Shape Shifting

About Shape Shifting

Body Shape Shifting, based in North Northumberland, is a specialised Advanced Personal Training Program to allow you to get into the best shape that you can be.



ROCKY-CIZE workouts lasts only four minutes, but it's likely to be one of the longest four minutes you've ever endured. The structure of the program is as follows: • Work out as hard as you can for 20 seconds • Rest for 10 seconds • Complete 8 rounds You push yourself as hard as you can for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds. That is it! Rocky-Cize is based on Tabata and comes with its own music to motivate and time your session. 4 minutes of all out exercise to get you in th...e best shape that you can be!
Check out Rocky & Apollo social distance sprinting! Sprint AS FAST AS YOU CAN – for 20 seconds – rest for 10 seconds – repeat 8X! Super Fast – Super Effective – SUPER SHAPE SHIFTING FAT BURSTING FITNESS ENHANCING program! Check out Tabata Songs Rocky Mix…
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It seems like a stupid thing to say – but – do you know how to walk properly, in order to maximise the benefits that things like POWER WALKING can bring? Walking and especially Power Walking are just as beneficial/more beneficial that jogging if you walk correctly.


Some people love exercise classes and whereas things like spinning are difficult to do at home unless you have a bike, things like Circuits can be both fun and productive – you can do these alone group chat video message with your friends. HOME ISOLATION CIRCUITS CLASS. Pick your own Music – Something that gets you motivated Set a Timer on Your Phone Do each exercise for 20 seconds (or 30/40 – depending on your fitness levels)... Then – wait 10 seconds and move to the next exercise. At the end of the 6 exercises – wait 60 seconds and repeat. Do this 3, 4 or 5 circuits depending on fitness. * For Push Ups you can do normal or off your knee ** For Tricep Dips you can do feet raised or flat on the floor *** If bodyweight squats are too easy fill up a bag(s) for life with tins and hold during the movement.
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Borrowing another image from my Super High Intensity Training page, Ab Crunches are another great exercise that you can do at home without any special equipment. This shows the muscles that you should be working when doing these. Try to do them in a slow/steady fashion without "throwing" your body back up, which puts strain on your lower back AND takes away the effectiveness of the exercise. Always, if in doubt, train SLOWER! Train Hard, Stay Safe, Stay Fit & Stay Home !


You can work your full body even if you are at home self isolating. It might be a good idea to invest in a doorway chinning bar OR, as I keep on saying a decent set of resistance bands or even some "old school" Chest Expanders


On a lovely sunny day like today, if you are only popping out to do exercise then consider taking some exercise bands with you. If you find yourself with no one around, stop off do some Tabata style exercises (4 minutes) and make the most of your time outside before coming back inside to socially isolate. For more info check out…/resistan ce-bands-a-complete-…


This is from my Super High Intensity Training page - I don't often re-post as S.H.I.T is very different to normal training, but for home based exercises that work your hamstrings few things (If you can do them) are more effective than Nordic Curls - but as I say not for everyone.


HIGH KNEES TABATA - basically running (sprinting) on the spot for 8 x 20 second bursts. Tabata is (science based) the FASTEST way to get in SHAPE. You can do HIGH KNEES (Sprinting on the Spot) without ever having to leave your house. On YOUTUBE there are loads of backing tracks that you can get which will time out your 8 x 20 second bursts with 10 second rest periods. Give it a go - you can do Tabata for so many exercises, but check out…


If you are used to doing cardio based workouts and you can't get out/get to a gym then check this out. You may like it so much that you never want to leave your house!! (Only Joking!!!) But check it out. If you really "go for it" you will achieve some awesome results.


For those people worried that they will lose all of their gains if they can't get to a gym, check out Arnold Schwarzenegger, "back in the day" doing his improvised home workout. According to Arnold he made great gains during this time, doing pull ups between 2 chairs with a broom handle, press ups and high repetition body weight squats similar to the 100 Squats a day routine. SHAPE SHIFTING - sometimes you need to adapt to move forward.


