Scott Simpson Personal Training

About Scott Simpson Personal Training

Glasgow based Personal Trainer and Online Coach.



I’ve been finally getting round to updating the website with some of the spare time I have and have been reminded of some amazing results from the past including this one from 1-1 client Leanna! 💪
It can be good to see the process in stages 👀
I think that it’s normal to look at someone’s start point and end point and not fully grasp that there was a whole process in between.
... Everyone with these types of goals will each have to manage and overcome their own often unique struggles.
There will be good and bad days the same way that whether you have a fitness goal or not, there are good and bad days!
Even these types of results aren’t born out of finding “perfect” and ticking that box each day. They are representative of the average of someone’s efforts over time.
There’s some very unique challenges just now and that HAS to be a factor when considering your own personal goals.
Block out the noise of people telling you what you should or shouldn’t be doing and I mean it when I say it: you do you.
Happy Thursday 😊
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Anyone else feeling humbled by how an effective bodyweight workout can mess you up?
I’ve always known that you could challenge yourself massively through bodyweight exercise and moving effectively is always the start point before adding additional load for anyone in any movement.
However, when you are fortunate enough to have all the tools and toys the gym can offer I think it’s probably pretty normal to lose touch with this as a concept of exercise.
... Am I going to be revolutionised by this experience when it is time to get back into the gym? Not really. I’ll have sharpened my knowledge in this area for sure but I miss the tools and toys and the variety of movement and load they offer.
It’s something that is impossible to replicate fully but in the meantime I am thoroughly enjoying the challenge and the feeling of my body adapting to this different style of training.
Already these workouts are feeling “easier” which really just means my capacity for work during the workouts and recovery between workouts has improved. Not that they actually feel easier as such.
The above picture is a screenshot from my Facebook client group where I’ve been posting regular bodyweight home workouts to supplement clients personalised plans.
Those personalised plans are based around the equipment they have at home and the general bodyweight workouts have been huge in helping mix things up at a time where boredom is easy to come by and also especially useful for anyone who doesn’t have access to any equipment!
The “before” is from a video of me explaining the workout and the “after” is me trying to summarise what the fuck just happened 🥵
The colour contrast says it all 😂
Hope we’re all good! Happy Wednesday 😊
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I asked on my story yesterday if there were any home workout exercise questions and this is my answer to one of those questions 😊
Get it saved or shared for anyone looking to kick things up a notch 💪
Hope it helps 🙋🏻‍♂️


