Sg Intelligent Coaching

Monday: 06:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 21:00
Friday: 06:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 15:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 14:00

About Sg Intelligent Coaching

Training clients under the banner of Victory Bespoke Fitness, my goal is to help clients reach, surpass and maintain personal goals.

Sg Intelligent Coaching Description

Using a diverse range of training methods, my primary goal is client satisfaction. Whether its weight loss, reducing body fat levels or for a greater sense of wellbeing, I strive to assist every client in achieving each of their individual goals.
Training out of Victory Bespoke Fitness based out of Bathgate, the site offers access to a great range of equipment. From Battle Ropes, to prowler sleds, to kettlebells, everything necessary to achieve results and reach your goals is at arms length.
My experience and basis for training comes through qualifying as a Level 3 certified Personal Trainer through Premier Global Personal Training. Also, my personal experiences of training in martial arts since the age of seven has kept my enthusiasm for health and fitness at the forefront of my mind.
As I still personally compete and practice each of my training methods, my goal is to educate and empower anybody who is looking to improve their lifestyle or body composition through each of these methods. I always look to improve upon what i already know and look to pass learning on to anyone who wants to better themselves or make changes to have both a healthier body and mind.
Personal Training sessions are exactly that. Personal. Each session is tailored to individual needs and goals, with fitness and nutrition advice provided as well as a one hour 1-2-1 physical session. This ensures anyone and everyone can take advice away and work themselves outwith the sessions.

contact me directly at - stewart@getvictoryfit. co. uk

Premier Training Level 3 Personal Trainer
ISKA Light Heavyweight Scottish Muay Thai Champion
IMF Cruiserweight British Muay Thai Champion



