Sean Mclaughlin Personal Training

About Sean Mclaughlin Personal Training

Personal trainer based in Cumbernauld, specialising in transformations, weight loss and lean muscle gain.

Sean Mclaughlin Personal Training Description

Personal trainer based in Cumbernauld, specialising in transformations, weight loss and lean muscle gain.



‘Protein bars must be good for you tho...’
Just because it says protein on it doesn’t mean it’s not a cookie or a chocolate bar anymore! 🤷🏽‍♂️
15grams of protein for 355caloroes isn’t worth the calories. ... If your looking to bump up your protein but not your calories, you can opt for a whey isolate protein powder. 💪🏽
But if you’re going to eat a chocolate bar anyway you may aswell get the extra protein. Just don’t get sucked into the misconception of if it says protein it’s healthy 👌🏾.
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3 reasons to lift weights... and heavy!!(male and females).
1.Fat loss 🔥🔥 Lifting heavier for lower reps means your body burns a load of calories 🙌🏽. As you consistently train your metabolism will improve because the lean muscle tissue you develop means that you will burn more calories even when at rest. Your body will use calories more efficiently when you lift heavy and eat healthy.
... 2.Body composition 💪🏽💪🏽 The more muscle and less body fat you have the better your body composition will be. Lifting heavier gives your body a reason to hold on to the muscle you have worked so hard for and you’ll have a tighter more toned appearance as a result. And girls you will NOT look huge and bulky!! Females just don’t have enough testosterone to build enough mass.
3. Confidence 😍😍 Once you start seeing your body shape changing and the weights progressing in the gym your entire confidence will change. As well as increased serotonin levels and endorphins you get from exercise leaves you feeling amazing and like you have accomplished something from your session. Also the health benefits like improved immune system, stronger bones, improved cardiovascular endurance, posture, mental health and many many more!
Want to learn how to train safe and effectively using weights?
For information on coaching send me a message directly 📧 💨
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Opening 1-2-1 PT spaces back up FOR NOVEMBER ONLY!!
Limited spaces available!


Good luck to everyone starting there 6 week transformations today 👌🏾. Look forward to seeing all your results!!!Good luck to everyone starting there 6 week transformations today 👌🏾. Look forward to seeing all your results!!!


AFTER A SELL OUT, 2 days left for anyone who wants a space to grab yours now!


