Stait Of Mind Ltd - Clinical Hypnotherapy & Nlp

About Stait Of Mind Ltd - Clinical Hypnotherapy & Nlp

Using NLP, CBT & Hynotherapy techniques to help overcome bad habits to make healthy positive changes.
Stress, anxiety, weight loss, stop smoking and more.

Stait Of Mind Ltd - Clinical Hypnotherapy & Nlp Description


How can Hypnotherapy help?
Hypnotherapy is an evidence based therapy, with over 70, 000 research references worldwide, but can often be misunderstood by the public. It is important to understand that hypnotherapy is not a magic pill. It requires the client be committed to change and prepared to make the effort to make that change a reality.

Clinical Applications of Hypnotherapy.
Hypnotherapy is medically accepted to benefit the following and more: unwanted habits - smoking, nail biting, bed wetting, weight control / healthy eating, improve work / study / sporting performance, boost self-confidence and achieving potential, phobias, compulsions, emotional problems, sleep problems, inhibitions, worries, reduce stress, tension and blood pressure, stomach problems, IBS, gynaecological problems - PMT, psychogenic infertility, obstetrics (painless childbirth), skin problems, pain control, minor surgery, dentistry, arthritic pains, aches and pains, some sexual problems. . .

Put simply, where your problem is due to habitual conditioning (habit formation), accumulated stress or unresolved events in your past then hypnotherapy can be used to access and reprogramme these complexes which are being sustained and remain active at the unconscious level.

What is Hypnosis?
A trance state of mind. It may be surprising for many people to learn that we experience trance states often during the course of our day. Even passing into ordinary sleep involves a kind of trance state. Other examples are when you daydream whilst driving yet manage to not crash, when you read a book or a movie and forget the real world exists around you – you are “in the zone”.
The experience of hypnosis is similar: neither asleep nor awake and a little like daydreaming, with a pleasant feeling of deep relaxation behind it all. Hypnosis is a different state of consciousness which you can naturally enter so that, for therapeutic purposes (hypnotherapy), beneficial corrections may be given directly to your unconscious mind.

Healing by trance state (or an altered state of awareness) is among the oldest phenomena known to man and is found, in one form or another, in virtually every culture throughout the world. It could also be legitimately described as the original psychological therapy and somewhat more contentiously, as the basis for many of the more recent styles of psychological intervention.
Although such altered states have been known for thousands of years, the term ‘hypnosis’ (from the Greek ‘hypnos’, meaning ‘sleep’) was only coined circa 1840 by Dr James Braid, a Scottish physician, and remains a somewhat less than accurate description of the experience as the hypnotic state is, in most respects, entirely dissimilar to sleep.
At our current level of knowledge, the phenomenon of hypnosis cannot be conclusively defined but perhaps a reasonable interim definition might be that: Hypnosis is a state of mind, enhanced by (although not exclusively) mental and physical relaxation, in which our subconscious is able to communicate with our conscious mind. It may be better to define ‘hypnosis’ by what it does rather than what it is and in this regard it is widely accepted as a most excellent method by which we may access our inner potential. The state of mind referred to may be brought about either by oneself, unaided (self-hypnosis) or with the help of another person. If this other person is a trained professional, who utilises the resultant state of mind to encourage beneficial change to occur, the process is referred to as ‘Hypnotherapy’.

What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is using the state of hypnosis to treat a variety of medical and psychological problems.

Psychological therapy and counselling ‘the talking cure’ is the treatment of emotional and psychological disorders, unwanted habits and undesirable feelings, using psychological techniques alone. The aim of all such therapy is to assist people in finding meaningful alternatives to their present unsatisfactory ways of thinking, feeling or behaving. Therapy also tends to help clients become more accepting both of themselves and others and can be most useful in promoting personal development and unlocking inner potential.
There are many forms of psychological therapy but Hypnotherapy is distinctive in that it attempts to address the client’s subconscious mind. In practice, the Hypnotherapist often requires the client to be in a relaxed state, frequently enlists the power of the client’s own imagination and may utilise a wide range of techniques from storytelling, metaphor or symbolism (judged to be meaningful to each individual client) to the use of direct suggestions for beneficial change. Analytical techniques may also be employed in an attempt to uncover problems deemed to lie in a client’s past or therapy may concentrate more on a client’s current life and presenting problems. It is generally considered helpful if the client is personally motivated to change, rather than relying solely on the therapist’s efforts - although a belief in the possibility of beneficial change may be a sufficient starting point.
Regardless of the techniques employed, perhaps the most important thing is that a client should expect to feel comfortable and at ease with their therapist.
Hypnotherapists will combine hypnotic procedures with other appropriate counselling and therapeutic techniques.
Should there be any doubt about the combination of skills utilised in individual cases, the therapist should be asked directly for a further explanation of their preferred methodology.

Who may benefit from Hypnotherapy?
It is estimated that 85% of people will respond at some level to clinical hypnotherapy. It may even succeed where other more conventional methods of treatment have not produced the desired result.
It will depend upon one’s willingness to be hypnotised at the time. This willingness will itself depend upon a number of factors, not least of which will be the strength of the person’s particular need and their trust and confidence in the therapist concerned.
‘What level of trance is required in order to achieve a beneficial outcome?’
Although there remains some disagreement over the answer, most researchers concur that the actual level of trance experienced does not relate to the beneficial results that might be obtained. In practice, this means that even where a person feels that they have not been hypnotised, given time (and this is a very important factor), the desired outcome of therapy might yet materialise. This matter of time is especially important in our current society, which has, in many respects, been coerced into believing that gratification of every desire should be instantaneous. Hypnotherapy can be extraordinarily effective but it is not magic.
Given that hypnotherapy can be utilised to access a person’s inner potential and that probably no one is performing to their actual full potential. However, it is not just potential which Hypnotherapy is well placed to address but also one’s inner resources to effect beneficial change. In this regard, it is the innate healing capacity of our own body that may be stimulated by Hypnotherapy.
When carried out by a trained and qualified hypnotherapist the benefits can be long lasting and often permanent. It is natural and safe, with no harmful side effects.
People with epilepsy, psychosis and schizophrenia are not advised to use hypnotherapy.

Some Common Concerns
People are sometimes concerned that they will ‘lose control’ in hypnosis. However, general consensus indicates that regardless of how deeply people may go in hypnosis and however passive they may appear to be, they actually remain in full control of the situation. They are fully able to talk if they wish to and can stand up and leave the room at any time. Neither can a hypnotised person be made to do anything against their usual ethical or moral judgement or religious belief.
It is likely that the notion of a loss of control stems from most people’s misconception of stage hypnosis, wherein participants are apparently made to perform all manner of usually foolish acts like on the TV show – “Back in the Room”.
However, the people should be aware that participation in a stage act is an entirely voluntary process (thus ‘permission’ is already given to the hypnotist before the show) and that there can be no such volunteer who is unaware of exactly what they are letting themselves in for!
That’s not what we do here - you may be shocked to hear. haha

What to Expect in the Session?
Your therapist will ask about your presenting problem and together you will decide on the target outcome for your treatment. The length of treatment will be discussed (whether one session or several) and the fee will be agreed. The therapist will take a 'case history' of the circumstances and history of the particular problem you need help with to help with the formulation of an efficient treatment strategy or hypnotic script.
The therapist will explain the process of hypnosis and how it is used in hypnotherapy to help you make changes to your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. There may be some preliminary testing and practice before starting the full treatment (either immediately or in a subsequent session).

How much does Hypnotherapy cost?
The cost for the hypnotherapy can vary depending on what the hypnotherapy is used to change.
For example.
The initial consultation is free and is a 30 minute time slot.
A typical session for Anxiety, stress etc will last 40 minutes with 5 of these sessions needed to make change. (£60 per session)
A phobia only requires one of these 40 minutes sessions.
Stop Smoking is one long session of 90 minutes plus a 30 minute follow up. (£95 per session)




💙 Group hypnotherapy session is tonight at Caledonian university at 7pm 💙 A mindset for weight loss. All welcome 🙏
Only £19.50 for tickets ... Click -
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If someone was going to write your autobiography and they firstly wanted to know about - Challenges you’ve faced. Times you’ve surprised yourself. Achievements and Wins.
... How good would your story be? .....
#strongerthanyouthink #selfdevelopment #staitofmind 💙
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Stay at home mom (SAHM) depression.... The elephant in the room nobody talks about ☹️
I mean, how DARE you complain after being gifted this opportunity to stay at home and raise YOUR own kids 🤦🏽‍♀️ but it's not that simple. Of course we SAHM's are being grateful to stay home and raise our young BUT that it's literally all we become.
... No one talks about the isolation. No one talks about the loss of identity. No one talks about the loneliness. No one talks about losing your sense of self. No one talks about how you had to give up your career because it's cheaper for you to stay home. No one talks about how you cry in the shower because your day was overwhelming. No one understands why you're tired. No one understands why you're irritable. No one understands why you need a mental break. No one understands why you're so aggravated with your kids. No one understands why after you've been home all day, the house is a wreck still. No one understands why you just need 5 minutes with no one speaking to or touching you. No one understands why you've lost your sex drive. No one understands why you're completely & utterly exhausted, after all, you just sit at home all day 😒 No one understands the feeling you have when you are told you don't have a "real job".
Most of us were working women at one point. We got to go to a job and interact with other adults outside our home. We contributed financially to our household. (Shoot, most of us want some kind of side hustle or part time job because it would sure help with financial relief) We didn't feel like an endless maid. We got that break away (even though yes, work is a love/ hate relationship) that gives you space from the people you live with (children, spouse... Etc) because yes, EVERY relationship needs time away in it to not go crazy being around each other 24/7. That's not healthy. Contrary to popular belief... YOU👏NEED👏A👏 BREAK 👏 DAILY 👏
I can't tell you how many women I meet or know that say "oh, you have to much time on your hands" "I sure wish I could stay home, I wouldn't complain" good for you! I can guarantee you will change your mind 6 months in, unless you're wealthy and have money to constantly go do things. I once was you. I wish upon a damn star I could start home with my kids because I wanted to spend all the time I could. I didn't realize what all came with being a SAHM. Oh but YOU chose to have those kids. YOU should've thought about that before having them. If you didn't want to go through all this YOU should've never had kids. & YOU said you want more???? Seriously.... Yup, heard those all before.
Next time you hear or see a SAHM venting her frustrations, listen and make her feel like she's somebody. That her struggles are not invalid. You know just because she don't have a "real job.
⚠️Thank you Momma's Tired for writing this! You definitely hit the nail on the head with this!!!!! And @jyldyzbekova_art
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Lose weight with a new Mindset 💙
Tickets only £19.50 to attend the next Group Hypnotherapy Session on Wednesday 29th August at 7pm in Glasgow Caledonian University 🐛🦋
Click here for tickets - ...
Read the reviews from previous events ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Tickets only £19.50 to attend the next Group Hypnotherapy Session on Wednesday 29th August at 7pm in Glasgow Caledonian University 🐛🦋
Click here for tickets -
... Read the reviews from previous events ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Tickets only £19.50 to attend the next Group Hypnotherapy Session on Wednesday 29th August at 7pm in Glasgow Caledonian University 🐛🦋
Click here for tickets -
... Read the reviews from previous events ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Just take the leap! 😂


Great 💙


“ Hi Sharon, just thought I'd let you know that I've now lost 30lbs since our 1st session at the end of May! I am beyond delighted!! Thank you so much xxxx
I just can't believe how different I feel - my head is in a totally different place now and I now feel I have a healthy relationship with food 😍😍😍 “
This is how I Like to start a Monday receiving this feedback from a Weight Loss Client ❤️ ... #winning #transformations #magic #hypnotherapy #staitofmind
Book now to start your transformation 💙
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Lose Weight with a New Mindset 💙 Group Hypnotherapy session in Glasgow Caledonian University 💙 Wednesday 29th of August at 7pm.
Stop fighting with yourself, take control of your mind and just make the positive healthy changes you know you need to make.
... The group events are for everyone, starting with a presentation to better understand the mind and your habits, then a relaxing group hypnotherapy session to start the ball rolling with a new healthier mindset.
“Change your mind, Change your Life!”
See the reviews from previous group events ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Only 19.50 For tickets -
See you there! Sharon 💙
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Lose Weight with a New Mindset 💙 Group Hypnotherapy session in Glasgow Caledonian University 💙 Wednesday 29th of August at 7pm.
Stop fighting with yourself, take control of your mind and just make the positive healthy changes you know you need to make.
... The group events are for everyone, starting with a presentation to better understand the mind and your habits, then a relaxing group hypnotherapy session to start the ball rolling with a new healthier mindset.
“Change your mind, Change your Life!”
See the reviews from previous group events ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Only 19.50 For tickets -
See you there! Sharon 💙
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Think about it! #Live #Laugh #Love #Life... #Choice
You are not meant to be a slave to the system. Working a 9-5 day job you hate, to fuel a capitalist society which contributes to global degeneration through unsustainable habits, to pay off a list of debts accumulated to sustain such lifestyle, to live in isolation use others to ‘get ahead’ is opposite of what the human spirit craves.
You are free to live how you choose.
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Action shot from Wednesday 1st at August group hypnotherapy event 💙 At Glasgow Caledonian University 💙


New Review 💙🙏 From Linda McGoldrick
In 3 sessions with Sharon & not Even noticing when I was weighed today and I had to check it again & again as I have lost a STONE & I honestly was never expecting that! You are a special person Sharon 🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀
... Check the reviews section on this page for more like this! 💙
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This coming Wednesday at 7pm Glasgow Caledonian University 💙 Tickets only £19.50 (Worth £120) A 2 hour group hypnotherapy session to help change your thinking and focus on loving a happier and healthier life, without fighting with yourself! 💙 Click the link 😘


Life! 💙


Next Group Hypnotherapy Event 💙 Wednesday 1st August at 7pm 💙 Tickets only £19.50 Click here - 💙



More about Stait Of Mind Ltd - Clinical Hypnotherapy & Nlp