Richard Brook - Creative Wellness

Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 20:00
Friday: 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: 12:00 - 17:00

About Richard Brook - Creative Wellness

Wellness Expert Richard Brook; Acupuncturist; Yoga Teacher; Body-mind Connection Specialist, Corporate Wellness & Retreat Facilitator. Blogger. Founder of Creative Wellness & Creative Yoga London www. creativewellness. co. uk & www. corporateyogalondon. co. uk

Richard Brook - Creative Wellness Description

International Holistic Expert Richard Brook; Wellness Retreat Facilitator Acupuncturist; Yoga Teacher; Body-mind, Corporate Wellness & Holistic Education specialist at Moinhos Velhos Retreat. Blogger. Founder of Creative Wellness & Creative Yoga London



In Chinese Medicine, it’s identified that as seasons change and make a transition from one to another, different organs come to the ascendency. In essence, the environmental conditions present in each season stimulate different organs, and we can often struggle with this shift, so treatment at these times can be very beneficial!
Richard offers acupuncture and teaches yoga in Lisbon (yoga is Wednesdays in Baixa at 7.45pm) more info at Over to you!


Learn how your internal organs each have a distinctive 'voice' that you hear in your mind as they tell you what they need! It's amazing that even in the modern age there is such little understanding about the origin and nature of your thoughts. Here I explain the link between the organs in the body and the 'types' of thoughts that you have, and how each pair of organs in the body (paired together into what we call 'Elements') all come with a distinctive voice.
Thus instead o...f trying to disown our thoughts or transcend them, we can look at the pattern of them and then understand what they be telling us as they are an extension of the physiology of the body, and of course the body is influenced by the choices we make - the environment-body-mind connection.
So discordant thoughts can happen because of what we engage with in our lives, and the requirement of those inner 'Elements' not getting what they need.
It is also true however, that sometimes the Elemenst themselves are out of tune, and clouding our experience of life, so when in fact the situations in our life are satisfactory, we still feel they are off balance! Either way, the only was to get clear about this is to get to know yourself and the voice of your thoughts! Make them your friends, then they might let you transcend :-)
More from me, including information on my super potent holistic life coaching programmes, acupuncture, yoga and amazing holistic blog at and
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Finding the stillpoint within where you can hear your Heart - and why it's important! As we evolve, to improve our subtle satisfaction in life, switching over from 'external navigation' in our lives (where we form decisions based on value judgements) to 'internal navigation' (where we make decisions based on what our Heart is telling us) can bring massive benefits!
But how? Here I explain how yoga practice can quieten the various streams of thoughts that pass through your mi...nd to bring you closer to the voice of the Heart - which is said to have the 'quietest whisper' of any of the thoughts you hear in your mind (so if you are hearing shouty or loud thoughts in your head, they might not necessarily be the deepest!)
Connecting with the Heart brings you into direct contact with your Soul level intelligence, as it's in your Heart that you feel the things that are unique to you. Time to stop staggering around in the dark and hear your internal voice giving you guidance!
Yoga and Meditation with me in Lisbon! More at and also
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Your Heart has it's own intelligence which feeds back to you - in the moment - your direct experience of life and whether it feels fulfilling to you!
More from wellness expert Richard's blog at


Really looking forward to giving a talk tomorrow at Feng Shui Intuitivo - 1º Seminário Internacional about the 5 Elements and the Body-Mind connection explaining how different organs in the body effect how we think and feel (so look after them - keep them stress free!)
I'll also be explaining how these organs also link to different areas of our life to give the full flow of the lifestyle-body- mind connection! Huge thanks to Joao Carlos Borges & Maria Gillott at Escola Nacio...nal de Feng Shui!
If you are interested in finding out more about the body-mind connection also check out these blogs: s-of-your-mind/ ding-mind-works/
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Yoga and meditation practice facilitates the alchemical fusion of the Yin and Yang aspects of our being – the conscious fusion of mind and body. These forces often become separated, but when bought together with awareness it has an immense energetic, creative potency. The fusion of Yin and Yang is the creative cauldron where new life begins!
Richard teaches yoga, meditation and offers acupuncture in Lisbon
Mondays: (from 6/5) Mindfulness, Meditation & Deep Relaxation at Inti ...Sana 6.30pm 415784
Wednesdays: Dru Yoga at Estúdio Mariposa 7.45pm: 0464857
More info at Over to you! consciousness-fus…/
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A modern urban corporate working environment can be a nightmare for the subtle physiology of the body, and equally, in turn, your mind, emotions and lifestyle. Here we look at some of the challenges, and how workplace wellness practices like yoga and mindfulness can help! More from my wellness blog at kplace-wellness-be…


