Tk Total - Results Based Training Cambridge - Bodyshape Health Fitness

Monday: 06:25 - 07:15
Tuesday: 06:25 - 19:00
Wednesday: 06:25 - 19:00
Thursday: 06:25 - 19:00
Friday: 06:25 - 07:15
Saturday: 07:25 - 12:00
Sunday: -

About Tk Total - Results Based Training Cambridge - Bodyshape Health Fitness

* Apply for a place on our programme by clicking here -> http://bit. ly /8weektransne *

Results Based Indoor Fitness Training and home of the 8 Week 'Total Transformation Project тДв'

Tk Total - Results Based Training Cambridge - Bodyshape Health Fitness Description

We also run sessions on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9: 40-10: 30am in addition to the times listed above.

Our Large Group Sessions run on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Our Semi-Private Coaching runs on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.



Deadlift Friday with the crew.
WeтАЩre coming along way on these!
Getting strong, getting confident, getting powerful.
... Once youтАЩve built the foundations to start shifting some decent weight on deadlifts, theyтАЩll be one of the best exercises that you ever do for yourself.
Think squat with the added benefit of working your entire posterior chain (backside of body).
Fat loss тЬЕ Almost full body strength and muscle maintenance (or gain if thatтАЩs what youтАЩre after) тЬЕ Improvement in posture тЬЕ Better core strength тЬЕ Increased bone density тЬЕ Positive hormone release тЬЕ Athleticism...
Does it all mate!
тАШBut I just want to lose weightтАЩ
You donтАЩt, trust me.
And the more you experience all of the other benefits that come alongside proper resistance training the more youтАЩll believe me on that.
When we become TRULY involved in our training we realise that тАШweight lossтАЩ is just the tip of the iceberg.
With all that said itтАЩs largely your nutrition thatтАЩs gonna elicit the тАШweight lossтАЩ side of things anyway...
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- We all need abit of action -
If you want some people to love what you do then you'll have to accept some people hating what you do too.
Quite a difficult concept to come to terms with when you start to publicly share your voice, opinion, and anything else that can be disagreed with
...Continue Reading


When my inbox looks like this you know our 8 Week Summer Shred Transformation ProjectтАЩs filling up fast!
Best get your skates on if you want to train with us in the lead up to summer 19.
Going on at least the last two years, once weтАЩre full weтАЩll pretty much stay that way until the holidays.


Are you or anyone you know still acting like this madman?


High energy sessions, me as your personal trainer and sick results for the summer!
YouтАЩve got less than 3 weeks (or until spaces fill up) to get on-board our 8 Week Summer Shred Transformation Project.
Hit me up asap if you want in!


- Balding Moses -
Put a post on the old socials yesterday about people shelling loads of coin on cars at the expense of letting their body go to shit
Or at least using the 'I can't afford it' blag to justify their lack of action whilst paying ┬г500 a month for a motor on finance
...Continue Reading


I canтАЩt get my head around people happily SPENDING loadsa coin on a depreciating car that they canтАЩt afford...
But then being completely unwilling to INVEST a little time and money in their health and bodyshape cos itтАЩs too expensive ЁЯд╖ЁЯП╗тАНтЩВя╕П
DonтАЩt matter how nice your motor is if you feel like a bag of shit getting out of it.
... #civiclife ЁЯдг
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Weights make woman big...
Uhh, OK ЁЯдФ

...т Аж
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Goblet squat VS the donтАЩt do it like this squat...


Aside from being a nearly useless means to reducing body fat...
Tight hips and reduced functionality are another big reason that you should look to lay off the sit-ups and leg raises.
Train smart. Not just hard.


I realise that you may think IтАЩm a bit of a jeb for posting pics like this...
But I donтАЩt do it very often and I think that when youтАЩre as opinionated as I am about training etc. then youтАЩve kinda got to prove that youтАЩre in at least some standard of bodyshape every once in a while.
In no way trying to be lean right now, the opposite in fact.
... And IтАЩm not going to hit you with a load of motivation wish wash right here that I know you donтАЩt want to read
Will lick you up with a few Tommy truths though:
- IтАЩve got 3 sensitive nipples (oneтАЩs a scar).
- I donтАЩt do any cardio - I donтАЩt like it an itтАЩs not necessary. If you like it do it. If you donтАЩt, donтАЩt. There are other ways.
- I donтАЩt do any steroids - You may think thatтАЩs a weird thing to mention but I think a lot of people would be shocked by how many people do. Have been tempted a couple of times in my 20тАЩs but never did. Well past that stage now.
- I donтАЩt track calories. Have done in the past so I have a rough idea on whatтАЩs going on in general. If you take the time to do this shit (yes itтАЩs a pain in the arse to begin with) it will serve you for the rest of you life.
- I love our training sessions right now - Have gone though periods when I havenтАЩt and had to change a few things to rectify... I love to help people get in better shape and increase their happiness, not at the expense of my own though.
- Training is a priority for me. My life works around it, not the other way around. IтАЩm sure this will change for me at some point but I donтАЩt think IтАЩll ever let it go to shit.
Uhh, thatтАЩs it. IтАЩm tired and IтАЩm about to go to bed.
The main point of this post was to say that it really doesnтАЩt need to be difficult to maintain an alright shape.
You just need to do a very few things consistently and let go of a whole load of BS that doesnтАЩt matter.
If I were to lean out for any reason (only ever really do it for holidays) then IтАЩd literally just drop some of my calories from fat cos thatтАЩs what I find easiest. Nothing else would change.
Yes IтАЩm probably more muscley than youтАЩd like to be. ItтАЩs just cos IтАЩm male so chill out about training with weights.
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Is your current weight genuinely a concern for your health, maybe even your being?
Watch this please...


Massive fan of hitting regular rear foot elevated split squats with our lot!
The vast majority of us are tight in our hips and down the front of our legs...
And amongst many other negative associations this can contribute largely to the experiencing of lower back pain.
... These bad boys help to open up the areas in question, serving as a dynamic flexibility drill as well as a savage exercise.
So a nice little two bird with one stone jobby going on here...
Increasing our functionality, improving posture and reducing the chance of pain/injury as well as the obvious.
We also love Fit Camp human torpedoes for comedic value.
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You need to sort your fucking diet out.
Extra тАШcardioтАЩ on top of what youтАЩre doing right now will help burn a few more calories, sure.
... But you know as well as I do that theyтАЩre a lot easier eaten than they are burnt.
ThatтАЩs the problem.
And itтАЩs kinda the reason that most of us are fat in the first place.
A bit of extra cardio ainтАЩt gonna solve that.
Obviously IтАЩm not saying donтАЩt do it.
It will aid in helping 100%.
IтАЩm just saying that itтАЩs not going to rectify an unawareness of (over)consumption.
Address whatтАЩs going in as your first priority before you start worrying about changing anything else.
It will have by far the greatest impact on your fat loss results.
You donтАЩt even have to exercise to lose fat! ЁЯШ▒
ItтАЩs just a pretty good idea.
But thatтАЩs not to lose fat specifically mind.
More-so to compliment the losing of that fat by addressing the other areas.
Did someone say resistance training?!
Your diet takes care of your fat loss (mainly), your training takes care of everything else (mainly).
Of course thereтАЩs always gonna be a little crossover between the two but for the most part thatтАЩs what weтАЩre working with.
- Train for strength - Eat for fat loss -
PS. What film?
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Remember Mina?

