Specialized Geological Mapping

About Specialized Geological Mapping

Geological mapping for the minerals and hydrocarbon industry.

Specialized Geological Mapping Description

Specialised Geological Mapping provides cost-effective geological mapping and modelling to mining, hydrocarbon and engineering companies. In a world of increasing specialization, where map-making skills are disappearing, we believe that making an objective map has also become a specialism.

We offer a mapping service backed up by geologists with considerable experience. Increasingly, we contribute to geological and resource models by integrating mapping and core logging into sophisticated 3D models. These models develop by integrating careful surface and underground observations with drill data. Structurally complex ore deposits, modeled using Mapinfo-Discover 3D, are a specialty.

Our maps and models provide a solid foundation for exploration, regardless of whether the properties are grassroots or relatively advanced. A well-made geological map, when combined with surface geochemistry, geophysics or seismic, guides drilling and ultimately saves exploration dollars. Likewise, engineering projects will benefit from maps of superficial deposits and geological hazards, such as compressible soils, abandoned mine workings and landslips.



Indaba Mining - Cape Town February 2019. Well, what a blast. Quite a different fish from the famous PDAC conference in Toronto. More expensive to register, longer to get to, and focused on supply companies. Not so many Junior miners present.
Cape Town, Table Mountain and penguins.What a glorious part of the world. Clearly, this is not the real South Africa (I stayed at Camps Bay). But it was my first toe in the water and I was struck by the warmth of the welcome. People say good morning on the street. Joggers and cyclists are everywhere. The most beautiful beaches I have ever seen. What's not to like?


Another dull talk at Aberdeen Uni. Yawn.....


Warren Pratt will be at Indaba Mining conference, Cape Town from 4th-8th February. Looking forward to seeing clients, old and new. (I also fancy checking out those granites on the foreshore at Camps Bay.) Oh, and snorkelling with Great Whites.....


Very pleased to announce that Tom Rowe has joined Specialised Geological Mapping Ltd. His bio is at:


In one day it can go from this......to this......in the altiplano of Argentina


A visit to the famous Permo-Triassic sandstones at Hopeman, Moray, home to reptile footprints, barchan dunes and playa lakes. This 1 day trip aims to introduce students to modern digital mapping techniques. It teaches the 'tips of the trade' and is extremely useful for students about to embark on their summer mapping. Oil industry participants will get an opportunity to see onshore exposures of important North Sea reservoir rocks. There will be an emphasis on GPS mapping and how to make a digital geological map. The course leader is Warren Pratt (see www.geologicalmapping.com for bio).


Pan American Silver know how to throw a party. Ripley Aquarium, Toronto.


For all clients old, new and potential.......Warren Pratt is at the PDAC in Toronto. Drop in to the Condor Gold plc stand (I'll be there 50% of the time) or send me a message.


A lifetime in mineral exploration. Anecdotes, pizzas, and maybe some science.


Kudos to Geosupplies Sheffield. My new hammer has disintegrated on the soft(ish) rocks in Ecuador. So they are sending me a new one for free. That's good customer service. But not a good advert for British steel.


The crew in Quito, Ecuador. A rare meeting up!


Warren Pratt will be contributing three talks to this day-long event: epithermal gold exploration, orogenic gold exploration, and use of software in metal exploration.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4 91329437903020&set=gm.19749987761058 06&type=3&theater


JOB OPPORTUNITY. For recent graduates. Core loggers needed.Gold project. No experience necessary. Central America. 8 week rotations and 4 week breaks. Message Warren Pratt for more details.


More Tundra Tales

More about Specialized Geological Mapping

Specialized Geological Mapping is located at Catlin Cottage, IV308LQ Elgin, Moray
++44 1343 842813