Small Animal Hospital, University Of Glasgow

About Small Animal Hospital, University Of Glasgow

The largest multi-disciplinary referral Small Animal Hospital in Scotland.



Vacancy within our super neurology team. Please see the advert below.
Integrated Master in Veterinary Medicine & Residency in Veterinary Neurology/Neurosurgery at the University of Glasgow
Graduates in Veterinary Medicine, preferably with at least two years of post-graduate experience and/or a rotating internship, are invited to apply for this residency in Veterinary Neurology/Neurosurgery. Applicants must be a Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, or hold a ve...terinary degree qualifying them for membership. Candidates will be expected to sit board-certification examinations of the European College of Veterinary Neurology (ECVN). The training lasts for four years and requires participation in the Small Animal Hospital clinical services, in addition to small-group teaching of veterinary students.
The neurology service is composed of one ACVIM(Neurology) Diplomate, 3 ECVN Diplomates, 3 ECVN neurology residents and one neurology nurse. The service has access to in-house 1.5T Siemens MRI, Siemens CT scanner, EMG/evoked potentials machine, CUSA surgical aspirator and is supported by a physiotherapy/hydrotherapy service.
Closing date for applications: 15th October 2018.
Proposed start date from 1st February 2018.
Full advert and applications at:…/vet/aboutthesch ool/currentvacancies/
Other information:
* Glasgow is an historic, diverse and cosmopolitan city that offers a variety of experiences and is at short distance from the beautiful Scottish Highlands.
*RCVS registration information:…/statutory-fra mework-for-the-rcvs…/
Feel free to contact me for informal enquiries at .uk
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Many thanks to everyone who has shared our post regarding cat blood donation. Many thanks to the all the members of the public have been in touch with us today.
The cat has turned out to be a Type A blood type. This is a more common blood type of cats. Unfortunately we have been unable to find a suitable donor.
... The cat urgently needs blood and to go for surgery tonight.
If you can help please contact our switch board on 0141 330 5848 (until 6pm) or 0141 330 7690 (after 6pm) and ask to speak to Lizzy.
Potential blood donors should be less than 8 years of age, weigh over 4.5kg and fully vaccination. They should be otherwise healthy and not on any concurrent medication.
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**Urgent feline blood donor need!!** Can you help?
We are looking for potential feline blood donors who are type B to help with an emergency case today. If you think that your cat might be able to help save a life, this would be greatly appreciated.
This blood type is common in British Short Hairs, Devon Rex, Cornish Rex and other pure breeds. Your cat must be under 8yrs old, over 4.5kg, be fully vaccinated and not on any current medication.
... If you have a type B cat or any of the above breeds and would be willing to be a potential donor please contact us by calling (0141) 330 7021 or (0141) 330 5848 and ask to speak to the Internal Medicine Department or email
Thank you.
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Kipper presented to our cardiology department for collapsing episodes, occurring several times a day. He was diagnosed with an abnormal heart rhythm known as sick sinus syndrome. Professor Anne French and Hayley McDonald implanted a pace maker last month. He has recovered really well and good news he has stopped collapsing.


Congratulations to all the University of Glasgow vets graduating today


Did you know today is World Blood Donor Day? We at the Small Animal Hospital are very grateful to all our cat blood donors and their owners, who have helped save the lives of many cats over the years.
This gorgeous boy is Marmite. He has donated blood twice. A big thank you to Marmite and all our other cat blood donors. ❤❤❤


Applications are open for the September 2018 intake on the MSc Advanced Practice in Veterinary Nursing programme.
If you are interested in learning more please visit or email


A little young tortoiseshell cat was found deceased early this morning 5/6 on Howth Terrace. Unfortunately she appeared to have been hit by a car. Her body is currently at the Small Animal Hospital, we have not found a chip and are trying to inform the owners. If anyone is missing a cat that fits this description please contact us.


Last 10 spaces remaining for this great CPD event for VNs. Book now to avoid disappointment!


LOST DOG? Good morning. A german shepherd dog was seen running along Duntocher Road at approximately 8.20am this morning. The dog was running towards the Faifley turn off, towards Hardgate. It was wearing a red harness. The dog warden for West Dunbartonshire was informed at the time. If you think this may be your dog, please contact West Dunbartonshire council or the SSPCA cat and dog home in Milton, Dumbarton on 03000 999 999.


Archie, a Border Terrier, presented to the Small Animal Hospital in February after a misadventure with an ice cream spoon. Fortunately the ice cream spoon (which was lodged in his stomach) was able to be retrieved endoscopically by the Internal Medicine service, meaning Archie didn’t require any surgery.
Here is a photo of one our clinicians Eilidh assisted by a final year veterinary student Fabienne with the offending spoon and another photo of the lovely Archie with his brother Ollie


Congratulations to our residents Lizzy, Katie and Hayley, who all passed the first part of their specialty European board exams on their first sitting. They have worked very hard and we are all very proud of them.


We are pleased to announce that the Clinical Nursing Club will be hosting a whole day of CPD for Veterinary Nurses at the Vet School. A whole range of interesting topics will be covered and lunch and refreshments will be provided. Registration is only £55 for RVNs and £20 for SVNs, and attendance will count towards 6 hours of CPD.
To avoid disappointment we recommend that you book early to secure your place.
**Please note registration opens from Wed 21st March**
... ow/cpd/courses
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“Despite 3’ of snow, it was business as usual at the Small Animal Hospital yesterday with anaesthetists and medicine specialists working together to remove a small stick from inside Reuben’s nose. He has now recovered well enough to go home to play in the snow!”


Phoning the hospital - we anticipate a continuing high volume of calls via our switch board until tomorrow morning. Please bear with us during this time. Thank you.


Weather alert! The MET office have upgraded the weather warning to red within the Glasgow area from 2pm this afternoon until 10am tomorrow morning. If you have an appointment booked with us during this period, please consider if it is safe to travel. You can contact our reception on 0141 330 5848 to cancel.


Good morning. The Small Animal Hospital is currently open today, but we have reduced staffing levels due to the adverse weather conditions. We are also currently experiencing a very high level of calls to our switchboard in association with the poor travel conditions - please bear with us if you are trying to call in. Please consider your safety and the travel conditions before setting out.


We have the highest praise for the excellent care and treatment our cocker spaniel Amber received at the small animal hospital. Rodrigo, neurologist and Donna, physio in particular were amazing. Amber was diagnosed with polyradiculoneuritis a truly horrendous condition where she was unable to move her body from the neck down. She was admitted at the end of September. We got daily phone calls from Rodrigo although we visited most days and met with him on numerous occasions. The nursing staff were so kind and caring. We did not have insurance and this was considered in her treatment although treatment was expensive . Following her discharge she had little movement. She was reviewed regularly and Donna worked her magic. Amber was walking albeit a bit slowly before Christmas. She is now discharged and running around in true cocker fashion. Just a few days ago Donna phoned to let us know of a paper which had been published in Australia regarding this condition. Service second to none


The small animal hospital was a godsend at midnight on Tuesday when my little staff Belle took unwell. After initial telephone advice, we made our way there and were seen immediately by Marie, who was amazing. Not only did she take time to speak with us and Belle, she was also so calming and reassuring, which when you are in such panic is so reassuring. Belle had all of her investigations, stabilised and we were then able to take her home for a couple of hours, in order to prepare her for surgery later that morning. Please don't hesitate to take your pet for treatment here, Marie and all of the team we met were amazing with us and Belle. I have no doubt they helped save her life. Belle is recovering at home with us now. Thanks a million and more. The only slight suggestion which is in no way negative at all, was that we couldn't see clear signs to the small animal hospital in the dark from the main road. Without Marie's patience and directions we would have got lost and taken more valuable time to find the building as it's a big campus. Keep up the great work you do. The staff have a lovely, genuine empathy for animals and their panic stricken owners. I have your magnet & details on my fridge. Hopefully we will never need you guys again but if we do, I most certainly know where to come. Drew, Ryan & Belle ���


The most amazing place I have ever been too...... the care & attention my puppy received was our of this world. We can't thank Sam & his team enough for the care & treatment of Rex


Thanks to the team in the hospital, especially Dr Kali Lazzerini my dog is not in pain anymore and seems to be recovering well from the spinal surgery. I cannot thank them enough for the effort they put in saving my little baby. We were scared he won't be able to walk on his back legs but he is doing very good. We were surprised when we went to collect him in how good state he actually was. He looked like he was well looked after in the hospital. I can highly recommend the vets to everyone. They took our Milo as an emergency, did MRI scan in an hour and we knew straight away what the prognosis were. The insurance process was also straightforward and no one there made us worry about finance at that stage.


Thank you to the lovely staff that made the passing off our beautiful Rocco that bit easier on Sunday morn � they let my partner & I along with our other dog take as much time with him as we needed and made the passing over to rainbow bridge lovely and peaceful ���


Thank you so much to the medics, surgeons and amazing nurses who work here. My cat was in ICU for 7 days and received exemplary care and treatment. I was updated by phone at least twice daily about treatment plan, progress and prognosis and I was allowed to visit when feasible and spend time with my 17 year old girl. She has been home a week and is like a new cat. Much more energy than prior to admission and all wounds healing well. I will be forever grateful to the staff here. Thank you!!!!!


My shih tzu Molly was referred to George last week as an emergency from our vets. Molly had several deep set ulcers on her eye. Was distraught but he immediately admitted her and she was operated on. 2 nights she was in for, and I was called and informed of everything that was being done, and knew she was being well cared for. I was reassured by nurses at night as well and was never made to feel daft calling to make sure she was settled and ok. Long road till we know results, but 1 week post op she is doing amazing and is slowly going back to herself, pain free and healing due to the amazing work done by George and his team. We can't thank them enough and Molly says thanks too xx


It’s all still touch and go for my best boy Ruaridh who’s being treated by Eilidh from the Internal Medicine Team just now but I am HUGELY impressed by the articulate, caring and compassionate way both of us have been dealt with in the last 24 hours. Simply outstanding. I can’t thank you enough x


I have been taking my beagle Muirneag for eight years now to the neurology. She was one of Rodrigo's first ever patients and now he is head of Neurology. When she presented with what looked like a massive fast growing brain tumour, it was scary doing the long drive from Thurso. However with his perseverance he discovered she has an extremely rare metabolic condition that affects the nervous system. There is no other dog recorded in the world with the condition. So all he has to go on is a few humans with the condition. Rodrigo has been a life saver for Muirneag who has spent numerous visits in the hospital after emergency drives down the road. He is always at the end of of telephone for advice and my vets at home work so well with all the advice. Now my girl has developed a massive exploding disc in her back and will need surgery.


I can't thank Jenny and all of the wonderful team enough for looking after our rabbit, Bonbon, when he was really ill last weekend. Everyone was so kind and caring. Bonbon's happy and healthy again now, which is fantastic! Thanks so much again!! 🐇


Had to rush my boy here a few weeks ago. Staff were great. Vet knew straight away it wasn’t as straight forward as we had hoped. Despite my emotional state they were calm and explained everything as best they could. Kept me updated and I even got him home a day early. I am so grateful for the extra time you have given my boy despite it being bad news. Can’t thank you all enough


First class care for my dog Cooper, special thanks to George the eye specialist for returning my dogs eyes back to good health, thank you again 🐶


Fantastic place �����Thankyou to everyone involved looking after our Springer spaniel Rhuben, who had a 9cm stick trapped up his nose which was causing him quite a lot of discomfort. �

He is now home after surgery and sleeping contentely at our feet.


Brought Hope, our wee Lhasa Apso on Wednesday night with sickness. You were amazing - the vet treating her had such a lovely manner and put our minds at rest - she is now well on the road to recovery - eating toast and butter for breakfast so she must be! Thank you so much for looking after her so well :) Hope says she woofs you too!


Both of our dogs have received top class bone surgery at the small animal hospital. Eddie our Jack Russell had TPLO surgery to eliminate the need for his cruciate, which had become weak and damaged. Javier did a fantastic job, providing clear guidance and excellent aftercare advice. Will Marshall more recently reconfigured our Basset Lola's front leg, which had a short ulna, causing bowing and a tendency to topple easily at rest and on the move. This was a serious operation, not undertaken lightly, but after a period of rest and recuperation, she is making a staggering recovery. After 2 years, we can finally see her play and run without falling and stumbling. The full service here is exceptional and whilst the costs might be considerable, the level of service, commitment and expertise, from the reception team, nursing and clinical staff is world class. Please pass on our update on Lola to Will xx


My insurance company paid them the sum of money that was due to come direct to me, and they have pawned me off since NOVEMBER. They have now been paid twice for the one appointment and as we all know, it’s not exactly cheap! I have yet to receive a penny back and it is now February. Was told the hospital manager would contact me directly and still not heard a thing. I am actually seething at how this is being dealt with (or not dealt with!!!) and will be over to the hospital on Monday where I will not be leaving without my cheque.


Money grabbing animal hospital. Took my dog here for an mri and to get surgery afterwards but unfortunately he didnt get surgery but the price we have been charged for the mri and every other single things and the amount of vat been added is unreal. Had the cheek to then take another £200 out my bank instead of refunding it and now i am having to fight to get my 200 back in my bank and plus the 200 refund keep saying it will be in this time and still nothing!! Also having a fight about the price as we know we have been total ripped off all because we payed most up front would never recommend this place to anyone just grabbing money for nothing its shocking!!!


If I could I would give 0 stars. This place and the people working here have no place working with pets. Lies and more lies, followed by 6 weeks of waiting for results that were only forthcoming once they decided to try and charge me extra after my insurance had already settled the bill. Vet who performed the surgery and vet who handed my puppy back both told the same story, only for my own vet to get a completely different one when phoning for clarification of results that turned out my dog had cancer and they had not removed all the mass (their vet had originally said all mass with good margins removed and looked like cyst so not to worry).

Thankfully my pet insurance has legal cover included and they are currently investigating, as is my own solicitor.

Stay clear, there are plenty of other vets out there that don't charge their inflated prices for sub standard care. Everything is 3-4 times the price of your local vet, and almost double that of other specialist facilities.

With regards to the bill, I still have not had a break down of the costs, what was claimed against my insurance, or any follow up contact in over 6 weeks.


Absolutely disgusted that I called for emergency vet for my dog at 6.30 in the morning and was fobbed off with different reasons why and how a vet couldn't really come to my house. Gave me excuses from just to phone my own vet to it would cost a lot of money. Anyway my own amazing vets came out and my dog had to be put to sleep. So thank you vet school for letting my dog suffer extra hours for no reason. Call yourself caring professionals, I don't think so.

More about Small Animal Hospital, University Of Glasgow

Small Animal Hospital, University Of Glasgow is located at 464 Bearsden Rd, G61 1QH Glasgow, United Kingdom
0141 330 5848