Scott Reilly Personal Training

About Scott Reilly Personal Training

I help people lose fat and transform their body a flexible and sustainable way.

Scott Reilly Personal Training Description

Ex Military Certified Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor & Online Coach Based At Peak Fitness 4U, Airdrie. NON GYM MEMBERS WELCOME! ! ! PM For More Details, Open To Both Male & Female, Currently Offering:

✔ 121 Personal Training
✔ Group Personal Training
✔ Group Fitness Classes (COMING SOON)
✔ Online Transformation Programmes
✔ Online Training /Nutrition Programmes

Sport, Health & Fitness Is My Passion. My Goal In The Fitness World Is Help Others Create A Healthier Lifestyle By Building An Individuals Knowledge & To Help Them Achieve The Goals They Want To Achieve. Whether Your Goal Is To Lose Fat, Gain Muscle /Strength or Tone Up My Number 1 Priority Is To Dedicate As Much Time As Possible To Help You "BE THE BEST YOU" And To Live A Heathy Sustainable Lifestyle.



6 WEEK RESULTS!! Huge shoutout to my online client Mark who has achieved these amazing results as part of his online coaching plan with me.
Mark’s main goal was to lose fat as well as getting on track with a structured plan that he could incorporate into his lifestyle.
After just a short 6 weeks Mark has lost 9 pounds of fat whilst making some awesome changes to his body composition.
... Mark follows a high protein flexible nutrition plan which gives him plenty of flexibility with his food choices and doesn’t involve any restrictions
Training wise Mark is following a goal specific plan which involves 3 weight training sessions per week but most importantly a plan he enjoys doing and can sustain long term.
Mark is consistent, patient, determined, sticks to the plan, check in weekly with myself and has just absolutely smashed it.
Great work Mark, super proud of buddy and you should be well chuffed with your results.
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Huge shoutout to my online client John who has achieved these AMAZING results so far since starting his online coaching plan with me.
Johns initial goal was to lose fat and after successfully achieving this we are now focusing on building muscle whilst keeping body-fat low to give John that body shape he wants.
With the correct nutrition and training in place John is consistent, trusts his plan, checks in weekly with myself and is determined to achieve his goal.
... Most importantly and as I always preach John has achieved these EPIC results whilst still having the flexibility to do the things he loves as his plan isn’t over-restrictive.
Super proud of this man, these results are well deserved and I can’t wait for what’s to come over the coming weeks, great effort John!
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3 WEEK RESULTS!! Check out these AMAZING results in just 3 weeks from my online client Michaela.
Michaela’s main goal was to lose fat as well as getting on track with a plan that she could incorporate into her lifestyle whilst getting results.
Since starting her online coaching plan with me Michaela has lost 10 POUNDS whilst making some amazing changes to her body shape.
... Nutrition wise, Michaela follows a flexible nutrition plan which still gives her plenty of flexibility with her food choices as she isn’t restricted to certain foods.
Training wise, she is doing 4 sessions per week at the moment and is following a plan that she enjoys and can sustain long term.
On top of all Michaela is consistent, determined, keeps her goal close to mind but most importantly still has the flexibility to do the things she loves whilst getting results.
Great work Michaela you are absolutely smashing it and I can’t wait for what’s to come, keep it up!
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6 WEEK RESULTS!! 🌟🙌🏻 AMAZING results from my online client Gemma who has recently just completed her 6 week online coaching plan with me.
Gemma’s main goal was to lose fat, tone up and to get on track with a plan that she could incorporate into her busy schedule whilst achieving results.
Having made some amazing progress previously Gemma remained consistent, stuck to plan, checked in weekly with myself and after just 6 weeks she has made some more EPIC changes to her shape!
... Gemma’s full plan was built to suit her goal but most importantly her lifestyle so that the results she achieved are sustainable long term.
Results like this aren’t achieved without effort and Gemma absolutely smashed it, I’m well chuffed for her.
Great work Gemma, this is awesome and you should be well proud! Thanks for being a great client and keep up the amazing work 💪🏻
ONLINE COACHING📍To JOIN and for all enquiries regarding my "6 WEEK ONLINE COACHING PLAN" which is proven to achieve life changing results whilst making it apart of your lifestyle drop me a message to get started and to receive your full FREE guide listing everything included 📩
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MASSIVE shoutout to my client Nicole who has achieved these AMAZING results in just 6 weeks of working together! 🌟🙌🏻
Nicole came to me with a goal in mind to lose body-fat, tone up, add structure to her routine and also to increase her confidence in a gym environment.
After just a few weeks of working together Nicole has made some amazing progress both in the gym and in her body composition.
... Nicole follows a flexible plan that has been created to suit both her lifestyle and goal but most importantly still gives her the flexibility to do the things she loves whilst getting results.
Nicole is consistent each week, sticks to plan, is passionate about training, is committed to her goal and in summary, just absolutely smashes it!
Super chuffed for you Nicole, you have been an AWESOME client and these results are well deserved! Keep up the amazing work 🌟
ONLINE COACHING📍To JOIN and for all enquiries regarding my "6 WEEK ONLINE COACHING PLAN" which is proven to achieve life changing results whilst making it apart of your lifestyle drop me a message to get started and to receive your full FREE guide listing everything included etc 📩
