Treasure Island Nursery

Monday: 07:30 - 18:00
Tuesday: 07:30 - 18:00
Wednesday: 07:30 - 18:00
Thursday: 07:30 - 18:00
Friday: 07:30 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Treasure Island Nursery

A nursery in the heart of Castle Douglas following the 'pre birth to three' and 'cfe' frameworks in a stimulating home from home environment.



On Tuesday 2/7/19, Pam from Child Smile came to visit the ELC children and the 2-3's to talk about oral hygiene, and how to keep our teeth healthy. She used a puppet, flash cards and model teeth to discuss with the children what foods are good and bad for your teeth, what healthy and unhealthy teeth look like, and the correct way to brush our teeth. "Toothpaste" S.C "Spit it out" C.K "It will make you have a sore tummy" Z.S "The night and the morning" Z.S... "Sweeties" A.K "Cavities" S.C "Water. Milk, cheese and butter" H.J "Pineapple, thats good. Carrots, thats good" H.B "Fizzy. Thumbs down" Z.S The children really enjoyed having Pam here to help them learn how to be HEALTHY and RESPONSIBLE for their teeth. They can't wait to put their learning into practice at Nursery!😁
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Sport's Day took place last Wednesday 26th June. We were blessed with the weather and over joyed at the vast involvement from everyone. In the morning, staff spoke to the children about their environment. The children said; N.J.G "At football match."... H.P.H "My mummy works here." This encouraged us to warm our bodies up like footballers do.. And think about how ACTIVE/HEALTHY footballers need to be. Children done exercises including; -Hip flexes -Shuttle runs -Side steps Throughout the activity children developed their knowledge of what muscles they were warming up and why? (ACHIEVING) Then.... there was a penalty shoot out!!! Children demonstrated their co-ordination, concentration and physical strength. After this the children enjoyed exploring their surroundings, riding on the bikes - that we very kindly borrowed from parents. They devised their own games, including chasing one another. This encouraged their language skills and social interaction. Others preferred a more quiet activity, colouring in the letters for the start and finish line. This also develops literacy in a more traditional way. Children enjoyed a pack lunch, provided by the lovely Mandy. They were ecstatic to find a surprise of party rings. Children took respite from the glorious sun for 45 minutes, this taught them our bodies can get over tired, too hot and sore if we stay out in the sun too long.🌞 Then the races began.....🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️ Children were all INCLUDED and they had input into what races we would do. The favourite most definitely was the bike race.🚲 H.J "I like the bike race, I have a balance bike at home." A.Y "My mummy watched me run really fast. Then my mummy ran too." B.W "My mummy ran the race too, she didn't win though, she doesn't run at home." M.J.O "The running race." Afterwards the children all enjoyed a cool ice-cream, or sorbet for those with allergies. Children are RESPECTED and treated as equal's at Treasure Island. (Equality Act 2010)
A huge thank you to the lovely Threave Rovers football association. They were very generous to our children, providing them with an amazing space that was secure and equipped with facilities. The children have already been asking "Can we come here next week?"
Thank you to everyone that attended, who provided bikes, offered help and supported the staff race!! Same again next year???
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Please get in touch if you require any more information!! 😊


On Tuesday 25th June the ELC children went away on our annual trip. This year we chose to go to the Dhoon Beach in Kirkcudbright, after the children took an interest in exploring the outdoors during a recent trip to the forest. "I want to build a campfire" MJ.O This discussion led us to decide on a trip to the beach in order for the children to learn, explore and most importantly, enjoy playing in their surroundings. During the day the children built a 🔥 and toasted marshmallows. They learnt how to be SAFE and RESPONSIBLE during the building of the campfire and the toasting of the mashmallows. They also went exploring and found jellyfish and crabs 🦀 in the rock pools, and played games with the parachute on the beach. We took buckets and spades, footballs and cones which the children used to play with on the sand. We also enjoyed our snacks and lunch on the beach. Everyone had a fantastic day! Please come in and see our Community Big Book for more pictures and comments from the children. 🏝
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This week the 2-3 children have thoroughly enjoyed the sunny weather!🌞 The children have been really interested in cleaning the toy cars, so we decided to wash Hannah‘s car today with help from the 3-5 children, whilst also enjoying paddling in the pool 💦