January is the WORST time to start 🤯.
I’ll start in January, is just another excuse you use to make you feel better about not doing it right now! 😱
I’ll start Monday, I’ll start next week or I’ll start in January!... They never come, there’s always another Monday, another week, or another January!🚫
Start NOW, get a head start before Christmas and before new year, because when Christmas and new year comes and you’ve enjoyed it too much!
You’ll wish you started now ✅😱.
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Male or female, first come first served! Take part in my transformation program and be part of a rebrand of my brand new coaching business you’ll get more than 50% off the original price plus a chance to win a free month in my new coaching business in January!
... Plus you’ll already have amazing results from this 6 weeks so it’s a win, win!
Grab yours now!
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What works for you? 🤔
Training and nutrition has no one size fits all approach.
Just because the big guy or the fit girl at the gym does it doesn’t mean you should! 🤷🏽‍♂️
... When I first started training I wanted to get big so I asked the big guys what they done! The worst advice I got was raw eggs in your protein shake and 2 cans of dry tuna on toast 🤢.
Tell you something it didn’t work for me!
The old school approach to diet and exercise of forcing down plain horrible foods and training till you throw up 🤮 , is gone.
Being educated on how to get the most out of training and not killing yourself, and the most out of your nutrition while eating foods you love or without starving yourself, changed everything!
Make your training and nutrution fit YOUR lifestyle not someone else’s!
But if you like raw eggs and tuna? You carry on 😂.
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Posted on personal page and on Instagram got a great response, already 3 places gone!! 🔥
Want to be part of a huge rebrand for my coaching business going forward? 🔥🔥
And as a thank you get this program less than half price if I can use your before and after pictures for promotions! 🔥🔥🔥
... Keep your eyes on the page for the rebrand! Big changes and big things coming soon. 🔥😍😍🔥
Grab your space NOW 7 places left 💨💨💨
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The perfect plan 🤩🤩.
The perfect fatloss plan ✅ The perfect muscle gain plan ✅ The perfect training plan ✅... The perfect nutrition plan ✅
No such thing ❌.
There’s no one plan that’s set for a specific goal. The ‘perfect plan’ is the one that’s going to work best for you! The one that fits around you and your current lifestyle.
If it doesn’t, then it’s never going to be sustainable, meaning it’s never going to work for you! 😨
To build a plan specific to you, that fits round your lifestyle and works with your current schedule, without restrictions.
Drop me a message directly 📧!
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It’s not your goals that are unattainable, it’s the time frame you want them in. 🤷🏽‍♂️⏰
It’s easy to tell yourself you’ll never look like that person in the gym, or that you’ll never be able to squat double your body weight. 👎🏽
But you can, you just need to put in the time and work. ⚙️
... Aim high but be realistic set a reasonable time frame, set mini goals along the way to keep you motivated, and put in the effort!
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6 week festive shred 🎅🏼🎄
Yeah it’s October and not even Halloween yet I know!
But want to enjoy the holidays and nights out (kinda) guilt free?? 🤔
... ✅ 6 week training program. ✅ Personalised nutrition program. ✅ Coaching through every step. ✅ Healthy recipes. ✅ Goal specific programming. ✅ Fast fat loss for sustainable results.
Want to drop into a smaller dress or jean size? Get a head start now!
Program starts November 4th!!
Limited spaces so grab yours!!
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You’re, your own worst enemy ❌👊🏽.
You’ve got the calorie deficit thing nailed! Right? 🤔
Tracking calories all week, smashed it, stayed in your deficit, hit your protein target. 🙌🏽
... You deserve a treat. 👍🏽
Nope. 👎🏽
You’ve worked so hard all week eating well and training. To create a calorie deficit to drop 1lb of weight. (1lb body mass = 3500calories.)
But Saturday calories don’t count, remember?
Yes they do...
And you’ve just smashed a 3k+ calorie meal, and that’s only if you have a ‘cheat’ meal never mind ‘cheat’ day. 🤦🏽‍♂️
Want to know how you can enjoy yourself on a weekend and eat your favourite meals?
Calorie borrowing! But that’s another post!
For more info on calories, nutrition, training or coaching. Drop me a message directly!!
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2 weeks in and already amazing results just shows that even slight changes can make huge differences!
Now it’s about staying consistent and smashing those goals!!
Interested in how to get amazing results?
... Premium and Pro packages all still available with 8 week transformations starting soon!!
Drop me a message or comment ‘I’m in’ and I’ll get back to you with details 💪🏽👌🏾.
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Knee pain while squatting? 🤕
Iliotibial band syndrome is a common injury to the knee, generally associated with running, cycling, hiking or weight-lifting (especially squats).
Your IT band runs down the outside of each leg from your hip to your knee. These can commonly become extremely tight due to many everyday causes. ... From sitting in a certain way on your chair in work, to not warming up properly in the gym before training or before going out a run or can come from weak abductor muscles aswell as many other reasons.
Once your IT bands become tight a common injury is Iliotibial band syndrome. Causing knee pain as once they become tight can pull your knee out of alignment causing pain when training or tight discomfort during every day activities.
One way you can help self release is by using a foam roller and rolling the muscle out, or going to a sports physio for a sports massage!
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💪🏽Women shouldn’t fear lifting weights 🚨
Gone are the days where women believe they should only be doing cardio and lifting tiny little weights. 🏋🏽‍♂️
You won’t get too big, you won’t all of a sudden be manly and wake up one day with huge arms.
... Building a strong physique is key for any individual looking to burn fat and get fitter, the more muscle you have and the bigger muscles used burns more fat. 🥵
Still worried about being massive?
Females naturally don’t have enough testosterone to support huge amounts of muscle mass, so with out the use of drugs you won’t be able to look like Arnold or the rock so there’s nothing to worry about!
Lift weights, train heavy, eat your veg and protein, enjoy yourself a bit 🙌🏽.
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Nutrition and supplements 🍳🥯🍔💊
For fat loss there’s one way and one way only and that’s a calorie deficit. ⬇️
There’s no fatloss food or supplement that burns fat for you.
... Counting calories, tracking your nutrition, eat your vegetables, supplements are supplements there there to aid your diet with anything you’re lacking.
Your nutrition should never be based on supplements or a fixed meal plan.
Spaces still available on my coaching PRO package with full nutrition as part 🥗🍕🥩🥓
Drop me a message for more info.
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Online client testimonials 👏🏽💚
Showing it’s not only the amazing fitness and fat loss results but also the improvement to every day life, and being able to do things you never thought you’d be able to do!
For more information on how coaching can help you and on my new PRO package, drop me a Message directly!
... Still an introductory offer on the PRO package so grab your space quick!!
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More about Sean Mclaughlin Personal Training

Sean Mclaughlin Personal Training is located at Glasgow, United Kingdom