Skye Flying Club

About Skye Flying Club

Your local flying club offering air experience flights and flying instruction.



Congratulations and Best Wishes Richard and Pam on your wedding day. from all at the Skye Flying Club


Inside the cockpit of the Scottish Aviation Bulldog G-DISA


Emily our youngest member flies off into the sunset on her first lesson


Some pictures from last Friday evening members family night. Thanks to member Donald Lockley for bringing his Cessna 172 along for the evening.


Owing to the weather closing in on a flight from Glasgow to Stornoway this morning LX-AID had to make a precautionary landing here at Broadford. Fortunately Martin and his passenger were able to continue after about an hour.


Despite the poor weather yesterday some intrepid flyers from Germany made it from Inverness to Broadford. The pic shows Quest Kodiac N133KQ on the apron late yesterday afternoon.


An away landing to Oban airport on Thursday last.


Return to Base via the scenic route, Loch Nevis, Loch Oich, Loch Lochy, Fort William, Corpach, Glen Finnan and viaduct, Arisaig and Mallaig. With a few steep turns for fun. :-D


Coastguard helicopter at Ashaig airstrip today.


A quiet day today just the Beechcraft Baron tied down whilst the pilot's away and 2 skein of geese at 50 feet. The Bulldog is tucked in the hangar waiting to go over to Inverness for it's 50hr service. And then we get the coastguard helicopter in. See the video.


G- SDOZ - In from Barra before going on to Glen Forsa


Cirrus 22T in from Blackpool


Busy day at Broadford airfield


Lots and lots of activity down at the airfield over the last week with SkyeFlight. Over 30 flights since the 22nd June. We also had some visitors from afar such as D-MEBP from Germany and a Cirrus 22T who flew up from Blackpool in one hop, landed to drop off a couple of passengers and then flew to Plockton for lunch, now that's the way to do it :-D So some pictures and a video in another post.


In the midst of Saturday's activity we had a Cessna 182 come in to land on their way from Wick to Kent. (Originally from America via Canada, Greenland, and Iceland) Having refreshed themselves they headed off to Oban via Glen Forsa on Mull.


Two days activity at the airfield Friday and Saturday with the launch of SkyFlight. 15 flights were taken over the two days and a very positive reaction overall. One lady said after her flight "Absolutely fabulous you've got two new members" I don't think her husband knew at the time :-D

More about Skye Flying Club