I shared her pictures recently in which sheтАЩs dropped from a size 18 to a size 12 with us.
...Continue Reading


Check out these results from one of our gals who wished to remain anonymous:
тАШFeels like it was yesterday when I joined you and itтАЩs actually been 6 months already!!! So I just wanted to share a new progress pic with you ЁЯШК These 6 months have genuinely transformed me in many ways, both physically and mentally. Last week my nurse at work told me my lung capacity has increased 14% (the biggest increase sheтАЩs ever seen on anyone!!) and my physio was impressed at how much muscle ...IтАЩve built on my legs over the past weeks after recovering from a knee injury ЁЯШК but most importantly I FEEL better and stronger than ever. My goal when I started was to lose those extra 5kg IтАЩd put on due to a hormonal imbalance, and actually... I still weight pretty much the same!! And couldтАЩt care less haha. My goal now is to improve performance as much as I can and see where I can get ЁЯТкЁЯП╗ canтАЩt believe how much IтАЩve changed by seeing you 3/4 times x week and adding a bit more protein on my diet. Thanks a million Tom for regularly checking on me and bringing all that energy into each and every session. CanтАЩt thank you all enough Tom, Mike & Beks!тАЩ
And yes you can weigh the same and get smaller!
In-fact itтАЩs a highly desirable outcome.
Fat loss + muscle mass increase = same weight but smaller body size as muscle is a denser than tissue than fat.

And alongside that no reduction in metabolism.
A slight ramp up even as muscle burns more calories at rest than fat does.
Go the diet route alone, or just cardio and diet and your metabolism will take a thrashing.
Train for strength, eat for fat loss.
Stay fired up, lean out, stay strong.
ItтАЩs much more sustainable.
See More


My alarm didnтАЩt go off...


New t-shirts - New groupie shots
#standard #fitnessfamily #musclehustle


Check this out! ЁЯСА
A quick update from one of our Total machines... тАШThe HarveytronтАЩ
Home name Kate @mrskatejames
... The first picture is when she initially got on-board with us...
The second is a holiday photo from last month that she recently shared in our private FB group (and yes of course I have her permission to make it public)
What an epically long way sheтАЩs come!
We could mention all kinds of scale numbers and stuff here but to be honest itтАЩs really not necessary.
As always if we do enough of what needs to be done then weтАЩll know about it in almost all areas of our life.
Want to know what Kate did?...
Followed the plan.
ThatтАЩs it!
No pills or potions, smoke or mirrors, falsehoods or fabrications going on here.
Just the completely predictable and entirely replicable results of anyone that gets on board with us and consistently follows what we say.
WeтАЩve got a few more challenges in the pipeline to keep Kate fired up and striving for improvement.
Because every single one of us is forever capable of continually getting better #NeverPeak
Generally weтАЩre either moving forwards or backwards in life, rarely do we remain static.
And we all know which direction is a preference.
So letтАЩs keep rocking it Kate! ЁЯФе
And a big thank you for your continued perseverance with us on the early morning grind...
Along with an even bigger thanks for the unwavering, upbeat positive attitude that you bring along with you to every single session.
We truly appreciate having you on the team!
Oh and one more thing...
The majority of KateтАЩs тАШweight-lossтАЩ training consisted of lifting weights ЁЯдн
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Wonderful team who go the extra mile to make sure you are supported and encouraged every step of the way. I had never done anything like it before and the coaching has been great. I have lots more energy now and the class is helping me build a sustainable healthy lifestyle. Thank you!


What can I say about Fit Camp. Well firstly, what can I say about myself. I have never been one for the gym or exercise. I shunned it. It bored me to death. I hated walking into those rooms with their stark lighting, too loud music and just that 'sterile' atmosphere, where you had to drive your own enthisiasm for something you just aren't that into, sure its good for me... but 20 mins on a bike felt like 20 hours. No fun. Of course, like anyone I had my moment of absolute resolve and motivation... almost always at the start of the year, and for a month, maybe two, I would do well. Then I'd just sack it off and end up contracted into something I wasn't using. So yeah. Really exercise hasn't been on the radar for me for many years, and I am pushing 40.

I think you get to an age where you just think, I really have to do something.

Then I discovered TK Fitness. Tom and his band of merry men, teaching a group of multi-fitness woman of all ages with one goal; to get them into shape. And I signed up.

I've had my ups and downs health wise, one of my biggest issues was back pain due to two slipped discs (5 years ago nearly now), and an old shoulder injury. Its taken some time, but I've been at Fit Camp nearly a year now. A year. And I love it. I genuinely love it. I love the classes, the variation, the buzz, the people. I felt welcome from the get go and Tom really does care for his clients. He stimulates, inspires and drives you forward. Its nothing short of a great workout every time and you sweat. Man... you sweat. But its good, and you learn to love it, and you want more... more more! The Facebook site also really offers a great community, so you don't feel alone. You'll make friends, be inspired and spurred on by others. In a nut its everything a gym isn't!

So down the line, my shoulder has better mobility. My back pain is completely gone (it creeps back if I don't go!). I have muscle, I feel stronger. Better. And I actually don't mind looking at my butt in the mirror these days :) Whether you're in it for quick results, or want to become a veteran for the long haul, I highly recommend Fit Camp. I can't imagine being without it now.


Tom's fit camp is by far the best program I've taken part in because his simple approach to both exercise and nutrition makes sticking to a healthy lifestyle change achievable. His enthusiasm for what he does and encouragement every step along the way makes it so much more enjoyable and easy to keep coming back. He's always there with advice, quick to motivate and tirelessly explaining how to do things the right way for you.

It's such a friendly atmosphere that makes you not want to miss out, and everyone that attends is so welcoming.

I'd definitely recommend it to anyone looking to positively change their fitness. The sense of achievement that fit camp gives you is addictive!


Tom has helped me do much a over a year ago helped me lose the weight so I could start Ivf. I have had my baby now and I'm now back. I've been back a month now loving the new equipment. Still the fantastic atmosphere and friendly faces. I'm loving it no day is the same you get fantastic results they are always there to help either face to face, email, Tom inspiring texts and fit camp gang Facebook page . Your part of a family here. And if you believe me and then come and have a go you'll love it promise я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜


This fitness programme really does work. If you are determined to change your fitness and the way you look and are prepared to attend all the sessions, you WILL see a difference. The Fit Camp sessions are indoors (so no excuse if it is raining or cold) although group work, you shouldn't feel you won't be able to cope, as you are given alternatives and there are lots of people with different levels of fitness. Great support and motivation is given by the team, and other members, along with nutritional advice, recipes and a great database of articles, videos and recommendations in the members area. You have a choice of the Fit Camp sessions, or the Focus group, which is semi private slightly more weights based, although a full body workout. With three Fit Camp sessions three times a week, you can mix up your sessions to fit in with your lifestyle. With the sessions being just 45 minutes, this is less than 4% of your day and can make such a positive difference in your health, well being, confidence and how you look and feel.


