St Paul The Apostle Parish Shettleston

About St Paul The Apostle Parish Shettleston

Sharing information about the parish of St Paul the Apostle in Shettleston. St Paul's is a Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of Glasgow.

St Paul The Apostle Parish Shettleston Description

Parish Priest- Fr David Brown
Priest in Residence- Fr Joseph Mills
Permanent Deacon- Rev Edward McDonald

Holy Mass
Mon-Fri 9. 30am
Saturday 5. 30pm(Vigil)
Sunday 10am, 11. 30am, 6pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation(Confession)
Saturday 5-5. 20pm and by request.

Morning Prayer of the Church(Lauds)
Mon-Fri 9. 10am

Blessed Sacrament Chapel opened daily for private prayer from 7. 30am-7. 30pm.



Prayers for Scotland as we prepare to welcome the relics of the Little Flower, St Therese of Liseux


Happy Feast of the Ascension. Join us for Mass on this HolyDay of Obligation at 9.30am or 1pm.


HOLYDAY OF OBLIGATION Tomorrow is the Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord celebrating the Ascension of Jesus to Heaven 40 days after his Resurrection at Easter. It is a HolyDay of Obligation in Scotland on which all Catholics are obliged to attend Mass.
MASS TIMES Wed 29th 7.30pm(Vigil Mass)... Thu 30th 9.30am and 1pm
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Terminally ill Fr Michael Los was just ordained a priest in his sickbed, today he celebrated his first Mass.


May he rest in peace and rise in glory.


An excellent opportunity!


Give yourself to Mary every day and ask her to pray for you to her Son. She is our greatest intercessor we have; Jesus always listens to his Mother.


Rest in peace...


Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. At Fatima Our Lady appeared to three shepherd children and gave them many messages for the world. One of these was to pray the rosary every day for peace in our world. Perhaps we should all make the effort to pray the rosary more for peace in a world full of division.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!


Let’s pray for vocations today


Great message for the month of May; Our Lady’s month. If you haven’t prayed the rosary in a while now is the time to start again, it’s a beautiful way to meditate on the lives of Jesus and Mary and to get to know them better.


On this Second Sunday of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday, we are asked by the Lord to “doubt no longer, but believe”. Thomas needed a great sign to believe that Jesus had risen; he had to place his hand into the wounded and glorified flesh of Christ to be convinced, but this led to one of the greatest professions of faith; “My Lord and my God”.
The greatest sign we have is the Eucharist; the flesh and blood of Jesus truly present under the appearance of bread and wine. Today let us renew our faith and trust in the Eucharist presence of the Lord among us who strengthens and sustains us every day, and when we see the Host elevated at every Mass let us join St Thomas in quietly proclaiming “My Lord and my God”.


Prayers for Sri Lanka. May these martyrs intercede for peace and for an end to Christian persecution.


Resurrexit Sicut Dixit! Alleluia! Risen as he said! Alleluia!
A very happy and blessed Easter to you all!
... Here are some pictures from our celebration of the Sacred Triduum. Thank you to all who worked so hard to make our liturgies such prayerful encounters with our Lord through his Passion, Death and Resurrection. Thank you to our cleaners, servers, MC, the Band, the Choir, the Family Mass group, to those who set up our beautiful Altar of Repose and Easter Garden, to those who decorated the church and arranged the flowers, and to all who participated so prayerfully in our celebrations. A lot of hours and hard work goes into preparing these days.
Met today be one of joyous celebration!
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We wait....
Join us tonight for the great moment of the Resurrection at our Solemn Easter Vigil at 9pm.
This is the greatest and most solemn Mass in the Church’s year, and it is a wonderful thing for us to celebrate it together as a parish family.

More about St Paul The Apostle Parish Shettleston

St Paul The Apostle Parish Shettleston is located at 1653 Shettleston Road, G32 9AR Glasgow, United Kingdom
0141 778 1014