The 0-2’s have been making the most of this lovely sunshine ☀️ and have been out enjoying it. The other day we got the paddling pool out and had lots of fun splashing with our friends. Yesterday we ventured out to Threave Castle. All children enjoyed this activity greatly and used excellent gross motor skills and were ACTIVE as they all confidently walked to, and from the castle. The children were SAFE as they wore their hi-visor vests when out in the local community. Once at the castle we stopped and rested our legs on the bench, we watched the boat and sang “row, row, row you’re boat” which some of the children chose to join in on. 🚣‍♀️🏰


*** Sport's Day ***
The 3-5s have been discussing their upcoming Sport's Day. They have asked to have a bike race.🚲... They have been INCLUDED with the problem solving process as we only have 2 balance bikes at nursery. The children told Megan; "I have a bike at home." S.L "I have a balance bike at home and F has a little one too."
To support children's CHOICE, it was evident that we would need to ask for parents to help us achieve their wishes.
If anybody has a balance bike that they could lend the children on Wednesday 26th June, that would be greatly appreciated. All property will be looked after and only used for the races, this is to ensure that they do not become broken. We are looking for around 6 in total. Let us know if you can help.
P.S there will be a parents/carers race, so look out them running trainers and get set...GO!
Thank you so much 😊
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Can parents please apply sun cream to children before they attend nursery. Even if you are unsure of the weather, please put some on before they come, as we will not let them go outside if the weather changes.
Our priority is the children's health and wellbeing and we hope you understand!
... Thanks 😊
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**All Parents**
Yesterday the ELC children and 2-3 children visited Carlingwark with some extra visitors joining them. Some boys and girls from the baby room went along to see the residents too. By doing this, all ages are being INCLUDED in the visits to the nursing home. The residents loved having their new guests visiting, talking, cuddling and playing with them. This opportunity is allowing positive and respectful interactions between the residents and all of the 0-5 children. For further comments and pictures come in and see our Community Big Book 😀


