The Pilates Attic



I have been going to Jo's classes at the Pilates Attic for nearly 2 years. I started going to try to prevent running-related injuries and niggles from developing, and haven't been disappointed. Since I started going to pilates with Jo, I have been injury free (and I run on average 5 times a week). The clases are small and friendly, so you get individual attention as appropriate. Jo always explains if there's a way to make an exercise harder if it feels too easy, or suggests alternative exercises if you find something uncomfortable. It's a very relaxing atmosphere too - I always feel better after my class.


I've been going to Pilates Attic for classes with Jo for about 3.5 yrs now. Apart from the benefits I've felt in my strength for hill walking/skiing and other outdoor activities I've more recently found it incredibly beneficial during pregnancy. It helped me to feel strong throughout, and although I was part of a group class Jo and Andy kindly gave me different and relevant exercises to do when I couldn't do what the class was doing. I had to have a Cesarean section at the last minute, and now 5 weeks after having my baby I firmly believe Pilates has been key to me getting back on my feet so quickly after the operation. I was driving again after 2.5 weeks and feel pretty much 'normal' again already. Jo's classes are fun, with a great group of people in the class. I highly recommend them.


I came to see Andy P at the Pilates Attic after my physio recommended I try Pilates to help with my back. I am over 6 feet and I have had issues with my lower back for a number of years. I would be off my feet for several days when it flared up and, worryingly, those incidents were becoming increasingly regular. I therefore decided I needed to do something proactive!

I have now been working with Andy every week for about 6 months and the results have been fantastic. I am stronger, my posture is improved and, most importantly, my back problems have receded hugely. I cannot recommend Andy highly enough as a teacher – he is methodical, patient, has a great sense of humour and above all, really knows what he is doing. I trust him completely to know how far to push me each week and to tailor our sessions to the fact that I am an aging, tall bloke who hasn’t stepped foot inside a gym for years!

I have always known that there is no ‘cure’ for what I have, but the exercises and techniques Andy has shown me mean that I can now go through my day without worrying whether my back will be up to it.

More about The Pilates Attic

The Pilates Attic is located at 50 Thistle St N E Ln, Edinburgh EH2 1DA, UK
+44 7505 647505