What’s your first consideration when making a meal?
Protein intake is a determinant factor in improving body composition.
If you want to look better, you should place almost as much important on protein as you should with calories.
... Losing weight is one thing.
Losing fat and improving composition is a whole other thing which can be decided with your level of protein ingestion.
Protein recommendations will change from person to person, depending on both goals and current state of body composition.
Get your numbers right, then get after it 🍗 🥩 🍳
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Technique Tuesday
Today it’s the turn of another massively poorly performed exercise in the gym.
Isolation work gets a bit of a bad rep, however, it definitely has it’s place in both an aesthetic and performance context.
... If you’re gonna do something, make sure you do it right.
Here we have the demo performed by Scott @S.F Coaching
There’s more to consider than simply moving a weight from A to B, and these cues are only the start.
We should also consider; Rate of tension/Timing (training for power vs training for endurance vs training for strength)
Weight (strength/hypertrophy/endurance)
Rep Range (strength/hypertrophy/endurance)
Training method (pyramid/dropset/superset etc)
Think about working more efficiently instead of trying to always work harder.
Sometimes you can get MORE done just by doing the same thing, the right way.
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Monday motivation.
For me this week, seeing the effort my client Chris puts into his meal prep for the week, I know he’s already starting off the right way this week on his pursuit of his goals.
He’s taken the hardest part of it all and conquered it.
... No rushing around and grabbing calorie dense convenience foods then having to “work off” those calories.
A nice balance and diverse source of proteins has shown that Chris has taken the conversations in session and run with them, creating a hyper palatable and quite impressive range of meals.
Shown below are some of the meals Chris prepped for this week.
Great work Chris.
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Who’s woken up too late for their “breakfast” today?
I’ll choose my pillow over avocado on toast every day of the week!
If you enjoy breakfast, keep on keeping on.
... However, if you are like me and aren’t overly fond of early morning eating, then it’s perfectly acceptable to initiate your eating slightly later in the day.
The priorities need to be;
1️⃣ Moderate And monitor calories throughout the day in accordance with your goals (weight loss = deficit, muscle gain = moderated surplus)
2️⃣ Look to hit your macro quota, more specifically, look to ingest adequate protein to maximise your thermic effect of eating and work toward body composition goals which will be achieved through adequate protein intake
3️⃣ Eat in accordance with your goals, not in accordance with social expectation. If you look into it deeply enough, you’ll find that the studies to prove breakfast is “the most important meal of the day” were actually sponsored by some of our favourite breakfast companies such as Kellogg’s and Quaker (almost as if they had ulterior motive)
Fuel your body in a way that provides you with the energy you require for tasks and works toward your body composition goals. Don’t just eat because Brenda in your work tells you the Glam magazine says Jennifer Lopez (it any other celebrity) said breakfast is important.
The sooner we stop taking nutritional advice from morons, the better.
If you fancy some reading into one of the studies disproving the “importance” of breakfast, here you go; /2/507/4576452
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Today, we have none other than Abe Lincoln.
A man synonymous with honesty.
... To give this quote context;
Weightlifting is risky. Even riskier when the technique is being taught incompetently.
So for those of thinking about starting, be aware that when taking part in resistance training, the risk of injury increases exponentially when technique is poor.
With weights on your back (or neck if coached incorrectly), over your head and with your back under some serious stress, we need to take things seriously when lifting.
Unfortunately there are lots of “trainers” who get their qualifications out of a cereal box and regardless of how “nice” they might be, it puts people at risk.
Do a bit of your own investigating first.
There are lots of great coaches out there, find one who can understand, demonstrate and coach your lifts effectively, to give you the safest and most effective experience of lifting.
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quick piece of #WednesdayWisdom
Allow yourself to be more than a number.
Allow yourself to remove the constraint of expectation or averages.
... Concentrate on YOU, not the number, and I guarantee you’ll reach the point where you are content a hell of a lot quicker.
Don’t ever let a number tell you that you’re not doing enough.
Enjoy the journey.
When pursuing weight loss goals, the amount of weight loss IS important, but it’s not ALL that’s important.
As long as it’s heading in a positive direction and toward a healthier lifestyle, you’re on the right track.
*if you are an athlete within a specific weight category, start thinking about making weight the right way to avoid the negative effects of “weight cutting”
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Tuesday Tip.
Filling up on calorie dense, nutrient sparse foods will likely lead to one of two things;
Hunger - If you’re limiting your calories but wasting them on calorie dense foods, you’ll eat a lot less than you’re potentially able to, by choosing indulgent foods over more nutritious options.
... Over consumption of calories - Due to increased hunger and cravings brought about by “junk” foods, you’ll likely eat more than your calorie allowance for the day.
Why not look at compromising on the over indulgence and excess flavourings/additives, instead choosing the route of nourishment and calorie control.
Here’s a quick lunch idea.
200g Chicken Breast 50g Fresh Spinach 100g Broccoli 50g Watercress 70g Basmati Rice (Brown)
Prepared in any which was you like.
With nearly 60g protein, we can ensure that the meal is effective in working towards our body composition goals.
Remember that the limits of meal prep only extend as far as your creative mind.
With the moderate addition of flavouring, this meal easily becomes something hyper palatable like a chicken curry.
All of the taste, with none of the guilt.
Weigh your options up and make an educated decision as to what will help you reach your goals.
Don’t get me wrong, having an over indulgent treat every so often won’t cause huge problems, but do what you can to implement structure and balance into your dietary lifestyle.
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In order to change, it’s important to provide a stimulus the body in unfamiliar with.
Today during their sponsorship session Iain and Megan both tried their hand at more diverse core training methods.
In order to replicate the demands of a sport, it’s necessary to use less than ordinary techniques.
... Adaptive rate of contraction and tension control is key for combat sports athletes, in order to prevent an opponent dictating posture and position.
Using the trap bar for “anti lateral flexion holds” we can see the effort Iain has to employ just to prevent the bar from moving, never mind his position being dragged by the now totally unbalanced weight.
Another focus today, was on isometric capability. Not only through the abs, but also the arms, upper back and chest. Shown here with Iain’s progressional L sits.
Training doesn’t always have to be the same and it doesn’t have to be boring.
Whether an athlete or just someone trying to get in better shape, there are systems and protocols to be put in place which will help achieve specific goals.
What are you training for? A sport? To lose weight? To feel better?
Not everyone is a fighter, not everyone is a marathon runner, not everyone is a bodybuilder.
Whatever it is that you decide to do, make sure it’s relevant to you.
We’ll be having a look at some of my client roster this week and the workouts they encounter in sessions, with an emphasis on WHY they are doing what they’re doing.
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Today’s wisdom comes from the ever so wise Dalai Lama.
Truer words have never been spoken.
... Namaste 🙏🏼
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Following on from last week’s video on Kickboxer Iain O’Hare, we have his team mate/girlfriend/co-coach/boss Megan Brown putting in some serious work to develop her upper body power output.
Of all areas, even Megan would agree this needed the most work. However, with consistency and hard work we’re seeing massive improvements.
Can technique and numbers improve, yes.... Will they? Absolutely! Megan shows a keenness to observe, learn and practice.
With the work ethic of both athletes, nothing is out of their reach.
As always, a pleasure to train and an exceptional talent on the mats and in the boxing ring.
Listed below are Megan’s achievements so far, with a lot more to come (so keep an eye out)
WAKO Scottish full contact champion 3 x WAKO light contact Scottish Champion WAKO British medalist WAKO Irish Open medalist 5x WKA Scottish light contact champion 1 x WKA british champion light contact 3x WKU scottish champion light contact 2 x WKC Scottish Champion ITF Scottish Champion ITF British Champion ITF Italian Open Medalist ITF World cup medalist
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Cutting out carbs to lose weight is like draining petrol from your car to make it lighter.
There’s no energy to do anything with it.
Carbohydrates are a source of energy, as well as performing several other functions, including keeping us hydrated.
... Don’t make an uneducated stab at weight loss with “bUt mY pAL SeD thAt ThE cArBz Are BAD!”
Calories & Energy Balance should be your primary concern before you even start to consider your macros.
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Technique Tuesday
Moving weight from point A to point B might seem like the only consideration for a lot of people when training. However, to perform a movement safely, efficiently and effectively, a whole lot more has to be taken into consideration.
Deadlift may be the most butchered and bastardised lift in the gym and it can have potentially the highest risk of injury of all lifts.
... It’s important to think through every aspect of the lift when performing reps. Every rep should include every consideration and if anything, should add more to compensate for fatigue as the set goes on.
Demo provided by colleague S.F Coaching - Victory Bespoke Fitness, showing safe, competent and effective technique.
Keep an eye out for more technical breakdowns of commonly misunderstood exercises to hopefully help push you forward in your own training.
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Every month I run a “monthly challenge” which is designed to educate people on the most effective ways of pursuing their goals, which has predominantly been found to be weight loss.
Yesterday marked the end of a three month cycle for one of my clients. (Cycles run 4 weeks on, 2 weeks off)
... In this time, he has learned the importance of both calories and energy balance. He has pushed himself in the face to face sessions and in the gym on his own. But most importantly, he’s taken full and complete responsibility for the 3 cycles.
39lbs in three months is incredible. Especially when obtained in a smart and sustainable way.
These types of messages really do make my job so much better.
If Monday has crept up on you yet again and you’ve been caught out... get it together, then get after it.
You’re one decision away from change.
For all enquiries regarding the monthly challlenge, contact the page directly or;
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Our Lord thou art in Heaven, Hallowed be my gains.
... Eat your protein kids, if you wanna be big and strong or improve body composition.
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The perks of coaching roles is that every once in a while you get the opportunity to work with outstanding athletes.
For the last year, I’ve sponsored Iain O’Hare, supplying strength and conditioning to help increase his physical capability and power output.
Shown in the video is our work on maximising power through hip extension, lower body force generation and plyometrics.... (For anyone wondering about the use of pin squats, I’m happy to have a discussion)
Iain proves with every session that commitment and effort is what separates success from failure.
An incredible fighter with all the tools to do whatever he wants in the sport.
Shown below are Iain’s achievements so far. (With a lot more to come)
Current WKA & WAKO Scottish Full Contact Champion Current WKA British Full Contact Champion Current ITF Scotland National Team Member Undefeated Boxing Record
ITF World Vice Champion ITF World Bronze Medalist ITF World Cup Vice Champion ITF European Champion ITF European Vice Champion x7 ITF European Bronze Medalist WAKO World Cup Vice Champion WAKO World Cup Bronze Medalist x4 ITF British Champion ITF Overall British Champion Italian Open Champion Italian Open Vice Champion Viking Cup Vice Champion Northern Palmira Cup Grand Champion x2 Tri Nations Bronze Medalist Multiple ITF Scottish Champion Multiple WAKO Scottish Champion WKA British Champion Multiple WKA Scottish Champion x2 ISKA Scottish Champion x3 WKU Scottish Champion Multiple WKC Scottish Open Champion
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Obesity, continued...
To follow on from my post last weekend regarding the effects of obesity (predominantly in children and young adults), I’d like to provide both some context and some clarity.
There were a few things happened.
... I lost followers, gained some new ones (hopefully for the right reasons), I probably/definitely pissed a few people off... but most importantly, I maintained integrity by standing by the facts with conviction and a hope that the correct message would be received.
I do NOT hold onto or have any contempt or ill feeling toward anyone dealing with weight issues/obesity.
My role as a professional with such an outlet as social media at my disposal, is to impact as many people in a POSITIVE way possible, within the context of my job role.
Providing scientifically backed information for people to digest is neither overtly aggressive or wrong.
It’s the truth.
It’s a harsh and humbling truth, but truth nonetheless.
If I offended anyone with the post the other day, then I can only acknowledge your feelings rather than apologise, because sometimes the reality is that we need to confront our fears and issues, otherwise there’s absolutely no chance we can change/fix/treat/work on them.
Being or becoming obese is as a result of poor lifestyle choices. Lifestyle choices which can be changed with some will power and a corrective education on relevant subjects (exercise, training, nutrition, sleep etc)
For some, an added context of both physical and psychological difficulties may the mitigating factors, however, for many, the poor choices are the primary culprit.
My aim will never be to destroy someone’s character or personality, but instead point out the potentially life changing effect of prolonged exposure to bad choices, or worse, inflicting your poor activity and dietary lifestyle on your children.
If I’m the bad guy who provides the motivation for someone to change because they want to prove me wrong, good.
But if I’m the guy that someone thinks is out here to bash “fat people” then that’s wrong.
I’m lucky enough to work with the most diverse client base imaginable, of all shapes and sizes, and I can assure you that each one would attest to my support, encouragement and understanding of anyone going through difficulties.
They will also tell you that I’ll tell each of them the truth. Regardless of the impact, they will hear an honest and open representation of the impact their choices have on them aesthetically, mentally or otherwise.
You can only resolve an issue if you’re willing to admit it’s an issue.
There is help out there, lots of it, maybe you just need to find the right person for you.
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More about Sg Intelligent Coaching

Sg Intelligent Coaching is located at Standhill Industrial Estate, Eh48 2xj Bathgate
Monday: 06:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 21:00
Friday: 06:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 15:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 14:00