Sasha Smith

Monday: 07:30 - 18:00
Tuesday: 07:30 - 18:00
Wednesday: 07:30 - 18:00
Thursday: 07:30 - 18:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Sasha Smith

Dog Behaviour Practitioner specialising in Ex street dogs, fearful and reactive dogs.

Canine Coaching focusing on relationship building and problem solving between owner and dog.

Training & Coaching



Something I bang on a lot about is relationship building with our dogs.
It’s something that in the beginning I don’t think I really realised what people meant when they said they really knew and understood their dogs.
Let’s be realistic here for a minute we all have crazy busy lives.
... Some of us have children and all of the commitments that come with that.
Some of us work really long hours.
Some of us have work deadlines looming over our head. Some of us have too many things going on at the once.
It could be any number of these things plus a million other things.
When you come home from work after a shitty day at the office and you have dinner to cook and a million and one chores the last thing you need is someone showing up on your newsfeed telling you that you need to build on your relationship with your dog.
But bare with me…
Some of the very BEST training sessions I have had with my dogs have been in under 3 minutes.
In the past I used to set out for a mammoth training session with one of my dogs and we would head out and practice what we had been working on.
Now however with life being busier than ever before I grab a few minutes with each dog to polish up on one behaviour at a time.
The results speak for themselves, not only have I been able to bring on my own dog’s learning. I really feel we have a much better understanding of each other than ever before.
So by doing SHORTER training sessions more frequently not only are my dogs able to enjoy the sessions without it becoming boring, they are able to retain the information better for next time which in turn makes me a happy trainer which reflects so much in how excited my young dogs are too work.
I wish I had realised this years ago and I think back to the long boring sessions my poor older dogs had to do. However, every trainer is continually evolving. I would love to share with you some of the short training sessions I do at home, so you can do the same with your dog.
Come Join us over in my training group, where we can build and further our relationships with our dogs together. Only join if you truly care about learning and developing your dogs relationship through realistic and fun training sessions. We don’t do any negativity. Life is too short for that.
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Thursday gang doing advanced "go find" #glenmoordaycareboardingtraining #cockerpoosofinstagram #jrtofinstagram #romanianrescuedog #scentseek #dogsofdaycare


