Ryan Gutteridge Pt

About Ryan Gutteridge Pt

PT at Redcar & Eston Leisure Centres.
Can help towards your goals whether it is:
- Muscle building
- Weight Loss
- General Shaping
Contact me at 07415210780



The conceptually driven individuals are often overlooked by the emotionally driven ‘more is better’ type of people. ‘No matter how much i try, if i persevere and train for hours a day, eventually i will succeed.’ Don’t get me wrong more money is better, and more parmo on a saturday night is certainly more appealing. But sadly ‘more is better’ and exercise science is a bit like fireworks and alcohol. They do not mix....
Every Human Being posesses a ‘limited’ recovery ability. ...The greater the stress on a muscle the deeper the inroad and the longer it takes to recover. The laws of nature, ‘a persons genetics,’ will determine how frequent you should train and how much rest is required to repair and grow larger, stronger muscles. After all the workout its self is merely a stimulus. However if you are consuming hellish amounts of PED’s. (Performance Enhancing Drugs) Or you are one of a lucky few. Your recovery ability will be far better than the average gym goer. Meaning they can get away with slogging it out in the gym mindlessly and still make meaningful progress.
There are two ends of the spectrum here. One who is a midget of recovery ability and struggles to recruit muscle mass. And the other a genetic freak who gains muscle by setting eye on a pair of dumbbells. A bit like those who burn really easy when exposed to intense sun light. And those who tan magnificently well.
The only real way of determining the correct training frequency for yourself is getting yourself a progress chart. And seeing if your strength gains are progressive. Nobody should tolerate a session without meaningful progress, i certainly won’t.
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In order to achieve a goal, in this instance a greater increase of muscle size and strength, training must include an extreme degree of anerobic stress.
The fundamentals that must be considered are VOLUME, FREQUENCY, RECOVERY and INTENSITY. There is a relationship between all these and the main one being is that Volume, Frequency and Recovery are all functions of Intensity.
In other words the most important thing about your workout is the Intensity of it. Only when this fun...damental and its application is taken place can we then consider what volume, frequency and recovery is required to make an adaptive responce.
Intensity is defined as a percentage of possible momentary muscle effort being used. It can be used on a scale. 0 reps completed being complete rest. 1 rep, 5 reps, and so on until you reach the last rep. E.g 9 reps taken to concentric failure. (Or however many reps it takes) It is possible to go beyond this with ecentric movement and advanced techniques to put a greater stress on the muscle.
As the intensity of your workouts increase, so does the growth stimulation. However, the stress from which the body must recover is also increased.
The concept ‘more is better’ does have a link to certain things. More money is better. But putting this concept towards exercise science is hardly smart. It’s in fact foolish. If this was the case then it would be the individuals who spent the most time in the gym were in the best shape. (Which clearly isn’t true just look around you.)
Thanks for reading. I hope i didnt waste your time 😂💪
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If you approach your sesions with an ‘I should’ or an ‘I must’ attitude then your sessions will most likely be an unproductive affair, and you will most probably find it hard to maintain the level of drive and motivation to achieve a goal. By reminding yourself of the motivation behind your persuit (Better shape, Increased fitness/strength) you can create an ‘I want to’ attitude and you will become convinced by the value of achieving your goal. With this attitude you will find yourself approaching your workouts with a far better attitude and a ferocious intensity and an ‘I love to’ mind set. #EAPT


I used to think the phrase ‘you are what you eat’ was a bit bizarre but its actually not far from the truth at all. You eat to much food, no matter how good your training or how long you train with blood sweat and tears, you’ll become fat. That is the harsh reality im afraid. Body fat reduction is in matter of fact 90% down to your diet. (How many calories you consume on a daily basis.) Even the top pros find it difficult to just guess how much they’re eating. So download an app, My Fitness Pal is quite popular at the moment, and record what you’re throwing down your snouts. Do some exercise, preferably some resistance training to accumulate or retain muscle fibres instead of jumping up and down on a bosu ball and watch your body change shape. Good luck guys!


Some people may be confused on the nutrition side of things so im just going to go through some things that may help towards your goals.
Determine your daily protein requirements. (Usually around 1.5 - 2 grams per kilogram of bodyweight) Unless you’re in a calorie defecit then it may be less. Muscle magazines/articles will no doubt tell you to have 300g of protein because they want people to buy their products. Proteins that include amino acids should be priority. Eggs and me...ats etc. Some protein powders such as Whey will help add additional quality proteins. And also help you meet your calorie/protein targets if time isn’t on your side. (Quick and practical, not assential.) Proteins work best when accompanied by complex carbohydrates.
Consume high fibre foods such as fruit and veg, nuts, beans, oats, breads and grains which helps with the reduction of cholesterol and also makes fat less likely to be absorbed in your body.
Try and split your meals up into 4-5 a day. This unsures full utilization of all the required nutrients. The 1-2-3 rule will help with this. 1 part of your calories from fat, 2 parts from protein and 3 parts from complex carbohydrates. (Wholegrain pastas/rice/bread potatos and veg.) Fats should not take up anymore than 15% of your diet.
Zig zagging your calories is not a bad way to go about fat loss. Eg.. 2 days 1800 calories, 2 days 1400 calories. This will allow you to burn fat without slowing down your metabolism.
No fad diets are sustainable, the right balance is key.
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Monday motivation.. 3kg lost in 6 weeks and counting. It can be done. Give yourself a goal and just go for it. Ps craving a big greasy parmo 😩


Completing tasks in the gym your body is already capable of will do nothing bad for you but also nothing good. You’ve got to tell your body to adjust by making your next workout more intense than the previous one. Anything you can do to make your training more difficult is a step in the right direction.
It’s like trying to knock down a wall with a sledgehammer using little force or a force that the wall is already capable of withstanding. You have to put force into it to break down the wall or nothing will change. If you think you’re already training hard then try training even harder!


You must understand that your workout is merely a trigger that sets the bodys growth mechanism into motion. It is the body its self that produces the growth but only during a sufficient rest period. #EAPT


Row with proper form. It isn’t a cardio rowing machine so no need to swing the thing backwards and forwards until you pull your spine out. Momentum is an outer force and should not be used in weight training. Well in very small cases. Keep your body upright and lean into it slighly. #EAPT


PT sessions available at Redcar & Eston Leisure Centres for members and non members.
30 mins - £15... 1 hour - £25 5 x 30 mins - £71.35 5 x 1 hour - £118.75 10 x 30 mins - £135 10 x 1 hour -£225
30 mins - £20 1 hour - £30 5 x 30 mins - £96.35 5 x 1 hour - £143.75 10 x 30 mins - £185 10 x 1 hour - £275
Inbox me or text 07415 210780
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When doing Skullcrushes it is always better to start with your arms further back instead of straight out infront to get a better contraction. There is not much tension on your triceps when you lock your elbows out. Try it to make this tricep exercise more difficult. #EAPT


Here’s a good fat burning exercise you can do at home. Give it a try 😁


I’m going to go through some of the myths and lies within the fitness industry that magazines and so called experts force feed people with.
- ‘Doing abs crunches, leg raises, twists etc will burn fat off your stomach.’
... 90% of fat loss is related to dieting alone. If you’re not in a calorie defecit, you will simply not lose weight. You can not turn fat into muscle. They are seperate things. So if there is fat on top of your abs, you will not be able to see them no matter how many crunches you do before bed time.
- ‘You have to train explosive to get stronger.’
Getting stronger is about recruiting muscle fibre with intense training and progressive overload. Using momentum and fast jerking will only lead to injurys. Leave your ego at the door, train sensibly and smart to maximise your results.
- ‘Training with different angles and grips will help shape your muscles better.’
An individuals genetics will determine their shape and physique. For example you cant concentrate on building your inner chest by pushing a plate out infront of you with both hands. You can only get your muscle to become bigger and stronger.
- ‘Do higher reps to burn more fat.’
Resistance training is not aerobics. It is basic. If you want to burn fat, cut down your calories, eat sensibly and do a little bit of cardio if you like walking/running. (Cardio may help a little but not as much as most make out.)
- ‘You have to do a lat pulldown with a wide grip for a wide back.’
A closer grip is more beneficial because there is a greater range of motion available. The greater the movement, the greater the exercise. This will stimulate more muscle fibres to grow.
- ‘Carbohydrates make you fat so stop eating pasta’
Carbohydrates are a crucial macro-nutrient just as Protein and Fat is. They should take up roughly 60% of your diet to make up a balanced diet. There are good carbs (Pasta, Rice, Potato etc) and bad carbs (Chocolate cake, chips and so on..) Look at calories consumed instead of demonising certain foods.
I hope this helps you sleep better.
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More about Ryan Gutteridge Pt

Ryan Gutteridge Pt is located at Ridley Street & Normanby Road, TS10 1TD & TS6 9AE Redcar