The Relaxing Touch

About The Relaxing Touch

A Swedish massage is a great way of relaxing, reducing stress, easing aches and pains and even if you just want pampered!

The Relaxing Touch Description

Everyone can benefit from a therapeutic massage treatment, as a preventative measure to maintain good health or to help with a specific problem. In the UK a Swedish massage is often thought of as a luxury, a pampering experience. It can certainly feel that way but the benefits go far deeper than that. Like regular exercise, massage benefits all of the various systems in the body, not just one, promoting physical as well as mental well-being in a variety of ways and everyone can benefit from a treatment.

Anxious and stressed? Find a sense of balance and harmony through massage
Swedish massage therapy is very effective at relieving anxiety and is often used to help alleviate the symptoms of stress and depression. It’s impossible to feel stressed during and after a Swedish massage. The pressure applied during the massage relaxes tight muscles and relieves tension. The stimulation to the skin is deeply relaxing, and it is common to feel a deeper sense of connectedness with your body during a Swedish massage. You become more aware of the muscles of your body as they are massaged, and this helps clear the mind of anxiety and dissipate depression. Swedish massage also promotes healthy sleep, which is one more way it helps the body heal itself. Whether insomnia or poor sleep is related to depression, anxiety, the onset of aging, or illness, Swedish massage can promote better sleep. This in turn can support the healthy function of the immune system, relieve anxiety and depression, and support energy levels.

A workout for your lymph system
The movements and firm pressure involved in Swedish massage affect all systems in the body, including soft tissues such as muscles and ligaments and also nerves and even glands. You aren’t just getting a great muscle rub when you have a Swedish massage. The functioning of the lymph system is encouraged as the muscles are stimulated and relaxed. Pressure is applied to your muscles in movements that are in tune with the natural flow of blood back to your heart.

Stiff, strained muscles?
If you’re suffering from muscular strain, Swedish massage can help your body’s lymph system flush metabolic wastes such as lactic acid and uric acid from your muscles. This shortens recovery time and helps you feel better faster. Regular massage helps increase flexibility, enhances tissue elasticity and reduces pain. Many individuals benefit from a greater range of joint motion and movement thanks to Swedish massage therapy.

Swedish massage is certainly a wonderful way to pamper yourself, but it is also an important and effective type of therapy for many people who rely on Swedish massage therapy to support good health and to manage a variety of health conditions.

More about The Relaxing Touch

The Relaxing Touch is located at links road, AB25 Aberdeen
07764 318 706