I really want to tell you about an exciting moment I had with one of the dogs that I train.
She is a very bright but anxious Doberman who has and still does struggle with reactivity.
Her owners are fantastic and have put so much time and effort into this girl and it makes me really proud to be a part of their Journey.
... Mostly they have been focusing on her reactivity as it was fundamental to get that under control and they have done an amazing job at not only management but being able to progress her training.
Its not been an easy process that’s for sure, its involved months and months of hard work and dedication and a whole team of people coming together to help this dog.
Many owners would have given up and I know for a fact there has been many moments of doubt.
Here we are with a young dog who could have easily ended up in the wrong hands but has proved herself to be loving, fun, obedient and a bit nuts.
I play a small part in her Journey she comes to me a few times a week for Training and Socialisation after all she has grown up with my dogs and they are some of the few she finds ‘safe’ Each week I try and build on one of her skills but recently we have been hitting a bit of a block.
Being a Doberman, she LOVES to play tug and I mean really loves it.
It’s up there with being able to chase as one of the top things she loves to do.
The problem was though she would get so into playing tug that she would forget to let go and get herself a bit stuck.
Almost like when Collie get stuck in herd mode she would get stuck in her game of tug.
She just didn’t know how to let go…
We tried all the usual things.
Swapping for food….Nope
Swapping got another toy….Nope
Swapping for another of the exact same toy…Nope
We tried yelping…shouting DROP, DROP, DROP….Not our finest training moments but we have all been there!
We tried tonnes of things and nothing seemed to be working and it was leaving me a bit stumped.
I had a chance to ask a very knowledgeable lady her thoughts on the subject
And within two sessions I see light at the end of the tunnel. I now have a plan of action that I can share with her owner in to how we take this to the next level.
Not by using force, not by intimidation but by changing up a few rules to the game for our Dobbie girl.
Now she wants to drop the tug in order for us to restart the game.
Sure, it’s early stages and will take a lot of repetitions but no good training happens overnight,
It takes time, dedication and being able to hold your hand up and ask for a bit of help from someone who knows more than you.
Sometimes its just as simple as changing one small thing and it can make a massive difference to your training session. Don’t be afraid to ask! After all you don’t know what you don’t know 😊 Have fun learning.
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We are excited to open up an afternoon for a select few dedicated dog owners who wish to learn more and build on their relationship with their own dog.
In this workshop we will look at each dog as an individual and help you figure out what the key is to helping your dog succeed in life by looking at what motivates your dog the most. Are they food motivated? Toy Motivated? or What about those dogs that don't appear to be motivated by either?
This might be getting that perfect... sit/stay that you have always dreamed of.
It might be gaining a better understanding of dogs body language and behaviour.
Being able to grab and hold your dogs attention for longer than 30 seconds.
Whatever the goal we can help you take the first steps towards that dream with your dog. Nothing is a quick fix but with time and dedication the opportunity's are endless.
This is done through a combination of games and activities that anyone of any skill level can accomplish.
There an opportunity for those of you who wish to take your learning to the next level. You will get access to your own individual learning account where you will have a one hour webinar waiting on you to give you the tools you need ahead of our practical session. This is an optional extra but is highly recommended in order for you to get the best out of the experience.
No more feeling anxious about what might happen in class but a pre planned opportunity for you to learn some new skills and then build on them BEFORE you arrive at the workshop.
We welcome total beginners to dog training or those of you who have a little more experience there is something for everyone to take away and learn from.
There is a select few places on this workshop to enable as much one to one learning opportunities as possible!
Just drop me a message to secure your space now :)
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As an industry we are made to feel that if we aren't working 24/7 we aren't busy enough.
I fell in to that trap for a very long time.
Constantly exhausted, frazzled but feeling like it was all okay as long as the books were full and my clients were happy.
... But really nobody was happy.
Running that full out for 3 years with hardly any breaks or days off and no fun its impossible to keep things going to the standard that was initially set.
The fatigue starts to creep in, the feelings off frustration appeared for what felt like no reason.
I couldn't work out what it was at first.
Not until someone points it out and it hits you slap in the face.
I had lost the whole point of being self employed....
Being self employed doesn't need to mean pleasing everyone when it effects how you are feeling deep down. It doesn't need to mean never switching off or having any fun.
Infact it means the total opposite.
Since meeting this bunch of ladies I have never felt happier within myself or my business. They are 100% supportive no matter what and sometimes its that sort of support that's needed to take a step back and realise how far you have come but also how you can do things better.
For me just now I'm learning to have a day off here and there and not think about work but just be in the moment something that was pretty alien to me for a long time.
That way when I am working I can give 110% like how I used to before everything got a little shitty..
Roll on another day with my fantastic day care and boarding gang as well as my brilliant coaching clients who make me want to do a better job every single day. To continue growing and learning because this is what it should be about.
Cheesy and deep message over ;)
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Just returned after another amazing few days with my training family. A bunch of folks who are open, honest and not afraid to show up for each other even when they are going through their own shit.
A bunch of folks who value themselves enough to do the work even when times are hard because they know they will grow from it and deliver even better results to their clients and sometimes to do that we have to deal to with our own shit first.
There was many tears over the past fe...w days and it's been pretty intense but I've loved every minute of it.
We spent our time learning from two of the best ladies in their fields learning about everything from Scentwork, IPO protection work to self development and being able to show up and be there for our clients in the best possible way.
For us as practitioners to be able to do that we need to know ourselves inside out even when we see things we don't want to see and be aware of how we deal and process our own emotions.
It was so interesting to hear that even people at the absolute top of their game have the same feelings and insecurities as people just starting out.
We are all human we all on some level seek approval, acceptance and love.
Look forward to bringing my new understanding of things to my clients and can't wait until the next time.
One of my colleagues shared this post and it sums up our training family.
Yes we Fuck up, yes we have bad days but we still show up and move on and learn from each experience.
Show others a bit of respect after all we are all just doing the best job we can at life
Happy Sunday Folks 😋
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As I end my day today after another lovely call with one of my coaching clients I realise how lucky I am.
To end my working day chatting to a lady who is as committed to helping her dog as I am to helping her is something pretty special. A client who not only shows up every week but has done the work WITHOUT even being nagged despite barriers in the way at times.
If I could bottle her enthusiasm for learning I would in a second because so many people would benefit from it.
... It makes my day speaking to people like her because I know she is going to get the results with her dog that she so deserves because she is doing the work that most can't be arsed to do.
Couldn't ask for a better way to end the day :)
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At the moment what I am working on with my own dogs is leaving the house as calmly as possible which is a massive weak point for my dogs.
Think a herd of Elephants screaming like 3 year olds at an amusement park. Not fun at all.
You see even dog handlers/behaviourists/trainers/dog walkers etc all have their own training goals with their own dogs.
... Nobody is perfect and we are all working towards having the best relationship possible with our dogs in order to have the least stressful life that we can.
I would love to hear What are you currently working on with your dogs?
What are you struggling with?
What are you having success with?
What are your barriers to getting training done?
Is it Finances/Time/Space/Not sure what to do or where to start?
Drop me a comment below with what is going on for you and your dogs just now.
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Grab a cuppa and let me tell you a story
Often, I share stories of my clients or my dogs and their journeys but not very often do I share personal Stories.
As I was writing to some of my clients this morning and talking about standing up and accepting help and making steps to change their life.
...Continue reading


How to tackle your dog’s seperation distress without going around in circles.
Every week I have the pleasure of chatting to lots of dog owners who have a variety of problems.
Often its about tackling Seperation anxiety and often when I dig really deep down I find that its not just affecting the dog but usually is affecting the owner on a much deeper level.
...Continue reading


Just a small selection of some of the best gang in the world. We are really fortunate to have such a great bunch who join us for daycare every week and also boarding 👌🐶


Interested to hear your thoughts on this subject?


Did you know that Separation Distress is one of the most common issues modern dog owners face?
Did you also know its one of the most common issues why people rehome their pets?
Many of my clients are retired and have waited a very long time to welcome a dog into their family.
... They read all the books and researched breeds.
They looked into breeders and asked 101 questions.
They did everything 'by the book' and followed all of the guidelines people give them.
Many of my clients have worked hard and ran businesses and know the importance of guidelines and attention to detail.
In theory they should have it nailed some might say...
That's not reality because there are so many external factors at play and lets be real life isn't a bed of roses.
Now I know how guilty my clients feel because they tell me and I hear how shit things are for them.
They dreamed of retiring and getting this much longed for companion and going on trips together and being able to holiday where they want because that's what they have worked for and wanted their whole life.
To have hobbies and be able to see friends and family more often. Something that has been hard for them over the years due to their busy schedules.
However in reality..
They are coming home to a dog who has been so distraught at being left for half an hour whilst they went to the shops that that they have chewed the rug and wee'd everywhere. That they daren't even consider leaving for any longer.
It doesn't help that Sheila from number 72 keeps giving them advice because of course her dogs perfect and Sheila can go anywhere she wants and isn't afraid to let them know.
We can all relate to having someone in our life's like that.
Its now gotten to the point that the dog has to go everywhere with them even to the shops. That meeting friends and family for lunch becomes a military operation of calling in dog walkers and neighbours.
Don't even suggest taking the dog on holiday anywhere for fear of them destroying the holiday home the thought alone turns my clients into anxious wrecks.
They feel trapped and lonely.. retirement was not what they had expected infact it was quite the opposite.
They dare not complain to family and friends as they are just met with a wave of negativity. "We told you not to get a dog" "Why tie yourself down after all of these years" "we told you so"
So where does that leave them?
They either have to live with it for the next how ever many years or they can decided to reach out and ask for some help and deal with this problem once and for all.
My clients are action takers..... Are you?
If the answer is Yes you too can find out how my clients have turned there life upside down for the better. To be able to transform their dogs life and in turn transform their own. To be able to finally start to enjoy the things they have waited their whole life for.
What are you waiting for?
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Oh guys look what came up in my Facebook memories.
Our one year birthday video! It's not officially till June but I had to share.
It's lovely to see some of our core members still here a few years later they look sooo young in this video.
... Of course it's always lovely to look back and see pictures of Remus 💕
We still talk about him and think about him every day in so lucky to have some many fab photos and videos to look back on though.
I hope everyone has a fab bank holiday weekend.
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Just a snippet of some of the gorgeous faces I get to spend my week with.
Has anyone got any plans this bank holiday weekend?


Don't forget to Join our Private Facebook Group for all clients for Day care/Boarding/walking and training.
This is where I will be posting pictures and videos of the gang for you to follow.
There is also Live videos coming at you from right out in the field so you can follow on in Real time what we are getting up to on a sunny afternoon!
... Also behind the scenes stuff as well as Q & A will be going up over the next few weeks.
If you don't ask to Join you miss out :)
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Bessie is our latest recruit for boarding. She is enjoying a night away to allow her mum to have some fun.
Isn't she such a cute little dog?


I just have to share this lovely video that's been put together of some of the amazing moment we had together as a group over the weekend. You might be able to spot me if your really observant as I'm so camera shy!