There are 2 things that make this better than the rest:

Tom as a trainer. His passion, enthusiasm and drive to improve people's fitness is genuinely motivating. It doesn't matter what level you are at, there are options, but you are encouraged to make it hard for you. The sessions are different each time so its always challenging and interesting. He offers lots of additional support through the Facebook group, regular emails and just overall interest in your progress.

The community. From the first session it was really friendly. There is a real sense of being in it together, being accountable to ourselves and each other.

I thought I would only do the initial 8 week programme but halfway in and seeing real results, I don't want it to end and plan to continue.

Thanks Tom.


Such a great fitness class. It's taken me a long time to find something I enjoy as well as giving you great results & this is perfect. A great bunch of enthusiastic people helping you along and Tom is great, keeping the energy levels up & ensuring we're doing the exercises correctly.

I always leave class feeling amazing and ready for the next one!


IтАЩve been a member of TK Fitness for 9 months now. I have never experienced fitness and strength training as a тАШway of lifeтАЩ before and am totally committed to attending 3 sessions per week, even though I am not local to Cambridge.

ThereтАЩs a huge difference to the way I feel about this Fitness approach, in comparison to Personal Trainers, other gyms and fitness classes that IтАЩve been to before.... it really is addictive and you are encouraged to be the best you can be, with no accountability!

Tom and his team are exceptional, not only in their knowledge and expertise, but also in their personal energy and commitment to supporting you in your fitness and dietary/ nutritional goals. Nothing is ever too much trouble and they are always there for you.

On top of this, thereтАЩs an infectious camaraderie from everyone who attends, constantly supporting each other and having fun at the same time.

TK Fitness has not just helped me to lose weight and get in shape, it has also introduced me to some amazing people!!

Thanks Tom- keep up the amazing work!я┐╜

Tracy Dixon, aka Lara Croft!!


If you're looking for a magic weight loss cure, this isn't for you, but if you are looking for a structured group programme which delivers you real results quickly this is it! Tom is professional and motivating in his approach, teaching you how nutrition and exercise can give you a better lifestyle, helping you look and feel better in a matter of weeks. The groups are friendly and supportive, the excerises challenging but fun and the results can be amazing! If you're committed, you'll achieve - no matter you're age, size or capability. I feel really lucky to have found this lot!


If you are looking for result, look no further. Tom and his team are brilliant. I have signed up 8 weeks initially, could not believe what I have achieved in first week, and continue to see good results week by week. I learned how to manage my food and shape my body very quickly by following TomтАЩs advice.

In the last 10 years I have been doing all sorts of excercise and spending hours and hours in gym, running outdoor, doing long bike ride, but struggled to loss fat consistently.

IтАЩm now fitter, happier and healthier.


I was feeling sluggish and unfit so I joined FitCamp primarily to try and get stronger, healthier & fitter. I wasnтАЩt sure how it would fit in with my job which has me working irregular days and irregular hours but there is so much flexibility with class times that itтАЩs perfect for me. I thoroughly enjoy the classes (which are suitable for any level of fitness because every exercise has progressions), and because there is so much variety in the exercises I donтАЩt get bored like I do at the gym. Losing weight wasnтАЩt my main aim but the classes, along with small tweaks to my diet and my attitude, have led to me losing over a stone and two dress sizes. IтАЩm not on a diet, I never have been, but the nutritional advice has helped me make better choices. The team of instructors are enthusiastic even at 6:30am, and the workouts are fun and ever-changing. I feel healthier, happier and energised. Joining FitCamp is one of the best decisions I have made.


I signed up for 8 weeks & enjoyed it so much I'm staying on! Great motivated trainers, variety in each session & always feel like it was worth getting up for - could never have achieved the level of fitness I now have on my own or have motivated myself to continue to get up for a gym! Also, some amazing new like minded exercise friends giving loads of extra support & motivation я┐╜


I initially started the 8 week transformation program in July ( it was my birthday gift from my partner) and I wasn't sure if I will continue since I get bored so quickly but the variety of exercises suiting different abilities, made it possible for me to continue. Not in my entire life I would imagine that I would make the time and effort to go to the sessions continuously and enjoy it, this was the best decision I have made in my life. I was surprised from the results I have achieved and renewed my membership for further 6 months and will probably keep on renewing it. I am very happy and pleased I made it that far. Working with such a motivating team like: Tom, Mike and Beks are incredible and so motivating, the entire family is great. Thank you Tom for everything, for the support, checking and making sure everyone is going in the right direction within their fitness level. I just love the sessionsя┐╜я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜


I have vastly enjoyed my two years at Camp. Might seem like a funny thing to put in a fitness review but Tom and the other instructors are so approachable and they really know how to put a smile on your face, even at 6.25am (and then they make you sweat it off, of course). Their attitude is amazing and really encourages us campers to work hard. I know I'm not the only one who appreciates this! Thank you. :)


I first came across this group through Facebook, and I am always a bit skeptical about Facebook adverts anyway, but had gotten to the point where I was desperate to change. And I'm really thankful that I took the plunge for their 8 week programme! They change all aspects of your lifestyle from food do's and don'ts (strict for the first month) to exercise perception. In the first two weeks I had lost nearly half a stone and dropped 2% in body fat. These little milestones are what keep you going because it really works, and with minimal impact on your daily life. The group are lovely, and its a real 'go hard or go home' energetic environment. I've got 6 weeks left and can't wait to reach my goals! Thank you TK!


Having been a member of different gyms in the past and never really being motivated to go, I have found Tom's fit camp exactly what I needed. I am now officially addicted!! Not only are Tom and Callum great trainers in their drive and enthusiasm even in the early hours, they are knowledgeable, supportive and make exercise fun. The group members are also very friendly and supportive too. I can highly recommend fitcamp for anyone who wants to make positive changes to their life.


Great start to the day, Tom and Callum are fantastic as are the early morning crew. Tom has the knack of knowing when to push you and when to give encouragement and is a real expert in his field. The workouts are varied and you never know what they have in store for you. I am so much fitter and stronger than when I first started, I am in it for the long run.


Found TK fitness on Facebook and have been following for a while now, but took the plunge and started the 8 week transformation programme after seeing the amazing results that people were getting. I am 3weeks in and can already see and feel the changes from the exercise classes and nutrition guidelines.

It's tough to get up for a class at 6am but there is flexibility with different class times which work around my shift pattern. The classes are big and friendly, with all different levels of ability. Tom is always energetic, positive and focused on everyone there, so no one gets left out!


Brilliant place to start even if you are a complete beginner. All trainers are great and genuinely interested in helping you improve, lots of great advice and super friendly and supportive, really keeping you motivated. Even though it's hard work, it's actually quite enjoyable really!


Weights make woman big...
Uhh, OK ūü§Ē

...‚ Ķ
See More


Remember Mina?

