Ricardo Ministro - Dog Behaviour & Training

About Ricardo Ministro - Dog Behaviour & Training

Certified Dog Behaviourist Specialized in Fearful, Reactive and Aggressive Behaviour in Dogs. Available for In-Person and Online Sessions based on Trust, Respect and Compassion for every Human and Dog, in Dunfermline, Edinburgh and other areas.

Ricardo Ministro - Dog Behaviour & Training Description

Dog Trainer



Recently I met Rudi the Rescued Staffie.
Rudi is a super lovely girl that becomes worried and stressed when outside and will not accept unknown dogs close to her.
After going for a short walk around the neighbourhood we realised that there was no point to continue because Rudi was too worried about the environment and not able to learn what we had to teach her.
... So we decided to go back to a safer zone, just outside her home, so that she could relax a bit and start to learn.
Here is a short clip of our session where we worked in several exercises to build Connection and Trust so that she will feel more confident, safe, and connected to her mom and able to expand her comfort zone.
Feel free to use the exercises yourself with your Dog, they will help!
Thank you,
Dog Behaviourist Ricardo Ministro
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This is Rudi, the rescued staffie I met recently.
Rudi was rescued by Staffie Smiles Rescue and adopted recently by her new family.
She is a lovely girl, although when she is outside she feels a bit nervous and will not enjoy her walks or be able to focus on her mom. She is a bit worried about other dogs getting to close to her as well.
... We will be working together for the foreseeable future to help Rudi feel more confident and less worried when outdoor.
News coming soon!
Thank you,
Dog Behaviourist Ricardo Ministro
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This is Bella, a rescued staffie cross.
Bella had a hard life before she was rescued.
By her current behaviour, there is a high chance that she was beaten up and we also know that her diet was mainly rats... Yes, rats.
... The previous humans with whom she lived had snakes and raised rats to feed the snakes, which was also the food provided to Bella for the majority of her life.
Fortunately, Bella was removed from such humans and was adopted recently by her new family.
We will be working together for the foreseeable future to Educate Bella and help her to adjust to "a more normal" life in her new home.
News coming soon!
Thank you,
Dog Behaviourist Ricardo Ministro
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Yesterday I met Hamish the Springer Spaniel.
Hamish is a lovely and super friendly boy, although he does not feel good when other dogs come to close to him and will warn them to keep a distance.
Hamish is super energetic and loves to find his treats so we will use that in our advantage to help him in the best way possible.
... We will be working together for the foreseeable future and I will let you all know how it will go!
Thank you,
Dog Behaviourist Ricardo Ministro
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Short clip of a recent session with little Alfie.
We have been working together on his reactive behaviour and we are starting to get closer to other dogs, with less barking and no lunging. Alfie is even starting to be able to cope with dogs running around without any issue, something that would provoke full reactions in the past!
Providing choices to dogs, while reinforcing more desired behaviour and doing our best to make them feel safe is what is guiding our progress.
... Is not safety what we are all looking for?
Dog Behaviourist Ricardo Ministro
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I am looking for a person with photography skills and interest in observing/learning more about Dog Behaviour & Training in the area of Dunfermline or Edinburgh.
Feel free to drop me a PM.
Thank you,
... Dog Behaviourist Ricardo Ministro
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Yesterday I met Scoot, the Romanian rescued dog.
Scoot was rescued from Romania a couple of months ago and was adopted recently by his new family.
He is a lovely dog at home but can become a bit reactive towards other dogs when outside.
... We will be working together for the foreseeable future.
News coming soon!
Thank you,
Dog Behaviourist Ricardo Ministro
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Playing with Dogs...
Is that not simple?
Is that not straight forward?
... In fact no.
We all can try to play with dogs, but the results we get from those interactions are going to be affected by several points that need to be considered.
Play can and does end up many times in undesired ways and Humans will put the fault on their dogs for "not knowing" how to play.
Or maybe, We are the ones who do not know?
In this clip, you can listen to my short chat about play and watch the exercise we implemented with Jess, the rescued Romanian dog.
Having issues with your dog during play?
Maybe this video will help you a bit.
Thank you,
Dog Behaviourist Ricardo Ministro
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Thank you all!!
Thank you for your support and kindness along this journey :)
Thank you to the ones who follow me to share love and thank you for the ones who follow me to share hate.
... I really appreciate your support, and I know that I will probably never meet many of you in person, nevertheless, you matter to me!
And, If you would like to see more posts, more information, more videos, more photos, more stuff about my journey in dog behaviour and training...
If you would like to help me further to make this happen for a long time, then there is one simple way you can do it.
Even if you will never meet me in person there is one way you can help me, and maybe help yourself by the things you find on this page as well :)
You can help by Commenting, Sharing and Tagging on my posts.
That will make my page more visible to others, spread the word of Respectful and Compassionate Dog Education and give me more opportunities to create content to spread with all of you guys :)
Thank you in advance!
Dog Behaviourist Ricardo Ministro
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Do you remember Taz the Staffie Cross?
We have been working together for a while on his reactive behaviour and we have accomplished so much since our first day.
We are now taking it slowly so that Taz and his parents have the time to really put into practice on their daily life all of what they have been learning.
... Here is a lovely message from Taz's mom I received yesterday.
Thank you,
Dog Behaviourist Ricardo Ministro
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A good way to spend my Sunday.
When I tell people about my professional activity they usually ask me how long did I take to learn about Dog Behaviour...
My answer is "It never ends"
... Thank you,
Dog Behaviourist Ricardo Ministro
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Many of us buy food for our dogs, but many of us still follow brands rather than ingredients.
The bad news is that many "big brands" produce shit food. Simple as that.
The packages are shiny, the brands have good marketing (they say that they are advised by the professional veterinary associations) the prices are high (which make us think that it should be good) and then, their composition is nothing more than really bad.
... Check the video to know more,
Thank you,
Dog Behaviourist Ricardo Ministro
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"My Dog runs away from the garden!"
Have you fixed the fence?
"My dog pulls on the lead!"
... Have you invested in Positive Reinforcement Training to teach him Connected Walks?
"My Dog attacks other dogs!"
Are you still walking at that busy park where it happens?
"My dog destroys the house, he is crazy!"
Have you searched for professional help to analyse a possible separation anxiety crisis?
"My dog nips my child, he is stupid!"
Are you still leaving them together in the same room?
......................................... ........................................ .......
Yes, behaviour problems happen.
Yes, behaviour problems can be hard to deal with.
But, if you just complain and do not avoid in the first place and then search for professional help to help your dog to overcome such behaviour problems they will continue and probably get worse.
And there is more...
Even when you search for professional help, you still need to invest time, energy and patience and follow the advice of the professional throughout the process.

