Tim The Gfi'S Nutrition Coach

About Tim The Gfi'S Nutrition Coach

Nutrition coaching for fitness instructors who are frustrated with diets and fads and want long term success of feeling confident, energetic, empowered and anxiety free!



ūüďĘ what's your biggest worry? ūüďĘ . . . Classes have been off...... . . Eaten loads... . . Possibly drunk more than you would on a normal Tuesday... . . Missed training sessions... . . If you're used to being highly active it can throw a huge spanner in your mindset... . . Comment or DM me with your nutrition, weight and energy worries ūüď¨ūüďĚūüď≤
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‚ėļÔłŹ 5 tips to get 2019 right ‚ėļÔłŹ . . . When you sit in the excesses of Christmas and Boxing Day it's expected to charge into the New Year gung ho wanting to change everything and get back to normality ūüė≤ūüźĖūüėā... . . A couple of tips to save and consider over the next few days ūüôĆūüŹľ . . If you'd like to hear why and how extreme kcal restriction WILL make you gain MORE FAT in the long term... ‚ÜóÔłŹ . . Hit the 'like' and shall put something together before the New Year ūüéĮ
#fitnessinstructor #healthylifestyle #fatlosstips #newyear #fadfree #unicorn
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‚ÜóÔłŹ Consistency ‚ÜóÔłŹ . . . Isn't just for nutrition...... . . It goes for training as well ‚ėļÔłŹ . . Doesn't need to be the biggest, longest or most intense session . . For most, just needs to be a session ūüôĆūüŹľ . . Tonight was good and needed to keep the eye on the comp ūüéĮ . . Now time to enjoy a few days off ‚ėļÔłŹ
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ūüéĮ Top tip for 2019 ūüéĮ . . . Don't fall for the fads and misinformation of 2018 ‚ö†ÔłŹ... . . Surround yourself and newsfeed with quality scientific lead information that is applicable and relevant to you ‚ėļÔłŹūüôĆūüŹľ . . ‚ĚĆ No to fads . ‚ĚĆ No to extreme deficits . ‚ĚĆ No to unnecessary food group ommision . ‚ĚĆ No to blame culture . ‚ÜóÔłŹ Say yes to long term sustainable lifestyle changes without the BS ‚ÜóÔłŹ . . Tim ūüéÖ
@ Stirling
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ūüéÖMerry Crimbo ūü§∂ - - - A quick message to have a wonderful Christmas with friends, family and loved ones ‚ėļÔłŹ... - - Stay safe and hopefully won't see any of you over next few days ūüôąūüöí - - #crimbo #firey #emergency #247365
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ūüźĖ Christmas eating ūüźĖ - - - I'll keep this short... ... - - Unless you stuff your face 365 days a year... ūü§Ē - - Stuffing your face for 5 won't harm your health, fitness or body comp goals ‚ėļÔłŹūüôĆūüŹľūüéĮ - - Consistency and common sense still count as no.1 ūüėĚ - - So chill, eat, be merry and don't stress a few days of over eating ūüéÖūü§∂
#crimbo #pigsinblankets #turkey #mincepies #veggies #wine #santa #naughtyandnice
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ūü§£ūü§£ūü§£ - - - #crossfit #criossant #christmas #itscrimbo #healthy #carblife #oopsididitagain


‚ÜóÔłŹTransactional and Transformational Leadership‚ÜóÔłŹ - - The benefit of a good leader is typically underrated -... - Within the fitness and coaching world, most of you wouldn‚Äôt think leadership is a quality you‚Äôd seek - - After all with social media it‚Äôs all about looks, graphics, selfies, results and engagement - - So when you‚Äôre seeking out or considering a coach or fitness ‚Äėguru‚Äô to follow, let me talk briefly about the different types of leadership - - How most coaching services work - - You pay for a service; training, nutrition or even both - - Coach will tell you what you need to do as there is a clear line of authority. Makes sense right? I mean you are paying him/her - - It‚Äôs one way, like a transaction - - It‚Äôs quite reactive and relies on the coach telling the client what to do exactly - - On the flip side - - A style of leadership that my personal experience within sport and work has brought reward and success - - A style of leadership whereby the coach works WITH the client - - Nope, not in the way you think‚Ķ He or she gathers the solutions and action plans by bringing their ideas, thoughts and input into the equation - - The focus isn‚Äôt on the leader, but on the client and what and how can be done to bring about the positive changes the client is looking to achieve - - It‚Äôs innovative and inclusive. - - It‚Äôs more personal and develops trust - - These attributes bring more success and accountability. - - The transformational leader takes the responsibility, however it is a team effort. - - I‚Äôm grateful for the history of sports and working in the Fire Service as these have giving me a head start in incorporating transformational leadership. - - Different leadership styles will suit different environments - - If you‚Äôve failed in previous coaching or fallen out with a diet perhaps the style wasn‚Äôt for you - - No one understands YOUR struggles and YOUR circumstances better than YOU - - It pains me to see coaches not gather as much information as possible before setting out training and nutrition. - - Following yesterday's post of the hidden costs of poor nutrition, choose your coach / leader wisely - Make it a wise investment for your health - Tim
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ūüßźThe cost of poor nutritionūüßź - - - Unlike your taxes, there are hidden costs of nutrition you‚Äôre probably not aware of‚Ķ ūüė°... - - These hidden costs are NOT obvious. - - These hidden costs go on and on draining your health and wealth WITHOUT you knowing or realising. - - For fitness instructors it can be the difference between a healthy, energetic and happy you, or a frustrated and tired you. - - The financial costs ūüíłūüíłūüíł - - Poor nutrition will result in higher risk of injury! ūüö® - - More visits to the physio, classes needing covered and loss of incomeūüí≤ - - Opportunity to teach current and take on more classes as cover or permanentūüíį - - Lifestyle and wellbeing costsūüßėūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüßėūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ - - Compromised health ‚öēÔłŹ - - Lowered bone density (osteoporosis), weak nails, accelerated aging (wrinkles), damaged hair and prolonged DOMS (muscle soreness). - - Stop and think about those‚Ķ It‚Äôs HUGE! ūüė≤ - - Less time spent with your family, kids and friends. - - Holy shizzle, another HUGE one!ūüė¨ - - Too tired to spend time playing and socialising with family, friends or partners. - - Confidence and mood ūüôĀūüėĶ - - You‚Äôre not body confident and frustrated at the lack of long-term success the fad diets have brought you - - If you can relate or experienced at least one of those hidden costs - - The only question is‚Ķ - - How long will you continue to let it cost you before you sort your nutrition out? ūü§Ē - - 1 month, 3 months, 6 months? - - I‚Äôd love to help you out and take away the frustration, confusion and costs that are sapping life and energy from you. - - Giving you the tools, guidance and clarity you need to make a significant change to your lifestyle and health‚ÜóÔłŹ - - You won‚Äôt need to join a cult, or remove any foods, or have to carry around a set of scales with you to the gym‚ėļÔłŹ - - Stop letting these costs drain you, get in touch by clicking the link in my bioūüď≤ - - Tim ūüĎčūüŹľ
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ūü§ď the first book ūü§ď - - Where it all started... -... - 1994, 2nd year of High School and interest in health and fitness comes to life ‚ėļÔłŹ - - Imagine a 70kg slim full headed me back in the day ūü§≠ūü§£ - - Hitting the gym twice a week alternating with whichever sport we played that term... rugby, cricket, athletics, swimming... - - Reading Men's Fitness and Muscle Magazine for workouts, nutrition and food tips and supplement advice for the enthusiastic sport and gym person ūüŹčūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüí™ūüŹľūü§łūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôāÔł Ź - - Times have changed, I'm now a chunky 110kg, shaved head lad and no longer a spotty sporty teenager... - - However some things like the desire to improve knowledge and learn haven't changed ūü§ď - - Continuing to read, develop and improve my knowledge has been a constant over the last 20 odd years ‚ÜóÔłŹ - - This has put me in a position of being able to share and help others with their challenges and struggles ūüôĆūüŹľ - - If one book can give me the knowledge or know how to help one client who becomes a long term success... It's totally worth it ūüéĮ - - It's funny how one decision can set you on a path.... ūüĒ• - - What's your favourite book? ūü§Ē - - Tim ūüĎčūüŹľ - - PS; can you hear Bode? ūüźąūü§£
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ūüĎäūüŹľ Every food has a value ūüĎäūüŹľ - - - Yes, its as true as Santa is male ūü§≠ūüéÖ... - - This stems from the superfood and demonizing food issue that we have been subjected to lately‚Ķ - - And it does my B cup tits in! ūü§™ - - My recent posts about coco pops received some great comments and replies‚Ķ - - It seems most of you were a bit surprised that a nutrition coach would encourage fitness instructors and participants to eat coco pops‚Ķūü§Ē - - I can hear the ‚Äėclean‚Äô eaters shouting, ‚Äúbut the sugar, but the chemicals, but the children‚Ķ!‚ÄĚūüė≤ - - Calm down and unclench that face ūüėĚ - - Every food has a value. - - Every food CAN have a benefit. - - Would a tasty carb based food or cereal be USEFUL and BENEFICIAL to fitness peeps? - - Um, YES! - - Am I advocating you should eat coco pops twice a day and ditch the fruit and veg? - - Er, NO! - - Can you eat both to optimally fuel you for a tough workout and improved health? - - TOTALLY! - - Coco pops is neither a superfood or demon food. - - It‚Äôs just food‚ėļÔłŹ - - A cereal made with milk. - - When did this become such a shocker? When did we remove our brains and common sense and replace it with a black or white approach to eating?ūüßź - - Coco pops are tasty, crunchy and if eaten with highly nutritious meals CAN and WILL be a winner for youūüôĆūüŹľ - - Healthy and performance nutrition does NOT require you to eat bland repetitive foods. - - So find your coco pops equivalent and upgrade your nutrition mindset by viewing each food with a VALUE‚ÜóÔłŹ - - Apply some common sense‚Ķ - - Timūü§ď - - PS: pigs in blankets‚Ķ tasty AF and you don‚Äôt have them all year, let alone all week. Nom nom!ūüėČ
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ūüď£ how to solve the problem ūüď£ - - - Something I hear from you and other fitness instructors, "I'm not sure what to eat and when to eat to help fuel me for classes..." ūüĎ•... - - So let me help you and give you an example of how to support your teaching and training ūü§ď - - There is nothing worse than starting a warm up and you already feel fecked...ūüö∑ - - So here's MY typical day, trained in the morning then out for double classes of #bodypump and #grit at night ūüĎÄ‚ėļÔłŹ - - ūüď£ Brekkie - mod protein high carb low fat due to training in around 2hrs time. A nice brekkie to enjoy and look forward with solid balanced nutrition ‚ÜóÔłŹ - - ūüď£ Quick refuel of protein and carbs as soon as practicable after training. If you are weight loss and gen. pop timing doesn't matter, HOWEVER as you the fitness instructor will be teaching again within 8hrs, the sooner the better ‚ÜóÔłŹ - - ūüď£ Home for big lunch with all macros, enough protein to trigger MPS, enough carbs to restore muscle glycogen and fats for optimal health ‚ÜóÔłŹ - - ūüď£ Pre-class snack option was yoghurt with dried fruit, mixed nuts and dollop honey. Again, all macros and high micronutrient levels but not massive meal so stomach is cleared and no belly baby to worry about ūü§≠ūüėā‚ÜóÔłŹ - - ūüď£ Intra carb and electrolyte drink.... This is probably a big 'miss' for you... You can easily drink 30-40g carbs and keep electrolyte balance optimal with a good drink if you'll be sweating ūüí¶‚ÜóÔłŹ - - ūüď£ Last meal, all the goodness of high protein, high carb and mod fats with variation in foods and veggies ‚ėļÔłŹūüôĆūüŹľ also a wee treat as 30g of Gu cheesecake is easier to eat than another 100g of potato... I apply the common sense approach, mostly nutritionally dense foods with odd treat and it's a win win ūüéĮ‚ÜóÔłŹ - - Your last meal.... You are about to go on an 8hr fast (at least), you need to fill up the gas tank so to speak especially if you're teaching next morning... ‚ėļÔłŹ ALSO, good level of carb intake before bed will IMPROVE your SLEEP... Guess what helps you recover, yup good sleep ūüėī‚ÜóÔłŹ - - What I call wholesome old fashioned simple foods, void of needless omission or fad foods ūüßźūüėģ - - If you'd like help sorting your nutrition, click the link in bioūüď≤ @ University of Stirling
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ūüď£ fitness instructor challenge ūüď£ - - - You guys are great at inspiring your participants and making exercise enjoyable and addictive...... - - However, most common issue nutrition wise I see on a regular basis is... ūü§ď - - Lack of adequate fuelling and refuelling of kcals ūüßźūü§∑ūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ - - So let's see it ūüĎÄūüĎÄ - - Next time you crank out 2, 3 or 4 classes in a day and burnt ūüĒ• 1000kcals + ‚ÜóÔłŹ - - Show me the fuel and food you're eating to replenish the same kcals expended ‚ėļÔłŹūüôĆūüŹľ - - I want to help you sort your nutrition and feel freaking awesome ūüéĮ - - Tim ūüĎčūüŹľ
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‚ö†ÔłŹ Repost worthy ‚ö†ÔłŹ - - - Coffee isn't just for catch ups at Costa or Starbucks... ‚ėēÔłŹ ... - - Coffee and Caffeine have incredibly significant claims that can benefit sports people, fitness instructors and gym goers ūü§ó‚úÖ - - ‚ě°ÔłŹ delay fatigue and time to exhaustion - - ‚ě°ÔłŹ increase alertness and concentration - - ‚ě°ÔłŹ decreased sensations of pain and exertion - - ‚ě°ÔłŹ increased fatty acid oxidation - - ‚ě°ÔłŹ increased mean power output and performance! - - It is worth noting that Coffee which contains a number of other nutrients and compounds that make Coffee superior to Caffeine only and has a net hydration effect, so no need to worry about dehydration ūüĎćūüŹľ - - A double espresso or 3 shot coffee 20-30min before exercise / training will give you a real and genuine stimulant ūüí•
#coffee #caffeine #stimulant #ergogenic #therealMcCoy #kilos #coach #nutrition #water #beans #Java #Joe #americano #fatloss #performance #health
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*Fitness Instructors*
Interest about Group X Nutrition Coaching is growing and excited to have fired off my first email.
... - it's me coaching and educating you on how to improve your nutrition
Benefits will include some, if not all;
- better energy and performance teaching - faster recovery between classes and training - better moods and confidence - better knowledge on what foods to eat, and when to eat to support your own unique lifestyle - less guilt and stress on choosing the 'right' foods - be the role model you want to be by fuelling your body properly - look better naked
What do you need to do;
- compete the reg form to be included in emails and updates
This is the part where the guru's will tell me to insert the 'why they should choose you...' bit
Well I'll do it differently...
I'm not a PhD. I'm not a lab coat researcher. I'm not a pro bodybuilder, not a bikini poser (got the legs for it though...). I'm not keto - paleo - gluteno - vegan - carnivoreo with any agendas. I'm not even shredded!
However I am a solid coach who understands mechanisms of change. I am nutritionally certified. I am a fitness instructor of 10 years. I work shifts and train hard, like with chalk and everything. I read, a lot. I also attend workshops, seminars, conferences and online courses to build and develop my nutritional knowledge and personal coaching skills. Oh, I also have a 100m swim badge and play a decent game of rugby.
Oh, I nearly forgot....
I get results and know how you to make your life easier and better with proper nutrition designed for you.
Here's the form if you're keen https://form.jotformeu.com/83017184875362
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ūü§ôūüŹľ fitness instructors and carbs ūü§ôūüŹľ - - - One of the phrases that literally kills my soul is "i avoid carbs because I'm looking to lose weight... while teaching 20 classes a week" ūüíĀūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ... - - So nothing wrong with wanting to lose a few lbs and role model a fit healthy energetic fitness instructor ‚ėļÔłŹūüĎćūüŹľ In fact it's awesome! ūüéĮ - - Problem is you've been swayed and tricked by main stream bull sh1t to think sugar and carbs are deadly and will suck the life out of you quicker than another Brexit update ūüė©ūüĒę - - This is where getting your nutrition info from is vitally important. - - Celebs, no! ūüėí - - 40p newspapers, no! ūüďį - - Betty from accounts, no! Unless she's invested in herself and coached nutrition successfully for a few years ūü§Ē - - Biased fictional documentaries like "what the hell?" Or was it health... ūüôĄ - - If you're highly active, you need fuel. Simple. - - Imagine driving from London to Edinburgh... - - Will a 1/4 tank of diesel do? ūü§Ē - - Normally 1/4 tank will get you to Birmingham from London... - - So how do you think the same amount of fuel will somehow triple your distance and output ūüė≤ - - Carbs is fuel, it's your diesel. - - Now you want to lose a few pounds.... - - Well ensure your overall kcal intake is less than what you consume ūüėĀ - - How? - - Portion size. High low days. More protein and veg. Eat sensibly. Drop the guilt and demonizing foods. - - Several ways to find YOUR how ‚ėļÔłŹūüôĆūüŹľ - - Give yourself the best chance of teaching with energy by adopting an instructors nutritional approach ūüĎĆūüŹľūüéĮ
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ūüėÜ Monday brunch ūüėÜ - - - With the cold coming in I opted for some warm old fashioned foods;... Crumpets, eggs, salmon flakes washed down with orange juice and caffetier coffee ūüėĀūüćěūüć≥‚ėēūüôĆūüŹľ - - All the goodness of wholesome healthy guilt free food ūüĎćūüŹľūüéĮ‚ÜóÔłŹ - - How did you start your week? ūü§Ē
#nutrition #brekkie #brunch #lunch #fitnessinstructor #fitnessfoods #macros #health #optimalchoices #coffeelife
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ūüė≤ post night shift feels ūüė≤ - - - When sleep is scarce and you're off to train...ūüßü‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ... - - At least I'm warm and cozy in my Reebok threads ūü§óūüôĆūüŹľ - - Any fellow night shift or emergency service workers on my page...? ūü§ĒūüöĒūüöĎūüöíūüö® - - Drop a comment and will post up a couple of tips to get through teaching and / or training with minimal sleep ūüėÜ - - New parents could well be in same category lol ūüėīūüėā
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Importance of adequate not to prevent injury ‚ėļÔłŹūüôĆūüŹľūüćĆūüćĒūü•ó

More about Tim The Gfi'S Nutrition Coach

Tim The Gfi'S Nutrition Coach is located at FK2 Falkirk