Tobar An Dualchais ~ Kist O Riches

About Tobar An Dualchais ~ Kist O Riches

Guthan ar sinnsirean. . . a' tighinn beò tro theicneòlas an latha an-duigh. /The speik o a bygane age. . . gien new virr

The project website has over 40, 000 sound recordings recorded all over Scotland from the 1930s onwards. www. tobarandualchais. co. uk

Tobar An Dualchais ~ Kist O Riches Description

Tobar an Dualchais (Kist o Riches in Scots) is an exciting and innovative project which aims to digitise, catalogue and disseminate Gaelic and Scots sound recordings. This will ensure that the vast heritage of stories, poetry, music and factual information will be preserved as a unique record of Scotland's cultural and linguistic heritage. Online access to the recordings will also ensure that they are widely available for educational and personal use.

In the first phase of the project, 12, 000 hours of recordings will be made available online.

The online archive will consist of recordings from three internationally renowned collections: -

* The Campbell Collection in Canna (belonging to the National Trust for Scotland)

* Gaelic department of the BBC

* School of Scottish Studies Archive, University of Edinburgh

These collections comprise a wide variety of material, including: -

* Stories recorded by John Lorne Campbell on wax cylinders in 1937

* Folklore collected all over Scotland by Calum Maclean in the 1950s

* Scots songs recorded by Hamish Henderson from travelling people in the 1960s

* Conversations recorded on Radio nan Gàidheal

You will have the opportunity to listen to people recorded right at the very beginning of sound technology and almost up to the present day.

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'S e proiseact ùr inntinneach a th’ ann an Tobar an Dualchais a tha ag amas air clàran-fuaim Gàidhlig agus Albais a chur gu cruth didseatach agus a chatalogadh, gus an sgaoileadh air-loidhne. Nì seo cinnteach gun glèidhear am beairteas mòr sgeulachdan, ciùil agus fiosrachaidh mar chunntas àraid de chultar agus cànan na h-Alba. Mar thoradh, bidh na clàran rim faighinn gu furasta airson feumalachdan foghlaim agus pearsanta.

Aig deireadh a’ chiad ìre den phròiseact, bidh 12, 000 uair a thìde de chlàran-fuaim ri fhaotainn air-loidhne.

Bithear a’ cleachdadh chlàran-fuaim bho thrì cruinneachaidhean, aig a bheil cliù air feadh an t-saoghail: -

* Cruinneachadh nan Caimbeulach an Canaigh (le Urras Nàiseanta na h-Alba)

* Roinn Ghàidhlig a’ BhBC

* Tasglann Sgoil Eòlais na h-Alba, Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann

Tha farsaingeachd mhòr sna cruinneachaidhean seo, nam measg: -

* Sgeulachdan air an clàradh le Iain Latharna Caimbeul ann an 1937

* Beul-aithris air a thogail o air feadh Alba le Calum MacGill-Eain anns na 1950an

* Òrain Albais aig an luchd-siubhail air an clàradh le Hamish MacEanraig sna 1960an

* Prògraman còmhraidh agus ciùil bho Radio nan Gàidheal

Gheibhear cothrom èisteachd ri daoine a chaidh a chlàradh bho thùs obair-chlàraidh chun an latha an-diugh.

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Gin ye're interestit i the Scots langage, ye'll fin a reenge of dialecks fae the Rhins o Gallowa tae the ootmaist Shetlan islans, in naitural braid Scots - whiles fae fowk at wis born back i the 1880s an 1890s. Bit gin ye're no that fameeliar wi the leid, ye'll no hae tae struggle - ilka track haes a summary in English.

More about Tobar An Dualchais ~ Kist O Riches

Tobar An Dualchais ~ Kist O Riches is located at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, IV44 8RQ Edinburgh, United Kingdom
01471 888601