Wall Sits/Wall Squats (depends what you call them - a bit like Push Ups vs Press Ups) are an awesome exercise that you can do without any special equipment - or even having to move! Depending on your level of strength/fitness, you can achieve amazing results, from a standing start, simply by following the guidelines in this chart. If you don't currently do Wall Sits then follow the guide line times on the chart. On the other hand, if you are SUPER FIT and have been exercising... regularly until the Corona Virus Crisis then DOUBLE the amount of time. Wall Squats/Wall Sits are amazing as you can do them by yourself even if you don't have much space to exercise. Use your mobile phone to time yourself. These can be done alongside the 100 Squats a Day program posted a few days ago that so many people (people who bought and their friends) seem to be doing. Stay Safe Folks!
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A BIG THANKS to everyone who bought the 20p Squat Program, I will be putting the money in the Great North Air Ambulance Charity box later. Today's exercise is CHAIR DIPS - Chair dips are a brilliant exercise to do at home. They work the tricep muscles on the back of the upper arms. In fact, they are one of the most effective workout for this muscle.
The triceps are important in everyday movement that involves extending the elbow and forearm. You use them when lifting things l...ike grocery bags or when reaching for items overhead. This muscle also plays an important role in stabilizing the shoulder joint.
Chair dips also work the:
Pectoralis major. This is the main muscle on the upper chest and is often referred to simply as the “pecs.” Trapezius. This triangular muscle extends from the neck to the shoulder to the middle back. Serratus anterior. This muscle is on the surface of the upper eight or nine ribs. How to do a chair dip To try this exercise at home, you first need to find a sturdy chair or bench. A staircase or other stable elevated surface may also work in a pinch.
Sit on your chair or bench with your arms at your side and your feet flat on the floor, hip distance apart. Position your hands so that your palms are down beside your hips. Your fingers should grip the front of the chair seat. Move your torso forward off the chair with your arms extended. Your buttocks should hover over the floor and your knees should be slightly bent. Your heels should touch the floor a few inches in front of your knees. To use GREAT FORM on these. Take 4 full seconds to lower yourself and then take a full 2 seconds to raise yourself back to the top of the movement. Do not “lock out” your arms at the top of the movement. However not everyone is strong enough to do this, in which case just move as smoothly as possible. If you find the exercise too easy then slow down the downward & upward movements to 10 seconds down and 10 seconds back up.
Once you can do 15 repetitions in VERY SLOW fashion put a heavy book, bag of potatoes etc on your lap to add more resistance. You should do 2 sets of 15 of this for maximum effect.
Tips for proper form Be sure to keep your elbows straight behind you versus splaying them outward. Resist shrugging your shoulders — keep them neutral with your neck relaxed. Increase the difficulty of this exercise by straightening your legs and placing only your heels on the floor instead of the whole foot.
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The sun is shining, if you are planning on exercising outside, make sure that there is no one around. BTW you will probably need a sweatshirt! Many exercises though you can do without ever leaving your home. Stay Safe, Stay Healthy!


FREE HOME BASED TRAINING PROGRAM (well it was going to be free but the software insists that there is a charge so it is 20p – all of which will go to the AIR AMBULANCE CHARITY). 100 SQUATS A DAY! This program shows you how to get fitter/stronger/toned and leaner without using any special equipment or leaving your home. If you want to stay in shape or get in even better shape while you cant leave the house then check this out. /100-squats-a-day


Stay Safe Folks!


Sometimes you need to step back to figure out what is really important - STAY SAFE, STAY STRONG, STAY HOME.


At this time of crisis, first and foremost you must look after yourself, as if you don't look after yourself then you can't look after others who might need your help! Stay Safe, Stay Strong and at the moment, unless you really need to go out, STAY HOME!!!


Be the SHAPE that you want to be!

More about Shape Shifting