Shetland Wildlife

About Shetland Wildlife

Founded in 1993, we are the only award-winning wildlife and photography holiday business resident in Shetland. Visit us at www. shetlandwildlife. co. uk

Shetland Wildlife Description

Founded in 1993, we are the only award-winning wildlife and photography holiday business resident in Shetland. Visit us at www. shetlandwildlife. co. uk



Lots of Yellow-browed Warblers recorded today here in Shetland including at least eight birds recorded by our two Autumn Birding groups up on the island of Unst.


An amazing day for our two Autumn birding groups who headed up to Unst for a three day stay. We enjoyed incredible views of a River Warbler plus American Golden Plover, Barred Warbler, Black Redstart, Bramblings and a scattering of common migrants. Back-of-camera pic of the River Warbler by tour participant Karen Jehan.


Little Egrets are scarce visitors to Shetland so it was nice to see the individuals frequenting the Tingwall Valley and the Cunningsburgh area today. Pics by Hugh.


A good start our third consecutive Autumn Gold birding trip with both groups enjoying a nice selection of migrants yesterday. Highlights included Melodious Warbler, Common Rosefinch, Lapland and Snow Buntings, Little Egret, Greater Scaup, Pied Flycatcher, several Ruff, hundreds of Golden Plovers and a scattering of common migrants. Pics by Shetland Wildlife traveller Ian Fulton.


Today sees the conclusion of the second of our five Autumn Gold birding trips. - with another two starting this evening! In a week dominated by westerly airflow highlights for our guests last week included a stunning Yellow-breasted Bunting, Grey Phalarope, Red-backed Shrike (pictured), Barred Warbler, Common Rosefinch, Yellow-browed Warbler, Wood Warbler, Little Egret (rare here!), Spotted Redshank, Purple Sandpiper, Short-eared Owl, Snow Buntings, Great Northern Divers, Pink-footed Geese and a scattering of common migrants. Some of our group extending their stay with us also saw a lovely juvenile Sabine's Gull this morning! More on our series of award-winning Autumn birding trips at s/wildlife.htm.


Lovely views of this Grey Phalarope riding the surf at Moast Beach, Scatness for our Autumn Birding group late this afternoon. Other highlights today included a juvenile Red-backed Shrike, Wood Warbler, Merlin and Slavonian Grebe. More on our series of award-winning Autumn birding trips at s/wildlife.htm.


Winds from the west continue but our Autumn birding groups have enjoyed a good selection of migrants over the last few days including great views of Yellow-breasted Bunting, Yellow-browed Warbler, Barred Warbler, Slavonian Grebe, Spotted Redshank, Purple Sandpiper, Merlin, Pink-footed Geese (pictured) and Whinchat. More on our series of award-winning Autumn birding trips at s/wildlife.htm.


Amazing to read about the Beluga in The Thames today - brings back happy memories of the Beluga we saw here in Shetland in Hoswick Bay just over 22 years ago in September 1996! Pic by Hugh.


Yellow-breasted Bunting on Whalsay today which gave great views to our guests who had arrived ahead of our second consecutive Autumn Birding week. A great way to start the trip but a poignant reminder of the plight of this species which has seen a population decline in the region of 90% since 1980. Yellow-breasted Buntings were once distributed over vast areas of Europe and Asia with a range stretching from Finland to Japan, but unsustainable rates of hunting - principally in China - have contributed to not only a catastrophic loss of numbers but also in the areas in which it can now be found. The species has all but disappeared from Eastern Europe, European Russia, large parts of Western and Central Siberia, and Japan. More on our series of award-winning Autumn birding trips at s/wildlife.htm.


Our Autumn Birding group enjoyed fantastic views of this North American Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Uyeasound, Unst today. Pic by Shetland Wildlife guide Judd. More on our series of award-winning Autumn birding trips at s/wildlife.htm.


An enjoyable start to our series of four Shetland Autumn birding weeks guided by Judd with a roll-call of shorebirds along our coast feeding up before their onward southbound migration. Here's a Sanderling in flight at Grutness. More on our series of award-winning Autumn birding trips at s/wildlife.htm.


Dramatic scenes from our home here in Shetland this afternoon as low level curtains of fog drift in and out over Sumburgh Head Lighthouse and the Scatness peninsula.


How was your spring and summer? Read about ours at m


Strike a pose - a lovely juvenile Little Stint on the falling tide at Pool of Virkie this afternoon. Pic by Hugh.


One of our many summer highlights: Orca swimming underwater in crystal clear seas right beneath our clifftop vantage point. Pic by Hugh.


All the way from Siberia: the first Yellow-browed Warblers of the Autumn arrived here in Shetland over the last few days. Never tire of seeing them!


It is World Shorebirds Day and we can think of no better bird than the Red-necked Phalarope to fly the flag for Shetland. Famous for their role reversal, amazing migrations and beauty. Pics by Hugh.


Gannets off Noss. Huge thanks to The Mousa Boat and Seabirds-and-Seals for making our 2018 spring and summer trips to this amazing 'seabird city' so enjoyable. Pic by Hugh.

More about Shetland Wildlife

+44 1950 460939