I shared her pictures recently in which she’s dropped from a size 18 to a size 12 with us.
...Continue Reading


Check out these results from one of our gals who wished to remain anonymous:
‚ÄėFeels like it was yesterday when I joined you and it‚Äôs actually been 6 months already!!! So I just wanted to share a new progress pic with you ūüėä These 6 months have genuinely transformed me in many ways, both physically and mentally. Last week my nurse at work told me my lung capacity has increased 14% (the biggest increase she‚Äôs ever seen on anyone!!) and my physio was impressed at how much muscle ...I‚Äôve built on my legs over the past weeks after recovering from a knee injury ūüėä but most importantly I FEEL better and stronger than ever. My goal when I started was to lose those extra 5kg I‚Äôd put on due to a hormonal imbalance, and actually... I still weight pretty much the same!! And could‚Äôt care less haha. My goal now is to improve performance as much as I can and see where I can get ūüí™ūüŹĽ can‚Äôt believe how much I‚Äôve changed by seeing you 3/4 times x week and adding a bit more protein on my diet. Thanks a million Tom for regularly checking on me and bringing all that energy into each and every session. Can‚Äôt thank you all enough Tom, Mike & Beks!‚Äô
And yes you can weigh the same and get smaller!
In-fact it’s a highly desirable outcome.
Fat loss + muscle mass increase = same weight but smaller body size as muscle is a denser than tissue than fat.

And alongside that no reduction in metabolism.
A slight ramp up even as muscle burns more calories at rest than fat does.
Go the diet route alone, or just cardio and diet and your metabolism will take a thrashing.
Train for strength, eat for fat loss.
Stay fired up, lean out, stay strong.
It’s much more sustainable.
See More


Wonderful team who go the extra mile to make sure you are supported and encouraged every step of the way. I had never done anything like it before and the coaching has been great. I have lots more energy now and the class is helping me build a sustainable healthy lifestyle. Thank you!


What can I say about Fit Camp. Well firstly, what can I say about myself. I have never been one for the gym or exercise. I shunned it. It bored me to death. I hated walking into those rooms with their stark lighting, too loud music and just that 'sterile' atmosphere, where you had to drive your own enthisiasm for something you just aren't that into, sure its good for me... but 20 mins on a bike felt like 20 hours. No fun. Of course, like anyone I had my moment of absolute resolve and motivation... almost always at the start of the year, and for a month, maybe two, I would do well. Then I'd just sack it off and end up contracted into something I wasn't using. So yeah. Really exercise hasn't been on the radar for me for many years, and I am pushing 40.

I think you get to an age where you just think, I really have to do something.

Then I discovered TK Fitness. Tom and his band of merry men, teaching a group of multi-fitness woman of all ages with one goal; to get them into shape. And I signed up.

I've had my ups and downs health wise, one of my biggest issues was back pain due to two slipped discs (5 years ago nearly now), and an old shoulder injury. Its taken some time, but I've been at Fit Camp nearly a year now. A year. And I love it. I genuinely love it. I love the classes, the variation, the buzz, the people. I felt welcome from the get go and Tom really does care for his clients. He stimulates, inspires and drives you forward. Its nothing short of a great workout every time and you sweat. Man... you sweat. But its good, and you learn to love it, and you want more... more more! The Facebook site also really offers a great community, so you don't feel alone. You'll make friends, be inspired and spurred on by others. In a nut its everything a gym isn't!

So down the line, my shoulder has better mobility. My back pain is completely gone (it creeps back if I don't go!). I have muscle, I feel stronger. Better. And I actually don't mind looking at my butt in the mirror these days :) Whether you're in it for quick results, or want to become a veteran for the long haul, I highly recommend Fit Camp. I can't imagine being without it now.


Tom's fit camp is by far the best program I've taken part in because his simple approach to both exercise and nutrition makes sticking to a healthy lifestyle change achievable. His enthusiasm for what he does and encouragement every step along the way makes it so much more enjoyable and easy to keep coming back. He's always there with advice, quick to motivate and tirelessly explaining how to do things the right way for you.

It's such a friendly atmosphere that makes you not want to miss out, and everyone that attends is so welcoming.

I'd definitely recommend it to anyone looking to positively change their fitness. The sense of achievement that fit camp gives you is addictive!


Tom has helped me do much a over a year ago helped me lose the weight so I could start Ivf. I have had my baby now and I'm now back. I've been back a month now loving the new equipment. Still the fantastic atmosphere and friendly faces. I'm loving it no day is the same you get fantastic results they are always there to help either face to face, email, Tom inspiring texts and fit camp gang Facebook page . Your part of a family here. And if you believe me and then come and have a go you'll love it promise ÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹ


This fitness programme really does work. If you are determined to change your fitness and the way you look and are prepared to attend all the sessions, you WILL see a difference. The Fit Camp sessions are indoors (so no excuse if it is raining or cold) although group work, you shouldn't feel you won't be able to cope, as you are given alternatives and there are lots of people with different levels of fitness. Great support and motivation is given by the team, and other members, along with nutritional advice, recipes and a great database of articles, videos and recommendations in the members area. You have a choice of the Fit Camp sessions, or the Focus group, which is semi private slightly more weights based, although a full body workout. With three Fit Camp sessions three times a week, you can mix up your sessions to fit in with your lifestyle. With the sessions being just 45 minutes, this is less than 4% of your day and can make such a positive difference in your health, well being, confidence and how you look and feel.


There are 2 things that make this better than the rest:

Tom as a trainer. His passion, enthusiasm and drive to improve people's fitness is genuinely motivating. It doesn't matter what level you are at, there are options, but you are encouraged to make it hard for you. The sessions are different each time so its always challenging and interesting. He offers lots of additional support through the Facebook group, regular emails and just overall interest in your progress.

The community. From the first session it was really friendly. There is a real sense of being in it together, being accountable to ourselves and each other.

I thought I would only do the initial 8 week programme but halfway in and seeing real results, I don't want it to end and plan to continue.

Thanks Tom.


Such a great fitness class. It's taken me a long time to find something I enjoy as well as giving you great results & this is perfect. A great bunch of enthusiastic people helping you along and Tom is great, keeping the energy levels up & ensuring we're doing the exercises correctly.

I always leave class feeling amazing and ready for the next one!


I‚Äôve been a member of TK Fitness for 9 months now. I have never experienced fitness and strength training as a ‚Äėway of life‚Äô before and am totally committed to attending 3 sessions per week, even though I am not local to Cambridge.

There’s a huge difference to the way I feel about this Fitness approach, in comparison to Personal Trainers, other gyms and fitness classes that I’ve been to before.... it really is addictive and you are encouraged to be the best you can be, with no accountability!

Tom and his team are exceptional, not only in their knowledge and expertise, but also in their personal energy and commitment to supporting you in your fitness and dietary/ nutritional goals. Nothing is ever too much trouble and they are always there for you.

On top of this, there’s an infectious camaraderie from everyone who attends, constantly supporting each other and having fun at the same time.

TK Fitness has not just helped me to lose weight and get in shape, it has also introduced me to some amazing people!!

Thanks Tom- keep up the amazing work!ÔŅĹ

Tracy Dixon, aka Lara Croft!!


If you're looking for a magic weight loss cure, this isn't for you, but if you are looking for a structured group programme which delivers you real results quickly this is it! Tom is professional and motivating in his approach, teaching you how nutrition and exercise can give you a better lifestyle, helping you look and feel better in a matter of weeks. The groups are friendly and supportive, the excerises challenging but fun and the results can be amazing! If you're committed, you'll achieve - no matter you're age, size or capability. I feel really lucky to have found this lot!


If you are looking for result, look no further. Tom and his team are brilliant. I have signed up 8 weeks initially, could not believe what I have achieved in first week, and continue to see good results week by week. I learned how to manage my food and shape my body very quickly by following Tom’s advice.

