Scottish Labour Party

About Scottish Labour Party

Working to deliver real change - for the many, not the few.



“Zero-tolerance means that no-one should feel discouraged from contacting support services due to the pandemic. As the lockdown continues we must ensure that support services remain open, and that any additional resources necessary are provided.” - Scottish Labour equalities spokesperson Pauline McNeill. d-52338706


Our councils have had to reshape all their services without knowing how additional costs will be met by the Scottish Government. In this blog post, our local government spokesperson Sarah Boyack argues for a fair deal for Scotland's councils following the #COVID19 outbreak.


Trade unions have described our care homes as a 'crisis within a crisis'. Today it has been reported that hundreds of care workers are self-isolating. Today at FMQs, Richard Leonard asked the First Minister if the Scottish Government is monitoring care staff testing, and if not, why not?


In this blog, Scottish Labour's housing spokesperson Pauline McNeill looks at where the Scottish Government's #COVID19 protection falls short in protecting tenants - and its failure to ban evictions.


Our councils are delivering vital services during lockdown. Here's our local government spokesperson Sarah Boyack on why we must make sure councils have the financial resources to deal with the #COVID19 pandemic, and to sustain these services once we emerge from the immediate danger.


Join workers, their unions and our members on a live video call to find out how to support the fight for protective equipment for workers facing the threat of Covid-19.


We owe a duty of care to those that care for us. Read Richard Leonard’s article here:


These concerns must be addressed by the Scottish Government immediately. Our healthcare workers on the front line need the right equipment to protect them from #coronavirus while they carry out their vital services. 7541755550920709


WATCH: Claire Baker MSP on what governments need to do to support workers in the Culture and Tourism sectors from the impact of the Covid-19 lockdown.


Our key workers deserve protective equipment immediately. ‬
‪Here’s Gregory, a care worker, explaining why it’s so important that government delivers for those on the front line.


A huge thank you to everyone working hard to keep us safe and keep the country moving during this #coronavirus crisis. You are true heroes. From all of us at Scottish Labour, thank you!


James Kelly MSP on some of the big issues hitting the justice system from the coronavirus pandemic.
Scottish Labour will continue to push for an urgent expansion of testing, and for our key workers to immediately get the protective equipment they need.


With numerous companies forcing staff to work on site with inadequate protection, the Scottish Government's approach clearly isn’t working. Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard MSP wrote for LabourList on why we need an enforcement plan to stop bad bosses putting profits before safety.

More about Scottish Labour Party

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