S.O. Strength & Fitness

About S.O. Strength & Fitness

Our goal is to provide clients with programmes and coaching that is applicable to their needs and learning styles.



Our new year transformation package with the most demand is the following, we currently only have 4 more slots available
2 x Training a week 1 x Extra session programme Unlimited nutrition support & guidance ... Unlimited email & text support
The monthly cost has been discounted to £330 from £360
To book your spot please use the details below:
Samiroukili@gmail.com +44 7478 703872
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So we've been away over this festive period and hope you've all enjoyed yourself so far.
We will be posting some interesting thoughts this coiming week so be sure to check back.
In the meantime we are in the process of going through assessments and getting training programmes together for the new year.
... If you are interested in truly achieving your physique goals then get in contact to book your slots:
Samiroukili@gmail.com +44 7478 703872
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This term gets thrown around all the time and is associated with movements that transfer or 'look like they transfer' to a movement in life or specific to a sport.
But in reality ruling out a specific movement because it doesn't fit under the umbrella of FUNCTIONAL can be detrimental to long term development.
... Let me use myself as an example
I've sprained both of my ankles multiple times and lack stability and strength.
In order for me to be functional and mobile I need to isolate the smaller muscles in my foot and calfs to develop that stability and strength.
The only way to do this was calf raises and a combination of 'isolation' movements.
So in the bigger picture calf raises played a large role in my 'functional fitness'
Moral of the story , Don't rule an approach out because you blindly follow a trend do your research and find a professional
For any enquiries and bookings please use the details below:
Samiroukili@gmail.com +44 7478 703872
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We understand that one-one training is a big investment, so if you are thinking of getting a personal trainer then why not try us out for a 1 off session.
We pride ourselves on offering a fully comprehensive approach and our ability to provide you with the tools to carry on without us.
... 1 off sessions are a great way for you to get an understanding of why we are different and how we will approach your training.
Our initial 1 off sessions are 1 hour 20 mins and £45
Within this we cover the following:
- Your goals and what you want to achieve - A basic introduction of our methods - General warm up - Thourough movement assessment - Homework and feedback
So if you are interested in trying us out before you get started then get in contact to book your initial 1 off session.
Samiroukili@gmail.com +44 7478 703872
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What exercises to use to achieve your goal ?
Here's a couple of general factors we take into consideration with individual exercise selection.
- What are their goals
... - Injury, mobility and flexibility limitations
- What is the time frame
- Is the time frame realistic
- Can the individual perform basic movements safely & consistently. Two examples would be hip hinge and overhead extension.
To find out more or to book a consultation in order to see how we would approach your training:
Samiroukili@gmail.com +44 7478 703872
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January is on its way !
How many of you have said "This will be the year i achieve ........"
But that new sense of increased motivation for the new year slowly dies off and you repeat this cycle year in and year out.
... Some of the main reasons this happens is people do not have a clear concise goal , lack direction , Incentive, accountability and belief in the programme.
At S.O. our focus is coaching you to a point that YOU CAN be consistent, YOU CAN maintain results and YOU CAN carry on with out us.
If you really want to invest in your training and are serious about making positive changes to your life then get in contact.
For all enquiries & bookings:
Samiroukili@gmail.com +44 7478 703872
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Movement Monday
Here's a couple of general tips to improve your squat
... - Step out in 2-3 steps to conserve energy
- Brace before you descend
- Pull elbows into your body
- Hips back & down to ignite the movement
- Keep knees inline with middle toe
- Drive hard out the bottom maintaining knee position and finish with conviction
For any enquiries: +44 7478 703872 Samiroukili@gmail.com
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At S.O. Strength & Fitness we believe and understand that every programme should have room for freedom.
What we mean by this is that strict %'s & prescribed loads can be detrimental in terms of training and motivation.
... Our strength is not the same day to day due to a lot of factors.
Because of this in our programmes our prescriptions are based on how you feel that day, in your warm up & how you felt the day before.
This allows for more consistency, prevents early overreaching and helps maintain motivation.
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The starting points to building lean muscle & strength !
- Slowly increase calories until you begin to gain - Consistently eat in a caloric surplus - Understand this will take time... - Lift heavy & moderate loads - Sleep
If you would like to hear about this in depth, book a consultation,1 off or block sessions please contact us using the details below:
07478 703872 Samiroukili@gmail.com
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Motivational Monday
Here's a few tips on how to get and stay motivated:
- Get off Facebook & get to work
... - Once you've done the work, look how far you've come
- Once you've seen how far you've come, repeat
If you want a coach who is direct and can help you achieve your goals, develop accountability & self belief then get in contact.
+44 7478 703872 Samiroukili@gmail.com
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How to lose fat & build muscle ?
This is such a big topic & there is a lot of mis-information & pseudo science around.
So here are some clear first steps to begin your journey.
... - Fully commit to losing fat or building muscle
- Lift weights properly, do sprints & active recovery
- Recover mentally & physically
- Be accountable for all the above
If your interested in losing fat, building muscle whilst getting strong and fit then get in contact using the details below:
+44 7478 703872 Samiroukili@gmail.com
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An E-mail we received from one of our dedicated clients Michael Tremeer.
'Hey man ive attached a picture to represent! This DID NOT FIT ME at all but now it does and although there is still lots of work to be done still its a massive step forward. Thank you so much for putting me in the right direction'
When Michael started with us he could barley hang from a pull-up bar but since then he has achieved 3 x 5.
... Michael also recently Back squatted 170kg & deadlifted 200kg
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Here's three points we teach clients in order to develop more sustainable results
- Be flexible with your approach but strict with your goals
- Build habits rather than just restricting & incorporating aggressively ... (Newtons third law comes to mind 'For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction')
- Slowly introduce intensity to your training
Check back later this week for a video expanding on these points
Samir :)
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On the note of Hamid's progress this was a PR @140kg prior to hitting 145kg which I didn't get !
A couple of points of performance
- Hamid should break at the hips first instead of knees... - Lossen grip slightly to allow higher elbows - Push elbows up throughout the whole movement
As we drop load and begin to work on getting some quality volume in we'll be sure to drill the above points
Evolution Gym
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One of our most recent progress pic comparisons of Hamid before & after his 6 week mini cut.
As Hamid progress's we are going to slowly start increasing calories until his weight starts to regulate.
Not only did Hamid shed some fat he also PR'D his front squat @145kg during this time
... Just to clarify the hair loss isn't a result of our guidance !
If you are serious about changing your physique,habits and performance then give us a message
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Tuesday's Tip !
How to get your first pull-up or increase your pull-ups
- Create a plan based on sound principles
... - Develop your ability to hang with ACTIVE shoulders
- Gradually accumulate volume doing NEGATIVES
- Incorporate variations of horizontal pulls
- Strengthen your Lats & Scapula utilising isolation movements
- Be consistent and understand this is a long term journey
If you are interested in developing your pull-up and your strength in general then get in contact and we can help !
If we have helped you get your first pull-up please post into the comments and let everyone know how you've progressed since then
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Leigh on sea residents
S.O. Strength & Fitness now has availability !
- Work with a passionate & knowledgable coach with diverse teaching skills
... - Learn how to incorporate what it takes to achieve your goals into a busy lifestyle
- Develop healthy sustainable habits & get rid of the eat clean & binge cycle
- Receive constant support & feedback
- Develop your fitness & physique utilising a variety of methods
For all bookings and enquiries:
07478703872 Samiroukili@gmail.com
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As part of our client assessment we require all clients so see a specialist for any of their injuries or niggles.
Because of this we are proud to announce we are going to be working closely with Aaron at Back 2 Best Sports Injury and Rehabilitation Clinic
This allows us to get get a better idea and bigger degree of individualisation in terms of exercise selection, intensity & loading.
... So if you are interested in Leigh on sea's most comprehensive personal training experience please get in touch using the details below.
Samiroukili@gmail.com 07478703872
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More about S.O. Strength & Fitness

S.O. Strength & Fitness is located at Evolution gym, SS9 Leigh-on-Sea
+44 7478 703872