Strength Coach Glasgow

Monday: 06:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 13:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 16:00
Friday: 07:00 - 16:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 13:00
Sunday: 07:00 - 13:00

About Strength Coach Glasgow

Glasgow-based Personal Trainer who specialises in beginners weight training, strength training and Olympic Weightlifting.

Strength Coach Glasgow Description

Glasgow-based strength and conditioning coach. Available for weightlifting coaching, personal training, strength training, technique coaching & more



Tuesday Tips!
Are you trying to make a positive change in your life but find your mind gives you alot of resistance?
Are you constantly doubting yourself? ... Afraid what others are thinking and that they will uncover that you don't actually have a clue what you are doing?
Don't worry, you are not alone! Today's tip should help you get your mind into the right space. If there is anything you'd like me to cover in the future then send me a message or leave a comment below!
#BreakthroughPerformance #StrengthCoachGlasgow #SnapFitness #SnapFitnessGlasgow #Glasgow #Gym #Training #Fitness #Strength #Workout #GetFit #Tuesday #Tips #Coach #PersonalTrainer #SelfTalk #Positive #FeedbackLoop #PowerPosing #ImposterSyndrome #Imposter #ImposterPhenomenom
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Exercise Spotlight – Press-up
Everyone knows what a pressup is and most likely there has been a time in your life where you could bash them out or where working towards one. They can be pretty effective up to a point when you are starting strength training and there are a few ways that you can both make them easier or harder depending on your current ability.
Who is it for?... If you go to the gym or attend classes, Pressups are most likely going to be a feature somewhere in your plan. They require you to lift a large percentage of your bodyweight and so are actually pretty challenging to start with if you are new to it. For you, it’s important to regress the movement to an appropriate level of difficulty that you can get in the required work to improve. Rather than banging your head against a wall with a movement that is too difficult right now.
What is it good for? The Pressup requires no equipment, it is fairly simple and integrates full body tension while working the upper body pushing muscles like the pecs, shoulders and triceps.
What are the key technique points? - Set up in a strong active plank style position with your abs braced and good alignment from head to toe. - Slowly lower yourself to the ground under control by thinking about leaning your chest over or ahead of your hands on the floor. - With a spread out finger positon, push the ground away from you while maintaining alignment to return to the start.
If you’d like to work on working towards your first pressup or improving your overall strength and technique then give me a message to see how I can help. Feel free to tag me in your videos for technique tips and pointers!
#StrengthCoachGlasgow #BreakthroughPerformance #Glasgow #Gym #Training #Fitness #Strength #Workout #GetFit #Exercise #Spotlight #Exerciseoftheweek #ExerciseSpotlight #Technique #KeyPoints #Pressup #Pushup #Press #Core #Abs #Movement #Alignment #Bodyweight
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5 Steps for Setting Goals and Sticking to Them
Do you struggle with setting goals and following through your plan to actually achieve them?
I’ll share a 5 step process that I use to help guide and shape my planning when it comes to achieving a goal. These steps can be applied to virtually any aspect of your life, it doesn’t matter whether the goal is diet, training or business related.
... I’ll try to provide as much context and example as possible so that you can take these ideas and implement them straight away. It may seem like a lot of work but it is a fail-safe system that will keep you accountable and moving in the right direction.
Swipe to the left to check out each step or to read the full blog check the link in my bio.
#BreakthroughPerformance #StrengthCoachGlasgow #SnapFitness #SnapFitnessGlasgow #Glasgow #Gym #Training #Fitness #Strength #Workout #GetFit #goal #setting #Evaluate #sticktotheplan #smart #habit #process #progress @ Strength Coach Glasgow
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@gewichthefacademie_waalsport 2nd Piet Legerstee Memorial.
Looking forward to competing with my @glasgowcitybarbell team mates and @robertwtaylor3
#Weightlifting #Competition #strengthcoachglasgow #strength #Glasgow #GlasgowCityBarbell #GCB #GlasgowCityBarbell #TeamGCB #Snatch #Clean #Jerk @ Gewichthefacademie Waalsport


Are you on Instagram?
Did you know that Instagram is my primary platform for sharing my content with you?
Search @StrengthCoachGlasgow and give me a follow!
... #StrengthCoachGlasgow #BreakthroughPerformance #Strength #Coach #Glasgow #Follow #FollowFriday #Friday #Breakthrough #Performance #Instagram
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Client Feedback!
Check out what our clients have to say about us.
I worked with Paul for almost a year, he decided it was time to stop talking about what he was going to do and start doing! He put his full trust in me and just applied himself 100% to the process with some pretty impressive results to show for it!
... Paul felt like he was in a position to manage his own training with everything that we worked on over the year and is still hammering away on his own full of confidence and know-how.
If you sound like Paul and are ready to put your trust in me then get in touch now, with that mindset and my expertise you are guaranteed to fast-track to your goals.
Get in touch now to see how we can help you!
#BreakthroughPerformance #StrengthCoachGlasgow #SnapFitness #SnapFitnessGlasgow #glasgow #gym #training #fitness #strength #feedback #review #testimonial #getstarted
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-- Jerk Progression Series - Step 2 --
Once we have built stability and confidence in the press from split position, it's time to make the movement a bit more dynamic.
The Jerk Balance is a great exercise to start to develop some footwork and co-ordination for the jerk.
... Get yourself set up in the split position, exactly as before. This time, we will bend through our back leg to give momentum to the bar and send it upwards. As the bar start to go up, we lift our front leg and re-position it back to the floor at the same time as pushing ourselves under and securing the bar overhead.
A few key points to keep in mind are : - Try to drive the bar straight up and move your body straight down under, try not to shift your full weight forward. - Keep the back knee soft to absorb force as you position yourself under the bar - Keep the weight balance relatively similarly between both the front and back foot, most people will try to excessively load the front leg.
Check out the video for a demonstration and give it a try yourself.
Don't forget to comment with any thoughts, questions and to tag me in your videos to have a look!
#BreakthroughPerformance #StrengthCoachGlasgow #SnapFitness #SnapFitnessGlasgow #Glasgow #Gym#Training #Fitness #Strength #Workout #GetFit #Weightlifting #Clean #Technique #Learn #Progression #Olympiclifting #SplitJerk #Jerk #JerkBalance #Footwork #Dynamic #Stability
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It's National Fitness Day!
I'd like to think my #Fitness for #Weightlifting is pretty good, maybe not so much for #Running though...
That's what's so good about it though. You can develop fitness in a way that is meaningful to you providing you have some balance there!
... What type of fitness are you working on?
#StrengthCoachGlasgow #BreakthroughPerformance #Strength #Coach #Glasgow #National #NationalFitnessDay #GetHealthy #GetInvolved
#Repost @fitnessdayuk (@get_repost) ・・・ Happy National #FitnessDay! . Time to get fitter, healthier and happier. . Join in the celebration across the UK! . What will you do?
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Tuesday Tips!
It's National Fitness Day tomorrow!
But what even is fitness?
... Do you have to be able to run a marathon?
Should you train like a weightlifter or powerlifter?
What if you just want to improve your health and longevity?
Check out today's tips which should hopefully clear up some of the confusion!
If there is anything you'd like me to cover in the future then send me a message or leave a comment below!
#BreakthroughPerformance #StrengthCoachGlasgow #SnapFitness #SnapFitnessGlasgow #Glasgow #Gym #Training #Fitness #Strength #Workout #GetFit #Tuesday #Tips #Protein #Food #Coach #PersonalTrainer #NationaFitnessDay #Fitness #Health #PhysicalActivity #Gov #Recommendations
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Brenda having a strong day on squats. Really happy with how these have progressed. Not just in terms of getting the weights back up to PB territory but the depth and consistency is much improved with heavier working weights.
If you'd like to find out how strength work can supplement your fitness goals then send me a message or leave a comment below.
#BreakthroughPerformance #StrengthCoachGlasgow #SnapFitness #SnapFitnessGlasgow #Glasgow #Gym #Training #Fitness #Strength #Workout #GetFit #Squat #Strong #Consistentcy


