Renfrewshire Psychology

Monday: 19:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 19:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 19:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -

About Renfrewshire Psychology

Psychological therapy and supervision

Renfrewshire Psychology Description

Who I am

My name is Jenn, I am an experienced Counselling Psychologist working within the NHS for a number of years. I have experience in working with a variety of mental health difficulties ranging from mild to moderate to complex and severe difficulties. I have experience in working with young people, adults, couples and families. I am trained in a number of therapeutic approaches including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Person Centred Therapy amongst others.

How I work

Within my private practice I work with individuals on a range of difficulties including depression, anxiety, stress, self harm, relationship difficulties and more. I utilise a variety of the therapeutic approaches to deliver psychological interventions that are tailored to your individual needs. I strive to work collaboratively with my clients to identify difficulties and goals for change. The therapeutic relationship is core to my practice and my first goal is to provide clients with a safe space in which they can develop trust with me to explore their difficulties.

First Contact

I understand that seeking out help can be difficult and it can be a worrying time wondering if you and your therapist are going to get along. I offer, in the first instance a telephone consultation which lasts approximately 15-20 minutes and is free of charge. During this consultation I will strive to gain an understanding of your difficulties and provide you with some information on how we might work together, after which we can arrange a suitable appointment time. This is an opportunity for us to get to know each other a little without any obligation of ongoing therapy.


I also provide clinical supervision to psychologists, trainees and other therapeutic disciplines. I also offer individual private therapy for therapeutic trainees at a reduced rate.

I am HCPC registered and a Chartered Member with the British Psychological Society.



✨It starts with us✨
The news of @carolineflack has absolutely rocked the country and rightly so! Another beautiful life lost in a senseless situation. Kindness isn’t difficult. It’s not a challenge. We never know what someone else is going through, but treating each other humanely might just make all the difference. For anyone struggling, I hope that the huge surge of conversations and awareness around suicide, makes this seem like less of an option. I hope the overwhelming... love I’ve seen in the last 2 days shows anyone who is feeling hopeless that there is love and kindness out there.
And please if you are struggling, talk to someone. Ask for help! Samaritans - call 116 123 #choosekindness #choosekind #behindthesmile #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sucideprevention #suicideawarness #hope #depression #carolineflack #womensupportingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #humanssupportinghumans #empathymatters #mentalhealthmatters #peoplesupportingpeople #mumssupportingmums
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Coming soon...
#selfhelp #guidedselfhelp #cbt #emotionalregulation #mentalhealth #psychologist #therapy #onlinetherapy #counsellingpsychology