How fab are these photos from our weekend retreat.
A massive Thank you to Daniel Maclachlan for taking them.


Would definitely recommend using Glenmoor Doggy Day Care!

Glenmoor has great space both outside and inside for dogs. The field allows for adventure and plenty of exercise! Sasha and Scott really know their stuff and have a real love for dogs which shows and let's you know your dog is in safe hands!

In regard to my individual experience using Glenmoor for doggy boarding - I couldn't say enough good things!

This was my 6 month old puppy Mac's first time in boarding and as soon as we arrived for our trial visit I was immediately put at ease about leaving him for the first time! Sasha met and welcomed us outside and guided us to the field to let Mac burn off some energy and let him explore the grounds to relax him, Mac also at this point was given the opportunity to socialise with the other dogs at Glenmoor, which he absolutely loved!

When it actually came to Mac staying over for a few nights, I was provided with updates of all his adventures with the other dogs and photos of him having fun outside and lazing around inside which I loved to see!

5 star service from start to finish... Glenmoor will definitely be Mac's holiday home from now on and what a special one it is!

Thanks guys! X


We have just been out for our daily walk and I wanted to let you know, that its all thanks to you that my two girls can socialise with any dogs they come across.I always have them under control on a short lead but I am totally confident that they will socialise well. Thanks Mrs.


Top class service given to your dog's. We have used twice for our dogs and they were well looked after. They were even keen to go back and that is a testimony to the way they get treated.


Thank you Sasha and Scott for looking after Jude this weekend. As it was out first time leaving him it put our minds at ease knowing he was getting well looked after. Loved his daily updates. Would not hesitate at using you again. That's if you would have him back ! Lol. Thanks again x


Sasha puts her heart and soul into this. You can tell she loves the dogs she's looking after and while they're there they're treated as her own ❤️ the fact that she takes up spaces with foster dogs is testament to the fact that this is a business for the dogs over profit. Wouldn't take mine anywhere else!


Sasha and Scott watched my 2 boys for a week. Can't thank them enough for it as I was a bit apprehensive about how they would be.... Had nothing to worry about... Integrated well with all other dogs and got updates every day. � � Best home boarding /day care ever �


Our first time leaving Floyd and I couldn't have left him in a better place... Home from home with all his comforts. Loved and looked after from the minute he arrived just like he would be in his own home... So much so I'm positive he would rather have stayed with Sasha and Scott than come home!! It's a shame this review only lets me rate up to 5 stars, these guys are off the scale in how well they look after your dog. Floyd is lookin forward to his next holiday already � xx


My two fur-babies have just returned from spending 5 days at Glenmoor Doggy Day Care. They're both Romanian street rescues and one, in particular, has some fear issues. Sasha & Scott were great with them, very sensitive to their needs and made them part of the family. I got regular updates which was very reassuring and I could tell they were being their usual cheeky selves. I'll definitely be using Glenmoor again and would highly recommend them.


My puppy Charlie has just came back from an overnight stay with Sasha, Scott & co and I can honestly say he has had an absolute ball!! We have had dogs for 14 years, and have never left them apart from a weekend with my parents, so I was really quite anxious. I really feel that we have so many more options for holidays now. Charlie can't wait to come his holidays with you again next month!! ���


My babies went here and absolutely had a ball, could not recommend enough. I looked up numerous places and was not convinced, My holiday was close to being cancelled. But as soon as i spoke with Sasha, I just knew my boys were in safe hands. I have two border collies, one very sociable and will go anywhere, my other, not so much, he gets very stressed with new places/people. Sasha made sure he was given enough attention to relax him and put him at ease. I was so pleased to hear that when he had had a particularly unsettled night, she took him onto the sofa and slept with him so he could be calm and sleep. My boys will definitely be going back for a visit and my new girl too. We drive all the way from East Renfrewshire to take our dogs to Sasha, well worth the drive.


Loki's first day and it looks like he has had a brilliant day, the dog carers are brilliant and treat the dogs brilliant, would definitely recommend to anyone who need day care for their dog.


Just picked up Floyd after a week away it's the first time I have left him with someone other than family and he had a brilliant time :-) Sasha and Scott sent me loads of updates and pictures I wasn't sure he would want to come home lol I would highly recommend glenmoor doggy day care for anyone leaving there furbaby Floyd is going to miss use :-( and I will definitely be putting Floyd there again first class care and you won't get anyone who loves and cares for your dog more than them :-) thanku very much xx


I take my dog Jake to Glenmoor doggy day care, Jake gets so much out of it and I think it is important that he socialises with other dogs. Sasha is very dedicated and I know Jake will be very well looked after. Jake is only 18 months he is a border collie he can be hard work at times Sasha always has time to fill me in on his day,and will always give me advice if needed.


I have just picked my 2 dogs up after leaving them with Sasha and Scott for 16 nights and i cannot praise them enough!!! Bailey and Honey have been so well looked after and loved like part of their own family, it really has made my holiday Sasha has provided me with daily updates which I loved getting especially with Honey still being a puppy, it was so reassuring to hear how well they were doing. Facebook was also updated with lots of photos and I could see for myself how much fun my pooches were having. Thank you both so much from us all and especially from Bailey and Honey who I'm sure will be counting the days till their next holiday with you both and your lovely dogs. Great job guys


Harvie, Ellie and Ollie are back for a weeks holiday. The care and attention the dogs get from Sasha and Scott is 1st class. They let us know how there doing and it's great to see the pic or videos of them. It's now there home away from home. I can relax knowing there in safe hands. Would definitely recommend


Best help with dillinger I've had definitely helped us so much in understanding our dog and showing us were we were going wrong lol I feel we have came so far in the last couple of months big bog thanks keep it up guys xx


Awesome trainer, dedicated to being the best she can be Xxx


As someone who has never used anyone other than family to care for my dogs, I felt immediately at ease making my decision to leave Daisy, our 6 month old Lab , with Sasha and Scott. Sasha runs her doggy care service with such professionalism and Daisy has just come back from her first overnight there. The home from home environment is perfect for her and she is really relaxed there. Lots of opportunities for exercise and play given and we picked up a very happy puppy this afternoon who had slept and played well. Huge thanks to both Sasha and Scott for making it so much easier for me to leave my girl in their excellent care


Alfie has now spent 2 weeks at Glenmoor. He settled in immediately and leaps into the car every morning knowing where he is going! I don't think he can believe he gets to play with other dogs all day long! Sasha is very professional and is dedicated to looking after the dogs in her care, and always updates me on Alfie's progress. It's great to also see lots of pictures and videos throughout he day. I would highly recommend Glenmoor Doggy Day Care to anyone looking for quality dog care and peace of mind.


Would definitely recommend using Glenmoor Doggy Day Care!

Glenmoor has great space both outside and inside for dogs. The field allows for adventure and plenty of exercise! Sasha and Scott really know their stuff and have a real love for dogs which shows and let's you know your dog is in safe hands!

In regard to my individual experience using Glenmoor for doggy boarding - I couldn't say enough good things!

This was my 6 month old puppy Mac's first time in boarding and as soon as we arrived for our trial visit I was immediately put at ease about leaving him for the first time! Sasha met and welcomed us outside and guided us to the field to let Mac burn off some energy and let him explore the grounds to relax him, Mac also at this point was given the opportunity to socialise with the other dogs at Glenmoor, which he absolutely loved!

When it actually came to Mac staying over for a few nights, I was provided with updates of all his adventures with the other dogs and photos of him having fun outside and lazing around inside which I loved to see!

5 star service from start to finish... Glenmoor will definitely be Mac's holiday home from now on and what a special one it is!

Thanks guys! X


We have just been out for our daily walk and I wanted to let you know, that its all thanks to you that my two girls can socialise with any dogs they come across.I always have them under control on a short lead but I am totally confident that they will socialise well. Thanks Mrs.


Top class service given to your dog's. We have used twice for our dogs and they were well looked after. They were even keen to go back and that is a testimony to the way they get treated.


Thank you Sasha and Scott for looking after Jude this weekend. As it was out first time leaving him it put our minds at ease knowing he was getting well looked after. Loved his daily updates. Would not hesitate at using you again. That's if you would have him back ! Lol. Thanks again x


Sasha puts her heart and soul into this. You can tell she loves the dogs she's looking after and while they're there they're treated as her own ❤️ the fact that she takes up spaces with foster dogs is testament to the fact that this is a business for the dogs over profit. Wouldn't take mine anywhere else!


