
Monday: 09:00 - 18:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:30
Friday: 09:00 - 18:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Samsara

Samsara was born from a dream with the aim to change the concept of massage, trying to unite the physical relaxation with the relaxation of the mind.

Samsara Description

Samsara was born from a dream with the aim of helping people by changing the concept of massage, trying to unite the physical relaxation with the relaxation of the mind.

The main target of the treatment is to achieve a complete, deep relaxation, which can compare to the one achieved through a long meditation and which is often described as a feeling of “standing on a cloud with your bare feet”.

It is not easy for all of us to keep our balance in a world which is constantly pushing us to be in a continuous state of stress and anxiety, which prevents us from enjoying our daily life.

Science has proven that keeping high levels of stress in our bodies for a long period of time can reduce physical and mental wellbeing. In order to reduce the stress and anxiety in our daily life, I have developed a technique integrating 5 different kinds of massage (Swedish massage, relaxing massage, chiromassage, podal reflexology and Indian head massage), including as well my knowledge of Reiki and channelling, blending these techniques into a 90 minute full body massage. During this 90 minute session I try to lead the person to a disconnection of the body and mind so the natural healing processes which had been damaged by stress and anxiety can be activated. This technique has now been tried on more than 100 patients who have reported to have achieved very good results.

If you wish to book an appointment please get in touch by private message or on my email and I will be delighted to help you.

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Samsara nació de un sueño con el objetivo de ayudar a la gente cambiando el concepto de masaje, intentando unir la relajación del cuerpo con la de la mente.

El objetivo principal del tratamiento es alcanzar una relajación completa y profunda que se puede comparar con la que se alcanza durante una larga meditación y que muy a menudo se describe como una sensación de estar “pisando nubes”.

No es fácil mantenernos en equilibrio en un mundo que nos empuja a un estado de estrés y ansiedad continuo, el cual nos impide disfrutar de nuestra vida diaria con plenitud.

La ciencia ha demostrado que mantener unos altos niveles de estrés durante un largo período de tiempo puede reducir considerablemente nuestro bienestar físico y mental. Para ayudar a reducir el estrés y la ansiedad de la vida diaria, he desarrollado una técnica que integra cinco tipos de masaje (sueco, relajante, quiromasaje, reflexología podal y masaje hindú de cabeza), incluyendo también mis conocimientos de canalización y Reiki, empleando estas técnicas en un masaje de cuerpo entero de 90 minutos. Durante esta sesión de 90 minutos intento guiar a la persona hacia una desconexión de cuerpo y mente que permiten que los procesos de sanación naturales que habían quedado dañados por el estrés y la ansiedad se reactiven. Esta técnica ha sido probada en más de 100 pacientes que han alcanzado muy buenos resultados.

Si deseas pedir cita, por favor ponte en contacto conmino por mensaje privado o en mi correo electrónico y estaré encantado de ayudarte.




