Train - Mind Body Soul

Monday: 06:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 21:00
Friday: 07:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 20:00

About Train - Mind Body Soul

Take your training to the next level with Train. We take a unique approach to fitness and health. Train Mind, Train Body, Train Soul.

Train - Mind Body Soul Description

Take your training to the next level with Train. We take a unique approach to fitness and health. Train Mind, Train Body, Train Soul.



Are your weekends ruining the hard work you do during your working week? ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ So if like me you take your foot off the gas at the weekend there is nothing wrong with that but the choices you make can impact your goals! ๐Ÿ‘™ Making some more sensible choices at the weekend can mean we can still hit those calorie targets! We should never sacrifice our social life for weight loss but we can alter it!... ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป If you have a night out change what you drink! If your drink pints ๐Ÿบ at 235 kcals switch it for gin (or another spirit) and a diet drink the average will be about 70kcals! ๐Ÿ• If you are craving a takeaway look at your options! A pizza might be over 2000 kcals but a burger and chips might only be 1000 kcals! You can still have a great weekend and you will still save calories! ๐Ÿ˜ฌ Give it a go! Track your calories this weekend and see where you can save some calories for next weekend and check how that impacts you weight loss! Life is after all for living so go and enjoy yourself just be smart about it!
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Progress on L sit pull ups ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜€
Started doing these as a static hold at the bottom of the pull up position with the feet out in front of the body.
Then worked till I could do a static hold at the top of the position.
... Then holding the legs out in front on the lowering part of the pull up.
Finally holding the legs out throughout the movement.
If it would help you to have a video guide to this let me know and we will put something together!
#Lsitpullup #gymnastics #calisthenics #bodyweightstrength #corestrength
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#tbt The day we walked into what is now Train Mind Body Soul HQ an old bedding store. ๐Ÿ‘ท To say it needed some work might be a bit of an understatement! Some of the "lovely surprises" we found along the way were enough to put anyone off. We persevered as we wanted to bring all aspects of Physical & Mental wellbeing under one roof. ๐Ÿ—๏ธ We now are so proud to have a space that our clients can have the privacy, care & expert assistance they need to pursue their own life changing ...journey built by our own hands with a little (lot) of help from @kevmcd13 โ™ฆ๏ธ We are committed to giving straightforward helpful information and improving the lives of our community. if there is a topic you would like us to cover, get in touch. . Team train
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"I am grateful for myself.
I am grateful for my body and mind.
I am grateful for the depth of love I am able to feel and experience, as it effects every other area of my life.
... I am grateful for my passion and desire to continually improve.
I am grateful that being myself has allowed so many good things to be brought into my life."
Johnathan Pugh - Aug 2016
I've been journaling off and on for most of the last 5 years. It is one of the best things I have done for myself to improve my mental health.
I highly recommend gratitude journaling if you're fighting depression, stress, or just to discover more about yourself.
If you're interested in finding out how to journal effectively let me know and I can make a vid or post about it.
#journalling #gratitude #love #passion
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T.D.E.E: Total Daily Energy Expenditure - Your TDEE is the amount of calories you need to maintain your current weight. It is important to know your TDEE at the beginning of a weight loss journey as it gives you a starting point to get into your calorie deficit.* - Your TDEE is made up of 4 aspects of your daily life.
... ..... Continue reading Hereโ€ฆ/tdee-total-d aily-energy-expenditโ€ฆโ€ฆ/tdee-total-d aily-energy-expenditโ€ฆ
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To lose weight - do I HAVE to Train? 'I've been told I need to do weights' I've been told I need to do cardio' What's going on?! Let's go into this a bit. If you still habe further questions or comments just let us know! ๐Ÿ˜€


What do you find most confusing about fitness, health or nutrition?
Send your questions in, I will feature the answers to the best ones on our Instagram stories!
Three ways you can get in touch:-... -Head to our IG stories -Leave a comment -Send us a private message
Have a great week, Team Train
#trainertips #fitnessquestions
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Lifting weights is a great way to stay or get in shape! for men and women for those ladies who are worried that it might make you bulky let me reassure you it won't, But it will have other side effects! ๐Ÿ’ช You will get stronger! All jars in the house will fear the cupboard door opening! ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Your Coordination will improve and your mind will have a better connection with your body! and as an added bonus of lifting weights your going to look more defined or toned as its more comm...only known. ๐Ÿ… You will also have a stronger immune system, your metabolism will be fired up to burn calories. Your workouts can be more effective as they will burn calories long after you finish in the gym. โ˜‘๏ธ Your stress levels will drop which has a knock on effect on your day to day e.g. clarity, problem solving, sleep, temperament the list goes on. your confidence will increase and your sex drive will pick up and we all know what that means ......... bow chicka wow wow! ๐Ÿ˜‚ If you struggle to get time to go to the gym around your busy life you can use a small amount of equipment in the home or even your body weight as resistance. If your not sure where to start we have been developing a home program for beginners it should be out in April! if you would like to register your interest simple comment below and we will keep you posted. . Team Train
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A very Common question I get asked "how many times should I eat for Fat Loss?" here is the thing, as many times as you like. ๐Ÿณ To lose weight we need to be in a caloric deficit. if we have done the maths and know that we are burning 2100 kcals per day, we can create a deficit taking our calorie intake to 1800, like shown in the pic. ๐Ÿช You can split your meals up however you like. now there are some pro's and cons having less meals or more time between your meals can lead to l...ow blood sugar and if your not careful this may lead to a wee binge or reaching for those high sugar calorie dense snacks. It can also make you feel fatigued and a bit irritable. ๐Ÿฅ— On the other end of the scale if you choose to have smaller meals throughout the day and have 5 meals this can be difficult to fit into your day and you may not be able to sustain the prep of the food through the whole week or month and this could result in missing some meals and causing the blood sugar to dip and then the cravings for the calorie dense sugar loaded snacks kicks in. ๐ŸŒถ๏ธ The answer is .... whatever works for you! if have set breaks through the day in work or at home plan your meals around these and make it work for you. If you do go over don't beat yourself up. It will take some time to find the winning formula that works for you so a bit of trial and error, but you will get there. . Team Train
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We know that there are a great many things in our life that concern and upset us.
That's being human. To disengage from that is to disengage from reality.
One of the most exciting aspects of stoicism to me, is that it is one of the ultimate expressions of free will. We do not have control over all of the circumstances that affect us in our lives - but we do have control over our response to them.
... How often is our day ruined by an event that often we have little to no control over?
In those cases - we can use this timeless wisdom from RWE, or the stoic principle of 'Amor Fati / Love your Fate' and decide to respond in a more positive way.
Have an amazing day, whatever you do.
Team Train
#trainingforthesoul #train_mbs
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The reason that people exercise is different for everyone. It could be to lose weight, to set a better example to their children or to build confidence. ๐Ÿ’ช Working out for the right reasons can help you form a better relationship with your body, I mean after all its going to be with you for your whole life. ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Working out for the wrong reason can feel like the gym is a punishment for certain behaviours this can lead to a negative association with you getting your workout on an...d means you may be less likely to keep it up cause its not much fun. here is how to combat those bad reasons for exercising. ๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธ You Ate To Much: Who cares! this is a marathon not a sprint! don't punish yourself for it. You do a great job being in a calorie deficit the majority of the time so if you go over once in a while its not the end of the world. ๐ŸŠโ€โ™‚๏ธ You are Going To Eat A Lot: if you know its coming plan for it adjust calories before or after so your not hammering yourself in the gym and enjoy your night out or whatever it may be. ๐Ÿ“ You Will Be Happy When You Look A Certain Way: Don't put to much pressure on your self. Your goals will come increase your time scale and enjoy the process. ๐ŸฅŠ I need to do it but it Feels Like a Chore: Nothing actual happens if you miss a workout, you don't get immediately fat. You should find something you really enjoy doing. โ˜‘๏ธ Find Something you love, do it & Do it often. Do it cause it makes you happy & because it makes you feel good and know you are SEXY AF no matter what :) . Team Train
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It seems like weโ€™re all getting busier, and between the pressures of travel, work, maintaining a home, preparing meals and spending time with family, there sometimes just aren't enough hours in a day to consider taking up a training program. โฐ
But this doesnโ€™t mean you canโ€™t begin and continue to lose weight, especially if you can adopt some of our top 5 weight loss tips if you're short on time! The important thing to remember is that consistent weight loss is about finding s...olutions that will work within your lifestyle.
You can read the entire blog here:
#trainingwhenbusy #weightlosstips #trainertips
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If you are struggling to get to the gym this weekend and are in need of a home workout in between catching up on life admin and ferrying everyone every where don't worry we have you covered ๐Ÿ˜‚ . ๐Ÿ’ช How many burpees would you be doing if you were mad enough to do this workout? Post Below. . Team Train


โค๏ธ Happy Valentines Day โค๏ธ . Don't Worry if you never got a card from a secret admirer we have decided to spoil you (๐Ÿ˜‚) with your very own Valentines day workout! ๐Ÿ’ Give it a go 1 to 3 rounds no equipment needed! Let us know how you get on!... . Team Train
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It's time again for another fitness, health and nutrition Q&A!
Three ways you can get in touch:-
-Head to our instagram stories... -Leave a comment -Send us a private message
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As part of the Train MBS community we are here to help you! ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป We want to know what you struggle with, What your barriers are and what you not 100% on! ๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธ The content we create has come from client questions or general enquiries so what would you our online community like to see us discuss or give a clarity too?... ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ Comment below or if it is of a sensitive nature DM us and we will put together some posts on the topic . Team Train
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So what's changed here?
Same weight I'm lifting. Same number of reps, same depth.
I used to train to exercise my demons. I was there to beat myself up, smash myself. It's taken a long time and a LOT of self work but sometimes now I actually smile - yes smile while training.
... I have begun to realise that there are a great number of things that can prevent us from moving and enjoying movement. I've just decided that for me, I will not allow myself to be one of those reasons.
Have an amazing week whatever you do - just do it with passion!
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What's the weight you're moving got to do with your facial expressions?
For me, I try to enjoy my training as much as possible. That doesn't mean it's not tough. It's not that it isn't challenging. But I choose to enjoy it.
What a privilege it is to move - and if you look at the next pic - the weight is the same but my attitude towards moving it totally different. Happy, enjoying the challenge.
... Whatever challenges come your way this week in or out the gym - embrace them.
Train Hard.. but try to enjoy it.
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For those starting out or not sure where to start, if your pushed for time and cant workout or cant get to the gym regularly or don't want to join one, here is a quick guide of the basics for starting you on the journey of getting into shape. โฐ Set Realistic time scales: Don't put to much pressure on your self by setting a short amount of time to achieve a goal. Give yourself the time you need remember the journey to your goals is not a straight line so relax, drop the all o...r nothing approach and try and enjoy the journey ๐Ÿ— Try and include protein with every meal. Protein has a number of benefits it can reduce appetite and hunger levels and keep you fuller for longer. It's good for your bones and muscles. It has a high TEF ( Effect of Food, the amount of energy required to digest and process the food you eat ) It is the building block of the body and has loads more benefits. ๐Ÿ•บ Move Your body! Take up a sport or go a walk or dance like no ones watching. do something you love your are far more likely to adhere to a workout or a fitness regime if you enjoy what you doing & if your struggling for time try get those steps ups ๐Ÿ›Œ get a good nights sleep, 7-8 Hours sleep per night. Sleep has an amazing effect on the body. It has been shown that it improves your memory, reduces stress, regulates hormones and repairs the body whilst at rest. It has also been shown to help improve your performance so getting some sleep will help you out in the gym or just your day to day. . Team Train
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Very good for people of all abilities to train and improve fitness with excellent instructors who aim to improve all areas of your wellbeing. The guys take a genuine interest and are always extremely positive and enthusiastic. Would highly recommend


Totally love working out with these guys! Lifts the spirits hurts all over what more can you ask for!


Johnathan was the very first personal trainer I worked with when I joined Nuffield in giffnock and he has helped me with so many things in regards to my fitness. He helped me achieve things I never thought I would EVER be capable of doing! I never thought I would be able to squat with a bar let alone work up to being able to squat 50kg! ๏ฟฝ With lots of encouragement and support from Johnathan I was able to achieve this and it helped my confidence grow. Thank you Johnathan for everything you have done for me, it will always be much appreciated!


Johnathan has been my personal trainer for 2 years now and the results I've achieved through his expertise and continual motivation have made significant changes in my life, not only physically but mentally and emotionally also. His knowledge on every aspect of the fitness industry is outstanding.


Iโ€™ve been training once a week with Craig for a few months now and have to admit itโ€™s challenging, motivational, utterly knackering, fun, tearful, sweaty, energy boosting and always a right good laugh!

I'm approaching my fitness goals gradually with a tailored plan. Long gone are the 45 minutes cross trainer sessions. Iโ€™m learning fast with every week being completely different โ€“ deadlifts, squats, kettle bells, bear crawls, burpees, boxing, lunges, bench presses and cone sprints (Iโ€™ve even had a parachute strapped to my back!).

I've already improved my all round fitness, strength, stamina and energy levels and now starting to look at the nutritional side of fitness.

Craigโ€™s the full PT package โ€“ professional, dedicated, organised, motivating and sometimes even funny! :D

I highly recommend training with Craig whatever your fitness goals.


