Rozina'S Persian Kitchen

About Rozina'S Persian Kitchen

I am Iranian. I would like to produce and introduce traditional Iranian cuisine that is unique to Iran. You can choose and order your Iranian food and we deliver it.

Rozina'S Persian Kitchen Description

Persian meals.



Potato Samosa
Samosa or as we say in Farsi sambose is a fried , boiled or baked pastry with different filling such as vegetables, meat and spices.Nowadays, samosa is a very popular dish in most of countries. In South and East part of my country Iran, samosa is a snack but in old days it was as a main course in Khorasan province( East) of Iran. Preparing this dish is very easy .
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pitta bread (Naan)
Naan is a kind of bread which is very important part of cuisines in the Middle East. In Iran we have different types of bread (Naan) which in my previous posts I have shared several recipes for Persian flat breads naan.
Yesterday I baked these beautiful Pitta breads which is very popular in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisines and resembles to Iranian flatbread ( Taaftun bread naan).... If you want to taste pitta bread, so try this simple -quick dough. This home made pita breads are fluffy, soft, flat, easy to make and easy to eat üôÇ
And equally goes well with variety of kebab, falafel, dip aubergine, burgers and sandwiches… ============ Use the following link to subscribe:
My recipes with step by step photos, are easy to follow. If you like my recipes, share it with your friends, and subscribe to my above mentioned page now, so you do not miss a single recipe. Direct link to the recipe:‚Ķ/‚ Ķ/02/pitta-bread-naan/
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Rice with Dried Fruits ( Shirin Polo)
Shirin polow comes from Azerbaijani cuisine. In this dish, we have dried fruits such as dates, apricots and raisins. It has a gorgeous sweet savoury taste and however it is sweet but is not a dessert . Sweet rice ( shirin polow) is served on its own or served with beef or lamb. It is a simple dish but at the same time like a gem is stunning. You would just surprise with this fruity rice. ===========... Use the following link to subscribe:
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Napoleon cake
Napoleon cake is known worldwide with different names such as: Mille feuille, custard slices, napoleon. In Iran it is called Napoleoni ناپلئونی. This delicious pastry, is made by crispy layers of puff pastry with a rich cream filling and garnishing the top with powdered sugar. ============ Use the following link to subscribe:
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Persian Turmeric Rice (Dampokhtak)
Dampokhtak is traditional Persian steamed rice. It’s made with fried onion, dried yellow fava beans, rice and turmeric.
It’s one of easiest and simplest Iranian rice dishes. Turmeric powder with lovely earthy taste is main spice of this dish.... ============ Use the following link to subscribe:
My recipes with step by step photos, are easy to follow. If you like my recipes, share it with your friends, and subscribe to my above mentioned page now, so you do not miss a single recipe. Direct link to the recipe: …/dampokhtak-%D8%AF%D9%8…/
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Mashed potato wrap
This is one my childhood snack that my mom used to make for us. It was simple and tasty, a combination of spices with fried onion and mashed potato. =========== Use the following link to subscribe:
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Spicy Bread Potato Rolls
These bread potatoes are amazingly delicious. Taste is wonderful, with gorgeous potato shaped and Pretty quick and easy to prepare. ============= Use the following link to subscribe:
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Direct link to the recipe:…/spi cy-bread-potato-rol…/
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Persian Sesame Tahini Halva( Halva Ardeh)
Halva is one of most favourite desserts in the Middle East countries such as Iran, Turkey, Arabic countries around the Persian Gulf, and even in North Africa , East Europe….The halva means sweet and usually most type of halva are dense.
And the Sesame tahini halva ( halva shekari) made from sesame paste and is just piece of heaven in your plate. Soooooo delicious, so rich, with dried -crumbly texture, and fulllllll of taste and garni...shed with pistachio. Oh my God you have to taste it.
Ardakan city in Yazd province in centre of Iran is well known for making high quality Sesame halva.. It’s said, sesame halva was invented around 500 years ago in Iran. One of Iranian kings was looking for a simple -nutritious food which could be easily carried by his soldiers and do not need to be warmed up, therefore, top chefs invented Sesame tahini halva. ============= Use the following link to subscribe:
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Bowl Shaped Kebab
Kebab is one of the most delicious and favourite dishes in Iran. You can grill the kebab or pan fry it or make it in the oven.This recipe is super easy and double super tasty. ============== Use the following link to subscribe:
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Direct link to the recipe:…/10/ 11/bowl-shaped-kebab/
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This is one of my videos for making tahdig. _w


Ash Doogh (Azerbaijani Dovga Soup)
I made Aash-e doogh (dovga aashi) today. Maybe you ask what is Aash? In Iranian cuisine there are two kinds of liquid food. Aash is a thick soup and exactly like soup made with variation of vegetables, or noodles,, stocks and spices. This dish is spelling: Ash, aash, aush, ashe. But soup is a thin and light liquid food, served warm and made by combining vegetables with stock, spices,…
My aash today is called Ash-e doogh in Persian lan...guage and Dovga Ashi or Ayran ashi in Azerbaijani . There are different recipes for this aash, and this is Ardebili version of Ash-e Doogh.
It is a super delicious, healthy nutritious and pleasantly refreshing and tangy yogurt soup that is called Dovgha aashi or yogurt based soup. You can have dovga ashi any time of the year : as a warm aash in the winter time or as a refreshing cold aash in hot summer time.
Yogurt Aash made from plain yogurt and water with, fresh and aromatic herbs such as coriander, parsley, dill, mint, chives directly from grocery and tender cooked chickpeas or white beans. You may have this meal as a starter or as a main course with hot fresh bread. Traditionally it is served in large bowls called ‘ kaaseh’ and in smaller bowls called ‘ peyyaleh’. This beautiful super tasty aash with fresh herbs is popular in Iran, specially in NW of country in ancient city of Ardebil which is located in Azerbaijani part of Iran .
Ardebil is known for it’s trade in honey and carpet. Also, Twenty two sites in Iran are inscribed by the UNESCO on the list of the Worlds Heritage sites. One of them is located in Ardebil. -------------- Use the following link to subscribe:
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Direct link to the recipe:…/ash -doogh-azerbaijani-…/
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Today I made Aash-e doogh (dovga aashi). Maybe you ask what is Aash? In Iranian cuisine there are two kinds of liquid food. Aash is a thick soup and exactly like soup made with variation of vegetables, or noodles,, stocks and spices. This dish is spelling: Ash, aash, aush, ashe. But soup is a thin and light liquid food, served warm and made by combining vegetables with stock, spices,… [ 740 more words ]…/ash -doogh-azerbaijani-…/


Persian herb stew ( Ghormeh sabzi)
Ghormeh sabzi, is one of the most beloved, delicious, aromatic and popular Iranian stew. It is often said Ghormeh sabzi , to be national dish of Iran. The history of Ghormeh sabzi dates back to more than 500 years ago. This stew prepares with diced meat, loads of finely chopped herbs such as Parsley, cilantro, scallion…. This stew is cooked with kidney beans – black eyed beans or pinto beans, black dried limes, and turmeric. Once stew is rea...dy, it served with rice.
The last Saturday of each November recognised as the ‘International Ghormeh sabzi day’ by Iranian expats. Few days ago i posted Azarbaijani ghormeh sabzi and i mentioned differences between Persian and Azarbaijani ghormeh sabzi. But both are sooooo delicious.
Anyway, ghormeh sabzi can be miss for non-Iranians, but it is a kind of stew which some people simply love it and others hate it!! But I plus millions of people love it.üòÑüòÑ ================
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ِ Direct link to the recipe:…/per sian-herb-stew-ghor…/
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Good day everyone üòä today i am going to introduce one of most delicious and easy following recipe for Azerbaijani almond stew or Pichagh Qheymasi.
Ardabil is an Azerbaijani city in Iran and near the Caspian Sea. Almond stew or Pichagh ghemasi is one of local and traditional dishes from Ardabil. Pichagh means knife in Azari language and refers to the silvered almonds. This scrumptious stew made with few ingredients such as lamb or been, onions and spices. It’s not only sati...sfy your hunger but also is a hearty stew.
Pichagh gheymeh serves with fried eggs on top of dish and steamed rice. =============== Use the following link to subscribe:
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Direct link to the recipe:…/aze rbaijani-almond-ste…/
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My cutie Malus.