I occasionally get what can appear to be downloads of information regarding particular functions of the body-mind, in this case chakras! During meditation I received some information explaining how or why the qualities of each chakra differ depending on the proportionality of ‘Earth energy’ as compared to ‘Soul or Spirit’ energy contained within each chakra.
The greater the density of Earth energy within a chakra (which diminishes from base to crown) influences the tangible ...relationship to form around us, whereas the greater the density of Spirit or Soul essence within each chakra (which diminishes from crown to base) informs the amount of influence our soul or spirit has on that chakra. And it’s the ratio of these two forces contained within each chakra which gives it it’s quality. Not accounting of course for distortions within each chakra which impair its perception – but essentially what I explain below is the balanced ideal.
For a written version of this blog subject, please visit spirit
And if you are in Lisbon and would like to come to my weekly yoga class, check that out! Wednesdays at 7.45pm in Baixa! Lisbon Yoga Social! Dru Yoga, Deep Relaxation + Social, Suit All
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Ola Lisbon peeps! I'm teaching my epic social yoga workshop in Graca on Sunday! If you haven't ever tried this more interactive way of yoga then it's super enlightening!
Often we hide in our shell with yoga (which we need to do sometimes too - and this class also takes you there too!) but don't forget yoga is a metaphor for what happens off your mat in your life, and learning to interact while feeling cool as the proverbial cucumber is super healthy! Time to remove the gap between your 'practice' and what happens in your life! Huge thanks to Rachael McGill Yoga who's space I'm using in Graca! I'm also teaching there again the following Sunday if you can't make it! And every Wednesday in town too, more on that soon! :-)
Over to you!


I've been teaching workshops for a while that fuse together 5 Elements theory with meditation, which gives participants the opportunity to observe their own thought patterns and align them with the various organs and Elements - so basically you start to work out the distinctive voice of each pair of organs or elements in the body as they 'talk' to you.
As a 5 Elements Acupuncture practitioner it struck me that we have a lot of 'external' ways of identifying 5 Element corresp...ondences, such as with Colour, Sound, Odour and Emotion and looking at our behavioural tendencies, but with this it adds another layer of awareness to bear witness to the patterns of your own thoughts as a further correspondence of 5 Element theory.
Getting to know the internal 'voice' of each of your own elements allows you to become conscious internally of Elements in distress, and also, once you get to know the common pattern of your thoughts, to then also understand if imbalances are being exacerbated and created by what you are engaging with outside of yourself - as the Elements also correspond to areas of your life, or if that is the default pattern of your thoughts.
For example, if you know, through self observation, that the default inner 'voice' of your Earth Element is to worry and feel insecure, you know that this is likely to be with you whatever 'external' life situation you engage with, so the healing emphasis can be on therapies to help support this part of yourself.
However, if you know through, through self observation that the default voice of your Earth element is one of security, and then you find yourself in a period of worry you can then track through the environment-body-mind connection what the lifestyle factor is that is creating the discordant thoughts. - Where Do My Thoughts Come From?
If you like this work, you might also enjoy a couple of other similar videos explaining how the patterns of the mind works in relation to Yin and Yang and 5 Element theory at: mind-works/ and your-mind/
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One of my favourite things to do in the whole world! #yoga #sunshine #spirit #creativeyoga


In the spirit of love! And if you are looking to gift your partner a 'different' valentines gift this year, then at Creative Wellness we offer specialist Couples Yoga, with unique partner yoga and connection exercises. It's a super intimate way to try something new and break the mold of how you may normally connect with your partner! It opens your senses, warms the Heart and is basically a lovely thing to do! Private sessions available - please enquire at

More about Richard Brook - Creative Wellness

Richard Brook - Creative Wellness is located at Avenida Fontes Pereira de Melo 29 3º Andar, 1050-117 Lisbon, Portugal
Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 20:00
Friday: 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: 12:00 - 17:00