Buenos días familia.
Estoy en busca y captura de seis intrépidos voluntarios jejeje.
Tras mucho, mucho estudiar y un genial curso, por fin he completado el diploma para poder utilizar las tecnologías de cavitación y radiofrecuencia, y para terminar mi curso necesito hacer seis tratamientos de diferentes partes del cuerpo, para para ser exactos:... • 2x Abdomen (barriguita) • 1x Piernas (para la celulitis) • 1x brazos (para cuando te cuelga un poco de chicha) • 2x Cara y cuello (antiarrugas y para la papada).
Pero claro, te preguntarás ¿y qué es esto de Cavitación y Radiofrecuencia?
La cavitación y radiofrecuencia son unas técnicas no quirúrgicas para eliminar la grasa localizada mediante el uso de ultrasonidos de baja frecuencia, que se aplican sobre la zona donde se concentra la grasa para disolver las células adiposas desde su interior. Posteriormente, la grasa se elimina con la orina o a través del sistema linfático. Esta técnica se utiliza para eliminar la piel de naranja y la piel de colchón devolviendo el aspecto normal a la piel de las zonas tratadas, al tiempo que mejora la circulación, se eliminan toxinas, reafirma la piel y aumenta el tono y la elasticidad de los tejidos. También estimula la formación de nuevo colágeno y elastina en capas internas, reestructurando el tejido subcutáneo y dotándolo de firmeza, lo que se traduce externamente en una piel más firme.
Así que, si estás interesad@, no dudes en ponerte en contacto conmigo para organizar las sesiones. Yo tengo seis semanas para terminar mis informes, así que he de hacerlo a la mayor brevedad.
Un abrazo inmenso y ante todo gracias por todo vuestro apoyo.
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Good morning family.
I am searching for 6 intrepid volunteers!
After a lot of studying and research and an amazing course, I have finally completed a diploma which allows me to use the cavitation and radiofrecuency technologies. To obtain my diploma, I will need to complete six case studies on six different treatments, including:... • 2x Abdomen (belly) • 1x Legs (to treat cellulite) • 1x Arms (to treat hanging soin) • 2x Face and double chin (for lines and to melt the double chin away).
But surely you will be wondering: ¿What are cavitation and radiofrecuency?
Cavitation and radiofrecuency are non surgical techniques to eliminate fat and tighten the skin by using low frequency ultrasound. These are applied over the areas with high fat concentration to dissolve fat cells from the inside out. After the treatment, the fat is eliminated through urine or the lymphatic system. These techniques eliminate fat and cellulite, restoring the normal appearance of the skin in the treated areas, improving blood circulation, eliminating toxins and tightening the skin by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin and restructuring the skin tissue.
If you are interested, please get in touch so we can organise a session for you, which I aim to complete by six weeks in order to write the reports for my course.
Thank you very much for your support.
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1h 30min massage £30 (Free massage contest)
Good morning family! Nothing better to fight the arrival of cold and darkness than a superb massage that makes you feel on holiday again.
... I come to you one more month to offer my services as masseur, to help you with your muscular problems, pulled muscles, stress, anxiety, not to mention all of the benefits a great massage can bring.
But this month is really special and is full of novelties, as Samsara is increasing its opening hours to operate full time and massages will be available Monday to Friday, morning and afternoon.
I would like to celebrate with you this important moment, which wouldn't have been possible without you, by celebrating a contest to win 3 Samsara gift cards.
To take part in the contest you only need to share this publication and send me a private message with your name. On the 15th October, an innocent hand (my son's) will pull out the names of the three fortunate winners.
Moreover, from now on and starting by popular demand, I will start to diversify my services and offer specialised massages, and we will have a new technique probably every month.
This month's fabulous technique is called full body lymphatic drainage and it's extremely beneficial for our bodies. If you would like some more information on this technique, please do get in touch.
And there's even more! As you know, you can purchase Samsara gift cards for any occasion, and now you can also get them at Indabadeli, the lovely shop where Rosana offers wonderful Spanish products and delicious tapas by the Meadows:
And for anything else, I am always at your disposition, please get in touch!
I wish you have a wonderful day!
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Masaje de hora y media a 30 libras (Concurso para ganar masajes gratis)
¡Buenos días familia! Nada mejor para combatir la llegada de la oscuridad y el frío que darse un súper masaje y sentirse de vacaciones una vez más.