Jeeez I wave my hands about when I talk 👋
A quick squat tutorial based around a common mistake I see with this basic, fundamental movement.
Hope it helps!
... It’s the weekend I think so have a good one 😊
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When I was younger I used to turn up to swimming training, piss about in the warm up, smash the main high intensity work then piss about during the cool down.
I never saw the value in anything that didn’t make me feel uncomfortable. Something about discomfort just gives you that immediate feedback of “this must be working”
... A few years ago I did a strength & conditioning course taken by a wee no nonsense Scottish rugby coach and during a Q&A someone asked “how quickly can you improve flexibility”, to which he replied, “depends how much pain you can handle. Pretty quickly if you can withstand discomfort”
Think about that for a second and how applicable it is to so many things.
It made me think about those post training stretches I used to do and I realised it wasn’t meant to be easy, I just wasn’t doing it right.
However in my work nowadays of getting people in great shape some of the best feedback I can receive from a clients weekly check in is how COMFORTABLE they’ve found things. When progress has been made, all the boxes were ticked and everything I’ve asked of them was easy enough to implement.
I know that if I get that feedback consistently on a weekly basis then we are on the right path to truly massive progress!
There’s three main points to all this rambling:
1) There’s tremendous value to be found in getting good at handling discomfort.
2) If something isn’t challenging you the problem could be you, not the task. It could be that you’re just not applying yourself correctly.
3) Just because something doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable doesn’t mean there’s no value in it. For most people the bulk of their progress can be attributed to executing small effort tasks consistently over time.
Happy Wednesday. Hope we’re all well 😊
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A bit of a post workout ramble that some people might find useful 🤷🏻‍♂️ Worth a watch for my attempts to really annunciate “snacking” at least.
A few points to highlight:
Snacking isn’t inherently bad.
... Whether or not it’s an issue for you depends on a few things.
It doesn’t have to necessarily be eliminated.
It’s about feeling like you’re in control and able to say no OR yes in any given situation based on what serves you best.
Happy Monday 😊
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Getting uncomfortable in the comfort of your own home is going to be something worth getting used to for a little while 😅
It’s been a hectic week. I’ve got a list of clients each with their own goals, each with different access to various pieces of equipment.
Resistance bands, adjustable dumbbells, kettlebells, bottles of water.... strategising for each individual how best to change up where necessary to meet new challenges 💪
... It’s been all systems go in the process of putting them in the best possible position by adapting training plans, addressing nutrition as well as adjusting daily and weekly targets to keep pushing towards their goals.
Regardless of access to equipment, one thing we all have is the ability to just move.
From a simple daily walk to bodyweight HIIT training to weight training in the living room. Keep moving. Above is me getting uncomfortable AF with a style of workout I have to admit I haven’t engaged in since the old days of taking group exercise classes 😅
Kind of enjoying it 🤷🏻‍♂️ Hope everyone is happy, healthy, adjusting and maybe even enjoying some extra down time 😊
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Plan ahead.
Write it down.
Set an alarm.
... Factor in work.
Factor in breaks.
Factor in meals.
Factor in exercise.
Factor in talking to friends and family.
Factor in time to do the things you used to complain you didn’t have time for.
Establishing a good routine could make a massive difference to your productivity, motivation, health and happiness at this time.
Hope it helps 😊
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Is it possible to chase progress within home workouts? Absolutely 💯
Now if you’re expecting me to sit here and say it’s just as effective as accessing the gym you’ve been paying for for however many months, I can’t say that.
If that was the case I would’ve got myself a Yoga Mat for the gaff years ago.
... The equipment alone gives it a greater scope for variety, progression and makes it more accommodating of a wider range of fitness goals.
However, not everyone has that option just now and it’s worthwhile knowing that it doesn’t mean that you can’t target progressions and set goals from home!
It could just mean realigning those goals and getting creative 👍
The old back pack trick has been around in home workouts for years and is an easy, creative way to add resistance to a number of exercises.
Press Ups, Squats, Lunges, Planks etc.
In the absence of Resistance Bands, Dumbbells or Kettlebells (all popular home workout tools) it’s good to know there’s still a way.
For all of my clients in the gym next week, I’ll see you there 🙋🏻‍♂️ For those of you staying at home at this time, I’ve got you covered 😊
Get this saved or give it a share for anyone you feel might benefit!
Hope everyone has a great weekend 💪
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Just over 10 weeks of a difference here for 1-1 client @_nxverland 🥳
Rachael has been relentlessly consistent with everything I’ve asked of her over this time and has taken a sensible approach to still incorporating a few nights out along the way!
Don’t be disillusioned into thinking that the weekends don’t matter. It isn’t a tick box system in the sense that if you tick off Monday - Friday that you’ll have guaranteed you’ll still be ahead in terms of progress if you disregar...d everything and go wild Saturday and Sunday!
That’s not how it works I’m afraid 🤷🏻‍♂️ Knowing how to incorporate socialising and work around other various obstacles is massive in a world where you can’t control everything!
Adapt and overcome 💯
Awesome work from Rachael and despite everything that’s going on just now we will be working hard to keep pushing forward one way or another!
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Nobody ever moves on from the basics.
