Renee Clark Counselling Services

About Renee Clark Counselling Services

Employee Counselling, Workshops, Consultation, Counselling Supervision by telephone and on-line

Renee Clark Counselling Services Description

Employee Assistance (Counselling):
I hear from business owners like yourself that they can feel embarrassed and sometimes helpless when their employees disclose personal difficulties that they are having which are affecting their work in terms of e. g. sickness absence, relationships with their colleagues, motivation.
Sometimes I hear different, employees won’t disclose personal issues with their employer as they feel shame, fear of being judged or losing their job.

I provide a confidential outside source for you where the employee can discuss these issues and we can find a way forward.

Some examples of issues are:
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Low Mood
Due to:
• Different types of loss e. g. redundancy
• Money problems
• Affects of Domestic Abuse
• Abuse in Childhood
• Relationship Issues
• Role of Carer
Resulting in:
• Self Harming
• Self Medicating
• Addiction
• Loss of motivation, confidence
• Lack of self-worth
• Disproportionate anger

When issues aren’t addressed, whether because you as the employer, are struggling to know what to do or the employee doesn’t wish to disclose, this can cause anxiety and frustration for you in terms of loss of time and money.

The Benefits:

Your employees work hard for you and having my service in place is one way of ensuring they can continue to do so. By combating stress, reducing absences, employee conflict and grievances, my service could help drive efficiency and lower your costs in the long run. Furthermore, knowing your employees have the support of their employer in difficult times could improve employee loyalty, performance, morale, motivation and employee turnover.

The Supreme Court decided that tribunal fees are unlawful and a barrier to justice, abolishing them with immediate effect. If an employee feels you’ve treated them badly there’s nothing to stop them making a claim against you and that could have a devastating effect on your business. All employment tribunal judgements now go on the internet for anyone to see. My service can mitigate this potential liability in terms of mental health.

You might feel it would make sense to meet and find we may have some common ground. This investment might be of no benefit to your business or I may not be able to help therefore there would be no follow up unless something changes for you.

My service also includes:

Business to Business: Bespoke, Workshops and Consultation