... Vengo de nuevo a vosotros un mes más para ofreceros mis servicios como masajista, para ayudaros con vuestros problemas musculares, contracturas, estrés, ansiedad, así como una larga lista de beneficios que te puede dar un buen masaje.
Pero este mes es muy especial y está lleno de novedades, ya que el horario de Samasara se amplía a negocio a tiempo completo, por lo que estaré a vuestra total disposición de lunes a viernes en horario de mañana y tarde. Por este motivo quiero celebrar con vosotros este importante momento, que sin vosotros no habría sido posible, celebrando un concurso para regalar tres tarjetas de regalo Samsara.
La forma de concursar es muy sencilla: solo debéis compartir esta publicación y mandarme un mensaje con vuestro nombre. El día 15 de octubre una mano inocente (la de mi hijo) sacara el nombre de los tres afortunados.
Y no sólo eso, sino que a partir de ahora por petición popular voy a comenzar a diversificar servicios y a especializar los masajes, por lo que posiblemente cada mes habrá novedades. La de este mes es la incorporación de una fabulosa técnica llamada drenaje linfático de cuerpo completo que es extremadamente beneficiosa para nuestro organismo. Si deseas más información acerca de esta técnica no dudes en ponerte en contacto conmigo.
Pero aún hay más: como ya sabéis podéis comprar tarjetas de regalo de Samsara para regalarlas en las ocasiones más especiales (cumpleaños, aniversarios, o simplemente para hacer un cariño), ahora también las podéis comprar en Indabadeli, la tienda de la fabulosa Rosana especializada en productos españoles y deliciosas tapas que se encuentra en los Meadows:
Para cualquier cosa, siempre a feliz de estar a vuestra disposición, podeis contactar comonigo por aqui, o traves de la pagina oficiual de Samsara
Espero que paséis un día maravilloso.
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This Christmas give relax, give quality, give health. This Christmas give a Samsara gift card. For just £30 you will enjoy a 90-minute 5-star massage, rated as such by more than 70 reviewers.
In one hour and a half we will get to stretch, loosen and relax your whole body to take you to a state of deep relaxation.
... Warning: this massage might be addictive.
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Estas navidades regala relax, regala calidad, regala salud. Estas navidades regala una tarjeta de regalo de Samsara. Por tan sólo 30£ podrá disfrutar de una hora y media de un masaje de cinco estellas, avalado por más de 70 reviews.
El masaje es un masaje de cuerpo completo de una hora y media en el cual conseguiremos estirar, descontracturar y relajar todo tu cuerpo hasta llevarte una relajación absoluta.
... Advertencia: el masaje puede ser adictivo.
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Masaje de hora y media a 30 libras Buenos días familia. Vengo de nuevo a vosotros un mes más para ofreceros mis servicios como masajista, para ayudaros con vuestros problemas musculares, contracturas, estrés, ansiedad, así como una larga lista de beneficios que te puede dar un buen masaje. Además ahora ofrezco horarios de mañana y tarde para vuestra mayor comodidad. Este mes traigo una interesante oferta para vosotros:... La navidad está a la vuelta de la esquina y todos buscamos el mejor regalo, y qué mejor regalo que una experiencia de relax absoluto, avalada por más de 70 reviews de cinco estrellas, con un precio inmejorable. Ahora hasta navidad contáis con un plus añadido: si compras una tarjeta regalo te llevas un descuento de cinco libras para tu próximo masaje. Las tarjetas de regalo están disponibles en papel y vía email. Espero que paséis un gran día, siempre a vuestra disposición.
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Vengo un mes más a vosotros para ofreceros mis servicios como masajista profesional.
... Si tenéis contracturas, molestias musculares, dolores de espalda o cuello, soy lo que estáis buscando, con el añadido de que el masaje que doy esta diseñado para alcanzar una relajación máxima, por que también os puedo ayudar con vuestros problemas de estrés y ansiedad.
Además, este mes trae novedades, ya que se amplía el horario: ahora lunes y viernes también atiendo por las mañanas, por lo que esos días estoy a vuestra entera disposición.
Nada mejor para combatir la llegada de la oscuridad y el frío que darse un súper masaje y sentirse de vacaciones una vez más.
También dispongo de tarjetas de regalo para cumpleaños, aniversarios o simplemente si te apetece regalar algo especial.
Este mes ofrezco precio especial para parejas: cinco libras de descuento. Disponible para dos personas que quieran venir juntas.
Un abrazo inmenso a todos, espero que paséis un gran día.
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What can I say? He is awesome! Apart from being super nice as a person, he gives the best massages ever. I had a tremendous neck problem due to the time I have to spend on the computer and after one session with him, I no longer feel pain. The experience was amazing, I felt very comfortable at all times. He is such a professional, I will definitely repeat in the near future. 100% recommended!


