Stravaigin Scotland

About Stravaigin Scotland

Luxury Private Guided Tours with Custom Itineraries



Just some Highland Dancing by the roadside to pass the time in a traffic jam, the вҖҳGay GordonsвҖҷ i do believeрҹ‘ҖрҹҳӮ
As ye do! рҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу Ғҝрҹ’ғрҹ•әрҹҳӮ< br>


Our Guides are really coming up with the goodsрҹҳҚрҹ‘ҢрҹҸ» as they always do, in fairness!
Dunrobin Castle, the largest house in the highlands we have here, simply one of the most magnificent buildings in all of Scotland рҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу Ғҝ рҹҸ°вқӨпёҸ
Like the stuff of fairytales and if you have an active imagination- maybe even a little eerie looking from the drivewayрҹ‘Җрҹ“–


We thought it would be a good idea to get our Guides snap happy рҹ“ё whilst out on the road to help us please your eyes рҹ‘Җ and think weвҖҷve somewhat underestimated themрҹӨ©рҹӨ©рҹӨ© to no detriment, theyвҖҷre definitely the best in the business, we knew that already вқӨпёҸ
But looking through their amateur photos is breathtaking рҹҳҚрҹ‘ҢрҹҸ»рҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу Ғҝ Absolutely splendid work, way over and above the call of dutyрҹ‘ҸрҹҸ»
Guess they just know where to go StravaiginрҹҳүрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу Ғ ҝ
... #LochLong
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What a wonderful set of photos of a Stravaigin custom tour-
Stromness, Sandwick, Skara Brae and Skail House. We turned a rough dream into a wonderful itinerary for our guests.......... well we canвҖҷt take all the credit actually... just look at their views рҹӨ©рҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу ҒҝвқӨпёҸ
... t-breaks/
Enquire today and let us create your dream Scotland itinerary вӯҗпёҸвӯҗпёҸвӯҗпёҸвӯҗпёҸвӯҗпёҸ
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Well itвҖҷs not Tuesday if we donвҖҷt fill your eyes with Highland Coos is itрҹӨ·рҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҳӮ
Here is one of our lovely guests offering snacks whilst out Stravaigin with us, the coos are a friendly lot, all of a suddenрҹ‘ҖрҹҳӮрҹҗ®
#CoosDay #HelianCoo #HighlandCoo #HungryCoo


Well if itвҖҷs good enough for Hugh JackmanрҹӨ·рҹҸјвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҳӮ
ScotlandвҖҷs own deep fried version of an Italian import рҹҚ•рҹ‘ҢрҹҸ» a lunchtime staple for school kids and tradesmen across ScotlandрҹҳӮ add it you your culinary bucket list while youвҖҷre here and donвҖҷt tell your cardiologistрҹҳӮрҹҳү
Top tip: it doesnвҖҷt taste so good if you think about the nutritional values рҹҷҲрҹҳӮ


рҹҳӮ Some Scottish humour to give you all a wee chuckle on a Sunday рҹӨЈрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу Ғҝ even when the weatherвҖҷs bad here, the jokes are still goodрҹҷҲрҹҳӮрҹҳӮрҹҳӮ
Jokes only understood in Scotland:
A pregnant teenage girl phones her dad at midnight and says:... 'Can you come and get me? I think ma water has broken' 'Okay,' says her dad. 'Where are you ringing from? 'Fae my knickers tae ma feet. '
A Glasgow woman goes to the dentist and settles down in the chair. 'Comfy?'asks the dentist. вҖҳGovanвҖҷ the woman replies
A guy walks into an antiques shop and says: 'How much for the set of antlers?' 'Two hundred quid,' says the bloke behind the counter' 'That's affa dear,' says the guy. 'Aye yer right!' replies the bloke
Did you hear about the fella who liked eating bricks and cement? He's awa' noo.
After announcing he's getting married, a boy tells his pal he'll be wearing the kilt. 'And what's the tartan?' asks his mate. 'Oh, she'll be wearing a white dress,'
Ten cows in a field. Which one is closest to Iraq ? Coo eight.
While getting ready to go out, a wee wifie says to her husband: 'Do you think I'm getting a wee bit pigeon chested?' And he says: 'Aye, but that's why I love you like a doo.'
What was the name of the first Scottish cowboy? Hawkeye The Noo.
What do you call a pigeon that goes to Aviemore for its holidays? A skean dhu.
How many Spanish guys does it take to change a lightbulb? Just Juan.
'What's the difference between The Rolling Stones and an Aberdeen sheep farmer? The Rolling Stones say: 'Hey you, get off of my cloud.' And an Aberdeen sheep farmer says: 'Hey McLeod, get off of ma ewe.
'What do you call an illegitimate Scottish insect? A wee fly b*****d
While being interviewed for a job as a bus driver, a guy is asked: 'What would you do if you had a rowdy passenger?' 'I'd put him off at the next stop,' he says. 'Good. And what would you do if you couldn't get the fare?' 'I'd take the first two weeks in August,' he replies.
Two negatives make a positive but only in Scotland do two positives make a negative - 'Aye right.'
A Glasgow man - steaming and skint - is walking down Argyle Street when he spots a guy tinkering with the engine of his car! 'What's up Jimmy?' he asks. 'Piston broke,' he replies. 'Aye, same as masel
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Just out casually Stravaigin on the Isle of Harris and this is the type of amateur shots coming back to base рҹҢҠрҹҳҚрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу Ғҝ
YouвҖҷd really need special photography skills to make it look badрҹҳӮ вңЁ
Let us take you there......
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HereвҖҷs a fabulous wee vid of our Guide Derek drinking from the Fairy Pools in Skye last summer, this year weвҖҷve already had reports of some paddling in them on Tour, just last week when the sun was shining рҹҳҚ рҹ§ҡвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ рҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу Ғҝ