Exercise Spotlight – Hanging Knee Raise
The hanging knee raise is a great exercise for not only working the abs and bracing but integrating the active hang and pullup strength.
Who is it for?... You better have a decent level of upper body strength as you will be required to hang from a pullup bar just to be able to do this exercise. If you can hang, you should be able to do some good work through your core but your strength will dictate how controlled and how many you can do.
What is it good for? The hanging knee raise is great for working the abs, especially on the eccentric portion in a way that relates to a lot of different sporting and gym related movements. They are also good for working on other aspects of the strength that is required for chin-ups and other advanced bodyweight movement.
What are the key technique points? - Before you start moving your knees, brace hard and pull your shoulders blades down into an ‘active hang’ position which you should maintain throughout - Keeping your knees together, squeeze your abs to ensure you pelvis in neutral and not excessively arched before starting - Maintain full body tension and lift your knees up under control before slowly lowering them to keep tension and avoid swinging.
If you’d like to work on improving your strength and technique then give me a message to see how I can help. Feel free to tag me in your videos for technique tips and pointers!
#BreakthroughPerformance #StrengthCoachGlasgow #SnapFitness #SnapFitnessGlasgow #Glasgow #Gym #Training #Fitness #Strength #Workout #GetFit #Exercise #Spotlight #Exerciseoftheweek #ExerciseSpotlight #Technique #KeyPoints #HangingKneeRaise #Core #Abs #Movement #Eccentric #Control
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Are you looking to brush up on your lifting technique on the squat, bench, deadlift and press?
Are you looking to learn the fundamentals of Olympic Weightlifting so that you can implement the snatch and clean and jerk into your current routine?
I’ve helped many people like yourself either learn new weightlifting moves or refine their compound technique to give them peace of mind that they are heading in the right direction and that little edge in their training.
... Ask me about my 4 session pack that I have developed specifically for this to get you on your way.
#StrengthCoachGlasgow #BreakthroughPerformance #SnapFitness #SnapFitnessGlasgow #Glasgow #Gym #Training #Fitness #Strength #Workout #GetFit #GetStarted #Finnieston #Coach #PersonalTrainer #Personal #PT #Technique #Olylifting
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Client Feedback!
Check out what our clients have to say about us.
@csk215 wanted some structure to his training and some technique pointers on key lifts having already been training really consistently and getting pretty dam strong in the process.
... Get in touch now to see how we can help you!
#BreakthroughPerformance #StrengthCoachGlasgow #SnapFitness #SnapFitnessGlasgow #glasgow #gym #training #fitness #strength #feedback #review #testimonial #getstarted
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-- Jerk Progression Series - Step 1 --
It's time to learn how to Split Jerk! Over the next few weeks I'll show you the drills I used to build up strength, confidence and technique in the Split Jerk.
This is probably the most struggled with Olympic lift variation as coaches generally don't know how to break it down and teach it!
... You first need to establish which leg will go forward. If you bring you feet together and let yourself fall forward, you will naturally stop your face planting with the foot that should go forward!
It is built on the lunge, so aside from strengthen this with the likes of Reverse Lunge. We need to start building confidence, stability and strength in this position. This is where the Press from Split Drill comes in!
Get yourself a light bar or broomstick, let up in the lunge position and start to accumulate time here! Brace your core, keep your weight even split on the feet and perform a normal overhead press.
Keep in mid the following key points : - Try to keep the front shin vertical, brace your glutes and core hard. - Keep your back leg soft with knee under you hips as much as possible. - Squeeze your core hard and pause for a second at the top and bottom of the lift.
Perform 3-4 sets of 5-10 reps and it is good practice to alternate legs for balance, although you generally don't as you work into the full split jerk.
Give this a go, check out the video and keep alert for the next few posts in this series!
#BreakthroughPerformance #StrengthCoachGlasgow #SnapFitness #SnapFitnessGlasgow #Glasgow #Gym#Training #Fitness #Strength #Workout #GetFit #Weightlifting #Clean #Technique #Learn #Progression #FrontSquat #Step3 #Squat #Olympiclifting #SplitJerk #Jerk #PressfromSplit
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Aspiring Weightlifters!
Are you struggling to find the balance between snatch, clean & jerk and strength work?
Try out the Breakthrough Weightlifting program and see your training productivity sky-rocket!
... Our phasic training program emphasises specific aspects during each block allowing you to layer new strength of top of the foundations you build during phases of hard work.
Try it out now for 14 days for only 99p
Get started instantly by following the link in bio to choose your program then using discount code '99PTRIAL' at checkout!
#BreakthroughPerformance #StrengthCoachGlasgow #SnapFitness #SnapFitnessGlasgow #Glasgow #Gym #Training #Fitness #Strength #Workout #GetFit #Online #App #PT #Trainer #Fatloss #GetStrong #Weightlifting #Breakthrough #Snatch #Clean #Jerk #Olympic #Lifting #Olympiclifting #Oly #Olylifting
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Tuesday Tips!
Are you your own worst critic?
Do you constantly wonder why everyone else seems to be getting better results or doing better than you are?
... Check out today's tips on how a simple thing can improve your outlook and frame of mind!
If you found this useful or can relate to what I'm saying then share your experiences and opinions below.
If there is anything you'd like me to cover in the future then send me a message or leave a comment below!
#BreakthroughPerformance #StrengthCoachGlasgow #SnapFitness #SnapFitnessGlasgow #Glasgow #Gym #Training #Fitness #Strength #Workout #GetFit #Tuesday #Tips #Protein #Food #Coach #PersonalTrainer #Appreciate #Appreciation #Selfpraice #Positiveselftalk #KeepGoing #DontStop
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Exercise Spotlight – Good Morning
The Good Morning is a hip hinge movement and is very similar to the Romanian Deadlift in terms of execution. The only different is where the weight is loaded and thus how it challenges the muscles involved.
Who is it for?... The Good Morning can be inherently risky as it involves leaning forward with a weight on your back so it’s important you have a well-developed hinge pattern before progressing onto this variation. It involves keeping the spine in neutral while training the glutes and hamstrings as prime hip extensors while the erectors and other back muscles stabilise and hold the back in a good position.
What is it good for? It is great for training the hip extensors like the glutes and hamstrings while training your core to brace under load. It is normally utilised with a slow and controlled negative portion which makes it a great strength exercise and can help increase range of movement in the hamstring. It is a good exercise for working on the capability to transfer force through the spine well which is required in some sporting situations.
What are the key technique points? - Keep the core braced and back in neutral throughout - Start the descent by pushing your hips back and your chest forward, your weight will naturally shift back as you achieve greater range of motion. - Make sure that you feel it in your hamstring (back of legs) as you bend over only going as far as your flexibility allows without sacrificing back positioning. - Come back up by squeezing your glutes and driving your heels into the ground to find the movement.
If you’d like to improve your pulling strength or explosive sports performance then drop me a comment below for technique pointers, tag me in your video or send me a message to see how I can help longer term.
#BreakthroughPerformance #StrengthCoachGlasgow #SnapFitness #SnapFitnessGlasgow #Glasgow #Gym #Training #Fitness #Strength #Workout #GetFit #Exercise #Spotlight #Exerciseoftheweek #ExerciseSpotlight #Technique #KeyPoints #GoodMorning #RomanianDeadlift #RDL #Hip #Hinge
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5 Things You Can Get Stronger Without
It is easy to cling onto certain ideas and let our biases shape what we do. This is particularly true when it comes to training for strength. We can end up on a very narrow and focused path and if we just take a step back to look at the bigger picture we might notice that we add or exclude certain things which aren’t necessary or even helpful for our original goals. I’ll share 5 of the things that I see people with the goal of getting str...onger clinging on to which are not necessary and sometimes even detrimental. The more you can dig down into the why of your goal – Why do you want to get stronger? Why have you chosen these particular lifts to define your strength? Then the easier it becomes to guide how you go about achieving that. Remember you are individual and you have your own motivations for doing what you do, you can set your own path and don’t have to get stuck to the ideas that others have had before you. Keep reading to find out 5 of the things you thought where non-negotiable when it comes to get stronger but you might actually be better off without.
Swipe the photos to the left to read the summaries or check out the full blog post at the address below.
Read the full article at: /5-strength-myths…/
If you have any questions then send me a message!
#BreakthroughPerformance #StrengthCoachGlasgow #SnapFitness #SnapFitnessGlasgow #Glasgow #Gym #Training #Fitness #Strength #Workout #Strong #Improve #Progress #Overload @ Strength Coach Glasgow
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Under a quid for 14 days of progressive training, instruction and access to a coach for any questions you have.
Try our Team Breakthrough Online Training for 14 Days for only 99p!
With our main 3 online programs well and truly up and running, I'd love for you to be able to try it out and see how it can help you with your training.
... Get the results you are after faster!
Programs available : - Breakthrough Beginners Strength - Breakthrough Strength - Breakthrough Weightlifting
Join the team now and have all your training planned and tracked in our handy smartphone app. The team have already been making great progress with these programs.
As well as the features listed in the picture, you get access to our Facebook group for ongoing support.
Get started instantly by following the link to choose your program then using discount code '99PTRIAL' at checkout! roughperformance
#BreakthroughPerformance #StrengthCoachGlasgow #SnapFitness #SnapFitnessGlasgow #Glasgow #Gym #Training #Fitness #Strength #Workout #GetFit #Online #App #PT #Trainer #Fatloss #Getstrong
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Worked with Allan on my Olympic lifting from the basics up. Superb knowledge and a great coach!


Outstanding strength and conditioning coaching tailored to suit your individual requirements


I’ve been training with Allan for two years and during that time Allan has helped me with my goals. Through that time I have achieved some amazing PBs as a result of his coaching skills. After suffering an injury Allan has helped me regain strength and we are still working on rebuilding my strength and recovery. He has a great understanding of what my goals are and I would highly recommend him..


I trained with Allan for around 3 months learning Olympic lifting and developing overall strength in general lifting. Very experienced coach with lots of knowledge �


I have been receiving Weightlifting Online Coaching and training programs from Allan for the past 4 months and I am delighted with the service.

I have been assisted to make massive jumps in performance and have broken many Personal Bests in this short time. I had hit a wall in my previous training regime and training with Allan has really progressed me onto the next level.

I really enjoy the bespoke nature of the service I receive. My programming is tailored specifically for me, and focuses on the areas I need to improve. I would certainly not be performing at the level I am without the level of expert coaching I receive.

I regularly receive feedback, and Allan is incredibly accessible with a great manner and attitude to fitness.


Highly reccommend allan as a trainer. Really knows his stuff. Tailored workout to suit individuals. Was always apprehensive about a male trainer but allan is a very respectful and professional trainer.


Worked with Allan on my Olympic lifting from the basics up. Superb knowledge and a great coach!


Outstanding strength and conditioning coaching tailored to suit your individual requirements


I’ve been training with Allan for two years and during that time Allan has helped me with my goals. Through that time I have achieved some amazing PBs as a result of his coaching skills. After suffering an injury Allan has helped me regain strength and we are still working on rebuilding my strength and recovery. He has a great understanding of what my goals are and I would highly recommend him..


I trained with Allan for around 3 months learning Olympic lifting and developing overall strength in general lifting. Very experienced coach with lots of knowledge �


I have been receiving Weightlifting Online Coaching and training programs from Allan for the past 4 months and I am delighted with the service.

I have been assisted to make massive jumps in performance and have broken many Personal Bests in this short time. I had hit a wall in my previous training regime and training with Allan has really progressed me onto the next level.

I really enjoy the bespoke nature of the service I receive. My programming is tailored specifically for me, and focuses on the areas I need to improve. I would certainly not be performing at the level I am without the level of expert coaching I receive.

I regularly receive feedback, and Allan is incredibly accessible with a great manner and attitude to fitness.


Highly reccommend allan as a trainer. Really knows his stuff. Tailored workout to suit individuals. Was always apprehensive about a male trainer but allan is a very respectful and professional trainer.

More about Strength Coach Glasgow

Strength Coach Glasgow is located at @ The Muthaship, 124 Portman Street, G41 1EJ Glasgow, United Kingdom
Monday: 06:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 13:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 16:00
Friday: 07:00 - 16:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 13:00
Sunday: 07:00 - 13:00