This was one of the best massage I’ve experienced. Excellent professional approach with a lot of knowledge and skills. Perfect atmosphere went together with his magic hands to remove my pain of my muscles from long standing and working with hands all day.

I can highly recommend him! I will come back soon for sure! �� thank you again.


The experience was great, 100% super recommended. He is not only an amazing professional but also a super nice person, careful, attentive with a great passion in his work.


Thanks Miguel for the best massage ever!

He is an amazing professional and a wonderful person. I would recommend his services to anyone and I will definitely become a regular to Samsara :-)


Miguel's sincere intention is to help people -and you can feel it not only during the massage but in his overall approach to a client. His massage was one of the best treatments I've ever had ☺


Miguel is the master of massage- he is a healer! He is professional, respectful, very friendly and welcoming. From the beginning, he makes you feel very comfortable and listens attentively - he has explained in detail what can cause pain or discomfort - very knowledgeable. This full body massage makes you revitalise, full of energy, inner peace...body,mind and energy well connected thanks to his magic hands! A loyal client you have gained today!


Miguel is absolutely excellent in giving massages, not just because he is very skillfull, but also because he has a vast knowledge about the underlying anatomy that affects our muscle constraints/pains etc. He is attentive and whilst still enjoying the massage for every second, he managed to fully remove some nerve and muscle pains that I have been feeling for weeks. I would highly recommend going to Miguel, who is one of the nicest and most talented people I have ever met! Thank you :)


Miguel is absolutely amazing person he have a fantastic energy and he make you to feel completely confident and relax. After the massage I feel like a new person for long time is a therapeutic massage it works perfect for me. Thanks Miguel and see you soon. Hardly recommended �


Miguel is a special person, a person who besides being a good masseuse can heal with his hands. I have never had a massage in which my problems have improved and even disappeared, but with him yes. Now that I'm pregnant, the discomforts of pregnancy are much easier when Miguel has taken care of them. In addition, not only is the massage enjoyable during your visit, but also his company and the good energy he transmits. Undoubtedly, for me Miguel is a 10 as a professional and as a person. I really recommend him :)


Miguel is a great professional, careful, delicate, respectful and attentive. You can tell he loves his job and his main purpose is to help people. He cares about how he did his job and how are you feeling all the time. Moreover he tries all the time to make you feel comfortable and relaxed, making you forget about your rutine and day to day life. A person you can easily connect with and have a good chat too. Simply kind and devoted.


Miguel is a great person! He is extremely friendly and polite but as well as professional. You can tell he has passion for what he does and he loves it so he does it really well! I highly recommend him!


Magic hands. That’s Miguel. He’s such an amazing person but he’s ability to make my whole body feel like an oasis *sigh* pure bliss. He’s not just professional and friendly but he knows what he’s talking about. I loved my entire experience. Repeat customer forever.

Miguel’s services deserve more than 5* truly!

Thank you Miguel.


Just talking and he fascinated me. He spoke about energies. Possitive energies to be happy, to help you in your life, for the mental, emotional and energetic state, and HE is undoubtedly the best of the energies. The way he speaks is very relaxing and that place became in the paradise for the whole hour and a half. I will return, I will return and I will return. :)


Incredible experience, 100% recommended!!! After 3 weeks with problems in my neck and back that caused me a lot of pain I finally begin to feel relieved. Miguel is a great professional, I felt very comfortable at all times and he made me understand what happens to my body and what is causing my discomfort. I have been very impressed with the results, I will repeat for sure !!!!


I've been on my first full body massage ever! It was amazing from the beginning and just looking the way I stand, Miguel started telling me about my problems (places of pain) and even asked me if my arms get asleep 😱, he explains really well what he is going to do and the end result is the best!! For years I'd had a neck problem that (isn't gonna go with one massage) but driving home after the massage, I was amazed of how easy my neck was and by bed time... A full night sleep, really, really recommended him.


I've been a couple of time with the full-body massage and it leaves you brand new, releasing the body from all the tension accumulated through months. Totally recommended and very good value for the money.


Highly recommended!! Miguel is not only very professional and knowledgeable, but also really nice! And the massage was perfect. MAGIC! My neck pain is gone! 5 stars without any doubt :D


Highly recommended to everyone! I was suffering from back pain and after a full body massage I felt so much better. He was great and took special attention to the areas that need more work done. Definitely one of the best massages I ever had! :)


Had a fantastic massage in a very tranquil and relaxing setting. Would highly recommend to try and I will certainly be back.

Many thanks Miguel.


What can I say? He is awesome! Apart from being super nice as a person, he gives the best massages ever. I had a tremendous neck problem due to the time I have to spend on the computer and after one session with him, I no longer feel pain. The experience was amazing, I felt very comfortable at all times. He is such a professional, I will definitely repeat in the near future. 100% recommended!


This was one of the best massage I’ve experienced. Excellent professional approach with a lot of knowledge and skills. Perfect atmosphere went together with his magic hands to remove my pain of my muscles from long standing and working with hands all day.

I can highly recommend him! I will come back soon for sure! �� thank you again.


The experience was great, 100% super recommended. He is not only an amazing professional but also a super nice person, careful, attentive with a great passion in his work.


Thanks Miguel for the best massage ever!

