Treetops Outdoor Nursery - Chapter One Childcare

About Treetops Outdoor Nursery - Chapter One Childcare

Treetops is the first fully outdoor nursery in Edinburgh & Midlothian. Our aim is to get children outside learning, exploring and playing all in the woods.



A tractor arrived at Treetops!


These pictures say it all! A little boy making his first fire at our Treetops Camp and many more to come 😊


Expressive art creations outdoors!


We don't always need our teachers to read us stories 📖


How do we know which way the wind is blowing?
We use a giant tarpaulin of course!


21.2.19 We have been learning about using tools and how to use them safely. We always need to sit in the correct safety position, wear our tool gloves and make sure that we have enough space around us. What great work from everybody!


26.2.19 We have been looking at building positive friendships. We read a story about an Evil Weasel who never said sorry to his friends and didn't have any friends come to his party. We talked about why it is important to always say sorry for our mistakes and other ways to be kind. One child said that its kind to say nice things to each other, so we made a friendship circle and each took it in turns to say something nice about our friends at Treetops.


Mud kitchen fun!!!!


Oh no a tree has fallen!
So that means we must climb it 😀

More about Treetops Outdoor Nursery - Chapter One Childcare

Treetops Outdoor Nursery - Chapter One Childcare is located at Dalkeith Country Park, EH22 2NA Dalkeith