In the last 10 years I have been doing all sorts of excercise and spending hours and hours in gym, running outdoor, doing long bike ride, but struggled to loss fat consistently.

I’m now fitter, happier and healthier.


I was feeling sluggish and unfit so I joined FitCamp primarily to try and get stronger, healthier & fitter. I wasn’t sure how it would fit in with my job which has me working irregular days and irregular hours but there is so much flexibility with class times that it’s perfect for me. I thoroughly enjoy the classes (which are suitable for any level of fitness because every exercise has progressions), and because there is so much variety in the exercises I don’t get bored like I do at the gym. Losing weight wasn’t my main aim but the classes, along with small tweaks to my diet and my attitude, have led to me losing over a stone and two dress sizes. I’m not on a diet, I never have been, but the nutritional advice has helped me make better choices. The team of instructors are enthusiastic even at 6:30am, and the workouts are fun and ever-changing. I feel healthier, happier and energised. Joining FitCamp is one of the best decisions I have made.


I signed up for 8 weeks & enjoyed it so much I'm staying on! Great motivated trainers, variety in each session & always feel like it was worth getting up for - could never have achieved the level of fitness I now have on my own or have motivated myself to continue to get up for a gym! Also, some amazing new like minded exercise friends giving loads of extra support & motivation ÔŅĹ


I initially started the 8 week transformation program in July ( it was my birthday gift from my partner) and I wasn't sure if I will continue since I get bored so quickly but the variety of exercises suiting different abilities, made it possible for me to continue. Not in my entire life I would imagine that I would make the time and effort to go to the sessions continuously and enjoy it, this was the best decision I have made in my life. I was surprised from the results I have achieved and renewed my membership for further 6 months and will probably keep on renewing it. I am very happy and pleased I made it that far. Working with such a motivating team like: Tom, Mike and Beks are incredible and so motivating, the entire family is great. Thank you Tom for everything, for the support, checking and making sure everyone is going in the right direction within their fitness level. I just love the sessionsÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹ


I have vastly enjoyed my two years at Camp. Might seem like a funny thing to put in a fitness review but Tom and the other instructors are so approachable and they really know how to put a smile on your face, even at 6.25am (and then they make you sweat it off, of course). Their attitude is amazing and really encourages us campers to work hard. I know I'm not the only one who appreciates this! Thank you. :)


I first came across this group through Facebook, and I am always a bit skeptical about Facebook adverts anyway, but had gotten to the point where I was desperate to change. And I'm really thankful that I took the plunge for their 8 week programme! They change all aspects of your lifestyle from food do's and don'ts (strict for the first month) to exercise perception. In the first two weeks I had lost nearly half a stone and dropped 2% in body fat. These little milestones are what keep you going because it really works, and with minimal impact on your daily life. The group are lovely, and its a real 'go hard or go home' energetic environment. I've got 6 weeks left and can't wait to reach my goals! Thank you TK!


Having been a member of different gyms in the past and never really being motivated to go, I have found Tom's fit camp exactly what I needed. I am now officially addicted!! Not only are Tom and Callum great trainers in their drive and enthusiasm even in the early hours, they are knowledgeable, supportive and make exercise fun. The group members are also very friendly and supportive too. I can highly recommend fitcamp for anyone who wants to make positive changes to their life.


Great start to the day, Tom and Callum are fantastic as are the early morning crew. Tom has the knack of knowing when to push you and when to give encouragement and is a real expert in his field. The workouts are varied and you never know what they have in store for you. I am so much fitter and stronger than when I first started, I am in it for the long run.


Found TK fitness on Facebook and have been following for a while now, but took the plunge and started the 8 week transformation programme after seeing the amazing results that people were getting. I am 3weeks in and can already see and feel the changes from the exercise classes and nutrition guidelines.

It's tough to get up for a class at 6am but there is flexibility with different class times which work around my shift pattern. The classes are big and friendly, with all different levels of ability. Tom is always energetic, positive and focused on everyone there, so no one gets left out!


Brilliant place to start even if you are a complete beginner. All trainers are great and genuinely interested in helping you improve, lots of great advice and super friendly and supportive, really keeping you motivated. Even though it's hard work, it's actually quite enjoyable really!


Weights make woman big...
Uhh, OK ЁЯдФ

...т Аж
See More


Remember Mina?

I shared her pictures recently in which sheтАЩs dropped from a size 18 to a size 12 with us.
...Continue Reading


Check out these results from one of our gals who wished to remain anonymous:
тАШFeels like it was yesterday when I joined you and itтАЩs actually been 6 months already!!! So I just wanted to share a new progress pic with you ЁЯШК These 6 months have genuinely transformed me in many ways, both physically and mentally. Last week my nurse at work told me my lung capacity has increased 14% (the biggest increase sheтАЩs ever seen on anyone!!) and my physio was impressed at how much muscle ...IтАЩve built on my legs over the past weeks after recovering from a knee injury ЁЯШК but most importantly I FEEL better and stronger than ever. My goal when I started was to lose those extra 5kg IтАЩd put on due to a hormonal imbalance, and actually... I still weight pretty much the same!! And couldтАЩt care less haha. My goal now is to improve performance as much as I can and see where I can get ЁЯТкЁЯП╗ canтАЩt believe how much IтАЩve changed by seeing you 3/4 times x week and adding a bit more protein on my diet. Thanks a million Tom for regularly checking on me and bringing all that energy into each and every session. CanтАЩt thank you all enough Tom, Mike & Beks!тАЩ
And yes you can weigh the same and get smaller!
In-fact itтАЩs a highly desirable outcome.
Fat loss + muscle mass increase = same weight but smaller body size as muscle is a denser than tissue than fat.

And alongside that no reduction in metabolism.
A slight ramp up even as muscle burns more calories at rest than fat does.
Go the diet route alone, or just cardio and diet and your metabolism will take a thrashing.
Train for strength, eat for fat loss.
Stay fired up, lean out, stay strong.
ItтАЩs much more sustainable.
See More


Wonderful team who go the extra mile to make sure you are supported and encouraged every step of the way. I had never done anything like it before and the coaching has been great. I have lots more energy now and the class is helping me build a sustainable healthy lifestyle. Thank you!


What can I say about Fit Camp. Well firstly, what can I say about myself. I have never been one for the gym or exercise. I shunned it. It bored me to death. I hated walking into those rooms with their stark lighting, too loud music and just that 'sterile' atmosphere, where you had to drive your own enthisiasm for something you just aren't that into, sure its good for me... but 20 mins on a bike felt like 20 hours. No fun. Of course, like anyone I had my moment of absolute resolve and motivation... almost always at the start of the year, and for a month, maybe two, I would do well. Then I'd just sack it off and end up contracted into something I wasn't using. So yeah. Really exercise hasn't been on the radar for me for many years, and I am pushing 40.

I think you get to an age where you just think, I really have to do something.

Then I discovered TK Fitness. Tom and his band of merry men, teaching a group of multi-fitness woman of all ages with one goal; to get them into shape. And I signed up.

I've had my ups and downs health wise, one of my biggest issues was back pain due to two slipped discs (5 years ago nearly now), and an old shoulder injury. Its taken some time, but I've been at Fit Camp nearly a year now. A year. And I love it. I genuinely love it. I love the classes, the variation, the buzz, the people. I felt welcome from the get go and Tom really does care for his clients. He stimulates, inspires and drives you forward. Its nothing short of a great workout every time and you sweat. Man... you sweat. But its good, and you learn to love it, and you want more... more more! The Facebook site also really offers a great community, so you don't feel alone. You'll make friends, be inspired and spurred on by others. In a nut its everything a gym isn't!

So down the line, my shoulder has better mobility. My back pain is completely gone (it creeps back if I don't go!). I have muscle, I feel stronger. Better. And I actually don't mind looking at my butt in the mirror these days :) Whether you're in it for quick results, or want to become a veteran for the long haul, I highly recommend Fit Camp. I can't imagine being without it now.


Tom's fit camp is by far the best program I've taken part in because his simple approach to both exercise and nutrition makes sticking to a healthy lifestyle change achievable. His enthusiasm for what he does and encouragement every step along the way makes it so much more enjoyable and easy to keep coming back. He's always there with advice, quick to motivate and tirelessly explaining how to do things the right way for you.

It's such a friendly atmosphere that makes you not want to miss out, and everyone that attends is so welcoming.

I'd definitely recommend it to anyone looking to positively change their fitness. The sense of achievement that fit camp gives you is addictive!


Tom has helped me do much a over a year ago helped me lose the weight so I could start Ivf. I have had my baby now and I'm now back. I've been back a month now loving the new equipment. Still the fantastic atmosphere and friendly faces. I'm loving it no day is the same you get fantastic results they are always there to help either face to face, email, Tom inspiring texts and fit camp gang Facebook page . Your part of a family here. And if you believe me and then come and have a go you'll love it promise я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜


This fitness programme really does work. If you are determined to change your fitness and the way you look and are prepared to attend all the sessions, you WILL see a difference. The Fit Camp sessions are indoors (so no excuse if it is raining or cold) although group work, you shouldn't feel you won't be able to cope, as you are given alternatives and there are lots of people with different levels of fitness. Great support and motivation is given by the team, and other members, along with nutritional advice, recipes and a great database of articles, videos and recommendations in the members area. You have a choice of the Fit Camp sessions, or the Focus group, which is semi private slightly more weights based, although a full body workout. With three Fit Camp sessions three times a week, you can mix up your sessions to fit in with your lifestyle. With the sessions being just 45 minutes, this is less than 4% of your day and can make such a positive difference in your health, well being, confidence and how you look and feel.


There are 2 things that make this better than the rest:

Tom as a trainer. His passion, enthusiasm and drive to improve people's fitness is genuinely motivating. It doesn't matter what level you are at, there are options, but you are encouraged to make it hard for you. The sessions are different each time so its always challenging and interesting. He offers lots of additional support through the Facebook group, regular emails and just overall interest in your progress.

The community. From the first session it was really friendly. There is a real sense of being in it together, being accountable to ourselves and each other.

I thought I would only do the initial 8 week programme but halfway in and seeing real results, I don't want it to end and plan to continue.

Thanks Tom.


Such a great fitness class. It's taken me a long time to find something I enjoy as well as giving you great results & this is perfect. A great bunch of enthusiastic people helping you along and Tom is great, keeping the energy levels up & ensuring we're doing the exercises correctly.

I always leave class feeling amazing and ready for the next one!


IтАЩve been a member of TK Fitness for 9 months now. I have never experienced fitness and strength training as a тАШway of lifeтАЩ before and am totally committed to attending 3 sessions per week, even though I am not local to Cambridge.

ThereтАЩs a huge difference to the way I feel about this Fitness approach, in comparison to Personal Trainers, other gyms and fitness classes that IтАЩve been to before.... it really is addictive and you are encouraged to be the best you can be, with no accountability!

Tom and his team are exceptional, not only in their knowledge and expertise, but also in their personal energy and commitment to supporting you in your fitness and dietary/ nutritional goals. Nothing is ever too much trouble and they are always there for you.

On top of this, thereтАЩs an infectious camaraderie from everyone who attends, constantly supporting each other and having fun at the same time.

TK Fitness has not just helped me to lose weight and get in shape, it has also introduced me to some amazing people!!

Thanks Tom- keep up the amazing work!я┐╜

Tracy Dixon, aka Lara Croft!!


If you're looking for a magic weight loss cure, this isn't for you, but if you are looking for a structured group programme which delivers you real results quickly this is it! Tom is professional and motivating in his approach, teaching you how nutrition and exercise can give you a better lifestyle, helping you look and feel better in a matter of weeks. The groups are friendly and supportive, the excerises challenging but fun and the results can be amazing! If you're committed, you'll achieve - no matter you're age, size or capability. I feel really lucky to have found this lot!


If you are looking for result, look no further. Tom and his team are brilliant. I have signed up 8 weeks initially, could not believe what I have achieved in first week, and continue to see good results week by week. I learned how to manage my food and shape my body very quickly by following TomтАЩs advice.

In the last 10 years I have been doing all sorts of excercise and spending hours and hours in gym, running outdoor, doing long bike ride, but struggled to loss fat consistently.

IтАЩm now fitter, happier and healthier.


I was feeling sluggish and unfit so I joined FitCamp primarily to try and get stronger, healthier & fitter. I wasnтАЩt sure how it would fit in with my job which has me working irregular days and irregular hours but there is so much flexibility with class times that itтАЩs perfect for me. I thoroughly enjoy the classes (which are suitable for any level of fitness because every exercise has progressions), and because there is so much variety in the exercises I donтАЩt get bored like I do at the gym. Losing weight wasnтАЩt my main aim but the classes, along with small tweaks to my diet and my attitude, have led to me losing over a stone and two dress sizes. IтАЩm not on a diet, I never have been, but the nutritional advice has helped me make better choices. The team of instructors are enthusiastic even at 6:30am, and the workouts are fun and ever-changing. I feel healthier, happier and energised. Joining FitCamp is one of the best decisions I have made.


I signed up for 8 weeks & enjoyed it so much I'm staying on! Great motivated trainers, variety in each session & always feel like it was worth getting up for - could never have achieved the level of fitness I now have on my own or have motivated myself to continue to get up for a gym! Also, some amazing new like minded exercise friends giving loads of extra support & motivation я┐╜


I initially started the 8 week transformation program in July ( it was my birthday gift from my partner) and I wasn't sure if I will continue since I get bored so quickly but the variety of exercises suiting different abilities, made it possible for me to continue. Not in my entire life I would imagine that I would make the time and effort to go to the sessions continuously and enjoy it, this was the best decision I have made in my life. I was surprised from the results I have achieved and renewed my membership for further 6 months and will probably keep on renewing it. I am very happy and pleased I made it that far. Working with such a motivating team like: Tom, Mike and Beks are incredible and so motivating, the entire family is great. Thank you Tom for everything, for the support, checking and making sure everyone is going in the right direction within their fitness level. I just love the sessionsя┐╜я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜


I have vastly enjoyed my two years at Camp. Might seem like a funny thing to put in a fitness review but Tom and the other instructors are so approachable and they really know how to put a smile on your face, even at 6.25am (and then they make you sweat it off, of course). Their attitude is amazing and really encourages us campers to work hard. I know I'm not the only one who appreciates this! Thank you. :)


I first came across this group through Facebook, and I am always a bit skeptical about Facebook adverts anyway, but had gotten to the point where I was desperate to change. And I'm really thankful that I took the plunge for their 8 week programme! They change all aspects of your lifestyle from food do's and don'ts (strict for the first month) to exercise perception. In the first two weeks I had lost nearly half a stone and dropped 2% in body fat. These little milestones are what keep you going because it really works, and with minimal impact on your daily life. The group are lovely, and its a real 'go hard or go home' energetic environment. I've got 6 weeks left and can't wait to reach my goals! Thank you TK!