He is an amazing professional and a wonderful person. I would recommend his services to anyone and I will definitely become a regular to Samsara :-)


Miguel's sincere intention is to help people -and you can feel it not only during the massage but in his overall approach to a client. His massage was one of the best treatments I've ever had ☺


Miguel is the master of massage- he is a healer! He is professional, respectful, very friendly and welcoming. From the beginning, he makes you feel very comfortable and listens attentively - he has explained in detail what can cause pain or discomfort - very knowledgeable. This full body massage makes you revitalise, full of energy, inner peace...body,mind and energy well connected thanks to his magic hands! A loyal client you have gained today!


Miguel is absolutely excellent in giving massages, not just because he is very skillfull, but also because he has a vast knowledge about the underlying anatomy that affects our muscle constraints/pains etc. He is attentive and whilst still enjoying the massage for every second, he managed to fully remove some nerve and muscle pains that I have been feeling for weeks. I would highly recommend going to Miguel, who is one of the nicest and most talented people I have ever met! Thank you :)


Miguel is absolutely amazing person he have a fantastic energy and he make you to feel completely confident and relax. After the massage I feel like a new person for long time is a therapeutic massage it works perfect for me. Thanks Miguel and see you soon. Hardly recommended �


Miguel is a special person, a person who besides being a good masseuse can heal with his hands. I have never had a massage in which my problems have improved and even disappeared, but with him yes. Now that I'm pregnant, the discomforts of pregnancy are much easier when Miguel has taken care of them. In addition, not only is the massage enjoyable during your visit, but also his company and the good energy he transmits. Undoubtedly, for me Miguel is a 10 as a professional and as a person. I really recommend him :)


Miguel is a great professional, careful, delicate, respectful and attentive. You can tell he loves his job and his main purpose is to help people. He cares about how he did his job and how are you feeling all the time. Moreover he tries all the time to make you feel comfortable and relaxed, making you forget about your rutine and day to day life. A person you can easily connect with and have a good chat too. Simply kind and devoted.


Miguel is a great person! He is extremely friendly and polite but as well as professional. You can tell he has passion for what he does and he loves it so he does it really well! I highly recommend him!


Magic hands. That’s Miguel. He’s such an amazing person but he’s ability to make my whole body feel like an oasis *sigh* pure bliss. He’s not just professional and friendly but he knows what he’s talking about. I loved my entire experience. Repeat customer forever.

Miguel’s services deserve more than 5* truly!

Thank you Miguel.


Just talking and he fascinated me. He spoke about energies. Possitive energies to be happy, to help you in your life, for the mental, emotional and energetic state, and HE is undoubtedly the best of the energies. The way he speaks is very relaxing and that place became in the paradise for the whole hour and a half. I will return, I will return and I will return. :)


Incredible experience, 100% recommended!!! After 3 weeks with problems in my neck and back that caused me a lot of pain I finally begin to feel relieved. Miguel is a great professional, I felt very comfortable at all times and he made me understand what happens to my body and what is causing my discomfort. I have been very impressed with the results, I will repeat for sure !!!!


I've been on my first full body massage ever! It was amazing from the beginning and just looking the way I stand, Miguel started telling me about my problems (places of pain) and even asked me if my arms get asleep 😱, he explains really well what he is going to do and the end result is the best!! For years I'd had a neck problem that (isn't gonna go with one massage) but driving home after the massage, I was amazed of how easy my neck was and by bed time... A full night sleep, really, really recommended him.


I've been a couple of time with the full-body massage and it leaves you brand new, releasing the body from all the tension accumulated through months. Totally recommended and very good value for the money.


Highly recommended!! Miguel is not only very professional and knowledgeable, but also really nice! And the massage was perfect. MAGIC! My neck pain is gone! 5 stars without any doubt :D


Highly recommended to everyone! I was suffering from back pain and after a full body massage I felt so much better. He was great and took special attention to the areas that need more work done. Definitely one of the best massages I ever had! :)


Had a fantastic massage in a very tranquil and relaxing setting. Would highly recommend to try and I will certainly be back.

Many thanks Miguel.


What can I say? He is awesome! Apart from being super nice as a person, he gives the best massages ever. I had a tremendous neck problem due to the time I have to spend on the computer and after one session with him, I no longer feel pain. The experience was amazing, I felt very comfortable at all times. He is such a professional, I will definitely repeat in the near future. 100% recommended!


This was one of the best massage I’ve experienced. Excellent professional approach with a lot of knowledge and skills. Perfect atmosphere went together with his magic hands to remove my pain of my muscles from long standing and working with hands all day.

I can highly recommend him! I will come back soon for sure! �� thank you again.