Thank you,
Dog Behaviourist Ricardo Ministro

< br> www.facebook.com/connectedbehaviour
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Reactive and Aggressive Behaviour in Dogs can be very intense for both dogs and humans to experience.
But the truth is that the way we handle such dogs can impact them immensely in a positive way.
I will even say that many dogs become reactive because of the way they are handled by their humans, and not really because of other dogs, humans or any possible triggers.
... And the truth is that, no matter how long the therapy is to help such dogs with reactive or aggressive behaviour, if we do not master the skill of handling the lead properly, we will not achieve so good results.
In this video, this is exactly what we are practising.
Proper handling skills to help Carmen in her reactive behaviour and help us to feel more confident, relaxed and ready to implement training without mistakes.
How much do you know about Handling skills?
Thank you,
Dog Behaviourist Ricardo Ministro��
��www.instagram.com/connectedbehaviou r
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Do you know about the Matching Law?
Probably not, but it is one of the most basic and active rules in Behaviour.
And it is simple, but it is powerful!
... It applies to us, to dogs, and to all animals.
Check the video to know more,
Thank you,
Dog Behaviourist Ricardo Ministro
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Lovely, message from Harris' mom!
Harris is a white GSD I posted about previously :)
The previous "dog trainer" said he needed an E-Collar to "treat" Harris reactive behaviour...
... And 2 Sessions later I get this message!
Thank you,
Dog Behaviourist Ricardo Ministro
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We all enjoy being able to make choices...
And we usually feel frustrated when we can't.
... The ability to make Choices is one of our biggest needs, the choice to choose what is best for us, the choice to achieve our goals, the choice of choosing our path in life.
And what about Dogs?
Do they need that same thing?
Do they need to feel the freedom to make choices?
Will their behaviour improve if we provide choices?
Check the video for more on that!
Thank you,
Dog Behaviourist Ricardo Ministro
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"My Dog runs away from the garden!"
Have you fixed the fence?
"My dog pulls on the lead!"
... Have you invested in Positive Reinforcement Training to teach him Connected Walks?
"My Dog attacks other dogs!"
Are you still walking at that busy park where it happens?
"My dog destroys the house, he is crazy!"
Have you searched for professional help to analyse a possible separation anxiety crisis?
"My dog nips my child, he is stupid!"
Are you still leaving them together in the same room?
......................................... ........................................ .......
Yes, behaviour problems happen.
Yes, behaviour problems can be hard to deal with.
But, if you just complain and do not avoid in the first place and then search for professional help to help your dog to overcome such behaviour problems they will continue and probably get worse.
And there is more...
Even when you search for professional help, you still need to invest time, energy and patience and follow the advice of the professional throughout the process.

Thank you,
Dog Behaviourist Ricardo Ministro

< br> www.facebook.com/connectedbehaviour
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More about Ricardo Ministro - Dog Behaviour & Training

Ricardo Ministro - Dog Behaviour & Training is located at Dunfermline, Fife