The Breastfeeding Network Drugs In Breastmilk Information Service

About The Breastfeeding Network Drugs In Breastmilk Information Service

The Breastfeeding Network Drugs in Breastmilk Information Service

The Breastfeeding Network Drugs In Breastmilk Information Service Description

This is a page for the Breastfeeding Network Drugs in Breastmilk Information service. You can also find information on our wide range of factsheets available for free on our website
https://www. uk /drugs-factsheets /

If you have a specific question about the safety of medication or medical treatments while you are breastfeeding and you can't find the information you need on the factsheets you can ask in a private message to the page or by emailing wendy. uk

This page is run by a team of trained volunteers who all have access to read and respond to messages. We monitor the page to ensure that only evidence based information is shared, this is to ensure the safety of people asking for information. Every situation is different and as a trained pharmacist Wendy is insured and qualified to answer questions but others may not be. For this reason we ask you to please refrain from posting any general comments about medication on this page. Please remember that as volunteers we will do our best to answer your query as quickly as possible but that it may take a short while for us to reply, especially at busy times. If you message us we may contact you in the future for evaluation purposes. If you do not wish to be contacted about evaluation please let us know.

The information provided is taken from various reference sources. It is provided as a guideline. No responsibility can be taken by the author or the Breastfeeding Network for the way in which the information is used. Clinical decisions remain the responsibility of medical and breastfeeding practitioners.
The data presented here is intended to provide some immediate information but cannot replace input from professionals.

We do not receive any central funding for this service so we please ask if you find the page useful to consider donating by texting DIBM88 £3 to 70070, thank you.

If you have any questions or comments about the page you can contact us via uk or find more contact information on our website www. uk



We have loved introducing you to some of our Peer Supporters over the last couple of weeks. We run some brilliant support services across the UK, with some really amazing people. But we could do so much more if breastfeeding support was better funded. #IAmAPeerSupporter


Today we want to introduce you to some of our peer supporters from our Gosport and Havant breastfeeding support service. This service is threatened with closure if it is not refunded by September. Last year they supported over 500 mums face to face. #IAmAPeerSupporter
What are support services like in your area? Why not ask your MP to attend the next parliamentary meeting on infant feeding inequalities as a way of campaigning for better support in your area? The next APPG on Infant Feeding & Inequalities will take place on Tuesday 10 July 2018, from 13:00 - 15:00, in the Wilson Room of Portcullis House.


If you feel moved to do something about the breastfeeding support inequalities we've been sharing this week, the Better Breastfeeding campaign has got a great letter here you can amend and send to your MP.…/three- things-to-do-during…/