The experience was great, 100% super recommended. He is not only an amazing professional but also a super nice person, careful, attentive with a great passion in his work.


Thanks Miguel for the best massage ever!

He is an amazing professional and a wonderful person. I would recommend his services to anyone and I will definitely become a regular to Samsara :-)


Miguel's sincere intention is to help people -and you can feel it not only during the massage but in his overall approach to a client. His massage was one of the best treatments I've ever had ☺


Miguel is the master of massage- he is a healer! He is professional, respectful, very friendly and welcoming. From the beginning, he makes you feel very comfortable and listens attentively - he has explained in detail what can cause pain or discomfort - very knowledgeable. This full body massage makes you revitalise, full of energy, inner peace...body,mind and energy well connected thanks to his magic hands! A loyal client you have gained today!


Miguel is absolutely excellent in giving massages, not just because he is very skillfull, but also because he has a vast knowledge about the underlying anatomy that affects our muscle constraints/pains etc. He is attentive and whilst still enjoying the massage for every second, he managed to fully remove some nerve and muscle pains that I have been feeling for weeks. I would highly recommend going to Miguel, who is one of the nicest and most talented people I have ever met! Thank you :)


Miguel is absolutely amazing person he have a fantastic energy and he make you to feel completely confident and relax. After the massage I feel like a new person for long time is a therapeutic massage it works perfect for me. Thanks Miguel and see you soon. Hardly recommended �


Miguel is a special person, a person who besides being a good masseuse can heal with his hands. I have never had a massage in which my problems have improved and even disappeared, but with him yes. Now that I'm pregnant, the discomforts of pregnancy are much easier when Miguel has taken care of them. In addition, not only is the massage enjoyable during your visit, but also his company and the good energy he transmits. Undoubtedly, for me Miguel is a 10 as a professional and as a person. I really recommend him :)


Miguel is a great professional, careful, delicate, respectful and attentive. You can tell he loves his job and his main purpose is to help people. He cares about how he did his job and how are you feeling all the time. Moreover he tries all the time to make you feel comfortable and relaxed, making you forget about your rutine and day to day life. A person you can easily connect with and have a good chat too. Simply kind and devoted.


Miguel is a great person! He is extremely friendly and polite but as well as professional. You can tell he has passion for what he does and he loves it so he does it really well! I highly recommend him!


Magic hands. That’s Miguel. He’s such an amazing person but he’s ability to make my whole body feel like an oasis *sigh* pure bliss. He’s not just professional and friendly but he knows what he’s talking about. I loved my entire experience. Repeat customer forever.

Miguel’s services deserve more than 5* truly!

Thank you Miguel.


Just talking and he fascinated me. He spoke about energies. Possitive energies to be happy, to help you in your life, for the mental, emotional and energetic state, and HE is undoubtedly the best of the energies. The way he speaks is very relaxing and that place became in the paradise for the whole hour and a half. I will return, I will return and I will return. :)


Incredible experience, 100% recommended!!! After 3 weeks with problems in my neck and back that caused me a lot of pain I finally begin to feel relieved. Miguel is a great professional, I felt very comfortable at all times and he made me understand what happens to my body and what is causing my discomfort. I have been very impressed with the results, I will repeat for sure !!!!


I've been on my first full body massage ever! It was amazing from the beginning and just looking the way I stand, Miguel started telling me about my problems (places of pain) and even asked me if my arms get asleep 😱, he explains really well what he is going to do and the end result is the best!! For years I'd had a neck problem that (isn't gonna go with one massage) but driving home after the massage, I was amazed of how easy my neck was and by bed time... A full night sleep, really, really recommended him.


I've been a couple of time with the full-body massage and it leaves you brand new, releasing the body from all the tension accumulated through months. Totally recommended and very good value for the money.


Highly recommended!! Miguel is not only very professional and knowledgeable, but also really nice! And the massage was perfect. MAGIC! My neck pain is gone! 5 stars without any doubt :D


Highly recommended to everyone! I was suffering from back pain and after a full body massage I felt so much better. He was great and took special attention to the areas that need more work done. Definitely one of the best massages I ever had! :)


Had a fantastic massage in a very tranquil and relaxing setting. Would highly recommend to try and I will certainly be back.

Many thanks Miguel.

More about Samsara

Samsara is located at Craigmillar, EH16 4BR Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 18:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:30
Friday: 09:00 - 18:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -