newspaper.
... Happy Xmas and happy fixing, everyone.…/restart-project-r emade-network-fixin…/
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Great job in Glasgow at Rags to Riches.


Festive Greetings from everyone here at the Remade Network!
2018 has been an exciting year with a huge amount of progress made, especially since our launch in November. Click the link below to read our latest newsletter to learn about everything that's happened this year and what we have planned for 2019.…/repair-remake-and- rejoice-this-festive…
... Why not subscribe to receive the latest news from the Remade Network and join us on our journey. cribe…
If you would like to know more about the Remade Network and how we can help you establish a reuse and repair project in your area then get in touch at
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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The first time I came was for my computer. It was running very slow and getting too hot, too quickly. I was thinking about getting a new computer, but couldn't really afford one, and didn't really want to either. Sotiris took it apart and cleaned it as well as adding some new thermal paste (which is apparently very expensive), whilst telling me what each part did (which was very interesting). It all took about 20 minutes. My computer works so much better now. I don't have to wait 10 minutes for everything to load up and it is quieter and doesn't get hot at all! Remade in Edinburgh has saved me a lot of money and saved a lot of precious resources as well.


My new fave place


Just the kind of place we need . Real people ,

Interested in helping !


It gives you ideas, makes you reduce your waste and create unique items :)


I've just purchased a monitor from ReMade in Edinburgh and it does the job perfectly. Fast, efficient delivery and a bargain too along with the smug feeling of reusing items and not getting sucked into the Black Friday hype or having paid a small fortune for a new equivalent. Thank you!


I absolutely love Remade! They put on all sorts of weird and wonderful classes that are amazing for all sorts of upcycling and crafty skills! Can't recommend them enough!!


Great ethos, wonderful people, smashing shop, brilliant workshops (not just mine!)

More about Remade Network

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 10:00 - 16:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -