Strathmore Realistic Pilates

About Strathmore Realistic Pilates

Realistic Pilates - For Real people with Real bodies. Helping enable your muscles to do the job they were designed to do; not the job they've learned to do

Strathmore Realistic Pilates Description

At first glance, Realistic Pilates may seem to be a gentle and easy form of exercise; however its combination of strengthening and mobility moves can create a very intense and highly beneficial workout. High fitness levels or great suppleness are not a necessary pre-requisite for Pilates. In fact, Realistic Pilates enhances both of these conditions, whilst strengthening the 'core muscles' within the torso. Realistic Pilates also develops breathing control, co-ordination and stability of the body, changing muscle lengths, relaxing and re-balancing the body.

Our classes are based in the Strathmore valley, Perthshire.
Any ability welcome, we offer sessions for:
Pre and post natal clients
Post injury rehabilitation.