Scotlands Genealogy

About Scotlands Genealogy

Researching and illustrating Scottish ancestry and family history www. Discover your Scottish family tree with a professional ASGRA accredited genealogist based in Edinburgh and the Highlands.

Scotlands Genealogy Description

Hi, welcome to Scotlands Genealogy. I'm Chris Halliday MA(Hons) MSc a professional genealogist based in Edinburgh. If you have Scottish roots and wish to know more about your ancestors and where they lived then please get in contact. I also research the history of buildings and locations your ancestors knew.



A very useful resource from the National Library of Scotland. Read it and learn...and yes it is free :)


Today is the anniversary of the Massacre of Glencoe. The original order is held at the National Library of Scotland.


Yesterday I was at South Queensferry, overlooking the Firth of Forth and the iconic rail and road bridges.
On Friday 18th May 2012, Alex Salmond the First Minister of Scotland unveiled two memorials to the men killed in the construction of the Forth Rail Bridge. Located at either end of the bridge in North and South Queensferry,the cast bronze memorials bear the names, ages and occupations of 73 men,known as 'briggers'. Around the base are the the words:
To the Briggers, past... and present who built, restored and continue to maintain this iconic structure.
Local members of the Queensferry History Group and enthusiasts over seven years trawled through records in archives and newspapers to identify the fatalities.
Construction spanned 1883-1890 and used over 6.5million rivets in the 1.5mile long bridge.
See More


Stop Press!
Christine Woodcock of Genealogy Tours of Scotland has kindly agreed to make the presentations from the webinar on Saturday available for those who missed the chance. There are four presentations, unfortunately the one for maps will not be available. Each presentation has a hand out too, with more information and links.
All or individual presentations can be accessed for a small charge. Only difference is the other presenters won't be available to answer questions. But you can post them here if necessary.


Did you know today was #NationalHandWritingDay? Here's a link to a guide to old Scots handwriting from the National Records of Scotland. Try solving their problem posers !๐Ÿค”๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ณ๓ ฃ๓ ด๓ ฟ


The recent release after 100 years closure of births in 1917, marriages in 1942 and deaths in 1967 to ScotlandsPeople on line site.


Hope to see some of you here in 2019.๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿค—


A snowy Castle Grant today. Ancestral home of the Clan Grant and currently up for sale. Surely thereโ€™s a Grant millionaire out there ?


We now have a discussion group. Please join, ask questions and post your interests.


Update on genealogy cruise round the UK. and Ireland.


I hope to be participating on this new venture in 2019. Maybe see some of you there !


Happy New Year to all our followers. Hope you all have a great 2018 and break down a few genealogy brick walls. This is how I spent my Hogmanay !


Looking for something to do in the New Year? I'll be taking six Family History Classes for beginners at the University of the Highlands and Islands #Inverness from Feb.


The Scottish Virtual Conference will be held online on Sat 27 January 2018 at 8 am Eastern Time. Five speakers giving presentations followed by Q & A. CDN $79.99 I'll be talking about Researching Highland Ancestry.


We've just passed 10,000 Likes and nearly the same for Followers. Many thanks to all of you for the last few years.๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ณ๓ ฃ๓ ด๓ ฟ


Not too late to sign up for this webinar Iโ€™m participating in about searching your Highland Ancestry.


Fountain of information on Scottish heritage.


First of all, I was happy to have found this page and can see that it has tons of valuable information to help me with learning about the country of my ancestors, customs, genealogy helps, etc. I posted a question about Scottish marriage records circa 1830s and Chris commented with an answer within minutes and was very helpful and willing to do so. I will be using this page to help me with ongoing learning and I hope to call upon them in the future, as I can see Chris puts time and quality into this page. Thank you!

More about Scotlands Genealogy

Scotlands Genealogy is located at Edinburgh, United Kingdom
+44 7876 235408