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Adherence to your plan should always be at the top of your list, whether your goal is fat loss or muscle building the same applies.
Think of your fitness journey as a car, if you take your foot of the accelerator the car slows down, the exact same happens on your fitness journey if your consistency isn’t there.
I preach flexibility a lot but there is a fine line between flexibility and just completely being off the plan, make sure you are on the right side.
... If you are struggling to adhere to your plan here’s just a few points that could be causing this.
Over restriction, sacrificing your social life, making the journey to difficult, changing to much at once, comparing your progress to others, not having a clear mind of what you actually want to achieve and having no source of accountability.
Now look over these points, action what needs to be actioned and make sure your plan is sustainable enough to follow long term.
I cover these points quite frequently but with years experience in the industry these are the common issues I come across that are preventing people achieve the results they want.
Hope you all have an amazing weekend 🙌🏻
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AWESOME review from my online client Gemma who has just completed her 6 week online coaching plan with me and has achieved some amazing results! 🌟🙌🏻
The great thing about Gemma’s journey was her ability to make the plan part of her lifestyle.
By doing this she was able to get on track and achieve the results she wanted whilst still having the flexibility to do the things she loves which for me, really matters most.
... NO restrictions, no fad diets, no low carbs just a goal specific and flexible program consistently followed by Gemma and once again we have some EPIC results!
Great work Gemma, thanks for being an awesome client and you should be well proud of your progress so far, keep it up! 👏🏻
ONLINE COACHING📍To JOIN and for all enquiries regarding my "6 WEEK ONLINE COACHING PLAN" which is proven to achieve life changing results whilst making it apart of your lifestyle drop me a message to get started and to receive your full FREE guide listing everything included 📩
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6 WEEK RESULTS!!🌟🙌🏻 Huge shoutout to my online client Ryan who has just completed his 6 week online coaching plan with me and has achieved these EPIC results.
During our short time working together Ryan lost a whopping 15 POUNDS whilst making some insane changes to his body composition!
It comes without saying, these results come down to Ryan’s daily consistency and his commitment to the goal he has set himself.
... He follows a flexible nutrition plan which gives him freedom with food choices and a training plan that has been created to suit both his goal and his lifestyle.
Most importantly Ryan still had the flexibility to do the things he enjoyed whilst getting results and he even spent some time away from home! His adherence to the plan was AWESOME and his results sure do show this.
Great work Ryan, thanks for being an amazing client and I’m looking forward for what’s to come 👏🏻
ONLINE COACHING📍To JOIN and for all enquiries regarding my "6 WEEK ONLINE COACHING PLAN" which is proven to achieve life changing results whilst making it apart of your lifestyle drop me a message to get started and to receive your full FREE guide listing everything included 📩
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HUGE shoutout to my online client Stephanie who has achieved these AMAZING results so far during our period working together.
When Stephanie first got in contact with me she was consuming around 1200 calories per day and seeing little results whilst also feeling very low on energy.
Initially I focused on getting Stephanie on track with a goal specific program but more importantly increasing her calories to a more sustainable/healthier amount whilst still getting results.
... On the right, just a few months down the line Stephanie has made some EPIC progress and is now consuming over 1800 calories per day with these still increasing each week!
She follows a program that is suited to her lifestyle, her goal but more so a program she enjoys doing and can sustain long term.
Stephanie is an absolute pleasure to work with and over the months I have seen her create positive habits and routines which is great to see from a coaches point of view.
AMAZING work as always Stephanie, keep it up and I’m looking forward for whats to come in the coming weeks 🙌🏻
ONLINE COACHING📍To JOIN and for all enquiries regarding my "6 WEEK ONLINE COACHING PLAN" which is proven to achieve life changing results whilst making it apart of your lifestyle drop me a message to get started and to receive your full FREE guide listing everything included 📩
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3 WEEK RESULTS!! 🙌🏻🌟 Shoutout to my online client Gemma who has achieved these AMAZING results in just the first 3 weeks of her online coaching plan with me.
Even achieved with a trip away to Italy also, how good is that? Consistency on point!
... I preach a flexible and balanced lifestyle whilst getting results and this is exactly what Gemma is following which really is great to see.
Gemma follows a flexible nutrition and training plan which most importantly can be planned around her busy schedule so that in turn it is sustainable long term.
Gemma is consistent with her program, knows what has to be done, trusts the process, checks in weekly with myself and in summary is just absolutely smashing it!
Great effort Gemma, your doing awesome so far and I can’t wait to see what the next few weeks bring! Keep it up.
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My online client James making some amazing progress so far! Only 3 WEEKS into his cut in preparation for his holiday which is coming up very soon and I can’t wait to see his final results.
Prior to the new year James completed a muscle building phase with me were we focused on building lean muscle mass and getting his calories as high as possible.