It isn’t a stage you graduate from or a phase that you pass.
... 90% of your progress will be dictated by your ability to execute on the basics consistently over time.
I said the above in a tweet a few years ago and my wee following seemed to like it sooo here it is again 😊
Here’s some basic AF advice for you this Wednesday: assess your goals.
Maybe your goal won’t be disrupted at all by what’s happening. In which case, keep at it 💪
Maybe it will be. In which case adapt and change things up. Set a new goal based on something achievable.
Master a bodyweight exercise.
Improve your cardio through bodyweight circuits & HIIT training.
Work on flexibility through daily stretching.
Fire on a Yoga workout on YouTube and give it a go.
Perform as many reps as possible of an exercise in 60 seconds.
Beyond all that. Be nice. Help people out who need it. Friends, family, clients, neighbours, total strangers.
I’m off to do what every PT in the land has been shouting about of late: film a few home workouts.
Hope everyone has a good one 😊
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What does a healthy internal dialogue sound like?
We all talk to ourselves but we don’t really pay much attention to what we’re saying.
Spending countless hours talking to clients, the best way to sum up what a healthy mindset sounds like in my opinion is to have the right balance between self belief and self compassion.
... Self belief is huge! So is the ability to cut yourself some slack and think logically when things don’t go your way.
This can make the difference between adapting and overcoming the struggles or just quitting because you “failed”!
Be aware of how you talk to yourself. It matters.
Happy Tuesday 😊
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It’s pretty easy to avoid any Sunday blues when you get sent this sort of inspiration on a regular basis ☝️
Online client @amyodee44 with an illustration of what 24lbs of weight loss and a whole lot more confidence looks like! 🙌
Amy has shown incredible consistency from the start to now and that’s down to 2 things:
... Having plans, structures and guidance in place that works for her ✅
Working hard AF ✅
It’s been an absolute pleasure so far with plenty more to come I’m sure 💪
Happy Sunday 😊
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Find those small tasks that keep you anchored to your goals.
I find that rather than obsessing over every little detail, just having the majority of your focus on a small number of certain tasks that you tick off the box week to week can have a major impact on the other decisions you make leading to an easier process overall.
Go for a walk on my lunch break ✅
... Schedule in meal prep twice per week ✅
Be in bed at a certain time each night ✅
Always have water at hand to help stay hydrated ✅
There’s a tonne of these things and without sounding too click bait, if I was to come up with an ultimate “fitness hack” then this would be it 💯
What small tasks help keep you anchored to your goal? 💪
Happy Monday 😊
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It’s not all fat loss all the time ☝️ Online client @hansheridanfit had a goal from January to really focus on getting back in the gym and start re-building strength after some down time over Christmas and New Year.
She had highlighted some specific areas she wanted to improve on so we put a plan in place and got to work 💪
Numbers in the big lifts are up and there’s no doubt that is reflected visually in how much stronger she looks by comparison to just 2 months ago.
... For me, tracking your training is key with any body composition goal but particularly where building strength and muscle are a priority.
All this achieved while Hannah was studying to get qualified as a PT and is starting at The Gym in Anniesland. Big goals lie ahead both personally and professionally for this one 🙌
Happy Sunday 😊
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Posted this on my story yesterday and it got a lot of love so decided to share it here ☝️
Some Thursday thoughts on a Friday 💭
Get it shared with anyone who might benefit from hearing it!
... Hope everyone has an amazing weekend 😃
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I’ve spoken about moderation before and how realistically the idea that you can simply moderate everything in every moment just isn’t a practical approach to fat loss and in my opinion, a general healthy lifestyle.
Pringles knows it. “Once you pop, you can’t stop”. That’s not just a catchy slogan. Have you ever tried to have just one Pringle? Fucking impossible.
... In all seriousness we all have foods and/or drinks we struggle to moderate.
Alcohol is a classic example. Just having a couple can be easier for some but you don’t have to be an alcoholic to struggle to moderate booze intake once you’ve started drinking.
The same applies to food and for one person it might be a particular food and for another person it might be another.
Depending on your goals there’s a lot to be said for learning how to say no from time to time. For acknowledging that it might just be easier in a given moment to practice restriction than to test yourself by just having 1 piece of *insert tasty AF high Calorie food here*.
The easiest way to determine any habit that might be negatively impacting you? Track it. Keep a food diary for example and be mindful of how things are effecting you.
What do you struggle to moderate?
Hope everyone had a great weekend! 😊
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Killing it! ☝️🤯 The first 5 weeks have been a revalation for 1-1 client @k_a_t_e__ 👏
Around 12lbs dropped in that time and you honestly wouldn’t believe the difference in the gym!
Having never lifted a weight before to mastering the basics and training with intensity 💪
... This is complete testament to her hard work and application to the process 😊
She’s been meticulous with her diet, consistent AF with her training and the early benefits are clear!
You don’t have to be at the goal to start feeling better. You just need to be progressing towards it!
She’s away enjoying the California sunshine ☀️ for now and there’s big goals lying in wait for her this year! I’ve zero doubt in my mind she’ll smash them!
Happy Friday!! 🥳
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More about Scott Simpson Personal Training

Scott Simpson Personal Training is located at 140 Bath Street, G2 3ER Glasgow, United Kingdom