Rethink Therapy

About Rethink Therapy

A psychological therapy service for adults aged 16 + , offering individual, evidence based talking therapies for a wide range of difficulties.



There are so many breathing techniques out there and all are useful but the take home message really is to slow your breathing down and pull the breath into your tummy as you breathe in then slowly release. That’s it! My fav isn’t on here but it’s the 4-2-6 rule ~ breath in for 4 seconds hold for 2 and out for 6. Find what works for you and practice as often as you can - Not just when you’re felling stressed or anxious 👌


Love this woman. She shot to fame through her Ted X talk on shame and vulnerability and I would highly recommend adding this to your Netflix list ASAP. Brené Brown, the call to courage 👏


A key feature of Generalised Anxiety Disorder is ‘Worry’. When there are things in our life that we have little or no control over we can feel overwhelmed, anxious and fearful. It is our need for certainty that creates worry. It’s a coping mechansim, but not a particularly helpful one at times. This artical describes some of the cognitive behavioural strategies for tackling worry and that dreaded intolerance of uncertainty.


Knowing when and how to let worry go. 😌


This is also known as sleep restriction therapy and can break bad habits and associations of poor sleep. It’s not an easy option but can be incredibly effective if done correctly. The take home message: ‘bed is for sleeping’


Stress Control classes are currently running across Lanarkshire, here are the next course dates. Also a link to the stress control audio website where you can try out the relaxation and mindfulness techniques.

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More about Rethink Therapy