Yesterday (11.06.19) the 2-3 children took a trip to Cream 'O' Galloway to take part in the 'pet the lamb' sessions. Before heading to Cream 'O'' Galloway, Becky asked the children; "What do you think we will see?" "We see some dinosaurs, or maybe a lion! Or a tiger" - TC. Asking this question encourages the children to think about what they might see, as well as encouraging their IMAGINATION, and speech and language skills through discussion.
When we arrived at Cream 'O' ...Galloway, the children were all keen to go and meet some furry friends. We learned a bit about each lambs Mummy and Daddy. "The Daddy sheep. He had two horns, they were all windy like this" - TC. "This is my lamb" - HB. "Sheep trailer. Baa Baa" - RM.
The children were all asked (INCLUDED) if they would like to hold a lamb themselves (CHOICE). Here they showed that they are RESPONSIBLE by holding the lambs carefully. "It's all fluffy" - LD. "It's fluffy" - JH. Skye the sheep dog🐕 paid us a little visit too. RM and HG enjoyed throwing stones for Skye to play catch.
After our pet the lamb sessions,🐑 the 2-3's enjoyed some free play (both indoors and outdoors). This involved obstacle courses, soft play, go boing, tractor/ car racing, the bouncy bridge and so much more!! These opportunities to explore new environments help to promote the children's gross motor skills, interaction and communication skills, confidence, balance/ co-ordination. All whilst being ACTIVE, HEALTHY, SAFE, INCLUDED.
After all that running around the only thing to do was finish our day off with a lovely treat. 🍦The children all chose which flavour they wanted (RESPECTED/ CHOICE). "I want chocolate please" - HB. "Ice cream" - RM.
*Come and have a look in our COMMUNITY BIG BOOK for more pictures and comments📖*
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We are just about to start developing part of our garden so our babies can have a safe, secure area just for them to roam around in and explore! We have the amazing Jane Snowden from Artscaping help design the space, and we are looking for some help from you too. Below is a list of resources needed, please let us know if theres anything you are able to donate!
Many thanks 😊
🧬Drainpipes... 🎍Planters 🌻Plastic plant pots 💐Range of plants 🎨Old oil cloth table cloths 🍴Pots pans…any kitchen utensils…wooden spoons etc. 🎼Wind chimes 📀Cds 🧱Wood off cuts 🌳Bark chip 🌂Tarpaulin cover
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Do you know that Treasure Island have a pond? The ELC children created this from their interest into tadpoles throughout our Spring topic. The pond itself was created with help from parents, children and staff. Many thanks to those that helped make the children's imaginative thoughts realistic.
... Over the past few weeks children have developed the area by adding pond rules to the nature garden area. (RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS) This has helped develop children's language skills, as well as understanding risk and dangers that areas of water can cause. (PROBLEM SOLVING)
Today the ELC children took a trip to Dalbeattie woods to gather pond water from the tadpoles original source. This idea came from the children as we discussed at group time 'Why they haven't turned into frogs?'
"They need more water." A.G "They eat flies." S.C "They eat bugs too." H.J
This led the children to the conclusion that the tadpoles need more pond water. Whilst collecting, H.J, S.C and T.W were the only 3 that were happy to get muddy. The other children helped by holding the containers that needed filled. This supported children's measuring, pouring and numerical language. "Need more." N.J.G "It's empty." H.J
After completing our aim, children were given the opportunity to explore the forest's adventure playground. This encouraged children's physical skills such as; co-ordination, balance, strength and of course keeping ACTIVE!
The trip also managed to bring in our Road Safety topic. Whilst Megan was driving, children talked about the dangers.
"Your not allowed to speed. If the police catch you then they will give you a ticket." T.W
"You are not allowed to text on your phone." S.C
"The light is red you need to stop." H.J
"Greeeeeeen goooooo." I.C
Children also enjoyed spotting animals along the way. Car journeys allow great time for the children to develop their language skills and build on knowledge for future.
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This week the children have been enjoying lunch in a different way as we have introduced children to a self service style lunch time. The children collect their own china plates, cutlery and cups to have at the table, then help themselves to the lunch that is on offer. This is helping to promote their independence, portion control, sharing and turn taking skills, and is also encouraging them to feel INCLUDED in making decisions about their own health.
"They fancy" S.C "I like the flowers on them" F.G "I like that we can help ourselves" MJ.O
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Our current learning venture is ROAD SAFETY.🚗👣👮‍♂️🚑🚓🚦 Within this topic, the children have expressed interest in various areas within the topic. Including learning about; "Cars" N.J.G... "Speeding." A.K "Crossings." I.C "Signs of children crossing." J.P
This morning Megan prompted a discussion of what we can use our pallet wood for. Megan showed them ideas on our iPads. One of the pictures showed black painted wood that you can create roads with. This is what the children set about doing.
Whilst making our road, the children had the opportunity to use an electric sander, a real saw and outdoor paint. This is developing their knowledge of how to be SAFE whilst taking risks.
Hannah asked them if they knew why we sand wood?
"So we don't cut our hands" C.P "Sanding the edges" C.P "Jaggy bits" C.K "Sanding wood" A.K "It won't work if you don't use the scratchy side" J.P
The children knew how to be RESPONSIBLE and understood the reasons why wood needs to be sanded (ACHIEVING)
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More about Treasure Island Nursery

Treasure Island Nursery is located at 15 Queen Street, DG7 1HU Castle Douglas
01556 505807
Monday: 07:30 - 18:00
Tuesday: 07:30 - 18:00
Wednesday: 07:30 - 18:00
Thursday: 07:30 - 18:00
Friday: 07:30 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -