Robert Callender International Residency For Young Artists

About Robert Callender International Residency For Young Artists

www. rcirya.

Robert Callender International Residency For Young Artists Description

Robert Callender always acknowledged the value for young artists of studio visits during which they could get a sense of how committed artists lived their lives and in the surroundings they created. Over the years countless individuals and groups of young artists have become frequent visitors to Sea Loft. In the last decade many young Japanese artists have also visited, as both artists felt a great affinity with the Japanese people after frequent visits to their country, a country and culture that had a special place in Robert Callender’s heart.

And so in the true spirit of the late Robert Callender’s generosity towards his fellow artists, we are establishing this residency in his name in the studio, offering the following key opportunities for young artists from ECA and Japan at the start of their professional career:

• a summer month to live & work in Sea Loft, an outstanding studio situated on the beautiful Fife coastline and within easy reach of the city

• a further month working in Japan in the cities of Kyoto & Osaka

• the opportunity to exhibit in both Scotland and Japan

• the prospect of working alongside a young artist from a different culture and learn more from them about their culture

• a chance to study first hand the work and tremendous hand-and-eye skills of the late Robert Callender

• the possibility of working in this vibrant international studio which presents opportunities of meeting with a range of professionals including visual artists, authors, anthropologists architects and scientists

• the stimulus and support of dialogue with frequent visitors to Sea Loft

• at the same time, quiet to focus on ideas & work

• the experience of working as a professional artist out of art college and in the world of the arts

• the chance to contribute to the working atmosphere of a well established studio

The Robert Callender International Residency for Young Artists acknowledges vital support from: Elizableth Ogilvie, Sea Loft, The University of Edinburgh | Edinburgh College of Art, and Summerhall (Scotland)

Also from Contemporary Art Space Osaka (CASO), Weissraum Gallery, Clean Brothers, Takya Fujii and Yoshihito Kawabata (Japan).

More about Robert Callender International Residency For Young Artists