Tenement Veg

Urban Farm
4.5 star rating

About Tenement Veg

Market Garden based in the Southside of Glasgow. Workers Coop, bringing veg to the people! DM for produce or any other enquiries.



https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/feeding-th e-city-2019-ideati…
Happy new year from Tenement Veg :)
As some of you know, we took part in a programme for new enterprises working with food over the whole of 2018. This included a wealth of workshops, networking opportunities and funding. It was an amazing opportunity and we met some incredible people along the way. This programme is running again and there is an ideation workshop happening in Glasgow next week, Thursday the 17th o...f Jan @ Civic House from 17:30. You don't have to have anything started, could just be an idea in your head or something scribbled on abit of paper. Come with your ideas and we'll be there to chat to you about how it was for us. Please share this around your networks and hopefully see you there!
TV x
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We're just back up from the final week of the Feeding the City programme run by Kings Cross Impact Hub Impact Hub King's Cross that we have been taking part in since the beginning of the year. And what a year it has been!
We finished it all off with some great workshops on storytelling and action planning for the coming few years. We were also lucky enough to present and pitch our enterprise to some great organisations over the Wednesday and Thursday night. We were particular...ly excited by Pam Warhurst's talk on her amazing work in Todmorden with the Incredible Edible Network. It was an honour to share our work in front of her!
If you're interested in the Feeding the City scheme, look out as applications for 2019 will be opening shortly. Open to any group with an idea for a food type enterprise with a community/sustainability focus. The programme includes funding and workshops throughout the year. DM if you want more info.
Tenement Veg.
#feedingthecity #impacthub @ Impact Hub King's Cross
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Great wee video about the excellent Veg Cities Chef's Challenge, organised by the Glasgow Community Food Network. We were delighted to have some of our lemon sorrel included in the winning dish! Well done to all the chefs, organisers and producers!


Last week we had our final harvest of the year and will now take the rest of the Autumn and Winter to plan the next stage of our project. First priority: land! Dyu have some? Get in touch if so! :)
Most importantly we want to thank Urban Roots Glasgow for providing us the space to trial our market garden idea. Along with @locavore_cic, @milk_cafeglasgow, @shortlongblackcoffee, @mala_carne and fresh n fruity for supporting us and buying our produce :). And all the people off...ering help and interest in our wee co-op. THANKS!
We will be back in the Spring with (hopefully) more land and more delicious produce. During this gap we'll keep you updated on our journey as a worker's coop looking for land to grow: what the challenges are and how you can do it yourself too! All power to the growers!
Thanks from Kelly, Colin and Mark at Tenement Veg.
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We were lucky enough to do a wee bit of judging for the Veg Cities Chef's Challenge at @porterandrye today. Along with providing some of our own produce for the challenge. Whatever they did to that kale, it was delicious!
The last day of judging is tomorrow! Check out @glasgowcommunityfoodnetwork for more updates :D
#glasgow #glaschu #vegcities


Fresh delivery to Fresh 'n' Fruity this morning :)


Kelly and Colin posing with our beautiful summer harvest this morning 🌸🌞 Glasgow is hot today! #glasgow #glaschu #fàs