Due to this his calories are still high at the moment (over 2500 daily) whilst cutting body-fat and maintaining muscle mass which so much more sustainable and exactly what we want.
This young man is an absolute pleasure to work with! He is consistent week in week out, sticks to the plan, trusts the process and his results so far sure do speak for themselves.
Not long to go now James, keep up the amazing work buddy and I can’t wait to see your final results!
ONLINE COACHING📍To JOIN and for all enquiries regarding my "6 WEEK ONLINE COACHING PLAN" which is proven to achieve life changing results whilst making it apart of your lifestyle drop me a message to get started and to receive your full FREE guide listing everything included 📩
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AWESOME review from my online client Lyndsay who has recently just completed her 6 week online coaching plan with me and has achieved some amazing results! 🌟🙌🏻
The key here was to find balance and to create a program that Lyndsay could incorporate into her lifestyle but also sustain long term.
Lyndsay was consistent each and every single week which in turn resulted in some AMAZING changes to her body shape in just 6 WEEKS!
... Thanks so much for your kind words Lyndsay and thanks again for being an awesome client! Keep up the great work 🙌🏻
ONLINE COACHING📍To JOIN and for all enquiries regarding my "6 WEEK ONLINE COACHING PLAN" which is proven to achieve life changing results whilst making it apart of your lifestyle drop me a message to get started and to receive your full FREE guide listing everything included 📩
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3 WEEK RESULTS!! 🔥🙌🏻 Amazing results so far from my online client Lewis who has just completed his third week on his online coaching plan with me.
With a main goal in mind to build muscle and due to his high activity level with football and other training finding the balance between all was key here so his plan is sustainable long term.
Due to his consistency with his plan so far Lewis is absolutely smashing it and noticing some really good progress.
... He is following a training plan which involves 3 weight training sessions per week but also gives him the flexibility to add in the other activities he takes part in.
Nutrition wise Lewis is following a flexible approach which gives him plenty of freedom with his food choices but also the nutritional targets he needs to build muscle.
Great work Lewis you are doing awesome buddy and I can’t wait for what’s to come, keep up the amazing work!
ONLINE COACHING📍To JOIN and for all enquiries regarding my "6 WEEK ONLINE COACHING PLAN" which is proven to achieve life changing results whilst making it apart of your lifestyle drop me a message to get started and to receive your full FREE guide listing everything included 📩
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6 WEEK RESULTS!! 🌟🙌🏻 HUGE shoutout to my online client Aimee who has achieved these EPIC results from the first phase of her online coaching plan with me.
Aimee made some amazing progress in just the first 3 weeks of her program but due to her consistency and commitment to her goal the results just keep coming.
Like all my clients, Aimee follows a flexible nutrition plan and training plan that have been both created to suit her goal and her lifestyle so it is sustainable long... term as well as getting her the results she wants.
Although her weight hasn’t changed much which is completely normal she is consistent every week, works hard, trusts the plan, checks in weekly with myself and in turn has made some AMAZING changes to her shape!
Super proud of you Aimee and you should be well chuffed, keep up the amazing work and I can’t wait to see more of your results very soon 👏🏻
ONLINE COACHING📍To JOIN and for all enquiries regarding my "6 WEEK ONLINE COACHING PLAN" which is proven to achieve life changing results whilst making it apart of your lifestyle drop me a message to get started and to receive your full FREE guide listing everything included 📩
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AWESOME REVIEW from my online client Jen who has recently just completed her 6 week online coaching plan with me 🌟🙌🏻
Jen made some EPIC progress as a result of her program but most importantly she now has a program that she can sustain long term, incorporate into her lifestyle and also a program that will get her the results she wants ✅
Superb work Jen, thanks for being an amazing client and I know you will continue smashing it this year! Keep up the good work 💪🏻
... ONLINE COACHING📍To JOIN and for all enquiries regarding my "6 WEEK ONLINE COACHING PLAN" which is proven to achieve life changing results whilst making it apart of your lifestyle drop me a message to get started and to receive your full FREE guide listing everything included 📩
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MASSIVE shoutout to my client Danielle who has achieved these INSANE results in just 12 weeks of working together! 🌟🙌🏻
Danielle’s main goal was to lose fat in turn to give her body a more leaner, defined and toned shape...
Having made some amazing progress previously Danielle just needed a structured program that was tailored to her goal and lifestyle and also someone to keep her in check...
... Danielle follows a flexible approach which gives her plenty of flexibility with her food choices but most importantly the balance of still enjoying her social life and doing the things she loves whilst achieving AMAZING results like this...
Super chuffed for you Danielle and you should well proud of yourself! You are an awesome clients and these results are well deserved, keep it up 👏🏻
ONLINE COACHING📍To JOIN and for all enquiries regarding my "6 WEEK ONLINE COACHING PLAN" which is proven to achieve life changing results whilst making it apart of your lifestyle drop me a message to get started and to receive your full FREE guide listing everything included 📩
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More about Scott Reilly Personal Training

Scott Reilly Personal Training is located at Airdrie, North Lanarkshire