The Salvation Army, Clydebank Corps

About The Salvation Army, Clydebank Corps

Clydebank Corps of the Salvation Army



Today we continued with our Lenten study of ‘The Seven Words from the Cross’ with a reflection around Jesus promise to the dying thief, ‘ you will be with me in Paradise’. Major Dean structured his thought around the prayer of the penitent, the presence of Jesus and the promise of Paradise. As ever, we were grateful for the contributions from our musical sections. The somewhat depleted Senior band were ably boosted by of our YP band members. We heard ‘I Love You Lord’ and ‘As We Are Gathered’ from the Band, and our Songsters sang ‘In Your Arms’. Our Sunday School today was led by Regional Children’s Ministry Specialist Suzanne Dow, who led a Godly Play session on the life of Jesus.
After our morning worship, Assistant YPSM Laura Leckie led our 14+ Cell Group, where we discussed ‘The Cross: Why Did Jesus Die’ and explored the implications for our own lives.
We pray for wisdom and guidance in understanding the scriptures we have explored today, and trust that God will use us for His work here in Clydebank.
‘To Know Him And To Make Him Known’
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Today we began our Lenten journey around the Cross. We will be considering the 'Seven Words from the Cross' as we move toward our Easter celebrations in a few weeks time and we began with Jesus' prayer, 'Father, forgive them for they don't know what they are doing' (Luke 23:34)
Major Dean chose to highlight that, in suffering, Jesus stayed in relationship with His Father, that he thought only of others and that he... freely gave his life to bring forgiveness to a hostile world. We were challenged to consider that gift of forgiveness and to demonstrate it in our own living.
During the meeting we shared in our Self Denial Altar Service, having watched and been enthused by the final chapter of our Burkina Faso videos. This has been a wonderful insight in to the lives of our comrades in Africa and our prayer is for their protection and growth. May God bless them!
Our senior and junior sections contributed to our worship and again brought great blessing.
SECOND ACTIVITY - For our second activity we shared in worship and witness with our friends in Buchanan Lodge Care Home in Bearsden. We were warmly welcomed and our visit was enjoyed by all.
As we move through Lent it is our continual desire 'To Know Him' and 'To Make Him Known'.
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We have had a fantastic weekend celebrating with our young people and below is a report of all that has taken place this weekend:
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We are eagerly anticipating this coming weekend as we celebrate our children’s and youth ministry at Clydebank!
If you’ve ever wondered what happens at KidZone, come along on Saturday evening at 7pm for lots of fun and games. Then, on Sunday our meetings will be led by our young people and enhanced by our special guest David Ramage.
... This will be a very special weekend and one we are looking forward to!
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As well as Fiona Henderson’s enrolment this morning (see previous corps post) we enjoyed a very helpful and informative discussion around mental health this afternoon. A large number of our corps attended this informal afternoon and it was encouraging to see so many interested at looking seriously at mental health and how we can make a difference to others.
... A stimulating discussion was led by Megan and Christine Dow and there was a lot of food for thought as to how we can ensure our corps is a caring, nurturing and inclusive place to be!
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Today we had the immense privilege of joining together as a worshipping community to witness and support the enrolment of Fiona Henderson, as she entered into a covenant relationship with God, dedicating her life to Him. It has been a joy to witness the transformation taking place in Fiona’s life across the past year, and we couldn’t have been happier to stand with her today as she marks how far she has come, and looks forward an exciting future with God in control! The thought and preparation that had been put into preparing for this service was evident in the detail of the meeting, leading us through a truly beautiful morning of worship together.
Fiona requested particular musical items this morning. The Songsters sang ‘Take My Life’, and the Senior Band played Paul Lovatt-Cooper’s arrangement of ‘Lloyd’. In the absence of many of our young people, we were delighted that a group of Fiona’s friends from within the Youth Chorus were able to join together to sing ‘The Gospel Changes Everything’, which brought many blessings.
With our thoughts directed to Romans 12:1-2, specifically The Message translation, Fiona signed her Soldier’s Covenant at the mercy seat, while Bethany Logan sang ‘I’m Amazed’, accompanied by Philip Henderson, as requested by Fiona. Following Fiona’s testimony (mentioned below), she was joined by Rachel Young in a cornet duet of ‘His Provision’ and ‘I Will Praise You With All My Heart’ - the middle section of Vitae Aeternum.
During a very emotional testimony, Fiona spoke about the huge transformative journey she has been on. She spoke about the impact that conversations at Territorial Music School have had on her, particularly an evening of worship led by Emma Pears. Emma used an airport as a metaphor for Christian life. Getting on a plane is like your decision to follow Jesus, but once you’re on the plane, you don’t flap your arms about trying to fly - that’s not your job! But most importantly, there’s no such thing as baggage reclaim for those who proclaim a faith in God. There will be signs from the enemy to fool you into thinking you have to reclaim your guilt, shame, anxiety, hurt, past, broken relationships, regrets, mistakes, negativity - but the grace of the cross frees us from the burden of our baggage.
Major Dean focused his reflections this morning on the challenges he’s felt from preparing the meeting with Fiona. Staying with the territorial theme of ‘Infinitely More’, we were challenged to Go Deeper, to go deeper in the everyday, in a shallow ‘sound bite’ world, and as we grow up. We were encouraged to go deep to discover God’s best for us. To strive to be the people He needs us to be, but first of all to become who He wants us to be!
These encouraging words have stirred the hearts of all present this morning! We left uplifted, encouraged, and challenged, after a beautiful and emotional service.
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Although fewer in number due to the weather conditions and holidays, it was good to gather in worship once again this morning. It was also good to welcome Major Dean back from his break and pray that this has been a restful and worthwhile break for him.
... Our senior band contributed ‘The Lord is Gracious’ and our songsters sang ‘This is the Day’ - both bringing much blessing in their own way.
Our theme brought us onto part 3 of the ‘Infinitely More’ territorial sermon series and our thoughts were centred around the familiar story of the woman at the well found in John 4. Major Dean brought much challenge and encouragement as he reminded us that the spacious love of God doesn’t exclude; is interested in all parts of our story; and doesn’t shame but over time transforms us!
May we continue to demonstrate the infinite spacious love of God in all parts of our lives!
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FAMILY WORSHIP - ‘GOD IS GREATER’ Led by our songsters (under the leadership of Bethany Logan), we continued our study of the territorial theme; ‘Infinitely More’ and we used the Lee Fisher song ‘God Is Greater’ to frame our thoughts. A number of our songsters led songs, prayed and read from the Bible with music ministry also forming an integral part in the meeting.... The songsters opened our worship with ‘Showers of Blessing’ and led us in a prayer time with the beautiful reminder to ‘Bow The Knee.’ Our other sections also ministered to us and brought much blessing with their contributions: ‘Lord, With My All I Part’ (Senior Band); ‘I Love You Lord’ (YP Band); and ‘All For Thee’ (Singing Company). We also launched our Self-Denial Appeal this morning and we look forward to exploring more about our Partner in Mission, Burkina Faso, and how the money we raise will help fund the army’s work in this region in the coming weeks. As our meeting drew to a close Fiona Logan and David Henderson both shared thoughts on words contained within the chorus of the songster song and linked these thoughts to our Bible Reading from Ephesians 3. Both contributions brought encouragement and challenge and as the songsters brought us ‘God Is Greater’ we reflected on the importance of these words: God Is Greater, God Is Higher, than each trial you have to face. And His peace He’ll send to calm you, He will cover you with grace. God Is Greater, God Is Stronger. He’s more faithful than you know; And His love is never ending, He will never let you go.
CARE HOME VISITATION - FRANK DOWNIE HOUSE Our second activity of the day took several of our Corps to Frank Downie Care Home for a short service. This was one of our homes from over the Christmas Carolling period and it was good to renew acquaintances and share in this special form of mission.
Another encouraging and challenging day spent in worship, service and ministry as we continue to ‘Know Him’ and ‘To Make Him Known’ in the community of Clydebank.
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With Major Dean enjoying a well-earned break this week, our morning meeting was led by Ian French today. Using the theme of ‘God’s Power’ we explored three well-known passages of scripture that portray God’s Power and were challenged to put God first in everything we do and rely on His power daily. Music ministry was brought by all four sections this morning and it was good to gather once again in worship.
... This afternoon, our 14-18 Cell Group met and continued working through the ‘Alpha Youth Series’; this month exploring the person of Jesus, who he was and his importance in our lives on a daily basis!
It’s been a good day once again at Clydebank and our grateful thanks go to all who have contributed to its content. As we move into another week, we pray that God will go before us and in His power we can continue to do ‘Infinitely More!’
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We have had a fantastic evening of music, worship and fellowship at our first songster practice of the new year! Our rehearsal was enhanced by several of our friends who decided to join us for the evening and we enjoyed exploring new and familiar music!
... Music ministry is something we treasure greatly at Clydebank and this was another very special evening!
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Today we shared in our vision and commitment Sunday, using the Territorial theme ‘Infinitely More’. Using Ephesians 3:14-21, and Colossians 3:1-4, Major Dean’s sermon centred around the juxtaposition of wanting more and limiting God. He challenged us to recognise the limits we put on our limitless God, through fear, through dwelling on the past, through our self-sufficiency, and through our perceive...d unworthiness. And he pointed us towards Paul’s advice to the church in Ephesus - to go deeper, to pray bigger, and you will encounter the immeasurable love of Christ.
Our worship band led us in a time of prayer, using the song ‘O Come To The Altar’ by Elevation Worship. These were very special moments in our worship, and prepared our hearts to receive from God. Our young people and senior sections also participated in worship, and brought much blessing with their contributions: Jesus Loves Me (YP Band), With All I Am (Singing Company), Mid All The Traffic (Senior Band) and God Is Greater (Songsters). Worship concluded with a time of response, where commitments were made using the commitment cards, some choosing to sign their commitment at the mercy seat.
A beautiful and meaningful morning spent in worship together. We pray God will continue to bless and use us through this new year.
SECOND ACTIVITY In the evening, many joined together at a local restaurant to share in food and fellowship at the end of a special day. It’s always a joy to spend time in the company of good friends!
As ever, we continue ‘To Know Him And To Make Him Known’
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We were privileged to host this special event last evening. To a full hall of family and friends, the Commissioners entered behind their sessional flag. Commissioners Ivor and Carol began their Officer journey from their home Corps of Clydebank in 1982, joining the ‘Servants Of God’ session at Denmark Hill. After 35 years of active service, they finished their journey where it all began, at Clydebank.
In the presence o...f our Territorial Leaders (and their session mates) Commissioners Anthony and Gillian Cotterill, we were given glimpses of their many and varied appointments. Video messages were shown, and emails read, received from around the world. Personal tributes were paid by Stuart Young and Beverley Chaulker, and musical contributions were brought by Clydebank Band and Bellshill Songsters.
The retirement certificates were presented by Commissioner Cotterill, who assured them that they were entering a new sphere of service. The evening was brought to a conclusion by the singing of ‘May Jesus Christ Be Praised’. A fitting end to a festival recognising 35 years of active service.
We pray God’s blessing on the Commissioners in their retirement, and we look forward to sharing with them in the future.
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ANNOUNCEMENT: The funeral of Stuart Morgan will be held at Clydebank Crematorium on Friday 10th January at 2.30pm. All welcome to attend.


On the first Sunday of the year we explored the ‘Way of Faith’ with reference to Psalm 84. We were encouraged to look for the evidence that we are on the journey - joy in our worship, security in our faith and commitment to others.
Our Senior sections contributed to worship. The Songsters sang ‘All in All’ and the Band played ‘As the deer’. Both selections were well received by a grateful congregation.
... Our desire remains ‘To know Him and to make Him known’ in 2020!
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A look back at a very busy 2019 at Clydebank Salvation Army! What a year it has been!
Music credits: Joyful Noise - West Scotland Divisional Youth Chorus... Water of Tyne - West Scotland Divisional Youth Band He's My Guide - Meraki
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A beautiful evening at our watchnight service!
A very Happy Christmas from all at Clydebank!


Some of our youth cell group took the decision to do one last Carolling gig, and visited the Golden Jubilee Hospital tonight to play some Christmas carols to the staff and patients there! A lovely way to finish off a very busy Christmas season!
We’re now looking forward to joining together in our Watchnight service this evening at 11.30pm. Please come along and join us!


Our grateful thanks to all who contributed in any way to the appeal this year. To all our Donors - your generosity is not taken for granted and has made such a difference to so many this year. To our Partner Agencies - your sensitivity and diligence in distributing the gifts is much appreciated. ... To our Cheerful Volunteers - your hard work and determination means so much to us. Thank you all and have a wonderful Christmas!
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More about The Salvation Army, Clydebank Corps

The Salvation Army, Clydebank Corps is located at 28 Sylvania Way South, G81 1EA Clydebank
0141 941 1353