Having been a member of different gyms in the past and never really being motivated to go, I have found Tom's fit camp exactly what I needed. I am now officially addicted!! Not only are Tom and Callum great trainers in their drive and enthusiasm even in the early hours, they are knowledgeable, supportive and make exercise fun. The group members are also very friendly and supportive too. I can highly recommend fitcamp for anyone who wants to make positive changes to their life.


Great start to the day, Tom and Callum are fantastic as are the early morning crew. Tom has the knack of knowing when to push you and when to give encouragement and is a real expert in his field. The workouts are varied and you never know what they have in store for you. I am so much fitter and stronger than when I first started, I am in it for the long run.


Found TK fitness on Facebook and have been following for a while now, but took the plunge and started the 8 week transformation programme after seeing the amazing results that people were getting. I am 3weeks in and can already see and feel the changes from the exercise classes and nutrition guidelines.

It's tough to get up for a class at 6am but there is flexibility with different class times which work around my shift pattern. The classes are big and friendly, with all different levels of ability. Tom is always energetic, positive and focused on everyone there, so no one gets left out!


Brilliant place to start even if you are a complete beginner. All trainers are great and genuinely interested in helping you improve, lots of great advice and super friendly and supportive, really keeping you motivated. Even though it's hard work, it's actually quite enjoyable really!


Weights make woman big...
Uhh, OK ЁЯдФ

...т Аж
See More


Remember Mina?

I shared her pictures recently in which sheтАЩs dropped from a size 18 to a size 12 with us.
...Continue Reading


Check out these results from one of our gals who wished to remain anonymous:
тАШFeels like it was yesterday when I joined you and itтАЩs actually been 6 months already!!! So I just wanted to share a new progress pic with you ЁЯШК These 6 months have genuinely transformed me in many ways, both physically and mentally. Last week my nurse at work told me my lung capacity has increased 14% (the biggest increase sheтАЩs ever seen on anyone!!) and my physio was impressed at how much muscle ...IтАЩve built on my legs over the past weeks after recovering from a knee injury ЁЯШК but most importantly I FEEL better and stronger than ever. My goal when I started was to lose those extra 5kg IтАЩd put on due to a hormonal imbalance, and actually... I still weight pretty much the same!! And couldтАЩt care less haha. My goal now is to improve performance as much as I can and see where I can get ЁЯТкЁЯП╗ canтАЩt believe how much IтАЩve changed by seeing you 3/4 times x week and adding a bit more protein on my diet. Thanks a million Tom for regularly checking on me and bringing all that energy into each and every session. CanтАЩt thank you all enough Tom, Mike & Beks!тАЩ
And yes you can weigh the same and get smaller!
In-fact itтАЩs a highly desirable outcome.
Fat loss + muscle mass increase = same weight but smaller body size as muscle is a denser than tissue than fat.

And alongside that no reduction in metabolism.
A slight ramp up even as muscle burns more calories at rest than fat does.
Go the diet route alone, or just cardio and diet and your metabolism will take a thrashing.
Train for strength, eat for fat loss.
Stay fired up, lean out, stay strong.
ItтАЩs much more sustainable.
See More


Wonderful team who go the extra mile to make sure you are supported and encouraged every step of the way. I had never done anything like it before and the coaching has been great. I have lots more energy now and the class is helping me build a sustainable healthy lifestyle. Thank you!


What can I say about Fit Camp. Well firstly, what can I say about myself. I have never been one for the gym or exercise. I shunned it. It bored me to death. I hated walking into those rooms with their stark lighting, too loud music and just that 'sterile' atmosphere, where you had to drive your own enthisiasm for something you just aren't that into, sure its good for me... but 20 mins on a bike felt like 20 hours. No fun. Of course, like anyone I had my moment of absolute resolve and motivation... almost always at the start of the year, and for a month, maybe two, I would do well. Then I'd just sack it off and end up contracted into something I wasn't using. So yeah. Really exercise hasn't been on the radar for me for many years, and I am pushing 40.

I think you get to an age where you just think, I really have to do something.

Then I discovered TK Fitness. Tom and his band of merry men, teaching a group of multi-fitness woman of all ages with one goal; to get them into shape. And I signed up.

I've had my ups and downs health wise, one of my biggest issues was back pain due to two slipped discs (5 years ago nearly now), and an old shoulder injury. Its taken some time, but I've been at Fit Camp nearly a year now. A year. And I love it. I genuinely love it. I love the classes, the variation, the buzz, the people. I felt welcome from the get go and Tom really does care for his clients. He stimulates, inspires and drives you forward. Its nothing short of a great workout every time and you sweat. Man... you sweat. But its good, and you learn to love it, and you want more... more more! The Facebook site also really offers a great community, so you don't feel alone. You'll make friends, be inspired and spurred on by others. In a nut its everything a gym isn't!

So down the line, my shoulder has better mobility. My back pain is completely gone (it creeps back if I don't go!). I have muscle, I feel stronger. Better. And I actually don't mind looking at my butt in the mirror these days :) Whether you're in it for quick results, or want to become a veteran for the long haul, I highly recommend Fit Camp. I can't imagine being without it now.


Tom's fit camp is by far the best program I've taken part in because his simple approach to both exercise and nutrition makes sticking to a healthy lifestyle change achievable. His enthusiasm for what he does and encouragement every step along the way makes it so much more enjoyable and easy to keep coming back. He's always there with advice, quick to motivate and tirelessly explaining how to do things the right way for you.

It's such a friendly atmosphere that makes you not want to miss out, and everyone that attends is so welcoming.

I'd definitely recommend it to anyone looking to positively change their fitness. The sense of achievement that fit camp gives you is addictive!


Tom has helped me do much a over a year ago helped me lose the weight so I could start Ivf. I have had my baby now and I'm now back. I've been back a month now loving the new equipment. Still the fantastic atmosphere and friendly faces. I'm loving it no day is the same you get fantastic results they are always there to help either face to face, email, Tom inspiring texts and fit camp gang Facebook page . Your part of a family here. And if you believe me and then come and have a go you'll love it promise я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜


This fitness programme really does work. If you are determined to change your fitness and the way you look and are prepared to attend all the sessions, you WILL see a difference. The Fit Camp sessions are indoors (so no excuse if it is raining or cold) although group work, you shouldn't feel you won't be able to cope, as you are given alternatives and there are lots of people with different levels of fitness. Great support and motivation is given by the team, and other members, along with nutritional advice, recipes and a great database of articles, videos and recommendations in the members area. You have a choice of the Fit Camp sessions, or the Focus group, which is semi private slightly more weights based, although a full body workout. With three Fit Camp sessions three times a week, you can mix up your sessions to fit in with your lifestyle. With the sessions being just 45 minutes, this is less than 4% of your day and can make such a positive difference in your health, well being, confidence and how you look and feel.


There are 2 things that make this better than the rest:

Tom as a trainer. His passion, enthusiasm and drive to improve people's fitness is genuinely motivating. It doesn't matter what level you are at, there are options, but you are encouraged to make it hard for you. The sessions are different each time so its always challenging and interesting. He offers lots of additional support through the Facebook group, regular emails and just overall interest in your progress.

The community. From the first session it was really friendly. There is a real sense of being in it together, being accountable to ourselves and each other.

I thought I would only do the initial 8 week programme but halfway in and seeing real results, I don't want it to end and plan to continue.

Thanks Tom.


Such a great fitness class. It's taken me a long time to find something I enjoy as well as giving you great results & this is perfect. A great bunch of enthusiastic people helping you along and Tom is great, keeping the energy levels up & ensuring we're doing the exercises correctly.

I always leave class feeling amazing and ready for the next one!


IтАЩve been a member of TK Fitness for 9 months now. I have never experienced fitness and strength training as a тАШway of lifeтАЩ before and am totally committed to attending 3 sessions per week, even though I am not local to Cambridge.

ThereтАЩs a huge difference to the way I feel about this Fitness approach, in comparison to Personal Trainers, other gyms and fitness classes that IтАЩve been to before.... it really is addictive and you are encouraged to be the best you can be, with no accountability!

Tom and his team are exceptional, not only in their knowledge and expertise, but also in their personal energy and commitment to supporting you in your fitness and dietary/ nutritional goals. Nothing is ever too much trouble and they are always there for you.

On top of this, thereтАЩs an infectious camaraderie from everyone who attends, constantly supporting each other and having fun at the same time.

TK Fitness has not just helped me to lose weight and get in shape, it has also introduced me to some amazing people!!

Thanks Tom- keep up the amazing work!я┐╜

Tracy Dixon, aka Lara Croft!!


If you're looking for a magic weight loss cure, this isn't for you, but if you are looking for a structured group programme which delivers you real results quickly this is it! Tom is professional and motivating in his approach, teaching you how nutrition and exercise can give you a better lifestyle, helping you look and feel better in a matter of weeks. The groups are friendly and supportive, the excerises challenging but fun and the results can be amazing! If you're committed, you'll achieve - no matter you're age, size or capability. I feel really lucky to have found this lot!


If you are looking for result, look no further. Tom and his team are brilliant. I have signed up 8 weeks initially, could not believe what I have achieved in first week, and continue to see good results week by week. I learned how to manage my food and shape my body very quickly by following TomтАЩs advice.

In the last 10 years I have been doing all sorts of excercise and spending hours and hours in gym, running outdoor, doing long bike ride, but struggled to loss fat consistently.

IтАЩm now fitter, happier and healthier.


I was feeling sluggish and unfit so I joined FitCamp primarily to try and get stronger, healthier & fitter. I wasnтАЩt sure how it would fit in with my job which has me working irregular days and irregular hours but there is so much flexibility with class times that itтАЩs perfect for me. I thoroughly enjoy the classes (which are suitable for any level of fitness because every exercise has progressions), and because there is so much variety in the exercises I donтАЩt get bored like I do at the gym. Losing weight wasnтАЩt my main aim but the classes, along with small tweaks to my diet and my attitude, have led to me losing over a stone and two dress sizes. IтАЩm not on a diet, I never have been, but the nutritional advice has helped me make better choices. The team of instructors are enthusiastic even at 6:30am, and the workouts are fun and ever-changing. I feel healthier, happier and energised. Joining FitCamp is one of the best decisions I have made.


I signed up for 8 weeks & enjoyed it so much I'm staying on! Great motivated trainers, variety in each session & always feel like it was worth getting up for - could never have achieved the level of fitness I now have on my own or have motivated myself to continue to get up for a gym! Also, some amazing new like minded exercise friends giving loads of extra support & motivation я┐╜


I initially started the 8 week transformation program in July ( it was my birthday gift from my partner) and I wasn't sure if I will continue since I get bored so quickly but the variety of exercises suiting different abilities, made it possible for me to continue. Not in my entire life I would imagine that I would make the time and effort to go to the sessions continuously and enjoy it, this was the best decision I have made in my life. I was surprised from the results I have achieved and renewed my membership for further 6 months and will probably keep on renewing it. I am very happy and pleased I made it that far. Working with such a motivating team like: Tom, Mike and Beks are incredible and so motivating, the entire family is great. Thank you Tom for everything, for the support, checking and making sure everyone is going in the right direction within their fitness level. I just love the sessionsя┐╜я┐╜я┐╜я┐╜


I have vastly enjoyed my two years at Camp. Might seem like a funny thing to put in a fitness review but Tom and the other instructors are so approachable and they really know how to put a smile on your face, even at 6.25am (and then they make you sweat it off, of course). Their attitude is amazing and really encourages us campers to work hard. I know I'm not the only one who appreciates this! Thank you. :)


I first came across this group through Facebook, and I am always a bit skeptical about Facebook adverts anyway, but had gotten to the point where I was desperate to change. And I'm really thankful that I took the plunge for their 8 week programme! They change all aspects of your lifestyle from food do's and don'ts (strict for the first month) to exercise perception. In the first two weeks I had lost nearly half a stone and dropped 2% in body fat. These little milestones are what keep you going because it really works, and with minimal impact on your daily life. The group are lovely, and its a real 'go hard or go home' energetic environment. I've got 6 weeks left and can't wait to reach my goals! Thank you TK!


Having been a member of different gyms in the past and never really being motivated to go, I have found Tom's fit camp exactly what I needed. I am now officially addicted!! Not only are Tom and Callum great trainers in their drive and enthusiasm even in the early hours, they are knowledgeable, supportive and make exercise fun. The group members are also very friendly and supportive too. I can highly recommend fitcamp for anyone who wants to make positive changes to their life.


Great start to the day, Tom and Callum are fantastic as are the early morning crew. Tom has the knack of knowing when to push you and when to give encouragement and is a real expert in his field. The workouts are varied and you never know what they have in store for you. I am so much fitter and stronger than when I first started, I am in it for the long run.


Found TK fitness on Facebook and have been following for a while now, but took the plunge and started the 8 week transformation programme after seeing the amazing results that people were getting. I am 3weeks in and can already see and feel the changes from the exercise classes and nutrition guidelines.

It's tough to get up for a class at 6am but there is flexibility with different class times which work around my shift pattern. The classes are big and friendly, with all different levels of ability. Tom is always energetic, positive and focused on everyone there, so no one gets left out!


Brilliant place to start even if you are a complete beginner. All trainers are great and genuinely interested in helping you improve, lots of great advice and super friendly and supportive, really keeping you motivated. Even though it's hard work, it's actually quite enjoyable really!

More about Tk Total - Results Based Training Cambridge - Bodyshape Health Fitness

Tk Total - Results Based Training Cambridge - Bodyshape Health Fitness is located at Coleridge Community College, Radegund Road, CB1 3RJ Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Monday: 06:25 - 07:15
Tuesday: 06:25 - 19:00
Wednesday: 06:25 - 19:00
Thursday: 06:25 - 19:00
Friday: 06:25 - 07:15
Saturday: 07:25 - 12:00
Sunday: -