Scottish Young Liberals

About Scottish Young Liberals

The Youth Wing of the Scottish Liberal Democrats. We have activists based all over the country so please get in touch if you want to shape this party!



The Tories have been trying their best to destroy both themselves and our futures, Labour have been complicit and stringing young people along for votes, and the SNP are laser focused on more damaging separation through independence.
It's time we let the grown ups back in the room. It's time to back Scottish Liberal Democrats and end this madness…/pol itics-is-immat…/amp/…


So tonight MPs voted both to rule out "No Deal" and also voted against the ways to stop "No Deal" from happening. This is clear madness and as Liberal Democrats have said right from the start - this started with the people, and it must end with the people. Give us a #PeoplesVoteNow


So Jeremy Corbyn, y'know, the Leader of the Opposition, was out doing some doorknocking today instead of supporting the #PutItToThePeople march in London - a march estimated to have had a turnout of around 1 million people.
Instead, he left it to his deputy, Tom Watson, to do the job he should have been doing.
For the many, but not the youth?


Brexit would be a disaster to our future, and this week is critical in the process of securing a #ExitfromBrexit.
That's why the Young Liberals will proudly represent at the March Against Brexit this weekend, and we hope to see you there. We can, and we will, stop this Brexit calamity.


Vince Cable delivered an excellent and statesman - like speech this afternoon at #LDConf - we are remain, and we will stand up for an outward looking, liberal United Kingdom.
Thank you Vince for leading us as a united party over the past few years, and we wish you well for the future.


The Liberal Democrats have launched our new supporters scheme. If you've been interested in the Lib Dems but haven't wanted to join for various reasons, this might be the option for you. It's completely free and all the information you might want is at the link below.…/ SupporterRegistration


Fantastic speech right now by our Honorary President Christine Jardine MP for Edinburgh West. Covering important issues of social inequality, helping those on low incomes, and the absolute mess of Universal Credit #LDConf


This is such an important issue and it's so good to see it tackled by Edinburgh West Lib Dem MP Christine Jardine


The deal is dead. Tonight Theresa May's Brexit deal was defeated for the second time by a huge 149 votes.
We have to make this nightmare stop. We need a #PeoplesVote and to remain in the EU, where we can have a strong, secure, and prosperous future.
Support our campaign here, and #DemandBetter than this Tory Brexit.
See More


This weekend is the Liberal Democrats federal conference, and for the first time in 5 years Young Liberals have been able to put forward a policy motion.
Our motion "No to Unpaid Internships, Yes to Real Opportunities" will call for: work experience placements to require a contract and payment of the National Minimum Wage; enforcement of existing laws to ensure voluntary roles are actually voluntary; and that all internships are advertised on the same basis as jobs.
We believ...e that for the majority of people, unpaid internships prevent young people from having a fair chance to compete for opportunities, and that work experience placements of more than 4 weeks and which aren't part of a course leading to a qualification, should be classified as employment.
Young people across Scotland and the UK deserve better than unpaid internships. Young Liberals are proud to #DemandBetter and bring this motion to Federal Conference this Sunday.
See More


Everyone should have the right to a private life, yet the Tories and Labour are hand in hand in taking that right away. Support our campaign, and let people watch porn, it's not difficult


If people could stop referring to Brexit as "self harm" or "suicide" that'd be great because both of those are genuinely serious issues regarding mental health and shouldn't be used in such a trivial manner


We've got 21 days to go until the UK is due to leave the EU. As Christine Jardine says, we have known nothing but the EU all our lives, and leaving the EU is taking our identities away from us.
For our identity and for our future, the UK needs to have a #PeoplesVote and to #ExitFromBrexit


So many women are affected by gender based price differences, and we welcome the introduction of the bill to end this blatantly sexist practice by Christine Jardine 448623…




It's really good to have Young Liberals putting themselves forward for election! Jack is an excellent candidate and we wish him the best of luck for the 11th of April election day


So despite the fact that any Brexit would do severe damage to our economy, despite the fact that the majority of people (51% of 18-24s) supporting a #PeoplesVote, and despite the fact the latest poll puts a clear 10% gap between Remain and Leave, Richard Leonard still wants to go ahead with Brexit?
Right...…/ric hard-leonard-would-…/

More about Scottish Young Liberals

Scottish Young Liberals is located at 4 Clifton Terrace, EH12 5DR Edinburgh, United Kingdom
0131 337 2314