Sasha and Scott watched my 2 boys for a week. Can't thank them enough for it as I was a bit apprehensive about how they would be.... Had nothing to worry about... Integrated well with all other dogs and got updates every day. � � Best home boarding /day care ever �


Our first time leaving Floyd and I couldn't have left him in a better place... Home from home with all his comforts. Loved and looked after from the minute he arrived just like he would be in his own home... So much so I'm positive he would rather have stayed with Sasha and Scott than come home!! It's a shame this review only lets me rate up to 5 stars, these guys are off the scale in how well they look after your dog. Floyd is lookin forward to his next holiday already � xx


My two fur-babies have just returned from spending 5 days at Glenmoor Doggy Day Care. They're both Romanian street rescues and one, in particular, has some fear issues. Sasha & Scott were great with them, very sensitive to their needs and made them part of the family. I got regular updates which was very reassuring and I could tell they were being their usual cheeky selves. I'll definitely be using Glenmoor again and would highly recommend them.


My puppy Charlie has just came back from an overnight stay with Sasha, Scott & co and I can honestly say he has had an absolute ball!! We have had dogs for 14 years, and have never left them apart from a weekend with my parents, so I was really quite anxious. I really feel that we have so many more options for holidays now. Charlie can't wait to come his holidays with you again next month!! ���


My babies went here and absolutely had a ball, could not recommend enough. I looked up numerous places and was not convinced, My holiday was close to being cancelled. But as soon as i spoke with Sasha, I just knew my boys were in safe hands. I have two border collies, one very sociable and will go anywhere, my other, not so much, he gets very stressed with new places/people. Sasha made sure he was given enough attention to relax him and put him at ease. I was so pleased to hear that when he had had a particularly unsettled night, she took him onto the sofa and slept with him so he could be calm and sleep. My boys will definitely be going back for a visit and my new girl too. We drive all the way from East Renfrewshire to take our dogs to Sasha, well worth the drive.


Loki's first day and it looks like he has had a brilliant day, the dog carers are brilliant and treat the dogs brilliant, would definitely recommend to anyone who need day care for their dog.


Just picked up Floyd after a week away it's the first time I have left him with someone other than family and he had a brilliant time :-) Sasha and Scott sent me loads of updates and pictures I wasn't sure he would want to come home lol I would highly recommend glenmoor doggy day care for anyone leaving there furbaby Floyd is going to miss use :-( and I will definitely be putting Floyd there again first class care and you won't get anyone who loves and cares for your dog more than them :-) thanku very much xx


I take my dog Jake to Glenmoor doggy day care, Jake gets so much out of it and I think it is important that he socialises with other dogs. Sasha is very dedicated and I know Jake will be very well looked after. Jake is only 18 months he is a border collie he can be hard work at times Sasha always has time to fill me in on his day,and will always give me advice if needed.


I have just picked my 2 dogs up after leaving them with Sasha and Scott for 16 nights and i cannot praise them enough!!! Bailey and Honey have been so well looked after and loved like part of their own family, it really has made my holiday Sasha has provided me with daily updates which I loved getting especially with Honey still being a puppy, it was so reassuring to hear how well they were doing. Facebook was also updated with lots of photos and I could see for myself how much fun my pooches were having. Thank you both so much from us all and especially from Bailey and Honey who I'm sure will be counting the days till their next holiday with you both and your lovely dogs. Great job guys


Harvie, Ellie and Ollie are back for a weeks holiday. The care and attention the dogs get from Sasha and Scott is 1st class. They let us know how there doing and it's great to see the pic or videos of them. It's now there home away from home. I can relax knowing there in safe hands. Would definitely recommend


Best help with dillinger I've had definitely helped us so much in understanding our dog and showing us were we were going wrong lol I feel we have came so far in the last couple of months big bog thanks keep it up guys xx


Awesome trainer, dedicated to being the best she can be Xxx


As someone who has never used anyone other than family to care for my dogs, I felt immediately at ease making my decision to leave Daisy, our 6 month old Lab , with Sasha and Scott. Sasha runs her doggy care service with such professionalism and Daisy has just come back from her first overnight there. The home from home environment is perfect for her and she is really relaxed there. Lots of opportunities for exercise and play given and we picked up a very happy puppy this afternoon who had slept and played well. Huge thanks to both Sasha and Scott for making it so much easier for me to leave my girl in their excellent care


Alfie has now spent 2 weeks at Glenmoor. He settled in immediately and leaps into the car every morning knowing where he is going! I don't think he can believe he gets to play with other dogs all day long! Sasha is very professional and is dedicated to looking after the dogs in her care, and always updates me on Alfie's progress. It's great to also see lots of pictures and videos throughout he day. I would highly recommend Glenmoor Doggy Day Care to anyone looking for quality dog care and peace of mind.

More about Sasha Smith

Monday: 07:30 - 18:00
Tuesday: 07:30 - 18:00
Wednesday: 07:30 - 18:00
Thursday: 07:30 - 18:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -