Stirling Castle

Monday: 09:30 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:30 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:30 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:30 - 17:00
Friday: 09:30 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:30 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:30 - 17:00

About Stirling Castle

Keep updated and share your memories of Stirling Castle. Part of Historic Environment Scotland.

Twitter @StirlingCastle
Instagram @VisitStirlingCastle

Stirling Castle Description

Stirling Castle is a great symbol of Scottish independence & a source of national pride. Visitors can now step back into the sumptuous world of Stirling Castle’s royal court. Our £12 million project has returned the six apartments in the castle’s Renaissance palace to how they may have looked in the mid-16th century.

A place of power, beauty and history, discover the favoured residence of Scotland's Kings and Queens! A great day out for all the family and simply unmissable!



From our colleagues at The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders Regimental Museum, this weeks' #MuseumMonday.
On the 14th of September Kalimita bay was the site of the British and French fleets vast army landing. There would soon be battles immortalised in history with the very own Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders Thin Red Line and other feats such as The Charge of the Light Brigade.
There were many heroic acts, but this cross is a reminder of the consequence of war. Stone cross from the roof of Kadekoi Church, Crimea 1854-55. At one point the church was used as a hospital for the 93rd Sutherland Highlanders Cross. The church was chosen by Surgeon William Munro of the 93rd Sutherland Highlanders to establish a hospital.


On Stirling's first British Sign Language Day, 22nd September, John Hay will lead visitors on #BSL tours around the castle, accompanied by interpreter Linda Duncan. Tours will start from the Clan & Craft shop outside the castle at 13:30 and 15:30.
More information -


We're delighted to be opening "#GrowingStories" – the 30th Scottish International Storytelling Festival in the Great Hall on Thursday 18 October with 'OSSIAN – The Pipes & The Story'. Tickets available now -


🎶 I could have danced all night. I could have danced all night. 🎶
Join us tomorrow and Sunday, from 12pm to 4pm, for a spot of Michaelmas frivolity. We'll have ladies of the court performing some renaissance dances, big feast displays and loads of living history in the castle! Free for Historic Scotland members and included in admission!


We're getting in the Michaelmas mode this weekend! This is a time for music, dance and feasting & we hope you will join us for a celebration fit for royalty! Included in admission to the castle & free for members.12-4pm, Sat 15 & Sun 16 Sept.


Put the kettle on!


🎶LET-TUCE, there ain’t no party like a lettuce party, 🎶
Find out what happens when we teamed up with the Royal Highland Education Trust in this Year of Young People blog. #YOYP2018


The Coronation of Mary, Queen of Scots, took place on this day in 1543 in the Chapel Royal at Stirling Castle


A warm welcome to all of the University of Stirling freshers starting this week from Marie de Guise and her court. #StirFreshers2018


#FlashbackFriday from SCRAN today shows the Black Watch training recruits entering the Castle.
Thanks Scran for sharing these awesome pictures with us!


A unique combination of Scotland’s richest traditions of bagpipe music with some of its oldest stories. Though Fionn Mac Cumhail, Diarmaid, Grainnhe and Ossian are part of a shared Scottish-Irish saga, Scotland has its own version of these stories, and its own songs and music. By bringing these together in Stirling’s Great Hall, the Scottish International Storytelling Festival is re-mixing entertainment that goes back to the first Stewart Kings with their love of storytelling..., poetry and music.
‘The Pipes and the Story’ assembles a stellar line-up of Scotland’s musical talent, including Ross Ainslie, Allan MacDonald, Brighde Chaimbeul, Griogair Labhruidh, and Angus and Kenneth MacKenzie.
Doors 6.45pm for a 7.30pm start. 2 hour 10 minute run time including a 30 min interval.
Tickets - Available now • Full Price: £19.50 • Concession £16.00 • Child £12.00 • 10% off for Historic Scotland Members

