Shona Macpherson Coaching

About Shona Macpherson Coaching

I'm a life coach and I coach humans who feel stuck and want to get more out of life. I work on finding freedom from stuckness and also from secret eating. If you want to feel freer and more 'you' I'm your woman!

Shona Macpherson Coaching Description

My training methods include strength training, high intensity cardio training and out door fitness.

I offer nutritional advice and coaching. Your health will always be my first priority. I am passionate about eating well and I also run Ditch the DIet Inverness as I think the diet culture is very unhealthy.

I am passionate about supporting you to meet your goals and I go beyond our 1 hour sessions to do this. I am pre and post natal trained.

As a former nurse and qualified counsellor I takes a holistic view of health and fitness. I have chosen to become a personal trainer as I am passionate about exercise and working in one-to-one relationships to help people to achieve their fitness goals.



It always amazes me how something can grow from a thought, to a conversation, to becoming a real live thing in the world! Jodi is a declutterer and I’m a life coach. We both share a passion for helping people find freedom in their physical and mental spaces. Yesterday we had the joy of running a workshop on Mind Over Clutter to a very thoughtful group. It’s my hope that it’s given each a spark to love away their clutter. I’m always scared to do new things and after, I’m always do glad I did! It’s been the same with my new retreat - fear and hope - and hope wins! Here’s to creating and putting good things into the world even when it’s scary :) #youareenough #creating #declutteringworkshop #mindoverclutter #freedom #stuffication #lifenotstuff #lifecoach #hopeoverfear @jodi_the_25th_hour


It’s so easy to talk yourself out if things.. last night I thought about doing this bike ride and wild camp. But I felt cold in my bed so this morning I nearly decided against it. And now I’m here, lying in my tented with that tired happy feeling... so happy to have been out on such a beautiful evening. You never regret a last minute adventure! #youareenough #microadventure #lochtarff #southlochnesstrail #noexcuses #wildcamp


All things core, mindset and pelvic floor! x


Can you spot the difference?
My sister Mo likes to take the mic out of me and she sent me this pic as she thought she saw a resemblance!
And then I wondered what Bear would think of my Unstuckified Retreat..
... The retreat is for women are looking for a bit of space to think about their life, outside of the routine and familiar, with professional coaching support in a beautiful environment.
Bear kindly agreed to answer a few questions... Why do you think we feel stuck Bear?
“Our achievements are generally limited only by the beliefs we impose on ourselves.”
Cool, we will be looking at thoughts and how our own thoughts can limit us.
“...I knew if I could somehow replace my doubt with hope, my fear with courage, and my self-pity with a sense of pride, then I just might be able to do this.”
Nice! We will also be looking at how we can influence our feelings by working on and reframing the stories we tell ourselves.
We will also be looking at our dreams.
“Dreams, though, are cheap, and the real task comes when you start putting in place the steps needed to make those dreams a reality.”
I hear you Bear. This won't be a talking shop, we will look at how to take small steps to commit to action.
More details below. Only 3 places left. Message me if you have any questions. x…/the- unstuckified-retreat/
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We don't have to be perfect, just engaged and committed to aligning our values to our actions". (Brene Brown).
This being a human aligned with her values business is hard! And the moment I think I'm doing okay at life, I mess up again!
It's been a bit hectic last few days (although one of my values is simplicity so I try not to let that happen).
... I was phoneless yesterday (long boring story) and ended up confusing the dates that guests were arriving in our Air B&B.
I got home from meeting friends last night to do the last bit of the clean/ change over, only to find the guests were already in. I knocked on the door to give them extra toilet paper, shortbread and the other bits I hadn't finished and massively apologised and explained my mistake. They were lovely and I've worked to let go of self blame.
We can't be perfect but we can live our values and keep trying to translate that into action. It's a daily choice. And it's so worth it to feel in alignment.
Do you struggle with perfectionism? x #youareenough #lifecoach #valuesbasedcoaching #unstuck #letgoofperfection #selfbelief #happyfriday
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Dreaming & scheming.
As a Life Coach I love working with people to help them realise their dreams and schemes...and I'm a big believer in practicing what I preach. I've been dreaming of living in a tiny house for some time now and have faced some challenging barriers (longer story).
I think it's really important to try things, be prepared to fail. Don't wait for the perfect time or circumstances because they don't exist. Keep trying and failing until one day you wake up an...d you realise you haven't!
Today I met with an architect to discuss a plan he's made for my tiny house. Who knows how he will get on at Planning but it feels like an exciting next step. And if it doesn't work out at least I won't spend my life wonder... "What if...".
Do you have a dream that you are scared of failing at? What's the worst that can really happen?
(Kate and I will be dreaming & scheming with participants on our retreat in October in the Highlands, 3 places left btw!!). #youareenough #dreamsandschemes #preparetofail #tinyhouseuk #vision #lifecoach #retreat #selfbelief #unstuck #unstuckified
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The Unstuckifed Retreat is a 4-day retreat for 12 women
October 11th to 14th, 2018 ❀ Caithnesshire, Scottish Highlands
Life’s okay. But you know your life isn't quite in alignment with where you want it to be. And this niggles you.
... It’s hard to find clarity in the routine and the gentle ruts of your everyday.
So, Kate and I have lovingly created this retreat. Prices are from £425 per person and there are just 3 places available. More details and booking information in the link...…/the- unstuckified-retreat/
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“Had I the heavens’ embroiled cloths.... I would spread the cloths under your feet.” There’s so much beauty under our feet already; it’s just that we need to slow down to notice it. This was my carpet during my walk on Sunday. Tread softly on your dreams today xx #youareenough #noticing #beautyunderourfeet #slowdown


What does it mean to ‘live from your heart’ or to be ‘values led’? These phrases get chucked around in coaching circles but probably sound a bit vacuous and indulgent to most folks who are getting on with life, trying to juggle work, kids, relationship, bill payment, breathing...! The essence behind these terms is to live a life that is aligned with what you value most in your heart; rather than what seems like a good idea intellectually or socially. It can be about the littl...e things like how your living space is organised, making time to give yourself clean sheets, how you spend your Saturday... rather than just ‘big decisions’. Getting outdoors and loosing myself in beauty is a big example of what being led by my heart means to me. What about you? Xx #womenoutdoors #livefromyourheart #alignment #valuesled #freedom #youareenough #thelittlethings @ Stac Pollaidh
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No, this is not my bedroom! This is one of the rooms available on my Unstuckified Retreat (11-14th October). Only 3 places left (9 are gone with deposits paid). Prices are from £425 which includes everything - all food, board and coaching so you can just ‘be’ for 4 days with no one to care for but your precious self. This particular room is more expensive as it’s the honeymoon suite but no honeymooners on our retreat as I’ve booked the whole house. It’s going to be sooo good! Message me to chat more. Info in the link in my bio. #lifecoach #unstuckified #womensretreat #highlandretreat #caithness #wildandpreciouslife #valuesbasedcoaching #listentoyourheart #findalignment #outdoors #womenoutdoors #toughgirlchallenges #oldmansion #forsehouse #forseofnature @ Forse of Nature


I’d felt all week my mind and body pulling me to get back into the hills. Yesterday I borrowed my mum’s car and went out west to climb Stac Pollaigh. It’s a busy wee hill with a beautiful rocky sandstone crest. A high reward to effort ratio! My heart ❣ started beating faster and my face burst into a smile as the Other Worldly Torridon Hill’s came into view. What are you feeling led to do? It’s so easy to talk out of things that require effort but so worth a wee push! #youareenough #listentoyourintuition #torridon #stacpollaidh #happyinthehills #freedom #walkwithme #lifecoach @ Stac Pollaidh


Once in a blue moon it’s nice to get dressed up and to feel a wee bit glamorous. Lindsey and I had a great night MikeysLine fundraiser ball last yesterday. But scruffy hill girl made a come back today! I had a lovely day out on the west coast. I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend whatever you’ve been up to. #youareenough #mikeylines #fundraiserball #lifecoach #nightoff #tellbetterstories


Unstuckified Retreat Prep this afternoon. Kate O’brien is co-facilitating the retreat with me. She’s a very qualified outdoor instructor with a masters in positivist psychology and oodles of personality and wisdom! We’ve had a brilliant afternoon planning content for the retreat. So much energy and passion! Info about the retreat on my links (4 places left). #womensretreat #highlandretreat #youareenough #valuesbasedcoaching #lifecoach #lifecoaching #dreamingandscheming @ Forse of Nature


This time next week Jodi Sharpe at the 25th Hour and I will be setting up for those of you who are coming on our decluttering work shop in Inversneck!
This will NOT be a talking, moaning shop....:
"Oh poor me, I've so much clutter and not enough time.."
... Ain't no body got time for that.
Rather this will be a loving kick up the arse...:
"I've got so much clutter and I want to get out of my own way so I can deal with it".
“When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.”
Still a few places left. Book now or message me! x…/mind- over-clutter-sign-up/
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This time next week Jodi and I will be setting up for our decluttering workshop in Invernsnek! This will NOT be a talking shop:
“Oh poor me I’ve so much clutter.... and not enough time”. Ain’t nobody got time for that.
Rather this will be a loving kick up the arse!:
... “I’ve got so much clutter and I’m going to get out of my own way so I can deal with it”.
“When the flower doesn’t grow you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower”.
Still a few tickets left x
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Self acceptance = self care.
Self care doesn't need to be a grand gesture like going on a retreat or well being trek with me! (Although both are excellent!)
Self care can be tiny acts of kindness to yourself. ... I felt tired and a bit frazzled this morning. After my morning work out I planned to bash on with a project that I felt was hanging over me. I'd shower later. And then I remembered making those few minutes for me would change the tone of my day. Self care for me today is a warm fluffy towel and clean sheets on my bed. What's self care for you today? #selfcare #selfacceptance #youareenough #freedom #cleansheetsarethebest #fluffytowels #smalldailyacts #dontwaitfortomorrow #lifecoach
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It’s a love thing! Me, my sandwich 🥪and a hill. Happy Friday xx. #foodoutdoors #foodoutdoorstastesbetter #dowhatyoulove #youareenough #freedom


"What do you mean there are still places on our women's well being trek in the Cairngorms, 1st to 3rd September? Three days out in nature with all the camping gear, guiding, food and life coaching included? A chance to switch off from all the demands of family and work and put a bit of time for themselves... Are these women crazy?"
Ha ha, I decided to do my own caption for my non smiley picture below! It's a still from an amazing short film my friend Duncan made of me about... my solo Cape Wrath Trail video (YouTube link in my bio).
My opening comment above highlights one of the problems with our women's well being treks.
Our target market are the people who find it hard to to prioritise their own needs.
We want women who find it hard to say 'yes' to themselves to put themselves first (or at least equal) for once.
We inviting you into the space of the Cairngorms where we look after all your needs so you have time to think and breathe and regroup. It's like fitting your own oxygen mask before you fit anyone else's. It's not selfish to be selfish!
Who's up for saying yes to what they need today? More info about the trek linked in the bio or message me if any questions xx
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More about Shona Macpherson Coaching