If you're looking for a place to train in Glasgow I highly recommend Train. All three guys are knowledgable, experienced and above all make working out fun which is the most important part for me but obviously I'm biased towards Marty as he plays Slipknot whilst letting me punch him. Who needs therapy?! ๏ฟฝ


If anyone is looking for a PT then I would highly recommend these guys! Lots of pt's nowadays are only interested in profit and that's where these guys differ. They care about their clients progress and help with motivation when you feel like giving up, which is frequently with me! I have trained with Craig before and he's always given me the kick up the bum that's needed to get my mindset back in to training and being healthier, reminding me how far I've come and what I've achieved which gives you the 'hell yes, I can do this' feeling that you need. If anyone is interested in becoming fitter and healthier then these guys have the knowledge and expertise that you need and their banter's not bad either ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ


I would recommend these guys to the world! Seriously ! Great great guys can't thank them enough . When I moved into the giffnock area I knew no one , I was quite stressed and was also out of training for a while , but these two guys just literally cradled me through it all and made me feel at ease. I eventually went onto to doing a Personal Trainer Diploma which Craig really pushed me to do , he thought I could do it.

I had five kids all under 15 and was so nervous but Craig helped me through it all and gave me the confidence I thought I never had. I eventually completed the course and did additional courses on top and am now a qualified Personal Trainer....along with many other qualifications ( spin instructor.....ect )

If you want to do the Personal Trainer course deffinately would recommend these guys, their humble and honest guys that put their clients before themselves. Really can't thank them enough , don't think I could of for got where I did without these guys. 10/10 to these two. ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ


I started my personal training with Craig back in January, i have lost over a stone and my attitude to fitness has totally changed. Before starting training I was worried because I was extremely unfit and overweight. From a girls point of view I know how intimidating training can be however right from the start craig has made it clear that he is there to help and support me in any way possible through my journey. The gym is very relaxed and friendly place and it's very personal as there is never lots of people there at the one time. If you want to get fit and loose weight then I would highly recommend Craig & Train !!


I have found that the information that Train has provided has been extremely relevant and beneficial to my training regime not to mention how I feel & now look. I think that it's great that the guys are promoting a more holistic approach to health, fitness and wellbeing which I think the industry badly needs.


I had a lot of anxiety about exercise especially with my Type 1 diabetes and John really helped me feel more confident . I can now say for the first time I'm feeling healthy and actually want to go to the gym. They are understanding, supportive and adapt to your needs providing you the skills to do it on your own.


I canโ€™t speak highly enough of Craig and the guys at Train MBS. Over the 3 or 4months I have been using Train, the guys have consistently demonstrated their knowledge of different training methods and the science behind them.

The training received has been entirely tailored to my specific needs, the team have been flexible in working with my schedule allowing me to get the absolute most out of it.

When compared against other training environments the packages offered by Train represent excellent value for money.


I can't say enough good things about Train M.B.S. They are fantastic! Johnathan has been training me for the past few months and in that time I have lost weight, become fitter and discovered the benefits of mindfulness. From the very first session, Johnathan made me feel completely at ease - he placed no expectations on me and instead listened to what I wanted to achieve and focused on putting together the best plan possible to help me get there. He keeps up to date with all the new developments in the health and fitness industry, so you know you're getting a bespoke program tailored to your own abilities and goals when you work with him. I've still got a long way to go before I reach my ultimate goal but I completely trust that with Johnathan's support and guidance I'll get there!

I would highly recommend Train M.B.S to anyone and everyone - Johnathan and Craig are two of the nicest, most approachable personal trainers you're ever likely to meet, and they really know what they're talking about!


Highly recommend these guys. I had just had a baby and was given great advice and support to get myself back on track. Following my sessions I felt motivated to achieve my goals and am seeing the results. I enjoyed my workouts and could see a difference in my fitness every week.


Heard about these guys from a friend who speaks highly of them, have seen a few of their videos and like how informative they are.


Great trainers with a wealth of knowledge and experience! If you are looking for a PT then this is definitely the place to go! I recommend Train to anyone wanting to achieve their fitness goals in the New Year!


Great to see some relevant and accurate information in an industry rife with smoke and mirrors. Love the first ebook too and I can't wait for the next installment!!


Great to see Personal Trainers like these guys with a fresh outlook. No quick fixes, fads or broken promises - just honest fitness guidance that works.


Finally a source for no nonsense, no fads and no jargon advice. These guys keep things simple yet effective. If you are looking to change for the long term and not looking for quick fix then you've found the right guys!

More about Train - Mind Body Soul

Train - Mind Body Soul is located at 1004 Cathcart Road, G42 9XL Glasgow, UK
Monday: 06:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 21:00
Friday: 07:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 20:00