Renfrewshire Psychology have a range of coaching options for you!
Do you want to make a change in your career, relationships, wellbeing but don’t know where to start? Do you feel stuck and like your treading water?
I’d love to work with you to help you achieve the goals you haven’t even dared to set! I’d love to help you push past your limits and recognise your full potential in every aspect of your life!
... Get in touch now to discuss who we can start making real change now!
For more info check out the website and send me an email!
#coaching #psychology #lifecoaching #glasgowlifecoach #lifecoachglasgow #glasgowcoach
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✨New Years Resolutions✨
Old me vs. New me...
The standard New Years Resolutions usually revolve around aspects of ourselves that we perceive as lacking...whether that be with respects to our weight, health, lifestyle etc.
... While there is absolutely nothing wrong with having goals for ourselves for the upcoming year, I do wonder what kind of message we’re sending to ourselves when we start the year focused on our shortfalls.
Imagine being in a relationship with someone who told you ‘this year, I think you should focus on losing 1 stone, get to the gym more, earn more money, get a better job and a nicer house’; you’d probably tell them to piss right off! And yet, often that’s the conversation we’re having with ourselves when we make these resolutions.
The resolution itself isn’t the’s the conversation we have with ourselves about it. When we say ‘new year, new me’ we’re saying there was something fundamentally wrong with the ‘old me’. It’s totally fine to want to improve yourself but the conversation you have with yourself around this is so important.
Instead, can you reflect on the things you’ve achieved and overcome this year? Can you validate what was hard and provide yourself some compassion? When you do think about the changes you want to make, consider the ‘why’ for those and meet yourself with empathy. Focus on growth rather than ‘being better’. Focus on moving forwards rather than hiding from the past.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, start this year with love and compassion for yourself. Start this year with a #onecommitment to your relationship with yourself. And know that you are, and always have been enough! In making a resolution to improving our relationships with ourselves, we’re already beginning to fulfil it!
#newyears2019 #newyearsresolution #newyearsresolution2020 #mentalhealth #wellbeing #selfcare #selfcompassion #selflove #selfcaretips #maternalmentalhealth #mentalwellness #mentalwellbeing #empowered #empowerment #personaldevelopment #growth #selfworth
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It’s been a long time since I’ve worn these robes!
I thoroughly enjoyed being able to take part in the @glasgow_caledonian_university graduation ceremony and particularly celebrating and cheering on the D.Psych Counselling Psychology graduates!
It was an honour watching you all cross that stage and officially becoming ‘Doctors of Counselling Psychology’ 🎓
... #counsellingpsychology #counsellingpsychologytraining #counsellingpsychologist #graduation #wintergraduation #classof2019
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So Halloween is officially over which means we’re now going head first into the festive season of Christmas 🎄 This time of year can bring a whole bag of emotions for people - excitement and joy, and worry and loss. And if we’re not feeling the joy of Christmas, for whatever reason, the pressure to enjoy it can add further burden to our emotional load.
So in advance of this busy season, here is a reminder that it is ok to take it slow, to say no, to not pretend to be feeling... anything other than what you are. Take care of yourself, and don’t let yourself be pressured into anything you are not ready for .
#change #confidence #empowering #empowerment #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealth #personaldevelopment #empowered #wellbeing #selfcare #promotingchange #lifecoaching #lookafteryourself #grounding #selfsoothing #psychologicalwellbeing #psychologicaltherapy #mentalhealth #prioritiseyou #cbt #mentalhealthawareness #psychology #therapy
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What is it that holds you back from making a change? Is it fear? Is it lack of support? Or is it just not knowing WHAT to change?? A year ago, I felt totally stuck! I was approaching my return from maternity leave to a job that made me feel under valued, under appreciated and anxious. I knew I didn’t want to return to this job, but felt I had no choice. To do something different felt risky and impossible, after all we had TWO children now and a mortgage and bills to p...ay. I had some idea of what I wanted to do, having been building up a small private practice over the previous few years, but to actually leave the NHS and take the risk of private practice felt like too huge a step! I was paralysed with fear, feeling anxious all the time and panicked about going back to work and it began to take its toll on my mental health.
I then started speaking to people about it...the stuckness and the anxiety. It wasn’t any one person or one thing that changed it for me, but more the acknowledgement of the pull towards something different that nudged me over the edge.
The more I talked about it, the more concrete my ideas became and the fear had less hold over me.
Since then, I left my job in the NHS, have built up @renfrewshirepsychology; been available for new opportunities and now have a dream job teaching and am in the process of launching the business side of @mummy_matters__
I’d not have been able to do any of this if I were still stuck in that place of fear! So what is holding you back from making the changes you want?! . . . . . .
. #change #confidence #empowering #empowerment #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealth #personaldevelopment #empowered #wellbeing #selfcare #promotingchange #lifecoaching
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One commitment
#selfcaresunday can feel like a bit of a chore, but also can feel a bit pointless if we’re not looking after ourselves throughout the week. Sunday challenge to you is to make one commitment to yourself for the week ahead. Something that you can do every day or perhaps a weekly goal. It doesn’t matter what it is and doesn’t have to be a big deal...but it does have to be about YOU! Taking a little time out of each day to look after yourself is far more ef...fective than cramming it all into one day...which is near impossible anyway.
My #onecommitment this week is to take time to FULLY engage with my family, between work, childcare and housework it seems like we don’t have time to FULLY connect. So rather than quick bedtime stories and dinner in front of the TV once the kids are in bed, I am going to try and slow it down, be present, ask questions and listen.
So tell me...what is the #onecommitment you are making to yourself this week? Post your answers below and give us all some inspiration 👇🏻✨☺️ NEED to be! #renfrewshirepsychology #counsellingpsychology #selfcare #therapy #psychologist #wellbeing #mentalhealth #prioritiseourselves #selfcaresunday #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthawareness
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*Baby Loss Awareness Week*
Today marks the start of #babylossawarenessweek I’ve shared my own story of baby loss previously and so won’t go into it again. You can read my earlier post if you’re interested.
... These sorts of campaigns are really important. It brings these painful and taboo subjects out of the shadows and into the wider community and that can only be a good thing.
However, watching and listening today got me thinking about the other side of these kinds of campaigns. I wonder whether these campaigns can bring a sense of responsibility, obligation and pressure for people to ‘share’ some of the most heartbreaking times in their lives. I’ve seen lots of women telling their story so that it might help others and that is a truly selfless and noble thing to do...but my radar is going off all over the place...what about the storyteller?
Yes it is important to raise awareness, and yes, role-modelling that it is ok to talk about these sorts of topics is a phenomenal thing to do, but this should NOT be at the expense of your own emotional experiencing. Social media puts this pressure on us at the best of share everything and be completely exposed, but when we are talking about such a sensitive issue, it is ok to not be ok talking about it!
There’s something in this for me about sharing a message of “YES, do talk about baby loss if you feel you want or need to”, but equally “NO you do not HAVE to talk about it if you are not ready to do so.”
The awareness raising is so important, but please don’t let that be at the expense of your own boundaries, needs and readiness. It’s not about shying away from it or ‘hiding it’. It’s about honouring where YOU are at and what YOU need.
Seeing baby loss across media this week will likely be triggering for a lot of people, so it is perfectly ok to bunker down, switch off and take care of yourself! This campaign isn’t about ‘baby loss’ as such, it’s about real peoples experiences of ‘baby loss’ that brings a rollercoaster of emotions with it.
So anyone feeling obliged or pressured to’s ok to not want to!
#babylossawareness #babylosssupport #babyloss #selfcare #respect #miscarriagesupport
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It can all feel a bit much sometimes and we can feel like we’re at the end of our tether. Our emotions can feel totally out of our control, but there are some things we can do to ground ourselves and feel a bit more settled.
WHAT CAN YOU SEE? Is there anything calming in your environment you can look at? What about your favourite photograph or calming painting? Focus on it, notice the colours and textures.
... WHAT CAN YOU HEAR? Is there some music you can put on to help settle you? Something that brings back positive, calming memories? Or can you just focus on what you can hear, right here, right now? What about some white noise or relaxation recordings? What about recording your kids saying what they love about you or laughing? WHAT CAN YOU TASTE? Is there a favourite meal or flavour that you REALLY enjoy? Take your time over it, indulge in it and focus all your attention on the taste. WHAT CAN YOU SMELL? Smell is so powerful and can take you right back to a place or time. What is your soothing smell? One that makes you feel calm and centred and safe. Can you pop some on a tissue and carry it around or burn your favourite candle or incense? WHAT CAN YOU FEEL? Touch is very important to calm you. Is there a favourite blanket or material that you can stroke and feel calm? Pet your dog or brush your daughters hair? Wrap yourself up in your soothing touch or get a cuddle from a loved one! These things won’t fix it all but they can help! If you need any help, reach out! #selfcare #coaching #lookafteryourself #grounding #selfsoothing #psychologicalwellbeing #wellbeing #psychologicaltherapy #mentalhealth #prioritiseyou #cbt #mentalhealthawareness #psychology #therapy
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Here at Mummy Matters we offer coaching and psychological therapy for mums who are feeling drained, overwhelmed and stressed. A place where mums who are struggling can receive compassionate care.
#mummymatters #mummy_matters_coaching #maternalmentalhealth #motherswellbeing #mummywellbeing #mummymentalhealth #psychologicaltherapy #renfrewshirepsychology #counsellingpsychology #postnataldepression #postnatalmentalhealth #perinatalmentalhealth #mentalwellbeing #wellbeing #mummy #mothering #motherhood