WeвҖҷre not sure satellite navigation systems warn you about these Highland traffic jamsрҹ‘Җ рҹҗ®рҹҳӮрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу Ғҝ
#CoosDay #HappyCoosday #HelianCow #HighlandCoo


And we canвҖҷt fail to mention The Gin Bothy.
What a wonderful wee placeрҹҳҚрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу Ғҝ
Team Stravaigin thoroughly enjoyed the wonderful hospitality shown by both our hosts today and we canвҖҷt wait to come backрҹҳҚрҹ‘ҢрҹҸ»


Team Stravaigin had our Annual Team Tour today, plotting and planning, tasting and trialing some fabulous new activities for our guests!
We met a newborn calf on the journey, born just an hour before we arrived рҹҗ® and definitely gained a few pounds from all the delicious nibbles рҹ§Җ рҹҳұрҹҳӮ
A couple of our guides lost their inhibitions slightly after the Ogilvy Vodka Distillery visit and the Gin Bothy tasting and so we laughed on the journey homeрҹҳүрҹҳ…рҹҳӮрҹҚё
... We also proudly unveiled our new Stravaigin branded sunglasses рҹҳҺрҹҳӮ we think the boss manвҖҷs face says he liked themрҹ‘ҖрҹҳҒрҹҳҒрҹҳҒрҹҳӮ
And a great day was had by allрҹ‘ҢрҹҸ», we canвҖҷt wait to share the treasures of our search with our guests , because we found more wonderful Stravaigin secrets on our travelsвқӨпёҸрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу Ғҝ
Enquire today and let us take you there too.рҹҳҚ
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Some beautiful aerial shots of Castle Stalker and McCaigвҖҷs Folly taken by a friend of Stravaigin whilst out and about in the Oban areaрҹҳҚрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу Ғҝ
Imagine living in Castle Stalker in historic times, literally lagooned by the lochрҹҳ®
Just amazing!!вқӨпёҸ
... t-breaks/
Let Stravaigin take you there...
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For those of you who have been following DerekвҖҷs journey, we had the most amazing news this week. Team Stravaigin couldnвҖҷt be happier вқӨпёҸрҹҳҚрҹҳҖ


Another beautiful shot captured whilst out Stravaigin with us! рҹӨ© #Tobermory #Mull #Dusk #AbsoluteSerenity вқӨпёҸрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу Ғҝ
... Let us create your dream tour of ScotlandвӯҗпёҸ
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The word is getting out about #CoosDayрҹ‘Җ рҹҗ®
WeвҖҷve been accosted by wannabes вӯҗпёҸ вӯҗпёҸ вӯҗпёҸрҹҳӮ
#ScotlandsGotTalent #officeAuditions


Exactly what we warned you about....рҹҳұрҹҳӮрҹҳӮрҹҳӮрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғі у ҒЈу Ғҙу Ғҝ


With the sun high in the sky today, Scotland has never looked more glorious, the vivid greens of the lush countryside against the blue sky is splendid and the turquoise waters surrounding us could compete with any exotic location you could imagineрҹҳҚ вҳҖпёҸ вӣ° рҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу Ғҝ
What a week to come Stravaigin with us вқӨпёҸрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу ҒҝвҖҰ/7-day- ultimate-scotland-tвҖҰ/

More about Stravaigin Scotland

Stravaigin Scotland is located at 8C4 Erskine House, 1 North Ave,, G81 2DR Glasgow, United Kingdom