Yazdi petit meatballs ( Kofteh rizeh Yazdi)
In Iranian cooking ‘ Kofteh’ or ‘ Kofta’ is a kind of meat ball. Kofteh means pounded meat in Persian language. Meat ball or Kofta is made from ground meat such as: mutton, beef, lamb and chicken, along with aromatic fresh or dried herbs, nuts, fruits and eggs.
Kofteh is usually shaped into balls and round but sometimes kofteh is in cigar-shape too. Kofteh , kupta, kofta, kufta …. are in different sizes from giant ones to medium and... petit kofteh.
Some of cities in Iran are well known for their Kofta recipes. Tabriz an ancient city in NW of Iran is known for having Giant Kofteh Tabrizi recipe, that is one of the most famous and popular kofteh in Iran. This dish includes a giant stuffed meat ball made with ground meat, rice, yellow split peas, aromatic herbs and spices. For filing this kofta may use, cooked egg, prunes, fried onions, and sometimes whole chicken !!!
Kofteh Ispfahani, kofteh Shirazi, Kofteh Kermanshahi, Kofteh Yazdi, are other type of Persian meatballs from different cities in Iran such as Isfahan, Shiraz, ......
Kofteh sometimes is stuffed with nuts, eggs or fruits and sometimes are non-stuffed kofta or meat ball .
My today recipe: Petit kofteh might be served with Persian flat bread naan or with rice along with pickles, yogurt and salad.
Today I made Yazdi Kofteh rizeh ( petit kofteh), that takes its name after the Yazd an ancient city in central Iran. Yazd is an ancient city in Iran and is recognised as a world Heritage site by UNESCO. Yazd is well known for its special architecture that its nickname is ‘ wind catcher’ or ‘ Badgir’. Also this city is well known for having its Zoroastrian ancient fire temple, Qantas (under ground water channels to transport water from water well to surface for irrigation and drinking) and Yakhchal ( yakh meaning ice and chaal meaning pit) is an ancient type of evaporative cooler, it used to create ice in the winter and store it in the summer time. ==================== Use the following link to subscribe:
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Direct link to the recipe:…/per sian-petit-meatball…/
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Baslogh is a Persian walnut pastry, a soft starch made with corn starch, zafaran (Saffron), rose water and topped with walnuts. In my childhood we used to get long baslogh with kite string in layers about 30-60 cm and we children wore it like a necklace, bite and eat it üôÇ it was very fun to have a necklace that you can eat üôÇ =============== Use the following link to subscribe:
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Green beans stew with beef
Green beans which are called Lubia sabz in Persian language, is such a great stew full of flavor, taste and colour. It’s made either with fresh or frozen green beans, onions, meat and ............
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Persian Frittata with Herbs (Kookoo Sabzi)
Kookoo (frittata) is a group of Persian meatless (mostly) and sometimes with meat foods that is mixed with eggs. Kookoo is quit easy and quick to make. Kookoo might be something like frittata or herb patties: a mixture of egg with vegetables.
Sabzi means herb in Farsi. In koko sabzi, herbs such as parsley, coriander, chives or spring onions and dill are used. Traditionally kookoo cooked in round shape pans on the gas stove but you ca...n bake them in square shape and in the oven as well :). ============ Use the following link to subscribe:
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Love all her recipes. Can't wait to try them all soon


I tried some of the recipes and was just wonderful. Thank you ÔøΩÔøΩÔøΩÔøΩ


I tried some of Mojgan's food tonight at a taster night and it was absolutely delicious! I would thoroughly recommend you try some Persian food, And especially if it was cooked by Mojgan!


I shall be trying some of these recipes very soon. They all look lovely xxx


I love the way the food is presented. Also the new ideas and its such inspiring to others. Learning the food cultures i love all of what Rozina presents to us hete and cookpad. Beautiful food.


Fantastic Persian cooking, always loaded with amazing flavours!


Fabulous , love Persian food ! Fresh, healthy herbs and spices and the desserts are to die for !!

More about Rozina'S Persian Kitchen

Rozina'S Persian Kitchen is located at Ayr