The Reiki Training Centre, Avalon, Roseisle

About The Reiki Training Centre, Avalon, Roseisle

Retreat Centre offering individual healing sessions, professional courses, workshops, events, film nights, meditation & chanting evenings & Reiki Sharing



You are made of stardust The atoms and molecules arranged in your particular form are indeed the same stuff as stars. They are also the same stuff as beetles and as earth. And is that not just as beautiful? In all the world, in all the Universe, there is not another collection of atoms arranged in the exact same way as you right now. The you that learned to stand and to walk has long gone. What remains of her? But you are more than atoms, my darling. You are a collection of ...moods, experiences, emotions, patterning, loves and aversions. You are the receptacle of all that has been sent your way, and all that you have held onto and all that you have given. You are also what you aspire to - achieved or not. Every act of love, fleeting or sustained, builds in your being. Every act of kindness that has ever been shown to you, will be carried with you, small badges of meaning in an unstable world. And when you are about to leave this body, only then will itŌĆÖs preciousness be truly known, all previous judgements on size, shape, wrinkles and bags now utterly irrelevant. You know you will not cease to be, part of you lives on, but never again in THIS particular body - this body with you here now, moving now with each breath - that is a one time gift, never to reappear anywhere ever again throughout space and time. Love the soft animal of your body, this ever changing ice sculpture, this meditation on impermanence, love her exactly as she is right now. For she is so very, very precious.
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Reiki Share on Tuesday evening. WhoŌĆÖs coming? ­¤śŹ­¤Öī­¤ż▓­¤żŚ As itŌĆÖs Imbolc, the New Moon and the first of the year, we will have a little extra time, 7pm-10pm, so we can send out group healing to our beautiful planet and all beings. Also our own loved ones and particular situations ­¤śŖ xxŌØż’ĖÅxx


We often find what we want in life by experiencing what we donŌĆÖt want. So if you are not where you would like to be now, relax. How can you know this isnŌĆÖt exactly what you need to take you there? There are no mistakes, only learning ­¤ī¤ Sometimes we need to dive to the depths to find the pearl.We often find what we want in life by experiencing what we donŌĆÖt want. So if you are not where you would like to be now, relax. How can you know this isnŌĆÖt exactly what you need to take you there? There are no mistakes, only learning ­¤ī¤ Sometimes we need to dive to the depths to find the pearl.


2018 has been challenging for so many of us. At this potent cusp, it can be helpful to reflect on the past year and focus on what to birth in 2019.
How are you ending it? How has this year changed as well as challenged you? What do you hope to bring to your own life and to the world in 2019?
Whatever it is - if we do it with love, we will have succeeded, no matter the outcome. ... I am hugely grateful for everyone who has been part of my life in so many ways in 2019 - thank you for your kindness, your trust, your insight, your wisdom, your sense of fun and for everything you have taught me and brought me. ŌØż’ĖÅ
May this coming year be full of the best things in Life for you! May you find magic in a sunrise and in a loved oneŌĆÖs eyes. May you witness spectacular sunsets and shooting stars. May those you love blossom and may their laughter lift your heart. May your strength and stamina always exceed your challenges. May your heart grow stronger and large enough to extend the circle of love and compassion to yourself also, and to be able to mend itself when bruised and broken. May you have room in your heart and home for those who seek your light. May you feel that light even in times of pain, angst and grief. May you feel the presence of the wise ones guiding you and carrying you even when you lose sight of the path. May your life, love and laughter bless this planet and all sentient beings here and beyond. Ō£©Ō£©ŌØż’ĖÅŌ£©Ō£©
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Hope your Christmas is filled with softness, lightness, love, gentleness, fun, laughter, kindness, happiness, loving kindness and peace, with some magic and wonder thrown in. And may your 2019 bring more freedom, blessings, self trust, self confidence, self love, personal success, deep healing and further opening to compassion, wisdom and expression of your gifts and qualities - a deeper sharing of your shining light in the world, making this planet a better place for us all ­¤ī¤­¤īÄ­¤ĢŖ­¤ī▓­¤ī╣ŌØż’ĖÅ­¤ĢēŌØż’ĖÅ­¤ī╣­ ¤ī▓­¤ĢŖ­¤īŹ­¤ī¤


Just a little reminder - Tuesday, 7pm-9.30pm is the last Reiki Group at Avalon till February. Let me know if you are coming along ­¤śĆŌ£©­¤ī¤­¤ÆĢ­¤ī¤Ō£©Just a little reminder - Tuesday, 7pm-9.30pm is the last Reiki Group at Avalon till February. Let me know if you are coming along ­¤śĆŌ£©­¤ī¤­¤ÆĢ­¤ī¤Ō£©


Latest blog i-aloha-spirit/


"In a world where you can be anything, be kind." ~ Anon




If you haven't watched this for a while, why not take the next 8 minutes for yourself. Switch off your notifications and phone, then take a few slow, deep, conscious breaths. Find that soft place of loving kindness in your heart and dedicate the next 8 minutes to an end to your own suffering, extending that loving kindness to an end to suffering for all beings.
May all beings be free May all beings be well May all beings be happy
... <3 Jw
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Touch the earth, love the earth, her plains, her valleys, her hills, and her seas; rest your spirit in her solitary places. For the gifts of life are the earthŌĆÖs and they are given to all, and they are the songs of birds at daybreak, Orion and the Bear, and the dawn seen over the ocean from the beach.
When the Pleiades and the wind in the grass are no longer a part of the human spirit, a part of very flesh and bone, man becomes, as it were a kind of cosmic outlaw, having neither the completeness and integrity of the animal nor the birthright of a true humanity.
Henry Beston


The journey to self love can take a lifetime, but it's ultimately the most rewarding quest we can undertake, that connects us more deeply to nature, to our own nature and to the parts of ourself that we perceive as 'others.' ŌØż’ĖÅ
"When I get lonely these days, I think: So BE lonely... Learn your way around loneliness. Make a map of it. Sit with it, for once in your life. Welcome to the human experience. But never again use another person's body or emotions as a scratching post for your own unfulfilled yearnings.ŌĆØ
Elizabeth Gilbert ŌØż’ĖÅ


Do you feel a tension, a push to break free? A sense of more beyond? Is it time to crack open that tightness, shed that old skin and feel the soft, bright, shiny new you underneath, just waiting to burst forth? It's time. Let's do it together. Awakening the Goddess at Avalon, 28-30th Sept, (begins on Friday evening.) Join us.


Reiki support group 4/9/18, let me know if you are coming please ­¤śĆ September courses at Avalon; Reiki II 8th/9th, (also Reiki II in Aberdeen on the 15th/16th,) then Goddess Awakening on the 28th/-30th, starting on the Friday evening.
More info here, or contact me: https://reikitraining.


"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be discovered." Ō£©ŌŁÉ’ĖÅCarl Sagan ŌŁÉ’ĖÅŌ£©"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be discovered." Ō£©ŌŁÉ’ĖÅCarl Sagan ŌŁÉ’ĖÅŌ£©


Last Call for a place on the 5 Tibetan Yogas this weekend! :D This WILL change your life - I hadn't been doing them for a while after a rib injury, (don't ask! its worse than the wheelie bin's attempt to eat me.) Anyways, I can't believe the difference in my energy since I've been able to do even half the full set again! I am also SO much more flexible and all my aches have disappeared, and I'm much more focused and productive. Yay! And just as a little confirmation from the universe ŌĆ” On Monday I was asked to give someone a lift to the Medicine Buddha Puja I was attending. Guess who? Only Dekyi-Lee Oldershaw, who was taught directly by ZaChoeje Rinpoche and was my original 5 T's teacher I hadn't seen in 9 years! :D :D <3 n-yogas/


Tibetan Yoga retreat at Avalon, Roseisle, 25th/26th August. "These five simple exercises will make you feel young again.ŌĆØ Bernie S. Siegel, M.D. This is the original, full Tibetan healing system, which is even more powerful than the Rites of Rejuvenation. It's an excellent practice to work on the physical body, the mind, emotions, chakras, the 5 elements. It's accessible for all ages and abilities as there are many adaptations and the asanas are just one part of the whole s...ystem, which includes movement, breath work, meditation, intention and purification. With just 20-30 minutes a day you can really transform your health, fitness, mental/emotional wellbeing and energy levels. ŌĆ£ItŌĆÖs easy. ItŌĆÖs fast. And it works! I love this program.ŌĆØ John Gray, Author of Men Are from Mars, Women are from Venus n-yogas/
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Well, oh my, gosh, golly, what a fabulous weekend! I have just completed my Reiki I, Shoden with Elizabeth and my new-found 'Reiki Sisters'! It was a joy from start to finish. Elizabeth is a deeply beautiful woman, full of love, light and wisdom. I am beginning my Reiki journey with such peace, hope and positive energy. Thank you ’┐Į I cannot recommend it more highly.


Today was the most beautiful day, it was about learning new things, it was about being comfortable in my own skin, it was about asking questions and not forgetting what it was I wanted to say. It was about me reaffirming my place on this planet, of making my mark on the world that much stronger. This is a long overdue soul date and I am going back tomorrow for more. This is me being happy and grateful to be here. This is Reiki 2. Thank you Elizabeth for being an excellent teacher and a beautiful human being.


The most beautiful place magic, I had a wonderful Reiki session with Elizabeth.

I think that now after a period full of a lot of stress I can start to go forward and put into practice all the wonderful things Elizabeth has taught me over the years.

Elizabeth is an inspiration and a wonderful teacher.


I have just completed Reiki 1 with Elizabeth and I would like to thank her for such a wonderful , educational and loving weekend. Elizabeth teaches with such kindness and inspiration and I feel so blessed to have gone through the Reiki journey she led us on. Elizabeth made us feel so at ease and relaxed from the very beginning and this continued throughout the weekend. I left the course having made lovely friends with renewed zest and a positivitity I thought had gone forever. I would thoroughly recommend this course and I can't wait for the next one.


I have done all levels of Reiki training with Elizabeth and have just received my Master/Teacher qualification. I have so much love and compassion for Elizabeth and her teaching and am so grateful to her for her support and beautiful friendship. I highly recommend her to anyone who wants to take the first steps into a new empowering life. She has humour and a huge heart as well as a very unique teaching style.


I have attended two courses with the Reiki Training Centre- animal communication and Karuna Reiki. Both were transformative!

Elizabeth's teaching is motivating, comprehensive, inspiring and compassionate.

Each time, the two or three days have felt like a month long retreat and I have had such a renewed zest for life afterwards.

I would wholeheartedly recommend any of Elizabeth's courses and hope to do more of them in the future ’┐Į


Elizabeth is a fabulous teacher with fabulous energy who makes learning fun A pleasure to learn from xxx


Well, oh my, gosh, golly, what a fabulous weekend! I have just completed my Reiki I, Shoden with Elizabeth and my new-found 'Reiki Sisters'! It was a joy from start to finish. Elizabeth is a deeply beautiful woman, full of love, light and wisdom. I am beginning my Reiki journey with such peace, hope and positive energy. Thank you ’┐Į I cannot recommend it more highly.


Today was the most beautiful day, it was about learning new things, it was about being comfortable in my own skin, it was about asking questions and not forgetting what it was I wanted to say. It was about me reaffirming my place on this planet, of making my mark on the world that much stronger. This is a long overdue soul date and I am going back tomorrow for more. This is me being happy and grateful to be here. This is Reiki 2. Thank you Elizabeth for being an excellent teacher and a beautiful human being.


The most beautiful place magic, I had a wonderful Reiki session with Elizabeth.

I think that now after a period full of a lot of stress I can start to go forward and put into practice all the wonderful things Elizabeth has taught me over the years.

Elizabeth is an inspiration and a wonderful teacher.


I have just completed Reiki 1 with Elizabeth and I would like to thank her for such a wonderful , educational and loving weekend. Elizabeth teaches with such kindness and inspiration and I feel so blessed to have gone through the Reiki journey she led us on. Elizabeth made us feel so at ease and relaxed from the very beginning and this continued throughout the weekend. I left the course having made lovely friends with renewed zest and a positivitity I thought had gone forever. I would thoroughly recommend this course and I can't wait for the next one.


I have done all levels of Reiki training with Elizabeth and have just received my Master/Teacher qualification. I have so much love and compassion for Elizabeth and her teaching and am so grateful to her for her support and beautiful friendship. I highly recommend her to anyone who wants to take the first steps into a new empowering life. She has humour and a huge heart as well as a very unique teaching style.


I have attended two courses with the Reiki Training Centre- animal communication and Karuna Reiki. Both were transformative!

Elizabeth's teaching is motivating, comprehensive, inspiring and compassionate.

Each time, the two or three days have felt like a month long retreat and I have had such a renewed zest for life afterwards.

I would wholeheartedly recommend any of Elizabeth's courses and hope to do more of them in the future ’┐Į


Elizabeth is a fabulous teacher with fabulous energy who makes learning fun A pleasure to learn from xxx

More about The Reiki Training Centre, Avalon, Roseisle