Imagine living just on the border. One side has great breastfeeding support, and the other has less because it's not funded in that area. What do you do? This is the postcode lottery families face when accessing support for breastfeeding.
Thanks Portsmouth Breastfeeding for this photo.
... #postcodelottery #breastfeedingsupport #nationalbreastfeedingweek #iamapeersupporter
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We've been introducing you to our Peer Supporters all week for #NationalBreastfeedingWeek to raise awareness about breastfeeding support inequalities. Here is Vanisha, one of our fabulous Peer Supporters in Hornsey.
Vanisha says 'Based on my cultural knowledge, and experience as a Peer Supporter, I have seen that women with Caribbean heritage are less likely to breastfeed. I think this is because of the way formula is marketed in the Caribbean and the fact that social awaren...ess and support for breastfeeding is extremely low there so when the women come over to the UK this way of thinking is continued and passed down through families.
With this photo I wanted to show other black women that it’s normal and natural, that black women do breastfeed. Women in the black community need to see other women in the community breastfeeding, standing up saying yes I do breastfeed. I am proud to be a black woman breastfeeding a 2 year old and will continue to do so for as long as my child needs'.
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We don't have an #IAmAPeerSupporter selfie for you today. It's a year since our peer support service in Blackpool was cut, and we have no peer supporters there anymore. We ran the project for 10 years, and families used to get one to one support in their homes for 8 weeks after giving birth, as well as daily support on the hospital wards. Blackpool Council decommissioned the service last summer and since then local health visitors have taken breastfeeding support into their r...emit.
There is a protest today in Blackpoool Bickerstaffe Square 10am - 11am organised by Better Breastfeeding, more details below. #nationalbreastfeedingweek
What breastfeeding support do you get in your area? Is it a similar story of no peer support available? Why not invite your MP to the next APPG on Infant Feeding & Inequalities to campaign for better in your area. It's 10th July 1pm - 3pm in the Wilson Room of Portcullis House.
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This week is #NationalBreastfeedingWeek and we are highlighting inequalities in breastfeeding support across the UK with our #IAmAPeerSupporter campaign.
Access to breastfeeding support is a postcode lottery. Yesterday we brought you peer supporters from our Oldham, Stockport and Thameside service, where we offer drop in groups, home visits, support on hospital wards, and support by phone. But if you live in other areas of the UK you might not get access to all of those types... of support.
In Haringey we are funded to provide support at the two local hospitals, and in drop in groups across the borough. Recent closures of children's centres in the area, however, have had an impact on what we can provide, and as Karen, our Peer Supporter in this photo says, we used to offer 8 hours a week of group support for breastfeeding families, but this is now 4.5 hours a week.
This week Catherine West MP for Hornsey and Wood Green (pictured), has been to visit a Haringey drop in group to find out more about the services provided to breastfeeding families in the area.
What are support services like in your area? Why not ask your MP to attend the next parliamentary meeting on infant feeding inequalities as a way of campaigning for better support in your area? The next APPG on Infant Feeding & Inequalities will take place on Tuesday 10 July 2018, from 13:00 - 15:00, in the Wilson Room of Portcullis House.
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This week is #NationalBreastfeedingWeek and we want to highlight inequalities in breastfeeding support across the UK.
Our breastfeeding peer supporters are fantastic; they go through a programme of training, and gain a qualification, and give up their time to help families with breastfeeding, all on a voluntary basis.
But they do so in a tricky climate, with cuts to services in various parts of the UK meaning they can't always reach everyone who needs help. So this week our... #IAmAPeerSupporter campaign will introduce you to some of our volunteers, and the differences in what we're able to provide across the country based on local funding.
We'll start with a positive. These three ladies from our Oldham, Stockport, and Thameside support service outline the great service they are able to provide in their area:
'I am a peer supporter, if a woman gives birth in my area tomorrow she will... be supported by trained peer supporters who have all breastfed their own babies'
'be made welcome at all of our friendly breastfeeding support groups'
'have access to breastfeeding support on the ward, over the phone, in her own home, and in our support groups'
What are support services like in your area? As good as this service? Or could be better? Why not ask your MP to attend the next parliamentary meeting on infant feeding inequalities as a way of campaigning for better support in your area? The next APPG on Infant Feeding & Inequalities will take place on Tuesday 10 July 2018, from 13:00 - 15:00, in the Wilson Room of Portcullis House.
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Still lots of breastfeeding mums suffering with hayfever - looks like this will be a tough week. You can take non sedating antihistamines and breastfeed


Following feedback on our new poster, we have made a small revision to the wording. Please use this version from now on (but don't panic if you've printed out last week's version, it's not a huge change!) PDF of this file available too on request.


We have a new poster that can be used to raise awareness of the BFN Drugs in Breastmilk info service. Please share with anyone who might find it useful. We have a PDF version available as well if you prefer, contact us for this.


A huge thank you to everyone who ran the Mums Milk Run to raise funds for us. We had an amazing team of 81 runners, all doing their bit to support breastfeeding families. Your medals are going in the post this week - and look how cool they are!
If you didn't manage to run, but want to show your support, you can still donate by texting BNMR18 £3 to 70070 to donate £3


This isn’t a BFN day though has involvement from one of our directors. It’s a great opportunity to hear experts at a very reasonable cost. I’m sad I can’t be there this year due to illness. If you live nearby I thoroughly recommend the day or weekend. Wendy


lots and lots of questions on treatment for hayfever still - please share this factsheet with groups, doctors and pharmacies. Hayfever untreated is miserable…/a ntihistamines%20%28h…


thank you so much you amazing bunch of mummies for your support. Lots of you have sent me your stories already. I'd really like to start a few sections off - the book has begun!- so if you have RA, Fibromyalgia. hypermobility, MS, Lupus, epilepsy, hyperthyroid or hypothyroid could you send me your story - what battles did you have ( good to hear if no battles!) how it felt needing meds when bf, how supportive were professionals and maybe family members. My aim is to empower n...ew mums who have a condition to make their own choices and to highlight to professionals that we are just mums who want to bf despite illness. I have Crohns disease myself and its one of the things that drove my passion for bf and ultimately drugs in breastmilk.. Going to start with these topics and build so if your condition isnt on this list doesnt mean its not in the book.
There is by the way a chapter in the second edition of Breastfeeding and Medication on this topic but I couldnt write everything I wanted
Feel free to PM me personally (wendy jones) or to email .uk
Thank you so much ladies
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I’m thinking of another book looking at mums who have a chronic illness but want to breastfeed. I’d love to include lots of experiences of mums. I know there are lots of you out there with conditions from asthma to joint pain, stomach conditions, auto immune diseases. I’m pretty certain that medication and breastfeeding has an impact for many of you.
Would you help me? What conditions should I cover? Would any of you share your breastfeeding journeys so that I can make it a book? Is it a good idea? Are you a professional with a story of trying to help mums in this situation?
Please feel free to message me privately if you prefer to keep comments anonymous or to email .uk
I’d be really grateful for your thoughts
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We're half way through our Mum's Milk Run! Thanks to everyone who is running 20k to raise funds for us to support more breastfeeding women.
If you're not running, you can still help with the fundraising. Text BNMR18 £10/£5/£2 to 70070 to donate up to £10 to BfN and make a real difference to mums and families today.


Today our pharmacist for this service, Wendy, is getting a personal award from the Prime Minister for volunteering! We are so proud of her!
Theresa May said “Over the past 20 years your work has supported thousands of mothers and babies across the UK. You have created a successful and pioneering model which provides mothers with the information they need to make informed decisions about using medications and treatments while breastfeeding.”
She's getting a Point of Light awa...rd, and we think it's so well deserved. eastmilk-helpline/
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If you have a specific question about the safety of medication or medical treatments while you are breastfeeding please first look at the factsheets on our website to see if you can find the information you need. Many of the common medications and questions are answered via the factsheets on a wider range of conditions including hayfever/antihistamines, migraine, upset tummies, pain killers, dental treatment, mental health, emergency contraception etc. k/drugs-factsheets/
If you can't find the information you need on the factsheets, PLEASE ASK IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE as we can sometimes miss open posts to the page.
There is a team of volunteers answering messages so please be aware a few different people may see your question.
We will try and answer your message as quickly as we can but please remember we are all volunteers answering messages around our other jobs and looking after our own children so sometimes it might take a bit longer to get a response.
We rely on donations to keep the service running so please consider making a donation to help make sure we can continue to offer support. You can donate by texting DIBM88 £3 (or any amount up to £10) to 70070. Thank you.
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What an amazing service. I sent a message worried about some medication, as I'd been told I couldn't feed for 7 days. I began thinking the worst that my supply would change or my baby would reject me after. The response was sent within the hour and was told that I would only need to refrain from feeding for 24 hours. This saved me days of worry and stress.


Very helpful service, which informs you if you are unsure about the medication you were prescribed and weren’t able to ask if it was safe during breastfeeding.


This service is truly wonderful. Wendy Jones is amazing. She has had a lot of messages off me in the last 6 months and she always replies quickly. Because of this service I have been able to carry on breastfeeding, had I listened to the doctors advice I would have stopped months ago.

Thank you so much.


This service has been invaluable to me. The fact sheet has helped with most of my worries and I’ve had fast and helpful responses to messages when I couldn’t find the answers for myself.


This is a service second to none. I refer to your factsheets in my personal, professional and volunteer lives on almost a daily basis and Wendy never fails to give safe, expert advice when needed. Honestly don't know what I and Breastfeeding Yummy Mummies would do without you!!


Thank you so much for your detailed drugs in breast milk factsheets. They have provided me with so much more information than has been provided through the NHS, made the process of having surgery as a breastfeeding mum so much less stressful for me and I have been able to make informed choices about my treatment.


Really quick reply that put my mind at ease. This is a brilliant service.


Quick response and so useful. Having tonsillitis my GP told me I couldn’t have lots of medication which was wrong and coming on here and speaking via private message found out I could! So grateful


Quick and easy way to put your mind at ease. More people need to be told about this!!!


Incredibly helpful with regards to antibiotics and everyday medicines. Having messaged the team they got back to me incredibly quickly and gave me reassurance that the medication I was taking was ok.


I'm still astounded by the level of care and professionalism given. Evidence based care means so much and we are blessed to have this service.


I can’t thank Enough to Wendy as she has always been so helpful. I messaged quite late as wasn’t sure if the medication is safe to take got immidate response and rather suffering i am feeling better after taking the medication. Thanks you Wendy you and your team is doing fabulous job! �


Got a response within a few minutes! What a fantastic resource.


Brilliant service. So useful and a really fast response. It has really helped me, without it I would have been suffering for no reason! Have used a few times by looking at the fact sheets and one time where it wasn't on there but got a quick answer by messaging! Thanks for providing this amazing service.


Being a pharmacist, as well as a feeding mum and peer supporter, I often get questions around medication use. Wendy has given me information and answers to questions that I have posed. I recommend this service to everyone that I come across on a personal and professional basis ��


Amazingly helpful service - Thankyou! Brilliant and easily accessible. The Drugs Factsheets are so comprehensive!


Amazing website/Facebook page you help so many people on so many levels from professional to new mums thank you 😊


Amazing service, I don't know how a lot of new mothers could manage continuing to breastfeed whilst on medication without this


Amazing service! I sent a private message to check whether a cream I had been prescribed was ok to use and within 10 minutes I had a clear answer. Wonderful! Thank you �


What an amazing service. I sent a message worried about some medication, as I'd been told I couldn't feed for 7 days. I began thinking the worst that my supply would change or my baby would reject me after. The response was sent within the hour and was told that I would only need to refrain from feeding for 24 hours. This saved me days of worry and stress.


Very helpful service, which informs you if you are unsure about the medication you were prescribed and weren’t able to ask if it was safe during breastfeeding.


This service is truly wonderful. Wendy Jones is amazing. She has had a lot of messages off me in the last 6 months and she always replies quickly. Because of this service I have been able to carry on breastfeeding, had I listened to the doctors advice I would have stopped months ago.

Thank you so much.


This service has been invaluable to me. The fact sheet has helped with most of my worries and I’ve had fast and helpful responses to messages when I couldn’t find the answers for myself.


This is a service second to none. I refer to your factsheets in my personal, professional and volunteer lives on almost a daily basis and Wendy never fails to give safe, expert advice when needed. Honestly don't know what I and Breastfeeding Yummy Mummies would do without you!!


Thank you so much for your detailed drugs in breast milk factsheets. They have provided me with so much more information than has been provided through the NHS, made the process of having surgery as a breastfeeding mum so much less stressful for me and I have been able to make informed choices about my treatment.


Really quick reply that put my mind at ease. This is a brilliant service.


Quick response and so useful. Having tonsillitis my GP told me I couldn’t have lots of medication which was wrong and coming on here and speaking via private message found out I could! So grateful


Quick and easy way to put your mind at ease. More people need to be told about this!!!


Incredibly helpful with regards to antibiotics and everyday medicines. Having messaged the team they got back to me incredibly quickly and gave me reassurance that the medication I was taking was ok.


I'm still astounded by the level of care and professionalism given. Evidence based care means so much and we are blessed to have this service.


I can’t thank Enough to Wendy as she has always been so helpful. I messaged quite late as wasn’t sure if the medication is safe to take got immidate response and rather suffering i am feeling better after taking the medication. Thanks you Wendy you and your team is doing fabulous job! �


Got a response within a few minutes! What a fantastic resource.


Brilliant service. So useful and a really fast response. It has really helped me, without it I would have been suffering for no reason! Have used a few times by looking at the fact sheets and one time where it wasn't on there but got a quick answer by messaging! Thanks for providing this amazing service.


Being a pharmacist, as well as a feeding mum and peer supporter, I often get questions around medication use. Wendy has given me information and answers to questions that I have posed. I recommend this service to everyone that I come across on a personal and professional basis ��


Amazingly helpful service - Thankyou! Brilliant and easily accessible. The Drugs Factsheets are so comprehensive!


Amazing website/Facebook page you help so many people on so many levels from professional to new mums thank you 😊


Amazing service, I don't know how a lot of new mothers could manage continuing to breastfeed whilst on medication without this


Amazing service! I sent a private message to check whether a cream I had been prescribed was ok to use and within 10 minutes I had a clear answer. Wonderful! Thank you �

More about The Breastfeeding Network Drugs In Breastmilk Information Service

The Breastfeeding Network Drugs In Breastmilk Information Service is located at PO Box 11126, PA2 8YB Paisley, Renfrewshire