This quote from @brendonburchard on #transformationweek #hpxlife really resonated with me this morning. Challenge is an essential part of my therapeutic approach. I truly believe everyone is capable of being exceptional and so I relish my role in challenging their thinking and actions to get them to begin believing in themselves and moving forward. It could be pushing someone out of their comfort zone or challenging them to think bigger. It’s the part of my job I LOVE and people change and grow and develop is what makes my work worthwhile! If you need some help to challenge yourself to unleash your true potential...get in touch! #counsellingpsychology #renfrewshirepsychology #personaldevelopment #coaching #increaseyourpotential #lifecoach #glasgowcoach #psychologycoaching #passion
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A busy week of training and a couple of days away for work has meant I’ve hardly seen my girls since this time last week. Tonight I’m especially soaking in the smell of this little one, who at 14 months decided she didn’t need me for bedtimes and daddy would do! I rarely get moments like this anymore where she snuggles in and falls asleep, snoring (not very softly 😂). I truly wish I could capture these moments...the ones where she’s asleep and not running rings around me! Bot...h she and her sister have been amazingly taken care of my daddy @dangerous__de but I am so glad to be home and getting my share of the snuggles! It’s been a great week of personal and professional development, and having time to focus on that is crucial for me to maintain my wellbeing; but being home with my girls is my happy place and reminds me what all the hard work is for! #renfrewshirepsychology #counsellingpsychology #maternalmentalhealth #mumlife #babysnuggles #happytobehome #personaldevelopment #professionaldevelopment #wellbeing #mentalhealth #balance #coaching
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Some Friday thinking for you... #renfrewshirepsychology #counsellingpsychology #therapist #wellbeing #mentalhealth #assertiveness #personaldevelopment #priorities #psychology #coaching

More about Renfrewshire Psychology

Monday: 19:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 19:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 19:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -