St. Olaf'S Scottish Episcopal Church, Kirkwall

About St. Olaf'S Scottish Episcopal Church, Kirkwall

A congregation of the Scottish Episcopal Church, Diocese of Aberdeen and Orkney

St. Olaf'S Scottish Episcopal Church, Kirkwall Description

Following the failure of Prince Charles Edward Stuart (Bonnie Prince Charlie) to secure the throne of Britain in 1746 (the battle of Culloden in April of that year being the decisive action), Scottish Episcopalians, most of whom - together with Highland Roman Catholics - were supportive of the Jacobite cause, were subjected to strict penal laws.

Although these harsh laws were repealed in 1792, for the greater part of the 19th Century there was no Episcopalian priest in Orkney. However, owing to the loyalty and the private devotion of many there grew a growing demand for a resident clergyman and a place of worship within Kirkwall.

From 1871 two venues acted as places of worship for Orkney’s Episcopalians - the old Drill Hall in Junction Rd and latterly a ward in the Smallpox Hospital in Watergate. On 21st November 1874 the foundation stone for the new church (this present building) was laid. The building was finally opened and dedicated on the Feast of St. Olaf, 29th July 1876 by Bishop Suther of the united Diocese of Aberdeen and Orkney.



Let's not forget that there are unscrupulous people ready to take advantage of vulnerable people during this crisis. Please share widely.


It was an immense privilege to conduct the marriage of two lovely people. Thank you to NHS Orkney and the Registrar at Kirkwall for arranging the authorisation at a time when all weddings, baptisms and church services have been suspended. May God bless Sue and Dave.


It is with a very heavy heart that we have to advise that with effect from today, 17th March 2020, all church services are to be suspended until further notice.
This is following on from instructions from the College of Bishops in liaison with the Scottish Government.
We have no way of assessing the duration of this suspension and we shall have to be guided by government instruction.
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Tomorrow is the last Sunday in Advent and we celebrate this with our customary weekly service of Holy Communion at 10.00 am. On Tuesday 24th December at 11.30 pm (2330) we shall gather together to celebrate the joyous and redeeming act of God entering into humanity at Bethlehem with Midnight Mass. Owing to so many of our congregation being away and the fact that most of the remaining families will come along to Midnight Mass, there will be no service on Christmas Day itself. If you are in Kirkwall on Christmas Eve, we hope you can join us for Midnight Mass - you will all be made most welcome!


An inspiration to all! Alf is a much valued member of St. Olaf's congregation. We are very proud of him.


Between 10.00 am and 2.00 pm tomorrow (Saturday 7th September) we will be running a 'Pop-up' charity shop in the upper room at William Shearer's shop in Victoria St. Kirkwall. A wide range of items will be on sale; clothing, books, jewellery, ornaments and assorted bric-a-brac - all at very low prices. Do pop along and have a never know what you may find! Grateful thanks to Richard Shearer and family for offering us the use of this room above what is a most traditional family store selling a huge range of quality foodstuffs, hardware and almost anything you need for the smooth running of a home! Do come along!


Today marks Yom HaShoah, the Jewish Day of Remembrance for the six million victims of Nazi genocide. In an age of increasing antisemitism around the world and, more worryingly, in Europe, it has never been more crucial to remember that dark and evil period in recent history. For only by remembrance can we work to ensure that it will never be repeated. The prayer that follows is the Kaddish, the traditional Jewish prayer of mourning for the dead: Exalted and hallowed be God’s... great name in the world which God created, according to plan. May God’s majesty be revealed in the days of our lifetime and the life of all Israel—speedily, imminently. To which we say: Amen. Blessed be God’s great name to all eternity. Blessed, praised, honoured, exalted, extolled, glorified, adored, and lauded be the name of the Holy Blessed One, beyond all earthly words and songs of blessing, praise, and comfort. To which we say: Amen. May there be abundant peace from heaven, and life, for us and all Israel. To which we say: Amen. May the One who creates harmony on high, bring peace us and to all Israel. To which we say: Amen
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The Life Changes Trust, in partnership with Age Scotland/Dementia Friendly Orkney is to host a series of events between 7th and 9th May 2019 (both dates inclusive) focusing on dementia. Working collaboratively with people affected by dementia, unpaid carers, families and stakeholders from across Orkney, the Life Changes Trust seeks to inform and inspire those who attend by providing an opportunity to learn from initiatives and evidence from across Orkney. This will support areas to think more deeply about how communities can uphold the human rights of people with dementia and unpaid carers. I would encourage as many as many as are able to consider attending one or all of the sessions so as to better enable us to support people with dementia to live meaningful lives. The programme is: Tuesday 7th May: Storytelling sessions for people affected by dementia at the Age Scotland Orkney Hub, Victoria Street, Kirkwall – opposite Sutherlands Pharmacy. The event will last between 10.30am - 12.30pm and 1.00pm - 3.00pm with lunch provided Wednesday 8th May: 10.00 am - 12 noon - Screen Memories session at the Age Scotland Orkney Hub, Victoria St. with an evening social event between 6.00pm and 9.00pm at the Sound Archive, Old Library, Laing St. Kirkwall. This fun session will feature the Bigsy Whalp, so please come along to eat, laugh and have a jolly good time! You are advised to book to attend any of these free events on the Tuesday or Wednesday by ‘phoning Age Scotland Orkney on 872438 - or email Finally, on Thursday 9th May: there will be a full day’s conference, branded “Community and Dementia Creating Better Lives in Orkney” at the Pickaquoy Centre. Again, please book to attend this free event by either logging on to: dementia-creating-… or telephoning Age Scotland Orkney on 872438. Co-charing the Conference will be the Reverend Susan Kirkbride from the United Reformed Church (Peedie Kirk) and Councillor John Richards, Orkney Islands Council, a member of the Orkney Integrated Joint Board. The keynote speech will be delivered by Orkney’s Chief Social Work Officer, Sally Shaw.
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This year's Bishop's Lent Appeal sought to raise money for charities working with those affected by dementia. The really good news is that Bishop Anne Dyer permitted monies raised to be directed to local charities. As a consequence, St. Olaf's, thanks to the kindness of members, raised £160 during Lent. This has now been donated to Dementia Friendly Orkney.


On Sunday 21st April at 10.00 am, St.Olaf's will be celebrating God's mighty act of love for the world - the Resurrection of His Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ! All are most welcome to join us to share in this joyous occasion.


Today, throughout all Orkney and beyond, prayers were said in memory of the crew of RNLB 'TGB' which capsized in the Pentland Firth whilst en-route to the aid of the Liberian frieghter 'Irene' this very night fifty years ago. During our time of prayer the following was offered to God:
God our Father, we hold before you this day, in grateful memory, the crew of the Royal National Lifeboat ‘TGB’ who, 50 years ago this very night, gave their lives whilst on operation off Old in the Pentland Firth. With a sense of pain still felt after these years, yet overshadowed with gratitude for their dedication, service and sacrifice, we remember before You, O Lord: Coxswain Dan Kirkpatrick, Second Coxswain Jimmy Johnston, Bowman Ray Kirkpatrick, Mechanic Robert R Johnston, Assistant Mechanic Jimmy Swanson, Crewman Jack Kirkpatrick, Crewman Robert Johnston and Crewman Eric McFadyen. We remember also their families at this time and those who crew the present-day Lifeboat at Longhope; may You be forever their anchor to your almighty love and protection; their lifeline in times of need, their rudder to guide them through life’s ocean and may they - and all RNLI crews throughout Britain and Ireland - be beacons of selflessness that reflects the sacrifice of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, in whose name we make this prayer. Amen.
May the Heroes of Longhope rest in peace and rise in glory.
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Donations raised by members of the congregation during Lent will be given to Dementia Friendly Orkney.


The season of Lent, in preparation for the greatest day in the Church's year - Easter Sunday - begins tomorrow, Wednesday 6th March with an Ash Wednesday service in St. Olaf's at 7.00 pm. All are very welcome.


Are the Psalms not wonderful? Capturing every human emotion, they speak so powerfully of Man's (often flawed) relationship with God. Above all, they remind us of His great love for us all, a love that was paid in blood at Calvary.


On Sunday 27th January at 10.00 am, St. Olaf’s will be holding a special service of remembrance for the 6 million Jewish victims of the Shoah together with others whom the Nazis deemed sub-human. Holocaust Memorial Day also encourages humanity to look to the future to ensure history cannot be repeated.

More about St. Olaf'S Scottish Episcopal Church, Kirkwall

St. Olaf'S Scottish Episcopal Church, Kirkwall is located at 12 Dundas Crescent, KW15 1JQ Kirkwall
01856 872024