The Ayrshire Community Trust Demonstration Garden

About The Ayrshire Community Trust Demonstration Garden

Eglinton Demonstration Garden is being created to provide opportunties for all people interested in growing their own food.

The Ayrshire Community Trust Demonstration Garden Description

https://www. google. co. uk /maps /place /before + Watercut + Road /@55. 6421433, -4. 6838761, 3a, 75y, 173h, 90t /data=! 3m7! 1e1! 3m5! 1shHiWFbFfm7Y0EP6cms3eqw! 2e0! 6s% 2F% 2Fgeo0. 2Fcbk% 3Fcb_client% 3Dmaps_sv. tactile% 26output% 3Dthumbnail% 26thumb% 3D2% 26panoid% 3DhHiWFbFfm7Y0EP6cms3eqw% 26w% 3D374% 26h% 3D75% 26yaw% 3D173% 26pitch% 3D0% 26thumbfov% 3D120% 26ll% 3D55. 642143, -4. 683876! 7i13312! 8i6656! 4m7! 1m4! 3m3! 1s0x4889ce9bf45b323b: 0x28b2bc99024d717! 2sEglinton + Country + Park! 3b1! 3m1! 1s0x4889ce946737511f: 0x58a189ee335531f9! 6m1! 1e1

More about The Ayrshire Community Trust Demonstration Garden

The Ayrshire Community Trust Demonstration Garden is located at Kilwinning
01294 443044