OSSIAN – A’ Phìob is an sgeul
Dèit: Diardaoin aig 6:45f son tòiseachadh aig 7:30f
Oidhche de thrusadh sònraichte air tradiseanan pìob mhòr na h-Alba, cuide ri feadhainn de na sgeulachdan as sine a th’ againne. Tro Fionn Mac Colla, Diarmaid, Grainne is Ossian tha na gaisgich seo mar phàirt de cheanglaichean cultarach a tha ann eadar Alba is Èireann. Tha tionndaidhean sònraichte Albannach air na sgeulachdan, ceòl, is òrain seo. Le bhith a’ toirt an dà chultar còmhla an seo ann an Talla Mòr Caisteal Shruighlea, tha an Fhèis Aithris Sgeulachdan Eadar-nàiseanta na h-Alba a’ toirt sùil as ùr air fèisteas a tha cho sean ris na Stuibhairtich fhèin, is a’ togail air seann mheas a bh’ aca airson beul-aithris, bàrdachd is ceòl.
Tha ‘A’ Phìob is an Sgeul’ a’ toirt tàlant na h-Alba còmhla airson oidhche le Ross Ainsley, Ailean MacDhòmhnaill, Griogair Labhruidh is Aonghas is Coinneach MacCoinnich.
Dòrsan: Diardaoin aig 6:45f son tòiseachadh aig 7:30f. Bidh an cuirm a’ ruith airson 2 uair is 10 mion le 30 mion airson fois sa mheadhan.
Tiocaidean – Ri Fhaotainn an-dràsta Prìs Slàn: £19.50 Lasachadh Phrìs: £16.00 Pàiste: £12:00 10% dheth airson buill Alba Aosmhor
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Times: Doors at 6.15pm for 7pm start.
On Christmas Eve, the most magical night of the year, the miserly Ebenezer Scrooge is whisked away on a terrifying journey through the past and into the future, accompanied by three fearsome ghosts determined to make him realize the true meaning of Christmas.
Charles Dickens’ classic ghost story is brought to life in this most traditional of productions, complete with beautiful period costume, song, dance and a magnificent musical score.
... Join critically acclaimed theatre company Chapterhouse as Scrooge’s frozen heart begins to melt and he finally embraces the festive spirit in this most Christmassy of Christmas tales.
December 22nd is BSL interpreted.
Prices: Adults £16, Concession £14, Children £12, Families (2 adults & 2 children) £49
Historic Scotland 10% Members discount
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Get festive with us at the Castle with a spot of mulled wine and NYCOS (the National Youth Choir of Scotland), as we prepare to Deck the Halls with an evening of Christmas Carols.


Scottish medieval ensemble Canty presents an evening of Advent and Christmas delights, performed by three singers and medieval harp, featuring glorious medieval carols, traditional seasonal songs, and gorgeous new carols by James MacMillan, Nicola LeFanu, Tamsin Jones, and the Scottish premiere of Joanna L'Estrange's Gospel-style setting of a prayer by Jane Austen. They'll encourage audience participation in favourite folk carols and get you in the mood for the festive season!


We're delighted to be bringing back our fantastically festive and incredibly popular Christmas Shopping Fayre back to the castle. We'll be showcasing the very best of local Scottish brands, crafts and fine foods and drink.
*Please note we are now fully booked for stallholders at this event, and are no longer taking applications*


Get into the Christmas spirit with the magic of panto. Join us for a Christmas Ceilidh and learn all about the 'daft days' in the renaissance palace.


Dine in the intimate Green Room in our beautiful castle and add a little festive magic to your Christmas lunch.
Adult Non-Members £42, Child Non-Member £20, Adult Member £37 and Child Member £18.
12.30pm arrival for a 1pm sitting
... For more information call 01786 469 491 or email
View our Christmas lunch menu -…/…/c hristmas-lunch-menu.pdf
Access info:
A mobility vehicle can be reserved to take you from the main gate to your festive lunch in the Green Room. Access to this room is down four steep steps. There is no level access to the room. If you need a mobility vehicle please tick the box on the pre-order form.
Group bookings:
To book for 10 people of more please call 01786 469 491 or email
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#ICYMI last week, Historic Environment Scotland launched its new Gaelic Language Plan. You can find our more about Gaelic and Scots in the Historic Environment here, on the HES blog -

More about Stirling Castle

+44 (0) 1786 450 000
Monday: 09:30 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:30 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:30 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:30 - 17:00
Friday: 09:30 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:30 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:30 - 17:00