Sona Mum - Hypnotherapy & Hypnobirthing

About Sona Mum - Hypnotherapy & Hypnobirthing

We help mums and mums-to-be take back control of their life and birth, using hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and understanding the body and mind.

Hypnotherapy | Hypnoparenting | Hypnobirthing | Birth Trauma Recovery | Mindful Breastfeeding Classes



Hurray the midwife unit in Aberdeen finally reopens 🎉


Pssst - are you in the Positive Birth Group Aberdeen? If you are it's your LAST CHANCE to enter for a half price hypnobirthing course, competition closes at 10pm (If you're not in it yet, head over there ASAP).


We had a lovely walk along Stonehaven Beach this afternoon. The sounds of the waves are always impressive here with the pebbles.
Waves are often used as a visualisation for contractions, and in hypnobirthing we often call contractions surges or waves.
Sometimes the word contraction makes us think of tension, or tightening, which is not what we’re aiming for during contractions, we want to work with our body rather than against it.
... Waves or surge suggests power but unlike contraction doesn’t usually make us think of tension or tightening. 🌊
#stonehaven #aberdeenshire #antenatal
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Another lovely drive through Scotland this week, we’ve been busy travelling around during the Tattie Holidays, we’re having a quiet weekend before returning to business as usual on Monday.
I hope you’re all having a lovely weekend, whether enjoying the sun 🌞 or looking hopefully at the sky for snow ❄️ like the kids are here!


Thanks again to the lovely Kirsten for this kind review. If you have any questions or want to know more about the options available, just send me a PM, always happy to chat about hypnobirthing and how I can help you.


This should have been an exciting announcement today, but it turns out quite a few of you are on the ball and are already ahead of me, so much so that the Bridge of Don January class is already half full...But for those of you who haven't noticed...
I've launched my 2019 classes in BANCHORY, STONEHAVEN and BRIDGE OF DON.
... The next few dates are listed below and all classes up to May are now on the website; to book follow the link below.
**Stonehaven - January 2019**
Tuesday 15th January 19:00 – 21:30 Tuesday 22nd January 19:00 – 21:30 Tuesday 29th January 19:00 – 21:30
**Bridge of Don - January 2019**
Saturday 19th January 10:00 - 16:00 Sunday 20th January 10:00 - 13:00
**Banchory - February 2019**
Saturday 23rd February 10:00 - 16:00 Sunday 24th February 10:00 - 13:00
**Stonehaven - March 2019**
Wednesday 13th March 19:00 – 21:30 Wednesday 20th March 19:00 – 21:30 Wednesday 27th March 19:00 – 21:30
**Bridge of Don - March 2019**
Saturday 30th March 10:00 - 16:00 Sunday 31st March 10:00 - 13:00 ing/
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We've heard that the midwife led unit in Aberdeen will be reopened on the 29th October, hopefully there will be some official press release soon.
This is great news as it gives women more choice in where to give birth. The unit is much more homely and comfortable which really helps to boost your birthing hormones and help you feel more relaxed in labour.
... Who's planning to give birth there?
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It means so much to me to read such positive feedback. Hypnobirthing with me isn’t about the ‘perfect birth’ it’s about a positive and empowering experience, no matter what path your birth takes.
I definitely didn’t have a perfect first birth either, but hypnobirthing made a huge difference to how I felt with a change of plan and how I felt I coped. It’s what inspired me to teach 💗


Taking a moment tonight to think about babies born too early, lost during pregnancy or as infants. Our babies are all so precious. 💗💗💗
#babylossawareness #waveoflight #waveoflight2018 #blaw2018 #saytheirname


What do you love most about autumn? 🍂
This week is the first week it’s really been dark as I’m heading out to classes. I do like the excuse to put the fire 🔥 on and keep cosy at this time of year, as well as extra hot chocolate.
It’s been a busy few weeks and I’m taking some time off soon for my wee sisters wedding 🎊
... I am just about fully booked until Christmas 🎄, apart from two spaces in the Bridge of Don weekend class on 20th/21st October. And I have one space for one to one in late Oct/early Nov. If you’re more than 20weeks send me a message ASAP.
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I'm almost fully booked for 2018! There are two spaced for Bridge of Don in October and two spaces for the November Stonehaven class.
Our January and February classes will be available to book soon though, in Bridge of Don, Banchory and Stonehaven.


I really wanted to share 7 things your BIRTH PARTNER can do to help you in labour tonight, but my WIFI is not letting me - sorry!!
I will record it and upload it tomorrow!
In the meantime you can sign up for the newsletters this month with tips for your birth partner here: cribe…


Join me at 8pm tonight, I’ll be talking about how birth partners can help in labour.
Like the page to get the notification when it starts 💗


I’m busy planning my 2019 group courses!! It’s the only way with the kids’ busy social life 😂 We’ll be adding dates very soon as there’s only 4 group spaces left for 2018.
Our 2019 classes will be in Stonehaven, Bridge of Don and our new location - BANCHORY 🎉


It’s always so lovely to receive feedback, especially when birth partners are also so enthusiastic about the class. #hypnobirthing #sonamum #aberdeenhypnobirthing #aberdeen #aberdeenshire #antenatal #positivebirth


Felicity is fantastic, if you’ve recently had a baby have a look at the link below to find out more about what happens at the Banchory Chiropractic Baby Clinic.


I love a wee trip over to Inverurie. It’s one of the extra bonuses for me, to be able to see more of Aberdeenshire. I’ve been to Inverurie quite often over the past few years for one to one clients and I always enjoy driving through the town.
Recently I was lucky enough to return for a refresher session for one of my earliest clients. Hearing more about how hypnobirthing helped in their first birth and their excitement for the next time is so wonderful!
Do you live near Inverurie? It looks like such a lovely town 💗


Here's an update on the spaces currently available on the upcoming hypnobirthing classes.
BRIDGE OF DON - Weekend Groups... October 20th/21st - 3 spaces available December 1st/2nd - 6 spaces available
STONEHAVEN - 3 Wednesday evenings November - 2 spaces available
* Classes are suitable from 20weeks on * All classes cover the full hypnobirthing course - breathing, relaxation, understanding your body, role of the birth partner and lots more!
You can book here:
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I love Kristina Kuzmic, she is a great person to follow, espcially if you're having a tough day, becuase she tells it like it is!
Cut yourself some slack and do something for you :)


What a great course! Jade helped up gain confidence we needed to prepare for the birth of our son. Hubby was sceptical about it before we started but having completed the course he thinks it's the best investment we made during pregnancy.


We did a private course with Jade which was great for fitting around our toddler's bedtime and busy schedules. The sessions helped us both make time to focus on the birth preparation and my husband felt much more involved in the process. The relaxation sessions were brilliant, Jade helped me wind down when I was feeling pretty stressed near the end of the pregnancy. Having open conversations gave me the confidence to research and plan for a home birth which we were both really glad we did! The breathing and visualisation definitely helped during labour, even without feeling fully in 'the zone' . Highly recommended!


So grateful to Jade and the hypnobirthing experience. We had a lovely birth and despite having to go into hospital we were able to keep to our wishes and enjoy our arrival of our son. Jade offered excellent advice and support throughout of hypnobirth course. Can't thank her enough.


Myself and my husband had one to one sessions with Jade in the run up to the birth of our daughter. I was apprehensive of the birth, with this being my first pregnancy, and found reassurance and sound advice from Jade. We both agreed our time with Jade was much more beneficial than antenatal classes.

The relaxation and breathing exercises were so helpful, not just during labour and birth, but in the run up to this. Keeping me calm and relaxed in the weeks before labour were just as important, especially when you have everyone sharing their personal experiences (some of which were not positive).

My labour didn't go to plan, but that didn't matter! I genuinely feel that the information and advice from Jade helped out so much. And even after I had our daughter, Jade offered more advice which was so much appreciated.

I would highly recommend Aberdeen Hypnobirthing to anyone who is worried or stressed with the thought of childbirth.


My partner and I met with Jade on 5 occasions during our pregnancy. This being our first baby we had no idea what to expect and I had a lot of fear surrounding the birth having heard tales of agony and watched too many episodes of One Born Every Minute! Jade made us feel at ease right away and her passion for hypnobirthing was evident and infectious. It was wonderful to have that dedicated space for us to think, talk and prepare for our little one's arrival and such a far cry from midwife appointments. Jade is so knowledgable about pregnancy and birth. Her advice and guidance empowered us make the decisions that felt right for us and face our baby's birthing day with confidence. The hypnosis element of Jade's course was deeply relaxing, akin to guided meditation. I left each session feeling great. Two weeks after our final session I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, it was very close to the birth that Jade had helped me visualise and that I had practiced for daily throughout pregnancy and I'm very thankful for Jade and her wonderful course for enabling me to look back on our family's birthing experience with pride and happiness.


My husband, Craig and I booked in for a one-to-one Hypnobirthing course with Jade ahead of the birth of our son, Angus. As soon-to-be first time parents we were feeling overwhelmed and under prepared when it came to anything baby related, particularly the birthing part!

Jade was so well informed and incredibly supportive and we came out of each session feeling more and more relaxed and confident about our approaching due date.

Unfortunately, at 36 weeks, Angus was sitting breech and I had a fairly stressful day at the hospital where I didn't feel I was presented with all of my options - it was intervention or intervention. Jade was brilliant and even changed plans in order to come see us before my appointment to try to turn the baby.

I was so hoping that Angus would turn himself and I could have the natural birth that by now I was really looking forward to. But this wasn't to be. He was still breech after three attempts to turn him and, as I was warned prior to the procedure, I went into early labour two days later. Still breech, I opted for a c-section. Although I was disappointed to be veering way off the original plan, I was still able to use all of the techniques we had learned from Jade - the midwives and doctors didn't know when I was having surges and I was even able to walk myself to the theatre despite the fact that I was 4cm dilated and having surges every 2 minutes.

We cannot thank Jade enough for all of her help and guidance during what turned out to be quite an eventful and potentially stressful time. I have continued to use the hypnobirthing techniques in the weeks since Angus was born, particularly when we both struggled with breastfeeding. I was able to persevere and stay calm and relaxed despite our difficulties and now Angus is feeding really well and growing every day!

I would highly recommend Hypnobirthing and Jade in particular to any expectant parents.


My husband and I had a one to one hypnobirthing course with Jade last summer prior to the birth of our baby boy in September. My husband was initially a sceptic but went along with it because no one wants to argue with a pregnant woman! In the end I think he got as much from it as I did 🙂 The course taught me what to expect from my body during birth and how to relax and trust in it, it taught my husband what was happening and how to help. The relaxation techniques were useful not only during birth but to help me sleep during pregnancy and to get the the initial struggles of breastfeeding. The course also gave me the chance to think about how I wanted to approach the birth and what was important to me. On the day I felt that my husband and I were a team and jade's teaching helped me stay calm and focussed. I had a great experience with a waterbirth at the midwife led unit in aberdeen and having a clear plan and a husband who was on board to advocate for me if needed meant that the midwives knew what approach we hoped to take. The midwife was very hands off until she needed to get involved and commented afterwards that I'd been very calm and that she'd seen that before with women doing Hypnobirthing, the second midwife hadn't seen it before and I think we converted her! I had an awesome experience and I think going into it with a positive attitude and all my questions answered helped it to be that way.


My husband and I completed the hypnobirthing course with Jade through very informal, relaxed one to one sessions at our home before the birth of our first baby. It really helped us both to keep calm throughout our whole birthing experience and I felt in control of what was happening even when the doctors had to get involved. Jade not only introduced us to hypnobirthing but gave us quite an education in childbirth in general and we were actually amazed how uninformed we were previously considering what we were about to go through! I was always a bit apprehensive about giving birth but Jade really got me feeling excited after every session and answered all of our questions no matter how obvious or obscure they might be. I would definitely use hypnobirthing and Jade again in the future should we be lucky enough to have any more babies!


My birth did not go to plan. In fact, it was the complete opposite of what I wanted.

Having said that using the positive affirmations and relaxation techniques helped to keep me calm during my long failed induction and dealing with the realisation that I would have to have an emergency c-section.

Hypnobirthing has helped me to see the whole thing as a positive experience rather than focussing on the negative. Throughout the whole experience the Midwife's constantly commented on how relaxed I was, I was just focussing on my breathing, listening to my body and chanting positive affirmations throughout.

Thank you Jade!


It's taken me a long time to write this review- not just because I have 3 very busy kids (!) but I have been left with some ptsd from my pregnancy and that's made remembering the details quite difficult. But I wanted to properly write about how Jade helped me, and I figured better late than never! I had Hyperemesis Gravidarum and suffered not just physically, but also mentally throughout the duration I carried my baby. I had wanted to practice hypnobirthing but was too poorly to travel to classes and was struggling to connect with my bump to be able to do it myself, like I had with my 2nd pregnancy. I had been in contact with Jade about this throughout my 3rd trimester and right at the end she did something so kind, that I'll never quite forget how she swooped in just when I needed her!

I was to be induced at 38 weeks for a couple of reasons, and because of that I felt guilt, and also sadness as I had really wanted a home birth. All this coupled with the ill health and bonding issues meant that I really wasn't in 'optimum earth mother mode' prior to delivery! Jade very kindly offered to visit me at home and we spent an afternoon together, going through breathing techniques and looking at a beautiful folder of information she had prepared for me. We also worked on some fear release exercises too.

I found her to be so easy to talk to, trusted her with my vulnerable state, and felt empowered by the work she had done with me.

By the time I went in to hospital, I was calmer � my induction was delayed a couple of days thanks to a busy labour ward, but I used some of the relaxation skills she gave me to try and override the anxiety and it did help.

My waters were broken and I spent quite a nice couple of hours swaying to music, sniffing my lavender and putting in to practice what we'd gone over together, while my contractions gathered pace. I think I lost the thread of it for a wee while but at the end I was able to grab hold of my thoughts and work through them calmly. In doing so, I brought my gorgeous boy in to the world and fell in love with him immediately.

I can't recommend hypnobirthing enough and Jade really is a wee gem. In a fog of memories of a difficult pregnancy, she really stands out as someone who listened and *heard* what I needed, and was able to use her expertise to respond to that in the very best way. I found her to be gentle, empathetic and positive and would without a doubt encourage anyone considering a hypnobirth experience, to have a chat with her and see how she can help you.

Thanks Jade, we'll always be grateful for what you did for me that day � xxx


I was being induced early and hadn’t finished reading my birthing books or had the time to attend a hypnobirthing class in person. I signed up to Jade’s Positive Induction Course online which allowed me to watch the videos in bite sized chunks when I had spare time. It gave me the confidence and knowledge I was missing and I felt more prepared mentally for what lay ahead.


I really enjoyed the hypnobirthing course run by Jade, although I had a few complications I still felt relaxed during the birth of my little boy with the knowledge I had gained from the course. Jade is lovely and down to earth and is great at what she does! I would highly recommend the course


I had a couple of 1:1 sessions with Jade as a refresher following my self-taught hypnobirthing with my first birth. It really helped to talk about it rather than just listen to tracks and Jade was a very good listener too. As part of the sessions I also received a CD, book and a folder full of useful information. I'm almost looking forward to giving birth this time - thanks Jade!


I did Turtle Tums, hypnobirthing and bought a cord tie from Jade. I really really enjoyed all the classes I did with her. Jade is very knowledgeable and approachable and was always able to offer me support and advice when I asked her for it!! I will really miss taking part in the classes Jade runs! X


Fantastic Birth Preparation Course that I'd highly recommend! Jade is an enthusiastic, brilliant teacher - full of useful knowledge for creating a relaxing birth & making parents-to-be aware of birth options and choices. Loved learning so many Hypnobirthing techniques provided to create a calm and relaxing birth - I look forward to continuing to practice them over the next few months and putting them into place later in the year � Thank you so much Jade!


Brilliant course highly recommend this to anyone. Jade was great. Xx


After a traumatic first birth and recovery in 2008 I was apprehensive about birthing when I found out I was pregnant with my second child. I was keen to have an intervention free, natural, calm birth with my second child and hypnobirthing allowed me to achieve this.

Birthing really is a journey and Jade Gordon's hypnobirthing course gave me the tools I needed to be fully prepared to trust my body to birth my baby, and I did! My labour was significantly reduced because I was so relaxed and prepared, I now look back and see my second birth as an entirely positive experience thanks to hypnobirthing. If I didn't undertake the hypnobirthing course I fully believe I would have opted for an elective section, instead I had a natural birth and was up and about within 2 hours.

I also have a very calm, content baby. Hypnobirthing encourages you to communicate with your baby before birth, helping him to feel secure and loved.

I would highly recommend anyone who has any apprehensions about birth to give hypnobirthing a try, you won't regret it.


A fantastic course that I’d recommend to all. Jade really put my mind at ease and allowed me to block out all the negativity and media hype of how horrendous labour is and focus on bringing my baby into the world.

I didn’t have my “perfect” birth but I had the birth my baby needed to arrive with a relaxed and calm mind.


Myself and my husband attended the group sessions in preparation for the birth of my first baby. The classes were very informative, not on,y in hypnobirthing but also in educating me on what happens to my body during labour and birth. The course gave me greater confidence and let me feel in control throughout the birth of my son. I was late diagnosed with choleostasis and was induced with little warning. My birth was therefore competency opposite to the midwife led water birth I was hoping for. I wasn't able to rely solelyon hypnobirthing, I took morphine and it definitely wasn't a painless experience. However I believe that without hypnobirthing the changes and medical intervention would have left me feeling overwhelmed and may have resulted in me having a cesarean which I managed to avoid. I also have a very happy, relaxed baby which is possible a side effect to listening to my relaxations consistently in the months before birth.


What a great course! Jade helped up gain confidence we needed to prepare for the birth of our son. Hubby was sceptical about it before we started but having completed the course he thinks it's the best investment we made during pregnancy.


We did a private course with Jade which was great for fitting around our toddler's bedtime and busy schedules. The sessions helped us both make time to focus on the birth preparation and my husband felt much more involved in the process. The relaxation sessions were brilliant, Jade helped me wind down when I was feeling pretty stressed near the end of the pregnancy. Having open conversations gave me the confidence to research and plan for a home birth which we were both really glad we did! The breathing and visualisation definitely helped during labour, even without feeling fully in 'the zone' . Highly recommended!


So grateful to Jade and the hypnobirthing experience. We had a lovely birth and despite having to go into hospital we were able to keep to our wishes and enjoy our arrival of our son. Jade offered excellent advice and support throughout of hypnobirth course. Can't thank her enough.


Myself and my husband had one to one sessions with Jade in the run up to the birth of our daughter. I was apprehensive of the birth, with this being my first pregnancy, and found reassurance and sound advice from Jade. We both agreed our time with Jade was much more beneficial than antenatal classes.

The relaxation and breathing exercises were so helpful, not just during labour and birth, but in the run up to this. Keeping me calm and relaxed in the weeks before labour were just as important, especially when you have everyone sharing their personal experiences (some of which were not positive).

My labour didn't go to plan, but that didn't matter! I genuinely feel that the information and advice from Jade helped out so much. And even after I had our daughter, Jade offered more advice which was so much appreciated.

I would highly recommend Aberdeen Hypnobirthing to anyone who is worried or stressed with the thought of childbirth.


My partner and I met with Jade on 5 occasions during our pregnancy. This being our first baby we had no idea what to expect and I had a lot of fear surrounding the birth having heard tales of agony and watched too many episodes of One Born Every Minute! Jade made us feel at ease right away and her passion for hypnobirthing was evident and infectious. It was wonderful to have that dedicated space for us to think, talk and prepare for our little one's arrival and such a far cry from midwife appointments. Jade is so knowledgable about pregnancy and birth. Her advice and guidance empowered us make the decisions that felt right for us and face our baby's birthing day with confidence. The hypnosis element of Jade's course was deeply relaxing, akin to guided meditation. I left each session feeling great. Two weeks after our final session I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, it was very close to the birth that Jade had helped me visualise and that I had practiced for daily throughout pregnancy and I'm very thankful for Jade and her wonderful course for enabling me to look back on our family's birthing experience with pride and happiness.


My husband, Craig and I booked in for a one-to-one Hypnobirthing course with Jade ahead of the birth of our son, Angus. As soon-to-be first time parents we were feeling overwhelmed and under prepared when it came to anything baby related, particularly the birthing part!

Jade was so well informed and incredibly supportive and we came out of each session feeling more and more relaxed and confident about our approaching due date.

Unfortunately, at 36 weeks, Angus was sitting breech and I had a fairly stressful day at the hospital where I didn't feel I was presented with all of my options - it was intervention or intervention. Jade was brilliant and even changed plans in order to come see us before my appointment to try to turn the baby.

I was so hoping that Angus would turn himself and I could have the natural birth that by now I was really looking forward to. But this wasn't to be. He was still breech after three attempts to turn him and, as I was warned prior to the procedure, I went into early labour two days later. Still breech, I opted for a c-section. Although I was disappointed to be veering way off the original plan, I was still able to use all of the techniques we had learned from Jade - the midwives and doctors didn't know when I was having surges and I was even able to walk myself to the theatre despite the fact that I was 4cm dilated and having surges every 2 minutes.

We cannot thank Jade enough for all of her help and guidance during what turned out to be quite an eventful and potentially stressful time. I have continued to use the hypnobirthing techniques in the weeks since Angus was born, particularly when we both struggled with breastfeeding. I was able to persevere and stay calm and relaxed despite our difficulties and now Angus is feeding really well and growing every day!

I would highly recommend Hypnobirthing and Jade in particular to any expectant parents.


My husband and I had a one to one hypnobirthing course with Jade last summer prior to the birth of our baby boy in September. My husband was initially a sceptic but went along with it because no one wants to argue with a pregnant woman! In the end I think he got as much from it as I did 🙂 The course taught me what to expect from my body during birth and how to relax and trust in it, it taught my husband what was happening and how to help. The relaxation techniques were useful not only during birth but to help me sleep during pregnancy and to get the the initial struggles of breastfeeding. The course also gave me the chance to think about how I wanted to approach the birth and what was important to me. On the day I felt that my husband and I were a team and jade's teaching helped me stay calm and focussed. I had a great experience with a waterbirth at the midwife led unit in aberdeen and having a clear plan and a husband who was on board to advocate for me if needed meant that the midwives knew what approach we hoped to take. The midwife was very hands off until she needed to get involved and commented afterwards that I'd been very calm and that she'd seen that before with women doing Hypnobirthing, the second midwife hadn't seen it before and I think we converted her! I had an awesome experience and I think going into it with a positive attitude and all my questions answered helped it to be that way.


My husband and I completed the hypnobirthing course with Jade through very informal, relaxed one to one sessions at our home before the birth of our first baby. It really helped us both to keep calm throughout our whole birthing experience and I felt in control of what was happening even when the doctors had to get involved. Jade not only introduced us to hypnobirthing but gave us quite an education in childbirth in general and we were actually amazed how uninformed we were previously considering what we were about to go through! I was always a bit apprehensive about giving birth but Jade really got me feeling excited after every session and answered all of our questions no matter how obvious or obscure they might be. I would definitely use hypnobirthing and Jade again in the future should we be lucky enough to have any more babies!


My birth did not go to plan. In fact, it was the complete opposite of what I wanted.

Having said that using the positive affirmations and relaxation techniques helped to keep me calm during my long failed induction and dealing with the realisation that I would have to have an emergency c-section.

Hypnobirthing has helped me to see the whole thing as a positive experience rather than focussing on the negative. Throughout the whole experience the Midwife's constantly commented on how relaxed I was, I was just focussing on my breathing, listening to my body and chanting positive affirmations throughout.

Thank you Jade!


It's taken me a long time to write this review- not just because I have 3 very busy kids (!) but I have been left with some ptsd from my pregnancy and that's made remembering the details quite difficult. But I wanted to properly write about how Jade helped me, and I figured better late than never! I had Hyperemesis Gravidarum and suffered not just physically, but also mentally throughout the duration I carried my baby. I had wanted to practice hypnobirthing but was too poorly to travel to classes and was struggling to connect with my bump to be able to do it myself, like I had with my 2nd pregnancy. I had been in contact with Jade about this throughout my 3rd trimester and right at the end she did something so kind, that I'll never quite forget how she swooped in just when I needed her!

I was to be induced at 38 weeks for a couple of reasons, and because of that I felt guilt, and also sadness as I had really wanted a home birth. All this coupled with the ill health and bonding issues meant that I really wasn't in 'optimum earth mother mode' prior to delivery! Jade very kindly offered to visit me at home and we spent an afternoon together, going through breathing techniques and looking at a beautiful folder of information she had prepared for me. We also worked on some fear release exercises too.

I found her to be so easy to talk to, trusted her with my vulnerable state, and felt empowered by the work she had done with me.

By the time I went in to hospital, I was calmer � my induction was delayed a couple of days thanks to a busy labour ward, but I used some of the relaxation skills she gave me to try and override the anxiety and it did help.

My waters were broken and I spent quite a nice couple of hours swaying to music, sniffing my lavender and putting in to practice what we'd gone over together, while my contractions gathered pace. I think I lost the thread of it for a wee while but at the end I was able to grab hold of my thoughts and work through them calmly. In doing so, I brought my gorgeous boy in to the world and fell in love with him immediately.

I can't recommend hypnobirthing enough and Jade really is a wee gem. In a fog of memories of a difficult pregnancy, she really stands out as someone who listened and *heard* what I needed, and was able to use her expertise to respond to that in the very best way. I found her to be gentle, empathetic and positive and would without a doubt encourage anyone considering a hypnobirth experience, to have a chat with her and see how she can help you.

Thanks Jade, we'll always be grateful for what you did for me that day � xxx


I was being induced early and hadn’t finished reading my birthing books or had the time to attend a hypnobirthing class in person. I signed up to Jade’s Positive Induction Course online which allowed me to watch the videos in bite sized chunks when I had spare time. It gave me the confidence and knowledge I was missing and I felt more prepared mentally for what lay ahead.


I really enjoyed the hypnobirthing course run by Jade, although I had a few complications I still felt relaxed during the birth of my little boy with the knowledge I had gained from the course. Jade is lovely and down to earth and is great at what she does! I would highly recommend the course


I had a couple of 1:1 sessions with Jade as a refresher following my self-taught hypnobirthing with my first birth. It really helped to talk about it rather than just listen to tracks and Jade was a very good listener too. As part of the sessions I also received a CD, book and a folder full of useful information. I'm almost looking forward to giving birth this time - thanks Jade!


I did Turtle Tums, hypnobirthing and bought a cord tie from Jade. I really really enjoyed all the classes I did with her. Jade is very knowledgeable and approachable and was always able to offer me support and advice when I asked her for it!! I will really miss taking part in the classes Jade runs! X


Fantastic Birth Preparation Course that I'd highly recommend! Jade is an enthusiastic, brilliant teacher - full of useful knowledge for creating a relaxing birth & making parents-to-be aware of birth options and choices. Loved learning so many Hypnobirthing techniques provided to create a calm and relaxing birth - I look forward to continuing to practice them over the next few months and putting them into place later in the year � Thank you so much Jade!


Brilliant course highly recommend this to anyone. Jade was great. Xx


After a traumatic first birth and recovery in 2008 I was apprehensive about birthing when I found out I was pregnant with my second child. I was keen to have an intervention free, natural, calm birth with my second child and hypnobirthing allowed me to achieve this.

Birthing really is a journey and Jade Gordon's hypnobirthing course gave me the tools I needed to be fully prepared to trust my body to birth my baby, and I did! My labour was significantly reduced because I was so relaxed and prepared, I now look back and see my second birth as an entirely positive experience thanks to hypnobirthing. If I didn't undertake the hypnobirthing course I fully believe I would have opted for an elective section, instead I had a natural birth and was up and about within 2 hours.

I also have a very calm, content baby. Hypnobirthing encourages you to communicate with your baby before birth, helping him to feel secure and loved.

I would highly recommend anyone who has any apprehensions about birth to give hypnobirthing a try, you won't regret it.


A fantastic course that I’d recommend to all. Jade really put my mind at ease and allowed me to block out all the negativity and media hype of how horrendous labour is and focus on bringing my baby into the world.

I didn’t have my “perfect” birth but I had the birth my baby needed to arrive with a relaxed and calm mind.


Myself and my husband attended the group sessions in preparation for the birth of my first baby. The classes were very informative, not on,y in hypnobirthing but also in educating me on what happens to my body during labour and birth. The course gave me greater confidence and let me feel in control throughout the birth of my son. I was late diagnosed with choleostasis and was induced with little warning. My birth was therefore competency opposite to the midwife led water birth I was hoping for. I wasn't able to rely solelyon hypnobirthing, I took morphine and it definitely wasn't a painless experience. However I believe that without hypnobirthing the changes and medical intervention would have left me feeling overwhelmed and may have resulted in me having a cesarean which I managed to avoid. I also have a very happy, relaxed baby which is possible a side effect to listening to my relaxations consistently in the months before birth.


What a great course! Jade helped up gain confidence we needed to prepare for the birth of our son. Hubby was sceptical about it before we started but having completed the course he thinks it's the best investment we made during pregnancy.


We did a private course with Jade which was great for fitting around our toddler's bedtime and busy schedules. The sessions helped us both make time to focus on the birth preparation and my husband felt much more involved in the process. The relaxation sessions were brilliant, Jade helped me wind down when I was feeling pretty stressed near the end of the pregnancy. Having open conversations gave me the confidence to research and plan for a home birth which we were both really glad we did! The breathing and visualisation definitely helped during labour, even without feeling fully in 'the zone' . Highly recommended!


So grateful to Jade and the hypnobirthing experience. We had a lovely birth and despite having to go into hospital we were able to keep to our wishes and enjoy our arrival of our son. Jade offered excellent advice and support throughout of hypnobirth course. Can't thank her enough.


Myself and my husband had one to one sessions with Jade in the run up to the birth of our daughter. I was apprehensive of the birth, with this being my first pregnancy, and found reassurance and sound advice from Jade. We both agreed our time with Jade was much more beneficial than antenatal classes.

The relaxation and breathing exercises were so helpful, not just during labour and birth, but in the run up to this. Keeping me calm and relaxed in the weeks before labour were just as important, especially when you have everyone sharing their personal experiences (some of which were not positive).

My labour didn't go to plan, but that didn't matter! I genuinely feel that the information and advice from Jade helped out so much. And even after I had our daughter, Jade offered more advice which was so much appreciated.

I would highly recommend Aberdeen Hypnobirthing to anyone who is worried or stressed with the thought of childbirth.


My partner and I met with Jade on 5 occasions during our pregnancy. This being our first baby we had no idea what to expect and I had a lot of fear surrounding the birth having heard tales of agony and watched too many episodes of One Born Every Minute! Jade made us feel at ease right away and her passion for hypnobirthing was evident and infectious. It was wonderful to have that dedicated space for us to think, talk and prepare for our little one's arrival and such a far cry from midwife appointments. Jade is so knowledgable about pregnancy and birth. Her advice and guidance empowered us make the decisions that felt right for us and face our baby's birthing day with confidence. The hypnosis element of Jade's course was deeply relaxing, akin to guided meditation. I left each session feeling great. Two weeks after our final session I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, it was very close to the birth that Jade had helped me visualise and that I had practiced for daily throughout pregnancy and I'm very thankful for Jade and her wonderful course for enabling me to look back on our family's birthing experience with pride and happiness.


My husband, Craig and I booked in for a one-to-one Hypnobirthing course with Jade ahead of the birth of our son, Angus. As soon-to-be first time parents we were feeling overwhelmed and under prepared when it came to anything baby related, particularly the birthing part!

Jade was so well informed and incredibly supportive and we came out of each session feeling more and more relaxed and confident about our approaching due date.

Unfortunately, at 36 weeks, Angus was sitting breech and I had a fairly stressful day at the hospital where I didn't feel I was presented with all of my options - it was intervention or intervention. Jade was brilliant and even changed plans in order to come see us before my appointment to try to turn the baby.

I was so hoping that Angus would turn himself and I could have the natural birth that by now I was really looking forward to. But this wasn't to be. He was still breech after three attempts to turn him and, as I was warned prior to the procedure, I went into early labour two days later. Still breech, I opted for a c-section. Although I was disappointed to be veering way off the original plan, I was still able to use all of the techniques we had learned from Jade - the midwives and doctors didn't know when I was having surges and I was even able to walk myself to the theatre despite the fact that I was 4cm dilated and having surges every 2 minutes.

We cannot thank Jade enough for all of her help and guidance during what turned out to be quite an eventful and potentially stressful time. I have continued to use the hypnobirthing techniques in the weeks since Angus was born, particularly when we both struggled with breastfeeding. I was able to persevere and stay calm and relaxed despite our difficulties and now Angus is feeding really well and growing every day!

I would highly recommend Hypnobirthing and Jade in particular to any expectant parents.


My husband and I had a one to one hypnobirthing course with Jade last summer prior to the birth of our baby boy in September. My husband was initially a sceptic but went along with it because no one wants to argue with a pregnant woman! In the end I think he got as much from it as I did 🙂 The course taught me what to expect from my body during birth and how to relax and trust in it, it taught my husband what was happening and how to help. The relaxation techniques were useful not only during birth but to help me sleep during pregnancy and to get the the initial struggles of breastfeeding. The course also gave me the chance to think about how I wanted to approach the birth and what was important to me. On the day I felt that my husband and I were a team and jade's teaching helped me stay calm and focussed. I had a great experience with a waterbirth at the midwife led unit in aberdeen and having a clear plan and a husband who was on board to advocate for me if needed meant that the midwives knew what approach we hoped to take. The midwife was very hands off until she needed to get involved and commented afterwards that I'd been very calm and that she'd seen that before with women doing Hypnobirthing, the second midwife hadn't seen it before and I think we converted her! I had an awesome experience and I think going into it with a positive attitude and all my questions answered helped it to be that way.


My husband and I completed the hypnobirthing course with Jade through very informal, relaxed one to one sessions at our home before the birth of our first baby. It really helped us both to keep calm throughout our whole birthing experience and I felt in control of what was happening even when the doctors had to get involved. Jade not only introduced us to hypnobirthing but gave us quite an education in childbirth in general and we were actually amazed how uninformed we were previously considering what we were about to go through! I was always a bit apprehensive about giving birth but Jade really got me feeling excited after every session and answered all of our questions no matter how obvious or obscure they might be. I would definitely use hypnobirthing and Jade again in the future should we be lucky enough to have any more babies!


My birth did not go to plan. In fact, it was the complete opposite of what I wanted.

Having said that using the positive affirmations and relaxation techniques helped to keep me calm during my long failed induction and dealing with the realisation that I would have to have an emergency c-section.

Hypnobirthing has helped me to see the whole thing as a positive experience rather than focussing on the negative. Throughout the whole experience the Midwife's constantly commented on how relaxed I was, I was just focussing on my breathing, listening to my body and chanting positive affirmations throughout.

Thank you Jade!


It's taken me a long time to write this review- not just because I have 3 very busy kids (!) but I have been left with some ptsd from my pregnancy and that's made remembering the details quite difficult. But I wanted to properly write about how Jade helped me, and I figured better late than never! I had Hyperemesis Gravidarum and suffered not just physically, but also mentally throughout the duration I carried my baby. I had wanted to practice hypnobirthing but was too poorly to travel to classes and was struggling to connect with my bump to be able to do it myself, like I had with my 2nd pregnancy. I had been in contact with Jade about this throughout my 3rd trimester and right at the end she did something so kind, that I'll never quite forget how she swooped in just when I needed her!

I was to be induced at 38 weeks for a couple of reasons, and because of that I felt guilt, and also sadness as I had really wanted a home birth. All this coupled with the ill health and bonding issues meant that I really wasn't in 'optimum earth mother mode' prior to delivery! Jade very kindly offered to visit me at home and we spent an afternoon together, going through breathing techniques and looking at a beautiful folder of information she had prepared for me. We also worked on some fear release exercises too.

I found her to be so easy to talk to, trusted her with my vulnerable state, and felt empowered by the work she had done with me.

By the time I went in to hospital, I was calmer � my induction was delayed a couple of days thanks to a busy labour ward, but I used some of the relaxation skills she gave me to try and override the anxiety and it did help.

My waters were broken and I spent quite a nice couple of hours swaying to music, sniffing my lavender and putting in to practice what we'd gone over together, while my contractions gathered pace. I think I lost the thread of it for a wee while but at the end I was able to grab hold of my thoughts and work through them calmly. In doing so, I brought my gorgeous boy in to the world and fell in love with him immediately.

I can't recommend hypnobirthing enough and Jade really is a wee gem. In a fog of memories of a difficult pregnancy, she really stands out as someone who listened and *heard* what I needed, and was able to use her expertise to respond to that in the very best way. I found her to be gentle, empathetic and positive and would without a doubt encourage anyone considering a hypnobirth experience, to have a chat with her and see how she can help you.

Thanks Jade, we'll always be grateful for what you did for me that day � xxx


I was being induced early and hadn’t finished reading my birthing books or had the time to attend a hypnobirthing class in person. I signed up to Jade’s Positive Induction Course online which allowed me to watch the videos in bite sized chunks when I had spare time. It gave me the confidence and knowledge I was missing and I felt more prepared mentally for what lay ahead.


I really enjoyed the hypnobirthing course run by Jade, although I had a few complications I still felt relaxed during the birth of my little boy with the knowledge I had gained from the course. Jade is lovely and down to earth and is great at what she does! I would highly recommend the course


I had a couple of 1:1 sessions with Jade as a refresher following my self-taught hypnobirthing with my first birth. It really helped to talk about it rather than just listen to tracks and Jade was a very good listener too. As part of the sessions I also received a CD, book and a folder full of useful information. I'm almost looking forward to giving birth this time - thanks Jade!


I did Turtle Tums, hypnobirthing and bought a cord tie from Jade. I really really enjoyed all the classes I did with her. Jade is very knowledgeable and approachable and was always able to offer me support and advice when I asked her for it!! I will really miss taking part in the classes Jade runs! X


Fantastic Birth Preparation Course that I'd highly recommend! Jade is an enthusiastic, brilliant teacher - full of useful knowledge for creating a relaxing birth & making parents-to-be aware of birth options and choices. Loved learning so many Hypnobirthing techniques provided to create a calm and relaxing birth - I look forward to continuing to practice them over the next few months and putting them into place later in the year � Thank you so much Jade!


Brilliant course highly recommend this to anyone. Jade was great. Xx


After a traumatic first birth and recovery in 2008 I was apprehensive about birthing when I found out I was pregnant with my second child. I was keen to have an intervention free, natural, calm birth with my second child and hypnobirthing allowed me to achieve this.

Birthing really is a journey and Jade Gordon's hypnobirthing course gave me the tools I needed to be fully prepared to trust my body to birth my baby, and I did! My labour was significantly reduced because I was so relaxed and prepared, I now look back and see my second birth as an entirely positive experience thanks to hypnobirthing. If I didn't undertake the hypnobirthing course I fully believe I would have opted for an elective section, instead I had a natural birth and was up and about within 2 hours.

I also have a very calm, content baby. Hypnobirthing encourages you to communicate with your baby before birth, helping him to feel secure and loved.

I would highly recommend anyone who has any apprehensions about birth to give hypnobirthing a try, you won't regret it.


A fantastic course that I’d recommend to all. Jade really put my mind at ease and allowed me to block out all the negativity and media hype of how horrendous labour is and focus on bringing my baby into the world.

I didn’t have my “perfect” birth but I had the birth my baby needed to arrive with a relaxed and calm mind.


Myself and my husband attended the group sessions in preparation for the birth of my first baby. The classes were very informative, not on,y in hypnobirthing but also in educating me on what happens to my body during labour and birth. The course gave me greater confidence and let me feel in control throughout the birth of my son. I was late diagnosed with choleostasis and was induced with little warning. My birth was therefore competency opposite to the midwife led water birth I was hoping for. I wasn't able to rely solelyon hypnobirthing, I took morphine and it definitely wasn't a painless experience. However I believe that without hypnobirthing the changes and medical intervention would have left me feeling overwhelmed and may have resulted in me having a cesarean which I managed to avoid. I also have a very happy, relaxed baby which is possible a side effect to listening to my relaxations consistently in the months before birth.

More about Sona Mum - Hypnotherapy & Hypnobirthing

Sona Mum - Hypnotherapy & Hypnobirthing is located at Kirkton Steading, AB39 3SA Cookney, Aberdeenshire, United Kingdom